A/N: This chapter contains chapters 87-96 of the webnovel format~ ❤
by aura“I know it sounds crazy, but I think it’s the only way to beat Mujeong.”
“Well, it’s an interesting way to do it…”
Raphael swallowed hard and glanced at Simeon with concern as if he were silently asking him for help since we knew we couldn’t do it alone. But Simeon’s answer was far from what we expected.
“I’ll do whatever you say.”
I never thought he’d agree right away. Even though it was a good thing, I was momentarily dumbfounded.
“You’re not joking… are you?”
When Raphael furrowed his brow in incomprehension, Simeon spoke calmly.
“Mujeong has already figured out Yulia and Enoch’s abilities, and as Mr. Hajae said, they won’t be able to hold him back anymore… no, there’ll be no way for us to get the sword from him at all.”
“That’s true, but the method Hajae-hyung mentioned is too dangerous.”
“All of us are in danger. Including me and you too, Raphael… We’re all fighting for our lives.”
Raphael’s jaw dropped immediately.
What’s this? The man who, not long ago, was telling me not to even think about jumping in front of the sword, is suddenly doing the convincing for me. Did he have a change of heart? I’m pleased that he’s finally willing to use me to his advantage, but at the same time, I felt uneasy.
“It seems reckless, but it’s worth a shot.”
Muttering to himself, Simeon looked down at his injured hand. His black eyes seemed even deeper than usual, like gazing into an abyss. It made it impossible to read his thoughts at all.
Soon enough, Yulia woke up, and we filled her in on the plan. She nodded thoughtfully but then raised a concern.
“Shouldn’t we deal with the undead creatures in the street first?”
She’s right. We’d be in trouble if we got caught and wasted our energy on them before we’d even reached Mujeong. Moreover, Michael’s song would lose its effectiveness as we got closer to our mission’s two-hour window, so we’d need to act before then.
“Maybe we should tie him up so they can’t leave the village at all.”
It was Enoch’s comment that brought to mind a way we could trap the animated corpses.
“What if we tie some golden rope around the entrance to the village?”
“Are you suggesting we turn this into a cage for the creatures?”
I nodded, and Yulia shrugged her shoulders.
“We don’t have the golden rope—arguably the most important thing—on us at the moment, and it’s dangerous to try and fetch it from the middle of the mountain, considering it’s one more defense between us and Mujeong.”
Raphael, who’d been listening to the conversation in silence, spoke.
“The villagers were afraid of <Bloodletting Sword>, right? That’s why they locked it away with all sorts of spells.”
“That’s… right?”
“Then surely they must have warded their houses too, in case Mujeong escaped.”
It makes sense. If the villagers were so terrified, they must have prepared all sorts of means to survive <Bloodletting Sword>, even if only for their own individual survival. If we could use it to our advantage, we could subdue the corpses in the village and, by extension, Mujeong.
“Let’s take a look.”
At Simeon’s suggestion, we headed out and scoured the town. As it turned out, Raphael’s suspicions were spot on. Some houses had walls and ceilings covered in amulets, and luckily for us, the storage house that used to be for grain was filled with golden rope instead. One tiled house also even contained a longsword inscribed with an incantation for exorcisms.
So, while the village slept, we put amulets on various buildings near the village’s entrances and wrapped golden rope between them.
“This should be enough. The rest of the gold rope…”
“I’ll take it.”
I tucked the two remaining pieces of golden rope from Yulia deep inside my sleeve. After a brisk walk home, it was already late. I looked at my watch and realized we had about 48 hours left. It was after midnight.
Finally, the five of us sat down in a small room to create a plan.
“Now for Mujeong….”
As if on cue, everyone fell silent. We even closed the windows, just in case, and a heavy silence settled over the room. And so began the quietest meeting of the day, a meeting that consisted solely of notes.
According to our plan, I’d approach Mujeong alone. Since I didn’t have the skills to compete with my strength, I decided to try another method. Just like he did to me when we first met, I’d suggest a game of tag. Even if it seems out of the blue, I’m confident he won’t say no since he likes a good game as much as Simeon.
The mountain road is rough, but it’s okay since Enoch will create an escape route. And as we approach the mountainside, we’ll get him to grow a tree to block Mujeong’s view. It’s nothing more than a distraction to deceive him. I’ll then borrow a dark green loincloth, put it over my head, and run towards the other side of the mountain at the same time as Yulia. Despite our different physiques, the surroundings will be dark and full of trees, so I should be able to fool him for a while.
But it’s okay if Muejong isn’t fooled.
“Let’s finish it during the timeframe.”
The moment he targets me will be a godsend.
“Hmm, this sounds fun. I’ll do my best. Jae-yah.”
“This doesn’t sound fun at all.”
Unlike Enoch, who was excited, Raphael was deadpan as he listened to the plan.
“Is this really the only way? Hajae-hyung. If we just wait a bit more…”
“We have to go back, Raphael. We have to go back and get Simeon treatment… before it’s too late.”
Raphael was also worried about Simeon’s hand and quickly accepted the reality of our situation.
Finally, at dusk, we left the house. As expected, the undead creatures were awake. But unlike the first day, they didn’t run when they saw us heading up the mountain. No, they couldn’t. The golden rope we’d placed at the mouth of the village had done its job.
Still, since we’d ascended and descended the path once, we made it to the top of the mountain without getting lost. As soon as I saw the golden rope in the distance, the nervousness I’d been trying to ignore hit me. I hid behind a thick bush and spoke in a low voice.
“Let’s do this.”
Yulia, Enoch, and Raphael went ahead first; they were to remain nearby, across the golden rope, and ready to ambush while I spoke to Mujeong.
As I was about to leave Simeon, a question I’d been holding in like a sneeze suddenly erupted.
He looked back at me as I called out to him. His impassive face was still unreadable.
“Why did you agree to this plan?”
“Should I not have said yes?”
“No. It’s not that… I just thought you were going to say no.”
Simeon watched me silently, one corner of his mouth twitching upward.
“That’s the reason.”
“You asked me even though you knew I’d say no.”
I was momentarily speechless as Simeon hit the nail on the head. Then Simeon smiled and spoke.
“Yesterday, when Mujeong tried to attack me… you jumped in front of me again, didn’t you?”
“That’s… I really had no choice. If I didn’t, then…”
“Yes, I was grateful. But I knew then that you wouldn’t let me talk you out of it.”
It wasn’t trust that made him accept my offer; it was resignation.
“We can’t argue about the same thing forever, so one of us has to give in, right?”
“…I’m sorry for being so stubborn.”
“Don’t apologize. I was foolish, and you’re right, no matter how you look at it.”
Simeon walked away, leaving only a warning to be careful. His back was to me as he walked off into the darkness. I, on the other hand, was dazed as if I’d been hit in the back of the head, unable to move a single step.
What is this confusing feeling? Even if I use my body like a tool, he won’t stop me anymore. I didn’t need to convince him every time I entered a rift. But why, instead of relief, do I feel even more guilty than before?
Could there have been a better way…? I don’t know. I may be older, but my mindset hasn’t changed since I was younger, so I don’t know how to persuade people maturely. How did Mom convince her colleagues each time to let her defend them with her immortal body or get hurt for the sake of someone else? I wouldn’t know the answer, even if I knelt at her plaque in the mausoleum and asked.
With bitterness in my heart, I moved forward. As I crossed the golden rope, snow began miraculously falling from the sky again. The bone-chilling cold seemed to welcome me. As I pushed through the cold wind, I saw Seonang’s tree in the distance. The rags tied to its branches were stained redder than before, and the snow was so saturated with blood that I could smell it with every breath.
As I stood still and called out his name, a black figure appeared behind the tree.
“I never thought you would come to visit me alone, My Lord.”
Lies. From the moment I crossed the golden rope… No, he knew I was coming from the moment we left town, even if he had pretended otherwise. As if to show off his twisted nature, Mujeong continued to feign innocence.
“Ah…. are you perhaps looking for your colleagues?”
Then he grabbed some stones from the top of the stone tower tomb and threw them towards me.
“Well, here.”
Tap, thud, thud―.
Upon closer inspection, it wasn’t a rock but two heads. The contorted expressions on their faces were vivid enough to showcase the pain dealt by the sword. Suddenly, my stomach churned, and I looked away and took a deep breath.
“What about the rest of them?”
“I fondly miss the times I used to play hide-and-seek with my mother when I was a child, so I released them… Well, they probably will not make it far since their bodies are not faring well.”
That brings the death toll to three. Only one more life remains before <Bloodletting Sword> fulfills its requirements. But I don’t want any more people dying, even if it’s the hunters who interfered with us.
“So I shall ask you again…My Lord, are you here to rescue those worse than bugs?”
I swallowed hard, trying to keep my composure as he started to approach me.
“I think there’s been some misunderstanding; they’re not our colleagues. They’re strangers.”
“Are you certain? I gathered that they seem to know you.”
Of course, they know. Since both they and The Apostles are the same…
“Is it because you both are… ‘hunters’?”
For a moment, I thought I’d spoken aloud. But it wasn’t me who’d spoken the words; it was him. Mujeong.
The human in the rift knew what a ‘hunter’ was.
There was a universal law in the rift. If you did something out of alignment with the world you were entering, you were cast out. That’s why all the hunters dressed and performed in clothing specific that that era or that event.
But that law had just been broken.
It was kind of creepy that he only learned about the word “hunter” by eavesdropping on other people’s conversations. The casual way he asked us if we were the same hunters as everyone else implied that he knew everything about what hunters do and why they came here.
“How did you… know that?”
As his lips quivered with embarrassment, Mujeong smirked.
“I could not help but notice, with all the talk.”
“What are you….”
“How often do you think ‘strangers’ like you come here, My Lord?”
Strangers. That obviously refers to someone outside the rift.
Even among S-classes spirits prone to runaway power, <Bloodletting Sword> had opened rifts especially frequently. Each time, countless strangers would enter and speak of the real world, and Mujeong would overhear, whether he wanted to or not.
Hunters, guilds, spirits, rifts, and gates. At first, he probably thought it sounded crazy, but then he realized.
Since that’s what they all talk about, there’s no way he wouldn’t know.
That we’re from different worlds.
“Each time they arrive, my eyes are forced open from the grave. And I am forced to do the same thing over and over again, like a puppet on strings. I used to look upon it as my responsibility to fulfill, but even that has become tiresome now.”
Walking slowly out with his sword resting on his shoulder, Mujeong squatted in front of the severed head.
“In the name of testing the would-be master, I enjoy the entertainment and then hand over the sword.”
Then he ran his fingertips across the pale face. It was a lush gesture, like swatting a fly off a desk.
