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    Loves Balance


    It was Ye-seo who broke the silence in the living room. She climbed down from her chair and dashed across the room like a rabbit. With that momentum, she leaped into Jeong Hee-seo’s arms.

    As he picked up Ye-seo, his eyes scanned Ji-an and Jeong Hee-young in turn. His face, which had creased harshly upon meeting Jeong Hee-young’s eyes, transformed into a smile the moment Ye-seo looked up at him. It was as if he had switched masks.

    “Uncle, that pretty oppa over there gave me ice cream.”

    “Oh, pretty oppa?”

    “Over thereā€• that oppa.”

    “Oppa… I guess someone like Ji-an would be an oppa rather than an uncle to Ye-seo, huh?”

    Jeong Hee-seo raised an eyebrow as his eyes met Ji-an’s. Ye-seo whispered something into Heeseo’s ear, covering her mouth with her small hands, and Ji-an couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Jeong Hee-seo gave him an odd look.

    “Ah. That oppa is not allowed.”

    “Why? Why not?”

    Ye-seo pouted at Jeong Hee-seo’s refusal.

    What? What’s not allowed? Whatever it is, it should be fine! As Ji-an tried to approach, Jeong Hee-seo raised his hand. It meant don’t come closer.

    Jeong Hee-seo whispered something into Ye-seo’s ear. Whether she was persuaded or tickled, the child burst into a delightful laugh.

    In the awkward atmosphere, only the child remained innocent. Thanks to Ye-seo, the air had softened somewhat, but the three adults still exchanged meaningful glances.

    Jeong Hee-young, who had been biting her lips, finally couldn’t hold back anymore and started to giggle.

    Ji-an didn’t know what was so funny and awkwardly rubbed the back of his reddening neck. The little fairy that had been knocking inside his stomach earlier seemed to have shyly hidden away.

    In the end, they failed to eat jjajangmyeon spread out in the newspaper. The four of them sat around the dining table, sharing the food Jeong Hee-seo had brought. In reality, Ji-an had stopped Jeong Hee-seo from trying to chase away the mother and daughter.

    He knew it was a consideration for him of being pushed into an unwanted marriage but how could they chase away Ye-seo? Especially when she was eating so well…

    “Mom, I’m done eating.”

    “Ye-seo, why are you eating so little? That’s why Hyun-chan teases you, calling you a mouse.”

    Such a cute little mouse. Who is this Hyunchan kid, anyway?

    Ji-an suddenly clenched his fist. Even sulking, Ye-seo was pretty…

    Ahem, Jeong Hee-seo cleared his throat. Ji-an, who had been looking at Ye-seo the whole time, raised his eyes to look at him.

    “Ji-an, why are you eating so little? Don’t mind noona, eat comfortably.”

    “I’ve eaten a lot.”

    “That’s right, Ji-an, don’t mind me. Don’t feel sorry.”

    “No, really, I’m fine.”

    Jeong Hee-seo moved the stir-fried shrimp dish he had set aside for himself onto Ji-an’s plate, speaking indifferently.

    “You don’t need to be considerate of someone who didn’t even come by appointment.”

    Jeong Hee-seo’s hands were truly busy. He diligently cleared away the nearly empty plates to bring the sweet and sour pork closer to Ji-an. In the process, he unconsciously ate the last piece of braised pork belly that Ji-an had left.

    Jeong Hee-young’s eyebrows twitched as she watched all of this. She was so amazed that she covered her mouth and burst into laughter.

    “Now I understand why grandmother spoke to me like that. I clearly see why she found it so amusing.”

    There was no need to engage in much conversation to understand who Seo Ji-an was. Watching her brother’s behavior, it was clear what Ji-an meant to him. It was an assessment possible because she trusted Jeong Hee-seo’s judgment.

    At the mention of grandmother, Ji-an froze, and Jeong Hee-seo frowned. He put down his chopsticks with a clatter and leaned back in his chair. A threatening aura emanated from his slanted shoulders.

    “Noona, it’s better not to say things that won’t do any good.”

    “What do you think I’m going to say, glaring at me like that?”

    Jeong Hee-young wiped her mouth and crossed her arms. Even that habit was similar to Jeong Hee-seo’s, and Ji-an found his gaze drawn to her for a moment.

    “Ah, grandmother should see you like this. It’s such a shame to witness this alone.”

    “Mom, take a video. Grandmother said before that we should record Ye-seo dancing.”

    Jeong Hee-seo rubbed his forehead at the mother-daughter duo’s antics. Ji-an pressed down the corners of his mouth that were trying to curl up. The tension he had felt when first seeing Jeong Hee-young through the lens had disappeared.

    Ji-an had to admit that he quite liked this cheerful woman who resembled Jeong Hee-seo. And, of course, the adorable Ye-seo played a significant role in creating this pleasant atmosphere.

    Jeong Hee-young, who had been having a staring contest with Jeong Hee-seo, suddenly turned her head to look at Ji-an. Her playful smile and crescent eyes easily disarmed him. She offered a handshake.

