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    A horribly distorted wave began to spread as soon as he entered the dark hallway. It was probably the type of control room that was always present on a base like this, equipped with a system for dealing with an Esper outbreak.

    The Head Department twisted his wrist quickly as if he had completed his task. He couldn’t feel the wavelength properly, but he was well aware of how dangerous the unstable Espers could be.

    “Thank you.”

    Seon Jae-chan flinched at the wave that made his skin tingle but expressed his gratitude. Head Department Yoo, who mixed a grimace with a rough panting, showed signs to call him later and left.

    Taking a deep breath, Jae-chan hurriedly took control of his troubled stomach. He stared at the front of the room where Go Woo-jin would be. Soldiers stood guard in front of the sturdy iron gate.

    The impression was familiar. They were soldiers serving as Go Woo-jin’s guard at this point. All Espers were accompanied by armed soldiers to guard them in their moments of vulnerability. It was also their job to take responsibility and deal with Espers during an outbreak.

    “I’m Guide Seon Jae-chan.”

    As he approached, he took out his ID card and showed it. The guard confirmed without a word and then stared straight ahead. A tense and bloody atmosphere prevailed as if they were guarding explosives.

    Seon Jae-chan’s fists were also clenched in response to the massive wavelength that erupted from within. His hands were sweating, but he took a deep breath and grabbed the doorknob with a firm grip.

    The wavelength of the Esper seemed to suffocate him, but it was Woo-jin beyond the door. Before becoming an Esper, he was Go Woo-jin. He twisted the cold handle to open it.

    And he was met with piercing blue eyes straight through the gap in the black door.

    Go Woo-jin’s gaze met his immediately as if he were waiting for him. His breath caught in his throat and he almost backed away, but he managed to get back on his feet.


    It was the first time Go Woo-jin was so messed up.

    His breath was only caught in his throat for a brief moment. Jae-round chan’s combat boots passed through the thick steel door frame and entered a dim, windowless room. The closed iron door cut him off from the rest of the world with a click behind his heel.

    The guiding machine’s bluish electric light was now the only light. Because of the characteristics he exhibited as an E-class Esper, his eyesight, which was superior to that of ordinary people, quickly faded into darkness.

    Go Woo-jin tilted his head. The guiding electrodes embedded in the exposed thick neck stem squirm like pitch-black mechanical blood vessels in contrast to his white skin.

    His eyes glowed with a subtle light even in the dark. The stare that hasn’t left him since he walked into the room. It was like a ticking time bomb with a blown fuse. As if it would explode in front of his eyes and tear his flesh apart at any moment.

    Seon Jae-chan’s throat tightened again. A dreadful time was about to begin.


    Devoured. Swept away. Beaten.

    It seemed that it could be replaced with any expression.

    A body pressed together without a gap. Eyes that seemed to be devouring. An ocean-like wavelength rushed suffocatingly like a tidal wave from a storm. Seon Jae-chan was struggling to hold on to the guiding control in what appeared to be a small boat in a raging wave, spilled and wrecked by the wavelength.

    He broke out in a cold sweat, but he didn’t move an inch. He mobilized all of his guiding experience and concentrated with hardened eyes. He never made a mistake and was able to withstand the entire wavelength that raged violently.

    Go Woo-jin threw away his still-lifelike face as he furiously wrinkled his nose. At the boundary between reason and irrationality formed by accumulated pain, he eventually collapsed to one side. He grabbed the guide in front of him and crumpled him even more violently into his arms.

    He touched his slender body with a longing hand. He hugged him tighter to the point of pain so that they would stick tightly to each other. Woo-jin buried his distorted face in the trembling nape of Jae-chan’s neck and took a deep breath. With each exhalation, the annoying wires clinging to the oblique muscles of his neck and the back of the hand wriggled.

    Whatever happened during the summer, Seon Jae-chan’s guiding was shockingly good.

    He had felt the same way during the previous guiding session in August, but it was nothing compared to today. Go Woo-jin was drawn to the comfort and gentleness that he had never felt before. He greedily grabbed him in his arms to feel the overwhelmingly good feeling.

    In his half-empty mind, the time he first met Seon Jae-chan suddenly played like an old video.

    Fourteen years old.

    He had lived with his father, whom he only listened to, for less than a month after awakening as an S-class Esper.