“Still, I do not hate these noblemen. Rather, they keep me getting bored.”
“Because they keep… coming in here?”
“More than that, it is because every time my master swings my sword, I get to glimpse the world beyond.”
I was shocked and speechless.
Every time I entered a rift, I was amazed at how realistic it was. Even in the rift in <Blue Hope>, I helped the countess and became slightly attached to her. Even though I knew it was a world created by a spirit, I still left her words of comfort that I didn’t need to say.
But right now, there’s something in Mujeong that is beyond lifelike and hard to describe. It’s as if I’m dealing with someone truly ‘alive’.
“Ah, how long it has been since I have set foot in my homeland…. I hope I can quickly decide who will own the sword.”
Was this really an illusion? Could I dismiss the man before me as simply an illusion created by the rift? This man who knows the real world, who has feelings, who interacts with others?
……..No, he was definitely different, not like the nun in <Codex Gigas> or the Countess and Ector in <Blue Hope>. Mujeong’s strength and will to live, his ability to hear voices from inside the gates and rifts that frequently open, and his ability to cross over to the present through his sword.
“How much do you know?”
All of those unique qualities came together, birthing a sense of self.
“Things I should not know as a spirit.”
The sheath for <Bloodletting Sword>, known as Mujeong.
It took quite a while for the shock to sink in. Even as I stood there defenseless, Mujeong didn’t pounce. He watched me kindly, maybe even arrogantly, until I regained my composure.
After a while, I finally clenched my fists and caught my breath. Mujeong stood up and stretched.
“I hope that answers all your questions. My Lord… I thought I was being interrogated.”
When I merely frowned without answering, Mujeong glanced around.
“But what of the friends you were with earlier?”
“They got hurt because of you, so I came alone.”
“…You lie.”
A cold voice echoed in the snow. Mujeong gestured with his chin to the darkness beyond the bushes.
“Over there, there is a woman and two men hiding.”
Damn it. Did he notice already? Even I, the one who’d asked for the ambush, didn’t realize they were there, but… his ability to sense the presence of others is almost animal-like. Mujeong vaguely spoke as if deliberately gauging my reaction as my mouth became dry.
“Surely you will not say you were unaware this time, also.”
“Well, it does not matter now, as long as you make this Mujeong happy, My Lord.”
No more small talk. In an instant, the mood cooled. I instinctively cringed at the intense gaze that pierced me from behind his mask. My body stiffened, my heart raced, and I realized that this was the fear of death.
But somehow, instead of hating that tension, I felt truly alive.
“Let’s finish our game of tag.”
“But instead, you’re ‘it’ this time.”
Moojung nodded happily and spoke.
“Is that the only way you believe can stop my sword?”
As expected, he was listening to everything. But it seems that even though he could hear, he couldn’t see. We still had a chance if he hadn’t discovered our plan yet.
“If you catch me, I’ll tell you anything. So, do everything you can to find me. No, do everything in your power to kill me. Mujeong.”
I mimicked what he’d said when we first met on the wall, and he burst out laughing. As his booming, earth-shattering laughter rang through the air, it sounded like he was genuinely enjoying the situation rather than simply laughing at me. After a moment, he spoke with a hint of laughter.
“I’ll personally give you a grace period. My Lord.”
He graciously gave me fifteen minutes to hide, which I couldn’t refuse.
As soon as Mujeong sat cross-legged on the stone tomb, I ran into the dark bushes and never looked back, running for my life. Enoch would cover up any footprints in the snow and any branches I broke in my carelessness.
“Haa, haa…….”
Finally, with one minute of my allotted time left, I froze in place. I covered my mouth so my breath disappeared while the forest became eerily silent. I quickly hid behind a tree and checked my watch to see where the other apostles were. Fortunately, they were all nearby.
And then the waiting began—one minute, five minutes, ten minutes. No matter how much time passed, there was no sign of him. Could it be that he went to deal with the other apostles first rather than coming to me? With no way to check on each other’s status, my anxiety grew until I turned the bezel of my watch to double-check my position.
From nowhere, a strong sword flew.
I looked up to see a deep dent in the tree, as though made by an axe. It was only five centimeters from my head. If it’d just been a little lower, my skull would’ve been blown off. Before I could catch my breath, I heard a voice in the distance.
“I cannot believe this is as far as you got after running so hard… I am disappointed.”
I quickly took off as soon as I saw the fluttering red hem of a robe in the darkness. Even as I ran with all my might, the sound of him coming through the bushes grew closer with frightening speed. It was like being chased by a hungry beast.
“How will you ever beat me like this!”
The fierce, murderous intent washed over him like a raging tide. The moment the sound of footsteps approached, Enoch, as promised, grew a tree to block my path. Yulia burst out of the bushes. I grabbed the cloak from her, tied it around my head, and ran in a different direction.
Did the trick work? The footsteps chasing me had disappeared. No, since it’s Mujeong, he’s probably tricking me on purpose, just for fun.
“Haa, …haa….”
I was out of breath and had to stop. I crouched down behind a rock and checked my watch. Our two-hour time frame ends in five minutes. I asked Yulia and Enoch to stall for as long as possible, so I’m not worried.
It was a moment of great relief.
“…Found you.”
An eerily low voice carried on the wind. As soon as I lifted my head, my eyes met a sharp blade flying toward me. It was so sudden that I was unable to react. Right then, Yulia appeared and kicked the blade upwards.
The metal clashed, and sparks flew.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m…”
I was about to say thank you but was speechless at the miserable sight before me. Yulia’s body was covered in wounds from whatever had happened to her in that short time since I’d grabbed her cloak. Right behind her, Enoch looked exhausted from the constant use of his abilities.
On the other hand, Mujeong was fierce. He easily neutralized them and charged at me.
Narrowly dodging the blow, I drew the assassin’s dagger from its holster and swung it at Mujeong. He dodged it by leaning back slightly as if it were ridiculous. The blade aimed at his throat didn’t even reach the tip of his chin.
“Like a mouse….”
Muttering under his breath, Mujeong grabbed his sword and thrust it straight at me.
A strange foreign object burrowed deep into my stomach. I gasped in unbearable pain and lowered my gaze. <Bloodletting Sword> had pierced my stomach.
“My victory has come.”
Confident in his victory, Mujeong smiled triumphantly. But he had fallen into a trap.
“No, it’s… you who got caught.”
Just as he was about to withdraw his sword, I grabbed his wrist and quickly wrapped the golden rope from earlier around it.
As soon as the rope touched him, his skin began to burn.
With a crushing sound in his throat, Mujeong twisted his body violently, and Enoch immediately grew vines to bind his body in place. It was the perfect capture.
“How does it feel…?”
I asked through the twisting pain in my stomach, but no answer came—only a series of muffled groans. Without pausing, I wrapped the rest of the golden rope around his hand. The stiff new rope tightly connected his hand to mine. Only then did I open my mouth in relief.
“A swordsman, no matter how skilled….. has a moment when he stops… for you, that’s…”
I coughed up a mouthful of blood and smiled.
“When you stab someone.”
Finally, I had my hands on <Bloodletting Sword>. I don’t know how long I can hold out with this blade stuck in me, but I just need to hurry and complete the ritual. Hurry and chant the spell quickly… If I chant the spell….. Then, the spell…….. What was it?
My mind went completely blank, and I couldn’t recall anything. The spell I’d practiced so hard vanished from my memory. Hoping it might return to me if I looked at the sword, I glanced down at the blade embedded in my stomach. Blood pooled around the engraved characters, staining them red. I tried to read them, but the letters blurred, making me nauseous, like trying to fix an out-of-focus camera.
To make matters worse, my entire body began to lose strength. All I could do was stand on shaky legs. The moment I stumbled from the strength, strong arms wrapped around my body. Soon, a calm voice started to speak softly into my ear.
[Heaven bestows essence (精), and Earth aids spirit (靈). The sun and moon take shape, mountains and rivers form, and lightning rages.]
It was none other than Simeon reciting the spell engraved on <Bloodletting Sword> as if it were completely natural to him. Even through my hazy vision, his clear profile brought me immense comfort. He grasped the sword handle in my hand and continued the ritual.
[Move the Profound Seat (玄座) to expel the evil from the mountains and rivers, and cut righteously with the profound truth (玄妙).]
<Bloodletting Sword>, attempting to disrupt the ritual, made its final desperate struggle. Snow turned to hail and pelted down, trees creaked and fell in the fierce wind, and the scene instantly turned into chaos. Despite this, Simeon held <Bloodletting Sword> firmly and continued,
[May the powers of Heaven and Earth inhabit this sword to cut down the wicked and….. ward off calamity.]
Finally, a scream of agony burst from Mujeong’s mouth.
That was my last memory before I lost consciousness.
I could see my mother preparing dinner. There was a fragrant smell of seasoned vegetables in the air.. A yellow cat was relaxing in the backyard of a small thatched house, and a hen was pecking hard at a piece of stone, mistaking it for food. The sun was particularly warm today, and it was a very peaceful day.
Father, sitting in a corner of the yard, beckoned me over. As I approached and sat beside him, a familiar scene unfolded. Straight lines were drawn with sticks on the dirt ground, and flat, polished pebbles were placed at 90 intersections. The game of janggi was still too complicated for me to understand.
“Are you playing alone again?”
Playing hide-and-seek with Mother was much more fun. Despite my childish complaints, Father laughed heartily. He picked up a plain pebble next to a larger stone and spoke.
“This is called a ‘pao’ (炮). It can only move by jumping over other pieces.”
“So it is useless on its own?”
“Without this pao, defending the palace would be an impossible feat. There is no better shield.”
A shield. I nodded without much interest, and my father exaggerated his words.
“One day, I will capture the palace of my enemy with this pao.”
One day… Will that day ever come? Since no one would play with us and everyone just avoided us, Father always played janggi alone in the backyard. But he never gave up, becoming more determined. His eyes sparkled like a child’s.
“Is janggi really that fun?”
“Of course!”
“I do not understand it…”
My father handed me the piece called ‘pao.’
“Here, take it. A gift.”
It was just a pebble, so I wasn’t very interested and hesitated to take it. But Father opened my hand and placed the pao in it.
“We butchers are looked down upon for being close to swords and blood, but you should become someone who protects others like this pao.”
“Do you understand, Jeong-ah?”
I nodded heavily, but something felt strange. I didn’t have time to question it. As I was about to respond, the scene changed. Smoke filled the air, and I couldn’t see a thing.
After staggering around with my nose and mouth covered by my sleeve, I found someone lying on the ground. It was my father. I hurried over and was horrified by the sight. His shabby clothes were soaked in blood, and there was a large sword wound on his back. I tried to stop the bleeding with both hands, but it was no use.
