In the game ‘Little Forest 2,’ if weapon enhancement failed, the success rate would increase by 0.5% each time, and the main weapon would never be destroyed. Unaccustomed to the idea of weapons breaking during enhancement, Yeo-woon couldn’t understand how to feel the first time he exploded equipment in Illusion.

    ParkRoach found his way to Yeo-woon’s location and sat down in front of him.

    [Friend] ParkRoach: I spent a whole month enhancing my wand and elemental stones with 3 options each.

    [Friend] ParkRoach: Do you want to see it? I’ve revealed the information.

    [Friend] neutaaaa: Yeah

    The weapon ParkRoach was currently using had a different color from the frame to the edge. Sometimes, when he saw users in the town with sparkling effects, he would check to see if they had revealed information, but the options were different from those users.

    [Friend] ParkRoach: The wand is awesome haha.

    [Friend] ParkRoach: It’s higher than 250+!

    [Friend] Halloween Eggplant: The golden hammer I enchanted was broken a lot.

    The wand had an incredible Lv.10 option for increased attack power, an all-stats Lv.9, and an attack speed Lv.8. Additionally, there were options for damage reduction and increased defense. This was enough for people to rush to buy it if it was found at the auction house.

    [Friend] ParkRoach: I haven’t enhanced any armor yet… Haha After the 3rd advancement, the difference in options becomes significant.

    [Friend] ParkRoach: Even if the Little Forest refugees acted recklessly, they all fall behind here hahaha Among the guild members who came with me, many have quit due to lack of funds, right?

    [Friend] neutaaaa: I don’t know. I’m a solo player…

    [Friend] ParkRoach: They’re giving you things so you won’t quit the game. Newbies usually get treated like this! Haha If we go into detail, MeowMeow has been practically raised by us.

    [Friend] Captain Poseidon: ?? MeowMeow grew up on his own.

    [Friend] ParkRoach: I buffed him sometimes, so it’s no different from raising him^^

    [Friend] Halloween Eggplant: There is no reason to help someone who wants to become a Valkyrie.

    They appeared to be discussing CatMeowMeowMeow. CatMeowMeowMeow was most likely thinking about advancing to the Valkyrie route as a fourth advancement job. Valkyrie was a profession that had been listed first in the ‘Top 5 Jobs to Avoid’ list since Youn initially started the game. It was notorious for having tough controls, significantly more difficult solo play, and mediocre performance. Despite being a recent job, it gained fame as an abandoned class by the developers.

    [Friend] neutaaaa: They say Valkyrie is really not worth playing…

    [Friend] Halloween Eggplant: That’s rightㅡㅡ; MeowMeow is too young and immature!

    [Friend] Captain Poseidon: But yesterday, Meowmeor said your mailbox was full, so they couldn’t send money… Is that by any chance Earthstar’s doing?

    [Friend] Halloween Eggplant: Oh, that’s right haha ​​How much did Earth Star send?


    Others usually sent amounts ranging from 50 million to 100 million Bells. It was reasonable to think that Earth Star would send a similar amount. After a brief hesitation, Yeo-woon tapped the numbers with his fingers and pressed the Enter key.

    [Friend] neutaaaa: 5…

    [Friend] Halloween Eggplant: 5 million? LOL Even though he has a lot of money, he’s so stingy.

    [Friend] neutaaaa: No…

    [Friend] ParkRoach: Seriously, 50 million?

    [Friend] neutaaaa: 5 billion

    [Friend] Halloween Eggplant: Billion?

    [Friend] ParkRoach: Is he crazy????

    [Friend] Captain Poseidon: ??

    As expected, he felt that everyone was dumbfounded everyone reacted with disbelief to an unimaginable amount. The chat window became noisy with comments like “Is Eart Star crazy?” It made sense. With 50 billion, there was no need to enhance equipment; it was already enough to buy top-tier gear.

    [Friend] Halloween Eggplant: Ah, Earth Star, must be sleeping now.

    [Friend] ParkRoach: Wow, but he always avoids answering when I ask him how much money he has.

    [Friend] ParkRoach: I guess they were in trillions;;

    There was no one to question why he did such a thing because he hadn’t logged in yet. It merely added to the burden.

    Yeo-woon quickly logged in as a secondary account after sending a mail to Earth Star with 50 billion attached. Then, he sent mail to the main account, ‘neutaaaa,’ and filled the mailbox. Earth Star would be unable to send him mail if this happened.


    Yeo-woon returned to the game that evening, after feeding and sending off Jeong Se-hyung.

    [Whisper] Mountain Spirit: Lumberjack-nim, are you there?