    “Ji-an, I already like you so much. Let’s be close friends, okay?”

    “Ye-seo too. Ji-an oppa.”

    Ye-seo added, reaching out her hand as well. Ji-an looked at the white, slender hand and the small maple leaf-like hand before smiling and extending both of his hands to shake theirs.


    “Ye-seo, want to see your uncle’s room?”


    “Let’s hold hands on the stairs.”


    After the meal, as trivial chatter went on for a while, Ji-an noticed that  Jeong Hee-young had something separate to say to her younger brother. So Ji-an volunteered to look after the child. He also wanted to talk to her and maybe even take a picture together.

    Once the two adorable figures had gone upstairs, the atmosphere in the dining room became noticeably calmer. Jeong Hee-young sipped the tea her brother had absentmindedly served and then spoke.

    “You’re living with Ji-an, aren’t you?”

     Jeong Hee-seo remained silent, but his silence was affirmation.

    “I could tell. From the shoes at the entrance… and there were even two toothbrushes in the bathroom?”

    “Even visitors can leave toothbrushes.”

    “Do you think I don’t know you?”

     Jeong Hee-young let out a sigh mixed with laughter.

    “Were you saving up all this time to meet someone so young and pretty?”

    “Saving up? Not really…”

    “Where did you meet him?”

    Maybe it would be right to say he hadn’t thought about it at all.  Jeong Hee-seo recalled when he first met Ji-an. Strangely, he remembered when he came to his office with a pregnancy test and said something absurd.

    Not that day when he was under the influence of drvgs…


    As he evaded the answer,  Jeong Hee-young shrugged as if it was insipid.

    “Wow, and they said you shouldn’t worry about your little brothers. Now both of you are gone at once. It feels empty, so empty. Grandmother is so curious, aren’t you going to invite her?”

    “It’s not marriage. Don’t say anything to Grandmother.”

    Jeong Hee-seo knew well that Ji-an, who was wary of marriage, would feel burdened meeting Myung Hyun-sook and his family members. He had no intention of rushing the young Ji-an, and he knew from experience that his own blunt forcefulness wouldn’t work.

    So he told the truth, but somehow the aftertaste was more bitter than he expected.

    Unaware of his feelings,  Jeong Hee-young narrowed her eyes.

    “Why speak so negatively, closing off possibilities? Talking like that will hurt the other person. Why have a relationship if youā€™re thinking about the end? Donā€™t do that.”

     Jeong Hee-seo chuckled at the quite sincere tone. His sister seemed to have already taken Ji-an’s side. Well, it couldn’t be helped. Ji-an was someone you could easily give your heart to after just a few words.

    “Okay. I’ll be careful.”

     Jeong Hee-young, who had been glancing at  Jeong Hee-seo while twirling her teacup, stood up.

    “I should go. I’ve interfered enough. You come with me. There’s something Grandmother packed in my car. She said you must have felt hurt last time, so she prepared something for ‘your baby’.”

    Jeong Hee-young blurted this out and headed towards the stairs to the second floor. Calling out loudly, “Ye-seo~” as if to warn Ji-an not to be startled,  Jeong Hee-seo followed his sister with a smile on his lips. He had already relaxed as well.

    Entering the large bedroom at the end of the second-floor hallway,  Jeong Hee-young let out a small exclamation. She turned and gave him a mischievous look as if asking, ā€˜Still claiming you’re not living together?ā€™

    The large bed in the center of the spacious room looked like a giant nest. Ji-an, sitting there alone, was his small Omega.

    “Ye-seo fell asleep while playing.”

    Ji-an said, awkwardly getting up as he had been watching to make sure Ye-seo didn’t fall off the edge of the bed.

    His niece who had conquered the mattress they hadn’t used together yet, and his sister who was probably having improper thoughts looking at the pure mattress.  Jeong Hee-seo gently rubbed his temple, feeling a slight headache coming on.

    He skillfully lifted the sleeping child. Used to her uncle’s arms, Ye-seo didn’t even whimper and remained sound asleep. Even this was a novel sight for Ji-an, who watched  Jeong Hee-seo in a daze. In that tender scene, he was unknowingly imagining a future he might not see.

    Led by  Jeong Hee-seo carrying Ye-seo, the three of them left the room.  Jeong Hee-young kept exclaiming in admiration at the house, which was decorated much better than she had expected. Thinking the surprise visit might pass without incident, Ji-an stood next to her with a slightly relaxed face.

    “Maybe I should buy a house like this too. It seems much better than a penthouse.”

    Perhaps that’s why. When  Jeong Hee-young turned towards the interior, Ji-an was startled. Beyond the closed door nearby was the baby’s room.


    Should he block her? What if she found his sudden action suspicious? His mind was racing as he felt a warning siren go off.


     Jeong Hee-seo turned around and called her.

    “Let’s go. I’ll drive.”

    “Oh? Really? Is that okay?”

    Jeong Hee-seo nodded silently, urging  Jeong Hee-young on. At that moment, Ji-an’s eyes met  Jeong Hee-seo’s. His calm expression looking at him felt like a solid fence.

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