“Father, wake up! Father!”
I shouted and shook him, but there was no response. As I tried to lift him, I felt a rough push and I fell back. He was conscious, and I staring in shock as he spoke in labored breaths.
“Escape…. through the rear door…”
“I will not! No, father! How could I leave my family and run away? I… I cannot.”
“Go quickly! Your sister…. at least…”
Right then, a blue-lit sword pierced through the smoke and took Father’s breath away. His eyes, looking at me, lost their light as if it’d been extinguished by the wind. I rushed to protect him, but the sword penetrated my chest in an instant.
I fell without resistance. As the smoke cleared, the attackers’ faces became visible. They weren’t strangers or bandits. They were our neighbors, people I’d seen just yesterday.
“Must we kill the children too? What if their souls linger and curse us…”
“We must leave no trace of their bodies to prevent them from returning.”
The man from the house next door clicked his tongue at Father’s body. The woman beside him, looking uneasy, touched the hairpin in her hair. It was familiar; Mother always wore it. The hairpin, carved by Father, was stained with blood.
Rage boiled within me. But I was too weak to move. My eyes kept closing, and I forced them open to glare at them. The man looked at me indifferently as if I were a piece of meat in a slaughterhouse.
“This one will be quite useful.”
He grabbed an object hanging from his belt, a mask with four eyes. Surely, he wasn’t going to put that on me. I struggled with my last bit of strength, but it was futile. The man knelt on my chest and whispered,
“Become a sword sheath for this village.”
The mask slowly covered my face like a coffin lid. No one would hear my pleas for mercy. A commoner’s last words were less valuable than a noble’s cough. The light faded, and only pitch-black darkness remained.
It was only after experiencing death that I realized these weren’t my memories but Mujeong’s.
When I woke up, my eyes were hot. I wiped them with the back of my hand and found tears. I didn’t know why I saw Mujeong’s memories, but the dream was so vivid that I felt like I had experienced it myself. After calming down, I looked around.
The ceiling was bright white. I was in my room inside the Ark. Only then did I relax and burrow into the warm blanket. Had my wounds already healed? My body felt lighter than before I’d entered the rift.
I sat up slowly and lifted my T-shirt. There was no scar on my stomach. It was so clean that I wondered if being stabbed by <Bloodletting Sword> had been a dream. As I stared blankly at my stomach, I heard a quiet voice.
“It is truly miraculous.”
“Yes, Raphael’s healing ability is…”
I spoke and then stopped. …Who was talking to me?
I looked up sharply and saw a familiar face. Mujeong was sitting comfortably as if he were in his own home.
“Did you sleep well, My Lord?”
The unbelievable sight made my eyes widen. Mujeong was still here. Realizing it wasn’t a hallucination, my mouth hung open. After staring in shock for a few moments, Mujeong propped his chin on his hand and asked indifferently,
“Why are you so surprised?”
“W-W-Why are you here…?”
“Because this is my place from now on.”
Here? In the Apostle’s Ark? How can you be here? No, there’s something even stranger. If I’ve returned to reality, it means the ritual was successful. So shouldn’t <Bloodletting Sword> be here?
“Why can I see you? Why? Why?”
I bombarded him with questions, and Mujeong chuckled.
“Did you not know? Or did no one tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“The previous masters always had me by their side.”
What shocked me most was the term he used.
“Yes. My Lord… No, I should call you ‘Master’ now.”
Did I hurt my head instead of my stomach? I felt dizzier than when I was bleeding out.
“Stop saying strange things.”
“What is strange? Master’s mental state?”
“No, not that! How can I be your master?”
“Because you possess the sword, of course.”
“But I wasn’t the one who completed the ritual; he was.”
Mujeong fell silent. Something must have happened after I lost consciousness. Should I ask him? Or maybe I should ask the other apostles who were there.
As I tried to calm my racing heart and glared at Mujeong, his appearance suddenly bothered me.
“Could you take off that mask?”
The memory of the mask being placed on me was so vivid that it made me queasy to see the mask. As I looked at him with unease, Mujeong chuckled and shook his head.
“If that is your first command, you are truly unpredictable.”
“If you don’t want to, then forget it.”
“There is no way I would consider that.”
Mujeong obediently removed his mask. Just as I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, I stiffened at the sight.
His face, exposed after a thousand years, was eerily familiar. The face behind the mask was so similar to Sang’s that I would have believed they were twins.
I know it’s not polite to scream when looking at someone’s face. But how could anyone remain calm seeing that?
Long hair cascading down to his waist, the traditional wide-sleeved red gown reaching his ankles, accompanied by a shorter traditional black overcoat—it was unmistakably Mujeong’s attire. But he had Sang’s face. The resemblance was so uncanny that I couldn’t help but wonder if we were still stuck in the rift, and it was actually Sang Heo in front of me wearing traditional attire.
“It’s not him, right…?”
Mumbling to myself in a daze, Mujeong slowly approached the bed.
“What is it? Master. You look as though you have seen a ghost.”
“Don’t, don’t come any closer.”
“Please calm down.”
“Do you think I can calm down? Seeing you in front of me right now?”
I pressed my back tightly against the headboard and clenched my fists. If anything happened, I would punch Mujeong immediately. But he climbed onto the bed regardless. I tensed my arm, ready to strike, but I couldn’t throw the punch as I looked at his face. How could I hurt Sang’s face even if it wasn’t truly him?
As I looked away, the embarrassment evident on my face, Mujeong chuckled and taunted me subtly.
“Why? Do you not want to hit me? After all, this is not really his face.”
My mind knew he was someone else, but my body wouldn’t move. Was he so sure I wouldn’t lay a hand on him since I just kept glaring? Mujeong’s actions became even bolder. He grabbed the head of the bed with both hands, trapping me, and whispered in my ear.
“Master must really… cherish the owner of this face.”
My eyes twitched. I was struggling, but Mujeong couldn’t stop smiling, seemingly finding the whole thing very entertaining.
The distance between Mujeong and I was now just a handspan. Up close, unlike Sang’s jet-black eyes, Mujeong’s eyes had a dark red hue. Right. He isn’t Sang. He isn’t Sang, but…
“Why, of all faces, that one?”
Mujeong remained silent. Just as I was about to urge him to answer, there was a knock, and the door opened. It was Raphael. He entered with a worried expression, but upon meeting my eyes, he beamed.
“Hyung! You’re awake?”
I couldn’t say a word. After all, it was a scene straight out of a ridiculous daytime soap opera, two men caught in bed together. My head spun at the absurdity of it all as Raphael hurried over, alarmed by my behavior.
“Are you okay? How’s your body? Does your stomach hurt? What about your wounds?”
…What is this? This reaction… A normal response would’ve been to either freak out and leave or apologize for interrupting, clearly misunderstanding and drawing the same conclusion in both instances. But Raphael kept asking about my condition, ignoring Mujeong entirely. I quietly gestured with my eyes towards Mujeong. However, Raphael didn’t notice and only showed concern for me.
“If you’re tired, should I come back later?”
“No, it’s not that…”
Is this even possible? Mujeong isn’t someone you can miss; he’s a robust man over 180 cm tall. How could Raphael not see him, especially when he looks like Simeon, whom Raphael follows so devotedly?
Frustrated, I pointed directly at Mujeong.
“Can’t you see this?”
Finally, Raphael looked toward where Mujeong was. But he still shook his head, looking confused. A sudden, dreadful thought crossed my mind. What if I was the only one who could see Mujeong?
As both Raphael and I looked bewildered, Mujeong seemed amused.
“No matter how lowly I may be, calling a person ‘this’ is a bit much, is it not?”
Mujeong laughed, turned around, and lay beside me, watching our conversation with interest as if it were a drama. Damn him. I almost punched him out of sheer annoyance.
Raphael gently touched my shoulder as I ground my teeth in anger.
“Did you have a nightmare by chance? Or maybe you’re feeling dizzy?”
Finally, Raphael touched my forehead to check for a fever. He must think I’m hallucinating. Wait a minute… what if it really is a hallucination? Growing anxious, I seriously pointed towards where Mujeong was again.
“Is there nothing beside me?”
“Can you really not see anything?”
Raphael’s eyes shook with confusion as if he were slightly panicked.
“Hyung….. Why are you being so scary…?”
Scary? I’m scared, too—I’m even more scared. Mujeong seems so lifelike, talking to me naturally, and yet only I can see him. When Simeon confessed to seeing Johan’s ghost, I thought it must be difficult, but experiencing it firsthand was beyond my imagination.
I must’ve looked like I was staring blankly into space as I glared at Mujeong because Raphael’s face quickly grew serious, and he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket.
“I need to call the Guild Leader.”
What? This sounds like some kind of parental call. I shake my head quickly in disbelief.
“What? No, I’m fine.”
“What do you mean you’re fine?”
“I mean… Simeon’s just come out of the rift; he’s probably in the middle of something, and it’s better not to disturb him.”
“No way. The Guild Leader was so worried about you. He asked to be notified immediately when you woke up.”
Raphael barely finished speaking before the door burst open. Without knocking, Simeon entered. How did he know we were talking about him? Staring wide-eyed, Simeon furrowed his brows slightly.
“…You’re awake?”
With just that question, the air turned cold. Unlike Raphael, who was delighted to see me awake, Simeon’s reaction was icy. Even Mujeong, who’d been relaxed, cleared his throat and got off the bed.
As Simeon closed the door and approached the bed, Raphael began to speak eagerly.
“Guild Leader, I was just about to contact you.”
“How is Mr. Hajae?”
“He has no fever. But he keeps asking if I can see something…”
Simeon’s already tense face darkened further. He patted Raphael’s shoulder as if to say he did well.
“Raphael, could you give us a moment?”
Sensing the unusual atmosphere, Raphael nodded quietly and left the room.
Now, it was just the three of us in the room—Simeon, Mujeong, who only I could see, and myself. A strange silence hung in the air. Simeon still didn’t mention Mujeong. Apparently, he couldn’t see him either. Why on Earth…? Was I really hallucinating?
While I was silently worrying, Simeon spoke gently.
“How are you feeling?”
“Thanks to Raphael, I’m fine. In fact, I feel more energized than usual, which is a bit surprising.”
“That’s good to hear. You were unconscious for two days after coming out of the crack.”
Again? Fainting after exiting a crack is so common now that it doesn’t surprise me anymore. After the <Blue Hope> incident, it was mostly due to injuries; this time, mental exhaustion probably also played a role. Determination to succeed put so much pressure on me that it weighed down my entire body.
