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    Loves Balance

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    “Ah, I feel drained…”

    The after-effects of being pounded by that massive c*ck were taking their toll. Bomin lay sprawled on the bed, too drained even to think about changing the sweat-soaked sheets.

    Song Jaeho hadn’t held back, leaving Bomin utterly ravaged, his guiding energy completely drained.

    When Han Biseong had drained him, the sensation had been so foreign that Bomin could only think, ‘What the hell was that?’

    Now, going through it a second time, he understood. This was what it felt like to have his guiding energy siphoned away by an esper.

    “Like having a leech latched onto my d*ck.”

    The imagery was horrifying, but accurate. Bomin was reminded of the time he’d gone wading in a rice paddy and gotten leeched.

    That thick, hard thing that had filled him to the brim really had felt like a leech, sucking away his energy.

    “I’m starving…”

    Bomin clutched his grumbling stomach and rolled over, his face pale and drained.

    Song Jaeho, who had criticized Han Biseong for leaving without cleaning up, had done the exact same thing. The pot calling the kettle black.

    He’d said a quick “sorry,” his face still sporting that charming smile, and disappeared with a breezy, “Duty calls,” leaving Bomin in his wake.

    “This is why that kid ended up so twisted.”

    Reading the novel, Bomin hadn’t understood. He’d thought, why cling to one d*ck when you could just find another? It seemed foolish, setting himself up for failure.

    But now, experiencing life as Lee Bomin, he got it.

    Even after only two encounters, both men had treated him like nothing more than a living, breathing s*x doll.

    They hadn’t resorted to violence or insults, but it was crystal clear that they saw him as nothing more than a guide there to meet their needs.

    And this was only after two brief encounters.

    “Were you lonely too?”

    Bomin listlessly lifted his arm, running his hand through his hair. It seemed he and this character, who shared nothing but a name and a face, were more alike than he’d thought, both driven to self-destructive behavior by a void in their hearts.

    A flicker of something hard and cold sparked in Bomin’s dark eyes. But as quickly as it appeared, it was gone, extinguished as his eyelids fluttered shut.

    “Right, food.”


    “That’ll be 37,800 won.”

    “Here you go.”

    “I’ve processed your card. Would you like to accrue points?”

    “No, thank you.”

    Bomin took the card back from the cashier and tucked it back into his wallet. If he was inhabiting this body now, its original owner was long gone.

    But Bomin pushed those thoughts aside. Right now, the most pressing issue was silencing the insistent growling of his stomach.

    Thankfully, the ID he’d found in the wallet doubled as a credit card. As a B-rank guide, Bomin wouldn’t starve. There should be enough to cover his meals, at least until he could figure out the details of his finances.

    “We’ll let you know when your order is ready.”

    “Okay, thanks.”

    Bomin toyed with the buzzer as he scanned the room for an empty table. He’d come to the cafeteria on the first floor of the guide dormitory to satisfy his rumbling stomach.

    His room, the very one where he’d just guided two espers in a row, was part of the dormitory provided for guides. While some ability users lived in their own places, many others, like Bomin, resided in these accommodations provided by the association.

    Of course, it wasn’t free. But it was far more affordable than renting on the outside.

    Lost in thought as he gazed out the window, the buzzer startled him back to the present. He picked up his laden tray and returned to his table.

    Three massive hamburgers, piled high, took up most of the space, accompanied by two portions of fries, a cola, and a milkshake.

    The people sitting at the adjacent table exchanged surprised glances between Bomin and his tray laden with food.

    As if oblivious, Bomin took a long sip of his milkshake before taking a large bite of his burger.

    “Ah, that hits the spot.”

    Only after demolishing the first burger did a faint blush return to his cheeks. S*x, it turned out, was quite the energy drainer.

    Especially when you factored in having your guiding energy sucked dry. High-calorie food was a must if he wanted to replenish his depleted reserves.

    He reached for his second burger when the scraping of chair legs against the floor announced a new arrival.

    “Eating alone? Have the espers finally figured out your true nature?”

    Bomin eyed the newcomer as he took a bite of his burger. The corner of the man’s mouth twitched as he tried to maintain his mocking smirk.

    Unfortunately for him, the wide-eyed glare he was attempting was ruined by his large, innocent-looking eyes.

    He was an average-looking guy, with the standard black hair and brown eyes common to most Koreans. Still, his clear skin and large eyes gave him a certain boyish charm.

    “Who are you?”

    “What? Are you seriously asking who I am?”

    Bomin drew a blank. In the novel, only the appearances of the main characters and the protagonist had been described in any detail.

    He’d already met two of them, which left… He mentally ran through the remaining three, but none of them matched the man before him. And he was a little too plain-looking to be the protagonist.

    “Yeah. Who are you?”

    Bomin sipped his cola, eyes fixed on the man. The other man’s eyes widened, darting back and forth like a tiny boat caught in a storm.

    Bomin’s eyebrow shot up as those eyes grew steadily wetter.

    “You… You just…”

    Whatever he’d been about to say died on his tongue. He pressed his lips together, looking for all the world like a distraught chipmunk.

    Wordlessly, Bomin got up and walked over to him. The man flinched as he approached, his entire body trembling. The reaction sparked something in Bomin, a flicker of something almost predatory.

    Uh, ugh…”

    Bomin leaned in, one arm wrapping around his shoulders, his other hand moving down to his crotch. The man froze as if struck by lightning, Bomin’s scent engulfing him.

    “Kim Seohun?”

    A pale hand flipped open a black wallet, confirming the identity within.

    Kim Seohun. A-rank guide.

    A whole rank above Bomin. A-rank guides were already a rare and valuable commodity, second only to the elusive S-ranks.

    So, why was this one acting so… insecure?

    Bomin tossed the wallet back onto Kim Seohun’s chest, his mind racing. When he’d read the novel, he’d skimmed over everything but the s*x scenes.

    Which meant his knowledge of the world and its characters, outside of the main players, was severely lacking.

    “What… What was that about?” Kim Seohun stammered, crossing his arms over his chest as if he’d just been groped.

    Bomin’s lips curved into a smirk, amused by the unintended accusation.

    “This is what it’s about.”

    He leaned in, capturing Kim Seohun’s bottom lip with his own. Kim Seohun’s eyes, wide with apprehension only a moment ago, had flown shut.

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