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    Loves Balance


    Despite his misgivings about Delroz, Banteon had to admit that his presence had a positive impact. The tension that had gripped the atmosphere had eased significantly in just one day. From the direction of the tents, he could hear the faint sounds of celebration. Many people were undoubtedly enjoying a drink in their relief and joy.

    While everyone else was steeped in happiness, Banteon felt the opposite. The festive atmosphere only made his mood more unsettled. He decided to take a less traveled, secluded path instead of his usual route.

    As he walked the quiet, solitary path, he saw his tent in the distance. Sotenlu had offered Banteon a special accommodation, but he had declined, so Sotenlu had arranged his tent in a quiet, outer area where few people passed by.

    After installing his own personal lighting, the space had become quite cozy. However, tonight there was a strange shadow flickering in his peaceful sanctuary.

    It was the shadow of a smaller man. No one should be looking for him here. As he approached warily, the figure called out softly.



    The familiar voice came into focus. Under the weak light, Banteon recognized the wavy brown hair. It was an uninvited guest—Keslan. Relaxing his guard, Banteon walked up to him.

    “What’s the matter?”

    “I felt like I haven’t seen you in a while. Is this a bad time?”

    “No, it’s not that, but…”

    Banteon wanted to point out that showing up unannounced at such a late hour was quite improper, but the uncharacteristically somber demeanor of Keslan made him hold back. The usually confident and charming Keslan looked sad and on edge.

    Was something bothering him at the depletion team? Being his first deployment after graduating from training, Keslan could be feeling a lot of pressure.

    “Is something troubling you?”

    Clearly, Keslan had come for a reason, but he hesitated, prolonging the moment. Finally, Banteon moved closer to him.

    “Do you need me to call a doctor?”


    Keslan, usually talkative, remained tight-lipped. This heavy atmosphere was something Banteon disliked. He preferred when Keslan was lighthearted and cheerful, the traits that had always drawn him to the young Esper.

    Such a heavy situation made Banteon frown slightly, which Keslan noticed. He finally spoke, his voice barely audible even to Banteon who was standing close.

    “Teacher, can we talk inside?”


    Following Keslan’s gaze, Banteon saw his tent. Wanting to enter his tent at this hour, and realizing the context, he took a closer look at Keslan.

    His hair was still damp, suggesting he had recently showered. Dressed in casual, loose clothing, Keslan looked even younger and more vulnerable than usual. His clothes were too thin for the chilly mountain air.

    The scent of soap lingered around him as he clung to Banteon’s arm, brushing his fingers along it. The intent was clear.

    Keslan had been a favored student of Banteon for quite some time. Most Espers Banteon cared for eventually noticed they were being treated like pets and moved on. If they found a suitable guide, they left Banteon, albeit reluctantly.

    Keslan had been visiting Banteon’s office regularly since he turned eighteen, over a year ago. While Banteon had teased and flirted with him, he had never made a move this bold before.

    “It’ll just take a moment, Teacher.”

    “You… no.”

    Banteon realized he had perhaps played with Keslan too long. While he didn’t know why Keslan had become so desperate, he felt partly responsible. Teasing and then pushing away when things got serious was too much, even after a year. His reactions had likely led Keslan to misinterpret his intentions.

    This was the depletion team. The center’s rules still applied here, and if word got out, it would not bode well for him.

    Despite knowing it was inappropriate, a part of Banteon was tempted.

    He quietly opened the tent, revealing a space entirely different from the humid, earthy-smelling outdoors. Inside, the air was perfectly dehumidified and the temperature was regulated by magic stones.

    From the outside, Banteon’s tent looked simply well-maintained, but inside, it was adorned with all sorts of precious magic stones brought from his family estate. While it would be wasteful for most, Banteon viewed them as mere stones.

    Keslan, momentarily stunned by the unexpected interior, quickly intertwined his fingers with Banteon’s. The warmth of his soft hand tickled Banteon’s palm. Looking down, Banteon saw Keslan smiling sweetly.

    Despite his innocent face, there was a deep possessiveness in his eyes.

    “Just so you know, this won’t change the matching rates.”

    “Of course. I’m not that greedy.”

    They both knew without saying it. The matching rates weren’t determined by the system but by Banteon and his family. Keslan wasn’t naive; he had likely figured out the rates were manipulated.

    Even spending the night together wouldn’t change Banteon’s decision not to take him as an Esper. Keslan just smiled, signaling his understanding. All he wanted was the moment at hand. Removing his coat, Keslan revealed his thin, pale body, dressed in clothing too light for the weather.

    Banteon couldn’t help but smile faintly.

    Dressed as if for seduction rather than protection, Keslan’s bare skin gleamed in the dim light.

    “Come here.”

    Banteon caressed Keslan’s waist as he approached, feeling the slight tension in the younger man’s body. He kissed Keslan’s cheek, savoring the soft texture that briefly touched his tongue. Banteon suppressed a smile.

    There was no way he could remain indifferent.

    After the failed attempt in Yasen and arriving here a few months ago, Banteon had been forced into a period of celibacy. With no way to relieve himself within the depletion team, he had resigned himself to several months of abstinence.

    But here was a desirable partner blushing and approaching him, making it impossible to refuse. The center’s rules briefly crossed his mind but quickly vanished. As long as they weren’t caught, it would be fine. Sotenlu had arranged for Banteon’s tent to be in a secluded spot. As long as they were quiet, no one would know.

    Normally, Banteon wouldn’t take such a risk, but the combination of his prolonged abstinence and the stress from recent extra duties drove his body to act on instinct. He buried his face in Keslan’s neck, inhaling the youthful scent, and traced his spine with a hand, feeling the slight protrusion of vertebrae.

    Each touch made Keslan’s body jump, his neck flush, and his thighs quiver. It was all so endearing.

    He wanted to hold the soft body close, to squeeze and tease until Keslan’s round eyes were filled with tears and heat.

    Banteon grabbed Keslan’s trembling fingers and kissed them, watching the dark eyes flicker between wet lashes.

    For a brief moment, a part of Banteon questioned the wisdom of this, but that hesitation quickly evaporated. He smiled at Keslan, brushing the wet hair from his forehead.

    “Don’t be nervous.”


    Keslan’s voice was almost tearful. Banteon gently laid him on the soft mattress. Light brown hair spread across the pillow, and Keslan’s flushed upper body glistened like honey, with pink nipples trembling in the center. Everything was pristine and untouched, a perfect sight.

    Banteon suppressed his rising smile and caressed Keslan’s lips, enjoying the soft, moist feel as he pressed his fingertips against them. Keslan’s tongue peeked out to lick his fingers lovingly.

    Good boy.

    Banteon’s wet fingers trailed down Keslan’s torso and lower. He pushed Keslan’s knees apart with his own, feeling the younger man’s shoulders shudder. The heat radiating from Keslan’s thighs was palpable.

    He slowly moved his hand down, gently rubbing over Keslan’s exposed underwear.


    The soft exhale was endearing. Banteon’s gaze grew more intense. Keslan raised his arms, reaching for Banteon. His pale arms caressed Banteon’s shoulders and neck, pulling him closer. Banteon lowered his head towards Keslan’s face.

    The gap between them closed, and just as Banteon parted his lips to kiss Keslan’s…

    “Stop it already.”


    A sharp voice cut through the moment from behind them.

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