But at least the mission went well. Being unconscious for two days isn’t too bad, considering it’s an S-class spirit. However, I’m not sure what Simeon thought about it.
“Everyone is safe, right?”
“Yes. Everyone will return to work by tomorrow.”
I nodded in satisfaction but then remembered Simeon’s injury.
“Oh, your hand…!”
I quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled it toward me to check his palm. His smooth, beautiful hand was unscarred. Raphael had kept his promise to treat him. Relieved, I held his slightly cold hand tightly.
“…Thank goodness.”
The situation came back vividly, and a flood of emotions overwhelmed me. At that time, the guilt of not protecting him and the fear that he might never use his hand again had completely overtaken my mind. Thankfully, he was treated without any aftereffects. If he’d had suffered lasting damage, I would’ve…
As the tension released, a mix of thoughts made tears well up in my eyes. I frowned, not wanting to cry like a child in front of him, and Simeon gently held my hand.
“Were you worried about me?”
“Is that even a question? I was so scared you might never use this hand again…”
“So was I.”
His soft voice extinguished my heightened emotions like a candle.
“I was really worried about you, too, Mr. Hajae.”
His eyes, looking down at me, seemed sorrowful. His touch on my cheek was cautious, not bold as usual, and maybe that’s why, instead of avoiding his touch, I accepted it quietly this time. The cool touch on my cheek tickled a deep part of my chest. Some might call it the heart or the cradle of emotions, but I still didn’t know what to call this feeling.
“Simeon. At that time…”
I felt a gaze and stopped speaking. I glanced to the side and met eyes with the presence I’d almost forgotten. Mujeong, who’d moved away from the bed, was quietly watching us.
Seeing them together, they really did look alike. As much as I hate to admit it, in the dark, with swapped clothes, I wouldn’t know who was who, which irritated me even more. Unable to curse, I glared at Mujeong, who crossed his arms and smirked.
Don’t engage. Ignore him, and it’ll be fine. I kept telling myself this until Simeon sighed and eventually spoke.
“How long are you going to keep that up?”
I thought he was scolding me for looking elsewhere, but his dark eyes were turned towards Mujeong.
“You’re the only one who can test my patience like this.”
Unlike Raphael, who’d looked around frantically, Simeon stared straight at Mujeong. I was so surprised that I jumped up and spoke.
“You can see that?”
Simeon slowly nodded and gently sat me back down on the bed. His black eyes, now looking at Mujeong, were full of displeasure. However, Mujeong, either oblivious or pretending not to notice, replied calmly.
“Why do you keep referring to me as ‘this’ and ‘that’? My name is Mujeong…”
“Did you hear what I said?”
Simeon was not one to be ignored. Mujeong, looking aggrieved, protested.
“It is not as though I enjoy being in this form.”
“Then what is it?”
“It is… a type of survival strategy.”
Mujeong sat down and looked out at the sea beyond the window before continuing.
“Because of the spirit that emanates from the sword, my masters have all met an unfortunate end. Many were obsessed with slaughter; some even harmed themselves. The first master even tried to destroy the sword.”
“Destroy a spirit object?”
“Of course, no one has managed to put a scratch on it as of yet, but that does not mean it is completely indestructible.”
Nothing in this world is eternal. Even the sun, once worshiped as a god, will die someday. So, no matter how powerful an S-class spirit item may be, its permanence is not guaranteed.
“And I have no intention of disappearing just yet, so I take precautions.”
“And so…”
“Yes, I change my appearance to someone my master can’t easily harm.”
Mujeong smiled, brushing his long hair back.
“It is a simple precaution, but since I’ve changed my face, no one has tried to destroy me. It works very well on my current master, too.”
An untouchable target. There are many ways to interpret that, but since Mujeong’s face was neither my mother’s nor my father’s but Sang’s, I was left speechless. His presence within me is more significant than my parents.
“So, forgive my boldness, but while I can put the mask back on, I cannot change my face.”
I wondered what Sang was thinking upon hearing this. Between the conditions to release <Crown of Atonement> around my neck and Mujeong adopting Sang’s face, I’d proven my feelings for Sang in countless ways, even if I hadn’t said a single word.
It felt like my deepest secret, something I wanted to hide all my life, had been exposed. Feeling dumbfounded, I couldn’t even look at Sang’s expression and just wished for the moment to pass quickly.
“Anyway, do not worry, Master. Only the owner can see me.”
That’s why Raphael couldn’t see Mujeong.
Feeling momentarily relieved that Mujeong wasn’t just a hallucination, I suddenly realized something strange. As I spoke, I pointed towards Simeon.
“Wait. But he can see you too.”
“Yes, Master.”
“Does that mean there are two owners of <Bloodletting Sword>?”
If two people could see Mujeong, then naturally, there would be two owners: Simeon and me. Is that even possible? I stared at Mujeong in confusion, but the answer came from elsewhere.
“If you don’t mind, please follow me, Mr. Hajae. I have something to show you.”
With a strange sense of unease, I followed Simeon out of the room. The path we took seemed familiar, and surely enough, before long, we arrived at the depths of the ark where <Blue Hope> had been stored. The walls intertwined with branches and mud were as fascinating as before.
When Simeon inserted the olive branch key, the wall opened to reveal the passage. Passing through the tunnel, we reached the ample space where the display case that previously held <Blue Hope> was. Now, it contained <Bloodletting Sword>, and its presence inside the display case was unmistakable even from a distance.
But <Bloodletting Sword> looked very different from what I remembered.
“…What is that? Why is half of it missing?”
Only half of <Bloodletting Sword>’s blade was in the display case, with its severed edge smooth as if snipped off with scissors. What had happened while I was unconscious? As I stood in shock, Mujeong reappeared beside me.
“Why? Because of you, of course.”
“This is a first for me, too.”
Mujeong laughed dryly, shaking his head.
“I never thought there would be someone so strange as to complete the ritual while pierced by the sword.”
“What do you mean…?”
“Because of you, My Lord. I have become half of what I was.”
He grumbled as if complaining and tried to place his hand on my shoulder. But before he could touch me, Simeon grabbed my arm and pulled me to his side. His black eyes, filled with murderous intent, glared silently at Mujeong. Mujeong raised his hands in mock surrender and stepped back.
Despite the tense situation, my attention was solely on the whereabouts of the other half of <Bloodletting Sword>.
“So, where’s the rest of it now?”
Mujeong, who’d been staring intently at me, slowly lowered his gaze. His eyes settled on my abdomen. Instinctively, I covered the area where I had been stabbed and cursed under my breath.
Oh, this is crazy. There could only be one meaning behind that look.
“Surely, you’re not saying it’s inside me, right?”
What is this? Shouldn’t we be scheduling surgery right now to open up my stomach? Why did they close the wound without removing the sword? Unable to comprehend this bizarre situation, I blinked in confusion as Simeon spoke calmly.
“That’s not it. To be precise, half of <Bloodletting Sword>‘s power is now inside you, Mr. Hajae.”
“How do you know that?”
“He explained it to me while you were asleep.”
So that’s why Simeon’s expression had been so grim when I woke up.
Knowing there wasn’t a blade inside me was a relief, yet I felt oddly unsettled. Absorbing the power of <Bloodletting Sword> out of the blue, who could easily believe that? The only noticeable change was seeing Mujeong, which made the whole thing even more unrealistic.
“How do we get it out?”
Simeon quietly shook his head. I looked at Mujeong for any hint, but he just shrugged with a cryptic smile. I couldn’t tell if he didn’t know how to do it or was deliberately not telling me.
Worried about me being in a daze, Simeon gently held my shoulder and spoke.
“I’ll figure out a way, so don’t worry too much.”
I nodded, knowing he meant well. But he misunderstood. I remained quiet, not because I feared the future but because I was too anxious to think about anything.
Well, it would be a lie to say I wasn’t worried at all about the future. <Bloodletting Sword>, which had taken countless lives and swallowed their resentment, had entered my body, after all. But alternatively, maybe I could use <Bloodletting Sword>’s power to protect Simeon. Of course, saying this out loud would only lead to a lecture, so I smoothly changed the subject.
“Thanks for the concern, but let’s focus on gathering the chapters of <Divine Comedy> first.”
“Mr. Hajae. There’s plenty of time.”
I don’t have much time left.
“We can think about it after completing <Divine Comedy>.”
Once we gather <Divine Comedy> and change the past, the present will disappear anyway. So there’s no need to worry about other things.
A heavy silence fell between us. Whether I successfully convinced Simeon or he was hiding his true intentions like I was, he just looked at me without a word. His slightly furrowed brow showed his complicated feelings, but I pretended not to notice and looked away.
“For now, I need to look at the conditions of <Bloodletting Sword>, so could you step out for a moment?”
Simeon reluctantly granted my request and left the room.
After he left, I picked up the remaining <Bloodletting Sword> fragment, but no text appeared, no matter how long I waited.
It couldn’t be because the sword was broken in half since I could still see the awakening conditions when <Codex Gigas> had a torn page. Is it because someone’s still within five meters?
Quickly, I sent Mujeong away, too. However, the result was the same. The words asking if I wanted to see the awakening conditions never appeared.
My suspicions were utterly wrong. While I’d still need to confirm on the night of a full moon, for now, I can only conclude that <Bloodletting Sword> was not the spirit object we needed to complete the last chapter of <Divine Comedy>.
My eyes darkened. I thought <Bloodletting Sword> was the perfect match for the chapter for ‘Wrath’. How could I tell this to Simeon? As I put the sword back in place and pondered, a relaxed voice spoke beside me.
“Having some trouble?”
Seeing Mujeong’s carefree face suddenly made me angry.
How can he be so composed? Logically, shouldn’t Mujeong be the one freaking out right now, not me? His body’s split in half, yet he acts as if it’s not his problem.
“Tell me honestly.”
“Tell you what?”
“You know how to remove the sword from my body, right?”
Instead of beating around the bush, I confronted him directly, and Mujeong smirked as if amused.
“Why do you think that?”
“A person so desperate to protect himself against destruction wouldn’t be this calm with his body severed in half unless he knew how to revert it.”
Mujeong’s eyes narrowed as he smiled slyly.
“You’re very wise, Master.”
“How do I get it out?”
“It’ll come out when you can no longer hold my power.”
“Are you saying… I have to die?”
Mujeong remained silent, a clear affirmation.
<Bloodletting Sword> will return to its original form when I die. I didn’t know if I should thank him for not telling Simeon about this. It was one of those moments of information overload, and my head was spinning.
“Well, it’s not long now anyway, is it?”
“What are you talking about?”
I frowned and looked at him, and he smiled meaningfully.
“The time your body has left.”
