“Love is pure.”

    If Shin Tae-oh was going to spout nonsense, he could at least try to hide his lust, which was practically overflowing. Especially with lips still glistening from biting Se-hyun just moments ago, it seemed even more inappropriate to say such things.


    Although it was an absurd statement, it was fortunate that Shin Tae-oh’s lips had finally parted from his. Se-hyun tilted his head back, letting out a suppressed sound.

    The kiss had been so persistent that every time Shin Tae-oh’s t0ngue probed and swirled inside him, Se-hyun’s whole body tightened. It was already overwhelming just to receive it, let alone trying to hide the changes in his aroused body. He didn’t know how much he had squirmed to avoid being caught.

    Everything happening beneath Shin Tae-oh was too complex to explain in a single way. Se-hyun’s mind was in as much of a tangled mess as his body.

    Trying to sort things out, he first recalled the response to what Tae-oh had said. Pure love…

    “Why don’t you wipe your lips first… here, let me do it for you.”

    Licking his lips wouldn’t clean them.

    As Se-hyun wiped Shin Tae-oh’s lips, he could feel the lingering sensation on his own lips through his fingers. The soft, squishy feeling was nice.

    Tapping lightly like feathers, gently caressing around Shin Tae-oh’s mouth, Se-hyun saw desire flicker in Tae-oh’s eyes before spreading across his entire face.

    Shin Tae-oh’s thick eyebrows raised, and his red lips parted tautly. Just as his white teeth caught Se-hyun’s eye, he heard Tae-oh’s voice.

    “It is pure. I just want to show you who I really am.”

    Feeling Shin Tae-oh’s lips move under his fingertips, Se-hyun met his eyes.

    “Why does that sound different to my ears?”

    “How does it sound?”

    “It sounds like you want to get naked.”

    Like he was itching to throw off his clothes, showing his bare, primal self.

    “Exactly. That’s it.”

    Saying that was his intention all along, Shin Tae-oh’s hands moved to grab Se-hyun’s clothes.

    Before Se-hyun could fully process the strangeness of it, Shin Tae-oh tugged at his sweater, stretching it until his collarbones were exposed. Se-hyun quickly tried to sit up.

    “Wait a moment.”

    “I’ll buy you new clothes.”

    “That’s not what I meant. Why are you grabbing my clothes if you’re the one who wants to get naked?”

    “I’ll take mine off too.”

    Se-hyun grabbed Shin Tae-oh’s hands as he tried to lift the knit he had just pulled down.

    “This isn’t showing the ‘real’ Shin Tae-oh at all…”

    “Yeah, it’s about you.”

    What…? If he wanted to practice his philosophy, he should do it on himself, not force it onto someone else.

    “I don’t think love is pure.”

    Shin Tae-oh’s hands paused as Se-hyun spat out the words in rapid succession.

    “How can love be pure? You get jealous when your lover smiles at someone else, you want to keep them locked away just for yourself. I think love is sometimes dark and clingy.”

    Se-hyun didn’t want to take off his clothes, not now. Normally, he wouldn’t have cared, sure, they both had the same parts, no reason to be shy.

    But his current situation wouldn’t allow it.

    Se-hyun was too aroused to let this situation pass with just a kiss. He had one leg up to prevent Shin Tae-oh from touching his lower body, but if he undressed, wouldn’t it just be throbbing right in front of him?

    He had told Shin Tae-oh they couldn’t go beyond kissing yet!

    So the words he meant to stop Shin Tae-oh were…

    “So that’s what Se-hyun’s love is like.”

    Seeing Tae-oh nodded as if he understood, Se-hyun belatedly realized what he had said. It seemed his tangled thoughts hadn’t fully sorted themselves out yet.

    “I think we need a deep and meaningful conversation.”

    Fearing he might turn into a dark and clingy person, Se-hyun wanted to somehow rectify the situation. On the other hand, he felt a bit unjustified.

    Why was it always him who dug the hole when it was Shin Tae-oh constantly spewing nonsense? He wanted to writhe in self-pity, but moving too much might cause their bodies to touch even more, so he took a different approach.

    “Let’s calm down first.”

    He carefully pushed against Shin Tae-oh’s chest.

    “We’re both excited right now, so let’s cool down calmly…”

    “Right. You’re all stiff down there.”

    As Shin Tae-oh’s gaze started to lower, Se-hyun quickly lifted his chin to block his view.

    “I meant cool our heads, not our bodies.”

    Though he forcibly steered the conversation away from a strange direction and back on track, Shin Tae-oh didn’t accept it readily.

    “I don’t think cooling just our heads will do.”

    Shin Tae-oh’s complete disregard for Se-hyun’s hope that he wouldn’t notice the state of his lower body was maddening.

    “Look at this.”

    The moment Se-hyun felt Tae-oh’s hand grab his ankle, he realized he needed to stop him, but it was too late. Shin Tae-oh pulled his ankle, removing his last defense, and pressed their lower bodies close together.


    It wasn’t just pressing together; Shin Tae-oh ground against him, causing Se-hyun to bite his lip as he tried to regain his reeling senses.

    “It shows no signs of cooling down.”

    It was hard to tell whose body Shin Tae-oh was referring to. Without even looking, Se-hyun could clearly feel the solid mass pressing against him, and he had to suppress the urge to shout.

    ‘He’s not even trying to hide it.’

    Se-hyun glanced down slightly.

    Clothes were useless in the face of arousal. The bulge and distinct shape were all too obvious. He’d seen it before, but the sheer size was overwhelming, no matter when he saw it.

    He should feel repulsed, but…

    His lips felt dry, and he instinctively licked them.

    ‘Am I losing my mind?’

    He didn’t find Shin Tae-oh repulsive at all.

    It was all Tae-oh’s fault.

    He had seen Shin Tae-oh’s body, aroused him with his own hands, and even kissed him. No, they were still kissing, their lips repeatedly meeting and parting.

    All of this had shaken Se-hyun. As they grew closer, he realized he was unconsciously lowering the walls he had put up between himself and an Alpha.

    Sensing Se-hyun’s complex and conflicted reaction, Shin Tae-oh asked softly,

    “What do you want to do?”

    It was as if he knew the answer was crucial to taking the next step.

    “I’m still more afraid than anything else.”


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