    The Guide Bureau in the Central Management Headquarters Center of Esper-Guide was where he was taken by the hands of Go Young-chang, the chairman of J company, whom he still awkwardly calls father.

    ‘Thank goodness. Woo-jin has a very good rating, but I was worried because there was no guide with a high matching rate.’

    Chairman Go Young-chang, who stood by his side, called Woo-jin softly for the first time and reached out to union shield Esper Seon Min-yeol.

    Esper Seon Min-yeol’s son, who had just completed the matching rate test, didn’t seem to like it at first glance. Go Woo-jin, who had competed with numerous half-brothers and sisters since the earliest childhood he could remember, quickly recognized the negative emotions.

    In his heart, he was slowly sharpening his knife, and he was wary of the rough-looking Guide. It was to prepare for any physical and emotional attacks that would come upon him at any time.

    ‘As expected, Esper Seon Min-yeol’s son is different.’

    ‘Don’t mention it. he still has a long way to go.’

    Esper Seon Min-yeol naturally hugged his son and said. Woo-jin heard that they were the same age, but he still seemed to enjoy being hugged by his parents. It was just like that when the dark brown eyes looked back at his father at once and contained the light that seemed to be invisible.

    Was this the kind of child who grew up being loved by their parents? Go Woo-jin hid his shaking gaze under thick eyelashes and maintained a dignified and mature-looking posture. It was a trait that helped him achieve high scores early on among his many siblings.

    ‘Now that this happened. Get the guiding test today.’

    Seon Min-yeol, who smiled as generously as Chairman Go Young-chang, tapped his son on the shoulder with his firm hand. Seon Min-yeol’s youngest son smiled brightly as if his shyness was a lie and willingly grabbed Go Woo-jin’s hand.

    The next moment.

    Woo-jin felt that the headache that had been tormenting him for some time disappeared. To be honest, it had become so chronic until just before that he didn’t even know that his head was heavy.

    It felt as if the lightness and warmth of the soft feathers had passed through his body. He wanted to touch that feeling a little more. The moment when he gave strength to his hand. The small hand fell off. The distant hand took his father’s hand on his shoulder, and the softness also faded like a thin mist. In front of the guy who was blindly staring at his father, Go Woo-jin was stunned for a moment.

    Even so.

    Back then, being guided by Seon Jae-chan was comforting. To the point where he could overlook his troublesome personality with a lighthearted smile, and to the extent that he manages to be a friend despite his occasional merciful guiding.

    And now.

    Woo-jin was giving strength to his forearms as if he had caught the rough-tempered boy a few years ago. No, he wanted more. He hugged the waist that wasn’t fully in his arms and buried the tip of his nose in the thin hair or the skin of the nape of Jae-chan’s neck. No matter how much he touched him, it wasn’t enough. More. Just a little bit more.

    Finally, the tip of his tall nose brushed up against the sweet skin from which his rapid breath leaked. In the end, the two heated bodies overlapping on the bed connected to the wide-area guiding device.

    Eup- Woo Jin-ah. Hold on. Wait for a moment…

    He bit the soft flesh that was a little rough on the inside but still damp. The protesting voice was completely swallowed. He grabbed Jae-chan’s chin. The exploratory contact was brief. The more intimate contact spread like wildfire.

    Their already deeply intertwined wavelengths interlocked in an intense eruption. He could see how much the man in front of him wanted him to calm down and how greedy he was for him through their wavelengths, which stretched out and intertwined like bundles of nerves. As a result, he indulged in him without remorse.

    Despite the fact that the wavelength had stabilized at some point, they dug in desperately, as if filling a thirsty well. He bit Jae-chan’s lips which were about to withdraw, adjusted the angle, and locked him in his arms with all his might. They kissed as if looting, taking away mucous membranes and saliva.

    What brought him to his senses was the faint but steady pushing gesture.

    The dark eyes that had been distracted gradually focused. His eyes, which had regained clarity, took in the situation in the darkness.

    At the same time, Go Woo-jin hurriedly withdrew. The current situation came together in his confused pupils. Seon Jae-chan, who had been forced to lie down on the bed, was bouncing up like a spring to get up. He let go of his stifled breath without even attempting to fix his disheveled shirt.


    Jae-chan grabbed his neck and curled his upper body into a ball.

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