My heart sank.
After my parents passed away, I was the only one who knew my secret. I didn’t want anyone else to know, and no one needed to know. So, I severed all human relationships and trapped myself in complete solitude, ensuring that no one could learn my secret. But in the end, a new intruder appeared.
“Because the sword entered your body, I could see it… Your past, Master.”
Just as I saw his past in my dreams, he saw my past. This was the worst-case scenario. Why did it have to be Mujeong, of all people? How did he end up with two owners who could both hear his voice? I was anxious, not knowing what unpredictable actions this man might take.
“Did you… tell anyone?”
I cautiously asked, but Mujeong remained silent. The longer the silence stretched, the more my anxiety spiraled out of control. Unable to contain the emotions that seemed on the verge of exploding, I pressed him for an answer.
“I asked you if you told anyone.”
“Who are you referring to?”
“Who else would I be referring to?”
Mujeong lightly waved his hand at my irritable tone.
“Calm down. Master. What do you take me for?”
His snake-like eyes narrowed.
“Of course, I have kept it to myself. …For now.”
The words that followed belatedly lingered in my mind, but I felt somewhat relieved for the moment.
Right. If Simeon had heard about the curse, he would’ve interrogated me the moment I woke up. So let’s calm down. Showing him that I’m rattled will only give him more leverage. I exhaled a long breath, trying to steady my wildly beating heart. But Mujeong didn’t intend to leave it alone.
“But why have you not told him?”
His probing voice made my heart race once again. I closed my eyes tightly and opened them, replying as calmly as possible.
“If you saw my past, you know why.”
“But is he not the most important person in Master’s life? He should at least know about your death.”
“He’s just like a younger brother to me. And I don’t want to be a burden to my family.”
“Like a younger brother, hm…?”
Mujeong chuckled and took a step closer to me. As he slowly bent down, his face, which resembled a loathsome Sang, filled my vision. With the light behind him, shadows fell over his dark red eyes, erasing even that one distinguishing feature that set them apart. Completely resembling Sang Heo, Mujeong whispered softly.
“You still cannot accept it after seeing my face? Or… are you just deceiving yourself, Master?”
I saw my reflection in his eyes, which were as transparent as a night lake. My face was deathly pale as if I were about to be devoured by death, himself. Seemingly enjoying the situation, Mujeong smiled and murmured to himself.
“What if I were to tell him all your secrets…?”
In that instant, my heart, which had been racing violently, felt like it stopped.
Tell him what? About this emotion that I wanted to cut out immediately? Or the fact I’m cursed? That I’ll die next January next year? That I only have about six months left?
“Are you… threatening me right now?”
“There is no way I could do that.”
“Then why are you saying this to me?”
I needed to clearly define our relationship if I wanted us to maintain a peaceful coexistence.
“As long as I’m your master, you can’t attack me but… I can attack you.”
I wanted us to be equals, but he crossed the line first. So, I had to make it clear who was in charge.
“No matter what you do, I’m the only one who can see you, and I’m the only one who can touch you. Your pain goes unnoticed, and your screams will reach no one.”
The room fell into dead silence. The voice that constantly grated on my nerves finally vanished. Even though he no longer had me by the collar, Mujeong remained bent toward me. Yes. It’s nice when he’s quiet like this.
“You can do as you please, but you’d better keep your mouth shut.”
“You grew up under a great father, so I trust you understand what I’m saying.”
Slowly raising my hand, I whispered as I stroked the back of his head.
“Right? Jeong-ah.”
A slight tremor ran through Mujeong’s eyes as I softly called his name. He soon looked up, and his dark red eyes quivered in confusion. When I smiled gently at him, he swallowed hard. His prominent Adam’s apple bobbed noticeably.
At that moment, I sensed an indescribable, unsettling emotion in his dark red eyes. Something told me that I shouldn’t understand it, that I needed to nip it in the bud. So, with the same hand that’d been gently stroking his hair, I suddenly grabbed a fistful of it and pulled his head toward me.
“Don’t get any funny ideas. Just follow your master’s orders unconditionally.”
When I released my grip on his hair, Mujeong stepped back, bowing his head. His long hair fell over his face, obscuring his expression. Then, a long, unreadable silence followed.
Did I go too far with my words? What if this only incites defiance? And that look he gave me just now—what emotion was that? As various thoughts tangled in my mind, Mujeong slowly raised his head and answered.
“Yes. Master.”
That’s the reaction I was hoping for. What I didn’t expect was his expression.
That wasn’t the face of someone who’d just been threatened. The corners of Mujeong’s mouth curved upward slightly, his eyes gleamed red, and his face was slightly flushed. He looked undeniably pleased, and I frowned without realizing it. Then, he knelt down in place.
“This Mujeong will gladly obey your will, Master.”
There was no sense of mockery or disdain. But… never mind. That’s enough. Whatever feelings he harbors toward me now are none of my business. I turned away from Mujeong and headed toward the corridor. The closer I got to Simeon, who was likely waiting for me outside, the more my heart pounded.
I never imagined a day when my secret would be exposed.
I never imagined my weakness would be targeted.
“Mr. Hajae?”
I was staring at the floor as I walked when a low voice snapped me out of my thoughts. When I hurriedly looked up, I saw Simeon gazing at me. He soon frowned slightly and approached.
“What’s wrong? You don’t look so good.”
His gaze was one of concern. His hand, which reached out to check my temperature, was as careful as ever. He must be curious about the conditions of <Bloodletting Sword>, but even now, he still prioritized my health. His endless kindness suddenly made guilt rise in my throat, and I bit my lip without realizing it.
“Did Mujeong do something to you?”
“No, that’s not it…”
My head ached, and my chest felt tight. The more I wanted to speak, the tighter my lips remained sealed.
It was like having a bee trapped in my mouth, buzzing relentlessly. My ears rang. I was drowning in the noisy silence of my own making.
Unable to stand it any longer, Simeon grabbed my shoulders and spoke.
“That’s enough.”
I gasped, finally realizing that I had been holding my breath.
“I shouldn’t have asked you to do anything after you just woke up. Let’s call it a day and rest.”
The usual ‘I’m fine’ that I was so accustomed to saying didn’t come out, not even as a lie this time. So, in the end, I went to the room with Simeon. As soon as I sat on the bed, the anxiety and tension overwhelmed me, and my head began to spin. As my complexion worsened, Simeon silently patted my shoulder and turned to leave.
Seeing his worried back, I unconsciously grabbed the hem of his clothes.
Did Mujeong say anything strange while I was asleep?
That’s what I wanted to ask. But I swallowed the words about to slip out, shoving the pesky bee back into my mouth. Even asking the question might raise suspicion. Simeon, who was always so perceptive, might catch on. Maybe he already…
“What is it?”
The distant, treacherous bee struggled to break free again, and I forced a thin smile.
“I just wanted to say thank you… for bringing me back to the room.”
You must not know anything. Sang-ah. Nothing at all.
It didn’t matter whether it was still daylight outside. All I wanted to do was sleep—fall into a deep sleep that would let me escape from reality. My body must’ve been at its limit because I quickly fell asleep, thankfully, without any dreams. I even remembered wishing I would never wake up again.
Regardless of my vain hopes, I did eventually open my eyes. It was as if someone had pressed the power button on a machine, and my mind cleared naturally. My body and spirit felt much more refreshed than the day before, and I felt like I could handle any obstacle that might come my way in this state.
“Good morning. Master.”
I was so startled that I sprang up to a sitting position. It was Mujeong again. This time, he was lying beside me with his chin propped up, looking relaxed.
“You were sleeping so soundly as though you would not even notice if someone carried you away. Even I felt satisfied watching you.”
Seeing a face I still couldn’t get used to, the grogginess from waking up vanished quickly.
“O-Oh, my god. …Are you crazy?”
“I am remarkably sane.”
“No, you have to be crazy to secretly lie down next to someone sleeping.”
I glared at him with disdain, and Mujeong tilted his head, smirking shamelessly.
“What is so wrong about two men laying down together?”
“Even friends don’t share a bed!”
“But we are not friends; we are master and servant, are we not?”
“That makes it even less appropriate!”
What kind of insane servant climbs into bed with their master? When I furrowed my brow and glared at him, Mujeong reluctantly got off the bed as if he were being pushed away. He picked up the blanket I had kicked off and covered my legs, speaking as he did so.
“You kept kicking off the blanket throughout the night… I could not help but watch over you.”
He shrugged, his gaze drifting to the side, and for once, he looked serious. Come to think of it, I did feel warm last night… Though I still couldn’t understand Mujeong’s behavior, it was hard to stay angry when he claimed he just wanted to cover me with the blanket.
“Thank you… for that.”
I said it with a grimace, and Mujeong chuckled dryly.
“Are you truly thankful?”
“Yes. But you don’t have to do it again. Whether I kick off the blanket, get up suddenly and throw it out the window, or wrap myself in it like a cocoon, just leave me be.”
“And what if you catch a cold? Serving you is my responsibility.”
“I’ll be fine. Every time I wake up and see your face, I feel like my lifespan shortens.”
I pressed my hand against my chest, trying to calm my still-pounding heart. When I shook my head in dismay, Mujeong exaggeratedly feigned surprise.
“I have made a grave mistake. I sincerely apologize.”
“No, I mean… it doesn’t warrant such a serious apology….”
“No, Master. Your lifespan is already short enough. If it shortens further, that would be disastrous.”
I muttered a curse under my breath at the sight of his twitching lips. I should have known that it was just a ploy to get under my skin when he showed concern. Though I was annoyed, I forced myself to stay calm. If I reacted, it would only give Mujeong what he wanted.
“Just get your face out of here.”
I waved my hand as if shooing away a fly, but instead of moving away, Mujeong only leaned in closer.
“Why are you doing that? You like this face.”
His words instinctively drew my gaze to his face. I was still too disoriented from waking up to notice that he had tied his hair back, but now that his hair wasn’t covering his face, I could clearly see his sharp jawline and striking features.
Yes, he was handsome. Obviously, he’d be handsome. After all, whose face was it? But…
“You’re different from that person.”
When I shook my head slowly, Mujeong’s eyes widened slightly. The corners of his mouth, which had quietly risen in anticipation of my reaction, also hardened. His somewhat shocked expression took me aback. What? Did I say something that hurtful?
While I was contemplating that, Mujeong quickly changed the subject as if nothing had happened.
“More importantly, Master. Please speak informally to me, as you did yesterday.”
“Why so suddenly?”
“What master speaks formally to a mere servant?”