    However, as soon as he logged into the game, someone whispered to him. For a moment, Yeo-woon thought he had become a character in a traditional fairy tale.

    [Whisper] Mountain Spirit: I saw your trade post last week and wanted to check if you still have resurrection tags?

    [Whisper] neutaaaa: Yes…

    [Whisper] Mountain Spirit: Naisu hehehe I’ll buy them all ^^ What channel are you on?

    [Whisper] neutaaaa: I’ll go to Channel 3 Isis

    It was strange how trade inquiries came at the perfect timing as soon as he logged in. Yeo-woon didn’t know how this happened. He took out the items he had stored in the warehouse and waited in front of the Isis stupa to meet the Mountain Deity. However, strangely, today there were many people making trade requests as soon as he logged in. No, it wasn’t just many; it was too many. Perplexed, Yeo-woon rejected them all and was waiting for the Mountain Deity.

    [Whisper] Mountain Deity: It says you’re in the middle of a trade;;

    When he cleared away the flying windows, a white Mountain Deity character, wearing a fresh-looking hanbok matching the nickname, appeared, hopping around. The long white hair and beard that reached down to the waist looked quite divine.

    [Whisper] neutaaaa: Wait a moment. People keep… Just a moment. Since I’ve rejected everyone, keep trying, please ㅜㅜ

    [Whisper] Mountain Spirit: Oh, it worked. How much?

    [Whisper] neutaaaa: 400/50 each, a total of 200 million

    [Whisper] neutaaaa: Why is your tone like that? Haha Is it because you’re playing the concept of a mountain deity?

    [Whisper] Mountain Spirit: That’s right;

    [Whisper] neutaaaa: Hahahaha

    When Yeo-woon put the Resurrection Tags in the trade window, the words ‘200,000,000 Bells’ appeared in the Mountain Deity’s trade request. Yeo-woon, who checked the number of zeros and pressed the accept button, realized a bit too late that another zero had been added.

    ‘Trade complete.’


    Yeo-woon, confirming the increase in money, applied for a trade with the Mountain Deity. However, they disappeared to another channel, and the trade was completely canceled.

    [Whisper] neutaaaa: Excuse me, you gave more money.

    [Whisper] Mountain Deity: ? How much more did I give?

    [Whisper] neutaaaa: You are supposed to give 200 million, but you gave 2 billion.

    [Whisper] Mountain Spirit: Haha, You’re an honest lumberjack^^ Please keep all the change.

    [Whisper] neutaaaa: ?

    [Whisper] neutaaaa: Excuse me.

    [Whisper] neutaaaa: Mountain Spirit

    [Whisper] neutaaaa: Hello??

    He couldn’t understand what had happened. Yeo-woon used a transfer capsule to escape to a deserted village to avoid people approaching for trade. There was nothing hindering his view other than whispers, allowing him to take a breath.

    [Server] Mountain Spirit: The slot machine event was a success. I was skeptical, but they really doubled it Hahahaha I pretended to trade, gave 2 billion, and received 4 billion. Everyone, succeed in your investments^^

    The server mic message from the Mountain Deity, who had just finished the trade, arrived at that moment, and Yeo-woon began to grasp the situation with a confused expression.

    [Whisper] GD Lemon: Hello? This is GM Lemon. You’ve won the guerrilla event. If you empty one mailbox, I’ll put the event prize in. ^^

    [Whisper] Chlorine: Hey, someone said that if they give you money, they will double it. Is this for real? It’s not a scam like a card game, right?

    [Whisper] CM Centimeter: Hello, I’m a new GM. I’m giving 100 million to a random user for the inauguration event. Where are you?

    [Whisper] Chlorine: Hey, I have 1 billion in assets right now. If I give you 1 billion and get 2 billion, I’ll set aside 500 million separately for you!! Can’t we make a deal?

    Yeo-woon couldn’t help but laugh as he silently observed the approaching whispers. There was only one person who would do something like this.

    [Couple] neutaaaa: Hey

    [Couple] Ji9star: It’s not me?!??! Go-

    Even after seeing him come in, he stayed still without saying hello, and as soon as I called him, he started yelling no. It was obvious from the reaction.

    [Couple] neutaaaa: Haha, I haven’t said anything yet.

    [Couple] Ji9star: Hahahaha

    [Couple] Ji9star: Ah… I got poked for no reason haha

    [Couple] Ji9star: But why didn’t you come in yesterday?>_<

    [Couple] neutaaaa: I passed out while drinking…

    [Couple] Ji9star: Hahaha ㅠㅠ I guess you’re not good at drinking

    [Couple] Ji9star: If you had come in yesterday, you would have at least received the 3rd job quest today.


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