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    I open my eyes wide. I have a stomachache. Ugh, just how much did I drink.

    I bury my face in the blanket. It’s cozy. I want to sleep more like this. I don’t want to go to work. Go to work?

    What time is it now?

    My fingertips become cold. I push off the blanket and a cold breeze rushes over me. I can’t understand the situation in my sleep. This is not my room. It’s like being in a store with a modern black and white interior.

    I take a look at the shelf next to me. Glasses with gold rims are placed like a prop, but there is no price tag. So I guess it must be a house where people live. I push myself up. Now my head is burning.

    As I slowly start to awaken, I realize everything is taken off except for my underwear. Did I sleep naked?

    My phone slipped out as I rummaged through the blankets. It was only half-past six o’clock. I lie down again. It appears to be someone else’s home, but once I lay down, a thought occurred to me.

    Is this Director’s house?

    I guess so. I can’t remember if I gave my home address correctly in the taxi yesterday. The only thing I remember is Section Chief Lee’s vain expression as I grabbed him by the collar.

    “Why did you wake up so early?”

    I sit up straight. Director Lee walked into the room. His entire body is wet as if he had just gotten out of the shower.

    “I’m sorry.”

    “Sleep more. It’s okay. It’s close to the company.”

    Director Lee approached me. Push my shoulders back and lay me back on the bed. The handsome dimples have deepened. Drops of water ran down the Director’s naked chest. I am now the first employee to see my boss naked. Oh no, Section Chief Lee is probably… also Department Head Seo… It’s really annoying.

    “I didn’t take your clothes off. You took them off on your own.”

    Director Lee said with a smile. Is he a bodhisattva? A drunkard takes off his clothes at his house and he doesn’t get angry… But he likes me. Nothing strange happened when I recalled last night. I only slept well. That’s all that matters.

    “Thank you. I guess I was drunk yesterday and was out of my mind. I’m sorry.”


    “Thank you for taking care of me…?”

    “Aren’t you going to ask what happened between the two of us yesterday?”

    “Nothing… It’s because my memory isn’t completely cut off.”

    Director Lee blinked his eyes hard, then touched my forehead.

    “Yeah, nothing happened.”



    Director Lee pushed my hair back. Water drops fell on my face, and I frowned. The Director’s hands are cold.

    “Tell me.”

    “The water is dripping on the bed…”

    Director Lee took a step back, feeling awkward. He then vigorously shook his hair with a towel. In the past, a dog raised in my home shook its fur in the same way. But Director Lee should wipe his body, not shake his head, because water droplets would fall on his body.

    Director Lee walked back and forth in front of me as if bragging about his body. It’s embarrassing, but my gaze is fixed on him. Is he doing this on purpose? No way. He is not a showy person. Director Lee wears black underwear. He has a great physique. I’m jealous.

    I thought about it for a while as I stared at him. He’s not even dressed properly, and he’s still walking around. I’m not sure why he’s doing that.

    Director Lee stopped walking. He took a deep breath and asked me.

    “Don’t you feel embarrassed? How can your face not change color? Even though I’m doing this much.”

    “I’m embarrassed… I drank and woke up at Director’s house…”

    “No, not that…”

    “I grabbed Section Chief Lee by the collar yesterday…”

    Director Lee sighed and started wiping his body. I felt relieved. He should have wiped it earlier. The floor must be all wet.

    “Sleep for one more hour and I’ll wake you up. And then have breakfast with me and we’ll go to work together.”

    “I’m sorry. I got drunk…”

    “No, it’s okay. I also drink a lot. Actually, I like that Kim Joo-hyuk-ssi is in my house. It’s like we are lovers.”

    Director Lee smiled and pulled a shirt onto his arm. I got up again.



    “I’m not going to date you…”

    Director Lee responded quickly.

    “I know. I got it, so sleep more.”

    I want to refuse more strongly, but I can’t say anything more in this situation. I lie down gently. I’m currently lying in my boss’s bed. We’ll go to work together. I think my peaceful life has been ruined. But the blanket is really cozy. The bed is very similar to a hotel bed.

    How much does it cost? I wonder if this was made by that brand. I fumble around on the bed. Should I change my mattress? I think it would be very refreshing to sleep on this every day.

    Director Lee went out of the room after putting on his clothes. He closed the door on his way out.

    I close my eyes. Anyway, all I can do now is worry, regret, and lament. It’s a mess. Let’s get some more sleep.


    Only when I got into Director Lee’s car did everything feel real. I wish I could teleport to hell like this. Or I’d like to resign from my job.

    Yesterday, I grabbed Section Chief Lee by the collar, and today I woke up at Director Lee’s house. My eyes feel sore. I think I was a traitor in my previous life. Otherwise, there’s no way heaven would punish me this way.

    Director Lee got into the car silently and said.

    “You really don’t need breakfast?”

    “Yes… I don’t really eat breakfast…”

    That’s a lie. I’ve never skipped breakfast since I was a child, even when I moved out on my own. My mom said that. You must eat breakfast in order to get your brain working properly. Even if there was only cereal, I ate it for breakfast and came to work. Today, I just don’t feel like eating anything in front of Director Lee.

    Director Lee started the car and suddenly asked.

    “Why do you hate dating?”

    “When I saw Section Chief Lee and Department Head Seo, I thought about it. It’s not a good relationship. I want to live normally.”

    “You can live a normal life while dating.”

    “You wouldn’t be able to have a normal relationship with an Alpha or an Omega.”

    “Then are you going to date a Beta?”

    “I don’t know. I have no intention of doing it now.”

    Director Lee turned his head towards me.

    “Seat belt-… You’ve already put it on.”

    “If you don’t put it on, you will be fined…”

    Director Lee grabbed the steering wheel and sighed.

    “Nothing is easy, nothing is easy…”

    We quietly go to work. The atmosphere inside the car is as stuffy as the road is clogged up in the morning.

    Despite that, it only took 20 minutes to get to the company. It’s true that it’s close to his home. Director Lee dropped me off first and said,

    “Don’t worry too much about yesterday. And don’t worry about it in the future, because you can come over to my house whenever you want to play. And there is one more thing I want to say.”


    “I like you.”


    “I’m not telling you to like me. I won’t even ask you to date me. I just want you to know. I do everything I do because I like you, please understand this.”

    “Can’t you think of doing me a favor as a boss instead?”

    “No. Speaking of which, don’t forget to write a letter of explanation and post it later. I still have to punish you.”

    Director Lee drove to the parking lot without waiting for my response. I’m perplexed.

    Director Lee really likes me. He liked me enough that he didn’t abandon me on the street yesterday and instead took me to his house. My heart is heavy, but I can’t think of anything properly.

    I turn around and enter the company. I’m feeling nauseous.


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