His dark red eyes gleamed with expectation. It wasn’t an illusion after all. Mujeong had definitely changed. After yesterday, I thought he’d avoid drawing attention to himself, but instead, he acted like a mischievous child trying to catch my attention. Still, this was a hundred times better than him disobeying me.
“That’s up to me to decide.”
I flatly refused, and Mujeong looked disappointed. Yet he showed no intention of getting off the bed. What if Simeon walked in on this…? A chill ran down my spine. I gave Mujeong a slight push on his chest, signaling him to move, but he didn’t budge. He just sat there beside me.
“More than that, you do not even call me affectionately by my name.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Yesterday, you called me ‘Jeong-ah’ and patted my head.”
It felt like I’d been hit on the back of my head.
I did call his name. And I did pat his head. But it wasn’t a sweet moment worth reminiscing about. My memory of last night and his must be completely different. I thought I was threatening him, but he seems to think he’s been tamed.
Blinking in confusion at this unexpected turn of events, I watched as Mujeong lowered his head slightly.
“If you pat my head again, I shall quietly leave.”
Since he’s been here, has he attacked me? No. Has he tried to kill me? No. Has he caused me trouble? That he did. But it wasn’t enough of a reason to tell him to get lost, I suppose. And if all it took to keep that infernal mouth of his shut was a simple head pat, then I stood to gain more than lose.
Fine. I’ll just give him what he wants; hopefully, he’ll stay out of my sight for the rest of the day. The door suddenly burst open just as I was about to place my hand on his head. As soon as I saw the face of the unwelcome guest who entered, I sighed.
The timing was just too perfect. It was almost suspicious, as if the intruder had been waiting outside until something happened before he burst in. At a loss for words, I slowly lowered my hand, which had been poised to pat Mujeong’s head.
Only then did Simeon close the door behind him and murmur.
“I didn’t knock because I heard voices.”
He loudly sighed as if he wanted me to hear it.
“But… I’m glad I didn’t.”
It sounded like a spouse busting in on a scene of infidelity. My head throbbed, and I squeezed my eyes shut before opening them again. Meanwhile, that damned Mujeong smiled and greeted Simeon cheerfully.
“Ah, Second Lord. Good morning.”
Simeon, who had been approaching the bed, stopped a few steps short. He furrowed his brows and looked down at Mujeong without saying a word. The tension was so thick that even breathing felt difficult. It wasn’t until Mujeong got off the bed that Simeon finally spoke.
“Why are you on Mr. Hajae’s bed?”
“To serve my master more closely, of course.”
“But I’m also your master…”
“But you do not require my help, Second Lord.”
Before any more misunderstandings could arise, I quickly stood up and interjected between them.
“He said he was just covering me with the blanket because I kicked it off while sleeping.”
“The blanket…?”
Simeon looked at me with an expression that said he couldn’t believe it.
“You don’t actually believe that excuse, do you?”
Of course, it could be a lie. Considering Mujeong’s past behavior, it’s more likely to be a lie. But even if it’s just a lame excuse, I’ll believe it because I don’t want to seriously contemplate why Mujeong would lie down next to me.
I didn’t know how to explain this feeling, so I kept quiet. The longer I stayed silent, the darker Simeon’s expression grew. Then Mujeong suddenly turned to Simeon and asked.
“Did you know that Master has a habit of moving around in his sleep?”
What nonsense is he spouting now? Before I could stop them, Simeon responded.
“Yes. I know.”
Why do you know that? What is this sleep habit of mine that everyone but me knows about?
“Ah, I was pleased, thinking I was the only one who knew.”
Mujeong smirked, touching his lips. Simeon’s face twisted as he watched. Just as the ominous tension thickened, Simeon suddenly burst out laughing.
“You seem to know Mr. Hajae quite well despite only meeting him two days ago.”
His expression was one of sheer contempt. But Mujeong didn’t back down.
“Actually, it has been six days. From the moment I first saw him, I instinctively knew he was destined to be my master.”
“And yet you stabbed him as if to kill him?”
“But he is alive, is he not?”
“Consider yourself lucky.”
The smile disappeared from Simeon’s face.
“If he’d remained unconscious, you wouldn’t be here right now.”
One of Mujeong’s eyebrows arched.
I discreetly stepped back, trying to get out from between the two. Honestly, I didn’t want to get involved, but it felt like I couldn’t just stand by any longer, so I had no choice but to speak up.
He immediately turned to look at me. I quietly gestured for him to come over, and as if he’d been waiting for it, he approached me. Now, without being prompted, he bent down to meet my eyes. I wish he’d listen to Simeon’s words as well as he listens to mine… but honestly, I think it’s already too late.
“Stop provoking him and just leave.”
I was so eager to end this situation that my words came out harsher than I intended. However, instead of arguing back, Mujeong obediently complied. He even looked a little pleased.
“Your orders are my command.”
When I thought it was finally over, Mujeong suddenly leaned in closer.
“But did you know something, Master?”
What nonsense is he about to spout now? I frowned, and Mujeong smirked as he whispered.
“I like it the most when you glare at me like that, Master.”
He’s really, truly insane. Before I could even grab him by the collar, Mujeong disappeared. As soon as the body blocking my view vanished, I stared into those cold, dark eyes. At that moment, all the anger I had toward Mujeong evaporated.
“It’s only been a day…… but you two have gotten much closer, haven’t you?”
Now, how on earth am I supposed to fix this?’
The heavy silence continued. Simeon may’ve been giving me time to devise an excuse or a chance to clear up any misunderstandings. But it didn’t look like he’d say anything until I spoke first. After thinking about how to respond, I addressed the misunderstanding first.
“What do you mean by getting closer? Mujeong is just trying to make things difficult for me.”
As I shook my head, dismissing the absurdity of it, Simeon surprisingly agreed without hesitation.
“It seems that way to me, too.”
“Right? You understand, Simeon. That guy’s strange personality…”
“He’s probably just trying to capture your interest, even if it means going that far.”
I was taken aback by the unexpected twist that I was momentarily speechless. How did the conversation take such a turn? Dumbfounded, I stood there in a daze as Simeon walked over to me, his face expressionless while he muttered to himself.
“Of course, I have no intention of allowing even a bit of your attention to be taken away.”
The neat curve of his lips formed a long arc. Somehow, his smile felt chilling, and I stepped back, only to find myself up against a wall, hesitating. There was no place left to retreat, but Simeon showed no intention of stopping.
“Haha, why are you doing this again…?”
I awkwardly tried to change the atmosphere with a laugh, but it was futile. Simeon had already stepped right in front of me, reaching out his hand. Not knowing what he might do, I instinctively tensed up. But to my surprise, his cold hand only lightly brushed my cheek and forehead before withdrawing.
“No fever.”
“Huh? Oh… yeah.”
Was he checking my temperature? Considering how polite his demeanor was, I felt almost guilty for misinterpreting his intentions.
“Are you hurting anywhere else?”
“I feel ok after sleeping.”
Simeon nodded repeatedly, then spoke with a more relaxed expression.
“Then, shall we go out for a bit?”
Instead of answering, Simeon slowly closed his eyes and opened them again. I wasn’t sure where we were going, but my outfit—a plain white short-sleeved t-shirt and black shorts—didn’t seem appropriate.
“Ah, I’ll just change my clothes quickly.”
“No need to.”
“Where are we going?”
Without answering, Simeon left the room, signaling for me to follow. I thought he might just want to walk around the Ark since he didn’t mind my wearing pajamas, but he led me to a rather unexpected place—the only room with a black door in the entirely white Ark, the gallery that housed <Portrait of Saint-Germain>.
“Why here…?”
Sure enough, as soon as we entered, the unwelcome face from the portrait greeted me head-on. Simeon couldn’t have brought me here just to show me Johan, right? I quietly watched for signs, but fortunately, Simeon passed by <Portrait of Saint-Germain>.
“This way.”
Following him, I discovered another space hidden behind the wall where <Portrait of Saint-Germain> hung. Various paintings of different styles adorned the walls, as befitting of a gallery. Simeon stopped in front of an oil painting filled with shades of turquoise. The painting, depicting water lilies on a pond with rough brush strokes, felt strangely familiar.
Where had I seen this before? As I wondered, Simeon extended his hand to me.
“Come on.”
Not knowing what he intended, I took his hand. Then, Simeon gently placed it on the painting with his other hand. And then it happened. It was as if I were being sucked into a crack—my body was pulled somewhere with a rush. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a grassy field.
A gentle breeze brushed my cheek, and warm sunlight streamed through the leaves. The sound of birds chirping in the distance reached my ears, and every breath I took was filled with the fragrance of flowers drenched in dew. The temperature was neither too hot nor too cold—everything about this garden was perfect.
“Where is this…?”
“This is <Monet’s Garden>. A fictional space created by the painting.”
No wonder the style felt familiar; it was one of Monet’s works. But more than that, I couldn’t believe this space was fictional—every bit of light and fragrance filling this place was so vivid. My hair fluttered in the breeze, and slender blades of grass brushed against my ankles. How could all of this be fake?
As I took in the breathtaking scenery, Simeon quietly asked me.
“Do you like it?”
“Yes, yes. But is this really a fictional space?”
“It’s hard to believe, but it is. I come here alone whenever I want to clear my thoughts.”
Indeed, the atmosphere was so peaceful that my worries seemed to dissolve. Yellow daffodils and purple irises lined both sides of the path, and clusters of orange trumpet vines covered arch-shaped trellises. With flowers of various colors blooming everywhere I looked, there was no time to dwell on concerns.
Walking along the narrow stone path while admiring the flowers, we eventually reached a lake. Surrounded by lush greenery, the expansive lake was covered with lotus leaves, and large willow trees hung branches over it. The long leaves swayed whenever a pleasant breeze blew, creating a soothing sound.
As I stood by the lakeshore, gazing at the scenery, Simeon spoke quietly.
“So, did you see the awakening conditions?”
The reality I’d temporarily forgotten suddenly reappeared before me. I wondered why he’d brought me here, but it seemed he wanted to finish discussing <Bloodletting Sword>. I still wasn’t enthusiastic about it, but I couldn’t delay it any longer.
I had to tell him the painful truth—that there was no <Divine Comedy> chapter within <Bloodletting Sword>.
“How much time is left until the next full moon?”
“About a week.”
“We won’t know for sure until then, but…”
I clenched my fist and cautiously began.
“I couldn’t see any conditions.”
“I don’t think <Bloodletting Sword> contains a chapter of <Divine Comedy>.”
Is this what it feels like for a doctor to deliver bad news to a seriously ill patient? Even though I hadn’t done anything wrong, I felt an immense weight on my heart. A long silence followed the short sigh.
I wondered what expression Simeon had on his face. The greater his expectations, the more shocking the news would be. I glanced at the innocent lake, then mustered the courage to sneak a look at him. Contrary to my worries, Simeon was much calmer than I’d anticipated.
“You don’t seem… very surprised?”
“After seeing your reaction yesterday, I had a feeling… I just hoped I was wrong.”
Simeon gave a bitter smile. His dark eyes, gazing at the lake, reflected a complicated mixture of emotions. He was merely maintaining his composure; that much was clear. I knew how much he wanted <Divine Comedy>, and I, too, wanted it badly. I blurted out whatever came to mind, thinking there might be something I could do.
“Just in case, should we check all the other spirit objects The Apostles already own?”
“There’s no need. I already checked every single one on the night of a full moon.”
“Then… how about awakening the other spirit items one by one? We don’t know what powers they might have.”
“That’s even more dangerous.”
Simeon firmly shook his head and added,
“What if awakening a spirit object brings about the end of the world or a plague that wipes out half the population? Could you take responsibility for that?”
“Heey, come on, that couldn’t…”
…It could happen. Even with the <Codex Gigas>, it was fortunate that the awakening was successful. Had we failed, it might’ve summoned Phenex and plunged the world into chaos.
Ultimately, the only sure and safe way was to complete <Divine Comedy>.
“We’ll confirm <Bloodletting Sword> on the night of the full moon, and in the meantime, let’s just search for other spirit objects that might contain the last chapter of <Divine Comedy>.”
It seemed Simeon had composed himself quickly as if this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened while assembling <Divine Comedy>. I wished I could shake it off as easily, but my unease grew. The sudden thought that I might not live to see <Divine Comedy> completed came over me.
“It will take quite a bit of time to start from scratch.”
“There are still spirit objects that we considered candidates before. We’ll have to rely on those for now.”
Nodding with a faint smile, I tried not to show the anxiety that was building up. I had no strength left to try and lift the heavy atmosphere. Ultimately, I quietly followed Simeon, who walked ahead as if to avoid the situation.
Lost in negative thoughts, I kept my eyes downcast as I walked. Then, Simeon suddenly spoke.
“Do you see that over there?”
Caught off guard by the unexpected question, I looked up to see a solitary house between the trees. The walls were entirely pink, and the square windows were green, like something out of a fairy tale. On top of that, ivy cascaded down from the roof, adding to its enchanting atmosphere.
“It looks like an expensive house.”
As I murmured my honest impression, Simeon chuckled and said,
“That’s a very you-like assessment.”
“Well, I’m not wrong, am I?”
“You’re right. That’s why I gave up my dream of living in a house with a garden like that when I was a child.”
Sang had vaguely mentioned wanting to make a lot of money, but I didn’t realize that young child had such a romantic dream.
“You can live that dream now, Simeon. You have plenty of money.”
When I tilted my head in puzzlement, Simeon silently smiled. Then he looked at the house, his profile appearing as if he were longing for something. I didn’t exactly know what he was reminiscing about, but I could understand why he’d once dreamed of a house like this.
If you spend your days tending to the garden, time will probably pass by quickly. In the midst of such beautiful scenery, worries would no longer be heavy burdens like curses or death… but instead trivial concerns, like when the flowers will bloom or whether it will rain tomorrow.
It’s the life I’d always dreamed of. Simeon probably wished for such a peaceful life as well.
“I kind of want to give everything up and live in a peaceful place like this.”
My true feelings slipped out unconsciously. It was a thoughtless mutter that I didn’t even feel the need to take back.
“Should we?”
I hadn’t expected Simeon to respond to that.
“Would you like to give it all up and live with me?”
For a moment, I couldn’t believe my ears. I never expected Simeon to say something like that.
“Haha, what kind of joke is that…?”
I tried to brush it off casually, but when I met his gaze, his eyes were so serious, and his heavy sincerity was so palpable that I couldn’t help but stiffen my expression. Still, I forced a smile, pretending not to notice.
“Come on, don’t joke around. You’ve worked so hard to gather all the chapters of <Divine Comedy>, and now you’re saying you’ll give them up? Besides, you’re the guild master, Simeon. You’re also involved in what the Apostles do—how could you give all that up? You’re making a joke… right?”
Even if it wasn’t a joke, I desperately wanted him to say it was. But Simeon neither denied nor confirmed it. I couldn’t help but understand his silence, even if I didn’t want to. In a moment of panic, I ended up grabbing his shoulders and shaking my head.
“Simeon, you’re not that kind of person. You’re not the type to be so irresponsible…”
“I am that kind of person.”
Simeon gently pulled my hand down and spoke quietly.
“I could give up anything if you stayed by my side. Even The Apostles, even <Divine Comedy>.”
I’ve hated serious things since I was a child. I wanted to laugh everything off. Back then, I thought it was simply because I disliked heavy conversations. But as I grew older, I realized—that was all just an excuse.
I’m afraid of other people’s emotions. I’m terrified of people who readily acknowledge and express their feelings. Most of all, when they directed those emotions at me, I felt a fear greater than someone pressing a knife against my throat. For a coward like me to face such sincerity… isn’t that too harsh a trial?
At times like that, I’m overwhelmed with the urge to run away. Just like now.
“What about you?”
When I didn’t push his hand away, a flicker of hope appeared in those dark eyes.
But Sang-ah, I will never act according to your wishes. No matter what happens, I must complete <Divine Comedy>. I need to use that power to go back in time and erase our connection.
Only then can you live, and I can die in peace. Because of that, I can never give up.
Even if this body ends up cursed again.
“I want to use the power of <Bloodletting Sword> properly.”
I deliberately brought up a topic completely unrelated. It was a firm refusal.
“I realized this time that everything I said about protecting you was just bravado.”
Carefully, I pulled my hand out of his grasp. Fortunately, he let me go easily. I wished I could meet his eyes and speak shamelessly, but I lacked that courage. So, with my gaze fixed on the floor, I spoke calmly.
“I couldn’t do anything by myself inside the rift. Everyone was fighting for their lives… it was so frustrating to just watch from the sidelines. I couldn’t even protect you. Instead, I ended up indebted to Enoch and Yulia.”
It was something I needed to say eventually.
“I was nothing more than a burden, a ‘meat shield’.”
This was definitely not the time to bring it up; I wasn’t unaware of that. Still, what could I do? This was the best I could manage. I clenched my fist tightly to stop my trembling and forced myself to continue, pretending to be nonchalant.
“But now, I can really protect you, Simeon. I have the power to fight alongside you…”
“Is that your answer?”
My attempt to change the subject was in vain as he brought it right back to the previous topic. I couldn’t find any more words to say. Was the wind always this cold here? The sunlight that’d been beating down on me had vanished, leaving only shadows, and his chilling voice replaced the once-familiar sound of birds.
“You haven’t forgotten the fate of those who used <Bloodletting Sword>, have you?”
They say those who used the sword slowly went mad, consumed by evil energy. I’d already made up my mind, so I slowly nodded.
“This time, I’ll be your strength.”
“As a comrade?”
“……As a comrade.”
A cold wind swept between us. After today, I hoped Simeon would finally feel deep disappointment in me. No, he should. If he still holds onto any lingering feelings for me after I’ve behaved so cowardly, that would be a determination beyond anything I could ever break.
It was when I was turning away to escape his piercing gaze.
“That person once said you can tell what someone is thinking by looking into their eyes.”
The low voice seemed to grab me by the ankles, stopping me in my tracks.
“Do you know what kind of eyes you’re looking at me with?”
“The eyes of a comrade?”
A soft laugh turned into a sharp arrow that struck me in the back.
“No guild member has ever looked at me the way you look at me.”
My mind went blank.
How have I been looking at him all this time? There’s no way to know, and I don’t want to know now. I already avoided meeting his eyes, and it’s even harder to look at him. Standing there like a broken machine, Simeon spoke to my back.
“If it’s a misunderstanding, say so. Tell me you hate me. That just the sight of me makes you sick, that you never want to see me again, that I should just leave… go on, say it.”
Those words are easy to say. Lies have filled most of my life. Even though I knew this was Simeon testing my true feelings or maybe just trying to mock me, I gladly played along.
“I… hate…”
Just as I closed my eyes and started to speak, Simeon cut me off.
“Where are you looking when you’re talking?”
His low voice was tinged with a blatant amusement.
“You should look at me.”
Suddenly, I was at a loss for words. If our eyes met, he would see through my lies instantly. My “I hate you” would then be an awkward confession more embarrassing than anything I’d ever said, making me feel utterly exposed. I couldn’t bring myself to turn around.
Then Simeon slowly closed the distance and said,
“Isn’t it funny when you think about it, Mr. Hajae?”
As his footsteps grew closer, my heart started to beat faster.
“A person who can’t even lie about hating me yet insists on pushing me away.”
A long shadow gradually engulfed me from behind until his shadow and mine became one. No, my shadow was entirely swallowed by his. Like a child discovered in a game of hide-and-seek, I couldn’t move an inch.
“So I started to suspect something.”
He spoke just behind me.
“That you’re hiding something from me.”
His soft and unhurried voice was all the more chilling because of it. But even more terrifying was…
“That this secret is why you won’t acknowledge your feelings for me.”
…His ability to read me so well.
“And it’s tied to why you want to erase your memories.”
How much does he know? How far does he intend to dig? Will he only stop when he knows the truth? My efforts to keep my secret were being thoroughly dismantled by his suspicions, tightening around me like vines.
“Of course, I don’t plan to blame you for hiding it. Everyone has secrets.”
I held my breath, releasing it suddenly when he touched my shoulder.
“But as I’ve said many times, you can lie to me… just don’t get caught.”
I finally came to my senses, brushing his hand off and speaking displeasedly.
“You’re mistaken. My secret has nothing to do with you.”
“…Is that so?”
“Yes. So there’s no reason for me to tell you.”
I couldn’t keep turning my back on him forever. I had to look him in the face to draw the line clearly.
“And I don’t know how I’ve looked at you, but people tend to see what they want to see. Like how you take my reluctance to look at you as something favorable.”
Good. I said it all without trembling. Then, I turned around, prepared for whatever expression Simeon might be wearing—anger, disbelief—I vowed not to be shaken. But he was smiling.
“Alright. Keep it hidden until the end.”
As if he was thoroughly enjoying this.
“Because it makes it all the more fun to dig it up.”
My attempt to draw the line had only sparked his competitive spirit. A very Simeon-like reaction. Strangely, it made me angry. The way he treated my suffocating secret as if it were some kind of amusing puzzle was infuriating.
“Did you… really understand what I said?”
Even though I was in the wrong for hiding everything, being cornered made me lose my composure. Without thinking, I grabbed Simeon by the collar and pulled him down, my frustration spilling out.
“Hiding things, revealing things, do you think this is some kind of game? I…!”
His softly glowing eyes brought me back to my senses. He was deliberately provoking me to get a reaction. I bit my lip and swallowed the rest of my words. Simeon furrowed his brows slightly as if disappointed.
“Don’t get too angry. I’ve been waiting for a long time, too.”
“I gave you plenty of chances to share your secret. But you turned them all down.”
As if I would’ve willingly revealed it if given the chance. He would never use <Divine Comedy> if he knew I was Johan. So, I planned to keep pretending until the very end. There was no way I would ever admit to being Johan.
“So now I have no choice but to uncover it myself.”
But seeing the confidence on his face, I suddenly felt anxious.
“Hiding and revealing, I enjoy games like that.”
It felt like something impossible was about to happen, something that’d defy the odds.
“A time limit adds to the thrill, doesn’t it?”
“Hm, yes. Let’s say… until we use <Divine Comedy> and change the past.”
There was no use in trying to stop this absurd game. Simeon had already made his first move, pressing the chess clock and passing the turn to me. Unlike me, who was caught off guard by this sudden game, Simeon found it fascinating, making another move with delight.
“If I discover your secret, you have to give me what I want.”
“What is…..”
“You, Mr. Hajae.”
The more my expression hardened, the more his smile deepened.
“So, protect yourself well until then—every inch of your body, every single eyelash.”
Simeon gently grasped the hand I had clenched around his collar. He lightly tapped the back of my hand with his index finger. I thought it was a signal to let go, but soon, I realized the true meaning behind that gesture.
“Just in case you didn’t know…”
It was a habit of his that surfaced whenever he was confident of his victory in chess.
“There’s no way you’ll win.”
Does he know? In this game, there are neither winners nor losers.
He doesn’t know. That there are truths in this world too unbearable to face.
So, if you win the game, you want ‘me’? This wretched body—I can willingly give it to you. But will you still want ‘me’ after you learn all the secrets? This body, which is destined to die soon anyway? The person who will leave you with only a curse? You might not realize it now, but you’ll regret that choice one day. And you’ll come to hate me, just as I subconsciously resented my mother.
You may even curse fate instead of me. But no matter what you do, nothing will change. No one will understand your loneliness, and no one will stay by your side. If you ever fall in love with someone, that emotion will soon turn into guilt, and in the end, you’ll pass down solitude to the one you love the most.
I absolutely cannot let that happen. The cycle of tragedy must end here. Before that, I will save you from this fate. So, before the truth comes to light, I will complete <Divine Comedy> and bear this curse and fate alone.
Early in the morning, I showered and got ready to leave. The room wasn’t suitable for testing <Bloodletting Sword>. I was pondering where to find a place away from prying eyes when I opened the door and found myself face-to-face with a stranger.
“Good morning, Mr. Shin.”
It was an employee of the Apostles whom I’d never seen before. It looked like she’d been waiting in front of the door until I came out. Although I wasn’t sure yet, there was usually only one reason an employee would seek me out this early in the morning.
“Did Simeon send you?”
She nodded silently. Could Simeon have assigned someone to monitor my every move? She got straight to the point as if sensing my suspicion from my wary gaze.
“The Guild Leader asked me to escort you when you leave your room, Mr. Shin.”
“Where to?”
“This way, please.”
Seriously, shouldn’t she at least tell me where we’re going? Baffled, I stood still momentarily, but she was already walking away. I felt like I’d lose her if I didn’t follow, so I hurried after her.
“Is Simeon the one calling for me?”
“No, sir. The Guild Leader is at the Hunter’s Association and won’t return to the Ark for a while.”
Is it because of the incident with the <Bloodletting Sword>? I felt a bit sorry for Simeon, who must be having difficulty dealing with the Association, but honestly, I was relieved that I wouldn’t have to run into him at the Ark for a while.
So if he’s not calling for me… I still couldn’t figure out why he sent an employee for me.
“So, why are you taking me somewhere?”
“Apologies, but I wasn’t given the details. However, the Guild Leader said it would be necessary for you, Mr. Shin.”
Necessary for me? I was still trying to figure out what that meant when we arrived at the Ark’s underground level. She stopped in front of a door. Whatever was behind it, the space seemed quite large, as the double doors were much bigger than those of the other rooms.
“Do you have your key?”
“Uh, yes.”
I took the Ark’s key from my pocket and showed it to the employee, who bowed and left without a word.
She disappeared so quickly that it felt almost heartless.
“Well, I guess I’ll find out once I go in.”
Feeling a vague sense of unease, I cautiously inserted the key into the lock and turned it.
The door opened more easily than I expected, though it was much heavier than it looked. A wide, gym-like space unfolded before me as I pushed the iron door open with my shoulder. No, it wasn’t just like a gym—it was a gym.
The gray space looked like it was soundproof and could withstand explosions. Several weapons that could be used in real combat hung on the walls, and there was even a separate shooting range in the corner. So when Simeon said it was necessary for me, this is what he meant, and he was even kind enough to send an employee to guide me to a training room.
“Is he a mind reader or something…?”
I let out a chuckle as I spotted a combat dummy already prepared. As annoying as it was to be so easily read, this place would let me test <Bloodletting Sword>’s power without worry. After finishing some light stretching, I murmured to myself.
When he didn’t appear, I tried again.
I called out a bit louder, but there was still no response. There’s no way something’s happened that prevented him from appearing. Could it be…? An absurd thought crossed my mind, but I decided to test the idea anyway; I sighed deeply and spoke again.
As soon as I said that, a black robe fluttered before my eyes.
“You called, Master.”
A tall man wearing a mask knelt on one knee before me. Was this the result of ignoring his previous request for me to call him affectionately? Did I now have to call him like that whenever I wanted him to appear? I frowned involuntarily at the thought.
“Are you going to keep this up?”
“What do you mean, Master? I do not understand.”
Even though I couldn’t see his face behind the mask, I somehow felt that Mujeong was in a good mood. What should I do with this beast that loves following its master around but never listens? As I shook my head with a sigh, Mujeong chuckled softly.
“That look again.”
Usually, I would’ve brushed off such a remark, but it weirdly got under my skin after my conversation with Simeon.
“What kind of look am I giving you?”
After a moment of thought, Mujeong raised his head and looked at me.
“A subtly disdainful look.”
“Disdain? No way.”
“Am I mistaken, then?”
“I’m more… bewildered, not disdainful.”
I tried to play it off like it was nothing, but inwardly, it took me by surprise.
I’m not as good at hiding my emotions as I thought. No wonder Simeon, who’s so wise, could figure me out. Or maybe it’s because I feel more comfortable around Mujeong than others. Suddenly wanting to test something, I removed his mask.
“How am I looking at you now?”
When his face was revealed, I tried to maintain my composure. However, the moment our eyes met, the playful expression on his face slightly stiffened. From that, I could guess what he’d say, and the possibility of hearing it caused fear to rise in my body.
Before Mujeong could say anything, I cut him off.
“Actually, no. Don’t tell me.”
Mujeong looked at me with slightly surprised eyes, then slowly nodded.
“If you wish, Master, I can put the mask back on.”
Surprised that he was asking for my opinion, I smiled softly and shook my head.
“No. If you don’t mind, please stay like this.”
Maybe it’s for the best. I need to get used to that face.
Without a word, I reached out and cupped Mujeong’s cheek. As soon as my hand touched his face, he stopped tying the mask to his belt and lifted his head. Then, he closed his eyes and submissively accepted my touch. His unusually docile behavior fascinated me so much that I stroked his cheek.
“Why are you so calm today?”
Mujeong remained silent. Could it be that since he entered my body, he’s now affected by my emotions? If that’s true, I cannot hide my feelings from Mujeong. I would have hated that a while ago, but it oddly reassured me today.
Finally, it felt like someone in this world truly understood ‘me.’
“…Isn’t it funny? Trying to act all tough.”
Mujeong slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me. For a moment, I saw my face reflected in his transparent, crimson eyes. My face was twisted as if I was holding back complex emotions and about to cry at any moment. It was so pathetic that I couldn’t even bring myself to laugh.
Suddenly, his voice snapped me back to reality. Was he being influenced by me? Mujeong’s expression seemed confused. Feeling ashamed at having my inner thoughts exposed, I quickly withdrew my hand.
“Ah, I’m sorry. I just lost myself in some pointless thoughts.”
“Master, could it be that…?”
I didn’t know what he was about to ask, but I didn’t want to hear it.
“Will you teach me how to use the sword now?”
Forcing a smile, I shook my head ever so slightly. Whether out of empathy or pity, Mujeong thankfully didn’t ask any more questions. He stood up and, with a mischievous smile replacing his earlier serious expression, spoke:
“But are you sure you’re ready to wield the sword with such a frail body?”
Annoyed at being called weak, I rolled up my sleeve and flexed my arm.
“These might look small, but it’s all lean muscle. Ever heard of compact, practical muscle?”
Mujeong chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.
“Honestly, the condition of your body does not matter.”
“Then why did you ask if I was ready?”
“Until you get used to it, you’ll continuously feel nauseous and dizzy while wielding the sword. Afterward, your muscles will be overworked, and you’ll likely suffer severe body aches. No, My Lord, I’m certain you’ll end up bedridden.”
“How severe are these body aches?”
“After using the sword for the first time, my previous master couldn’t move at all for several days as though he were paralyzed.”
The side effects were more severe than expected. But since it was a process of getting accustomed to it, there was no choice but to accept it.
“Well, I guess I won’t have any stray thoughts then.”
“Haha! Of course not. While wielding the sword, there’s no way you could think of anything else. You’ll only have an overwhelming desire to destroy the enemy before you.”
“That sounds… nice.”
My head was already full of memories I wanted to erase, so this was perfect. With Simeon away, I decided to spend the next few days in the training hall, getting used to <Bloodletting Sword>. I needed to hone my skills quickly so I wouldn’t be a burden in combat.
“But you’ll have to entrust your body to me completely. Though you may not want to at first…”
“It doesn’t matter. My body is yours to do with as you please, Mujeong.”
As I nodded willingly, Mujeong’s eyes widened in surprise. He stared at me, almost in a daze, as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Sensing his doubt, I reinforced my words.
“Push me to my limits; I don’t mind. Just make sure I have no time to think about anything else.”
I offered my hand to him with a confident smile as if to shake him out of his stupor.
“Can you do that, Mujeong?”
After a brief silence, Mujeong once again knelt before me. He cradled my hand in both of his and spoke.
“As you wish, Master.”