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    Loves Balance

    “Ki Young-hyun.”


    I also answered and stood up. The professor lifted his glasses up his nose and scanned the attendance sheet with his finger.

    “Lim Dae-han.”


    Next was Lim Dae-han. And two more. Even though we weren’t close friends, we still greeted when we ran into each other. Other classmates would probably think Lim Dae-han and I were not that close.

    “You four are Group 7. Take a seat.”

    Not understanding what was happening, we all just glanced around uncertainly. Even including the few seniors retaking the course, there weren’t 50 students total, so the group assignments ended at Group 11. Surely he didn’t intend for us to monitor each other’s attendance?

    “From the week after next, Groups 1 and 2 will summarize one chapter each for presentation. Two groups will present each week.”

    I heard that there were no group assignments in this class. Even though I knew that the reason the professor was angry was because of the student’s attitude, the classroom quickly became noisy.

    The professor looked at the students quietly and then shifted his gaze to the clock on the wall.

    “First, we’ll take a 15-minute break, then resume class at the scheduled time. I’ll explain the assignment after the break. And any students who had others attend on their behalf, honestly come forward now. I’ll find out one way or another.”

    The professor finished speaking and left the classroom. A couple of seniors in the corner hurried out the back door.

    “Hey, what is it? Why is it suddenly a group project?”

    The classroom atmosphere was divided into two categories. Those complaining about the surprise group assignment, or those saying “Whatever.” and immediately slouching back down to sleep.

    The former also muttered swear words for a few seconds and fell down again. It was like the fifth period in high school.

    Park In-gong, who boasted that he would smoke during break time, did not seem to have any intention of getting up. He was sleeping with his mouth open. He didn’t seem bothered whether there was a group assignment or if the professor had scolded them.

    My mouth felt dry, so I fidgeted with my wallet, wondering if I should go to the convenience store for a drink. The lecture hall was dead silent, with only Lim Dae-han and senior Hyuna conversing.

    “This is insane. I’ve never heard of there being a group assignment for this class. Ah, then I should have just taken the Class 2 session. We’re not even divided into separate classes based on grade anyway.”

    “The professor had reason to be aggravated though. Everyone was sleeping or on their phones.”

    “Hah, I’m annoyed. Feel like drinking. Want to grab drinks after this?”

    “You’re always talking about drinking.”

    “I’ve never even had a drink with you.”

    Though I probably shouldn’t say this, if Lim Dae-han and I weren’t dating, I might have even suspected something between senior Hyuna and him.

     Not wanting to eavesdrop on their conversation further, I grabbed my wallet and stood up from my seat. Senior Hyuna was leaning towards Lim Dae-han’s side. With the hand not supporting her head, she kept twirling the ends of her hair.

    For some reason, my mouth felt parched and I was thirsty. I should go to the convenience store for a drink. Unfortunately, to reach the door I had to cut across their row and ours.

    Barely suppressing the rising tension for no apparent reason, I tried to act natural as I passed by the two of them. It would have been better if Lim Dae-han hadn’t grabbed my wrist.


    His calling voice was gruff.

    “Ah, you startled me…”

    I was overly surprised, perhaps because I was overly sensitive due to nervousness. Not only did he wink, but he also grabbed my wrist this time. I tried to pretend I didn’t know him, but he kept confronting me. Without realizing it, I added unnecessary words.

    “Oh… I’m, uh, going to the cafeteria.”

    Senior Hyuna lay face down and looked at me and Lim Dae-han alternately.


    Lim Dae-han unnecessarily echoed, dragging out his voice. Then he grabbed his wallet and phone from the desk and stood up.

    “Let’s go together. I was going to get some water too.”

    In the end, Lim Dae-han and I went down to the cafeteria together. There weren’t many people in the cafeteria in the basement. Since the lecture was so late, no one was there for meals either. The tables were spaced out sporadically.

    Immediately after entering the cafeteria, Lim Dae-han chose water and I grabbed a drink. I also took out two bags of jelly to snack on during class. One for me and one to give Lim Dae-han.

    As I placed the items on the counter, Lim Dae-han, who had followed behind, held out his card.

    “Should I pay for these together?”


    The part-time worker swiped the card and handed it back. Lim Dae-han took everything on the counter and went out. I think I understand now what Jung Ji-pil meant when he said to be careful.

    Lim Dae-han’s friendliness was a habit. I’m glad we have the two of us. affectionate gestures were a habit. It’s fortunate it’s just the two of us. If it had been other peers or seniors around, they definitely would have found it odd.

    Paying for me casually and picking everything up for me. It was fine between lovers, but between peers, moreover of the same gender, it was truly strange.

    “Let’s sit for a bit before going back.”

    Lim Dae-han motioned towards the haphazardly arranged tables in front of the cafeteria. He half-heartedly pulled out the chair and sat there. Lim Dae-han opened the bottle cap and drank water, while I opened the bag to eat some jelly.

    Without bringing the bottleneck to his lips, he tilted his head back and extended his hand towards me. I placed one jelly on his large, rough palm.

    It was an ambiguous shape, making it impossible to tell whether it was a heart or a peach. Lim Dae-han, who was quietly looking down at the jelly, laughed at me.

    “Ki Young-hyun, you’re so stingy. Just one?”


    In the end, I placed the other unopened pack in his hand. It’s absolutely not because I was reluctant to give it to him. But I didn’t want to hear him call me stingy either.

    Lim Dae-han squeezed the crinkling bag in his hand once and looked at me with a questioning gaze. a hint of hesitation lingering in his gaze.

    “…I was going to give it to you originally.”

    “I don’t need it. You eat it.”

    Lim Dae-han handed back what he had received from me. Then, he popped the piece of jelly from his palm into his mouth. I know it won’t make a difference in taste. Who eats jelly until their stomach was full?

    I also used my thumb and index finger to pick up a jelly and put it in my mouth, rolling it on my tongue before chewing.

    By the way, was this a heart or a peach?

    Lim Dae-han chewed the jelly and held out his palm again. He tried to steal the jelly. I furrowed my brows at his hand, which was urging me as if it were natural.

    Why does he keep taking mine instead of just eating what I gave him? It’s true that Lim Dae-han bought the jelly, but… No, he said he didn’t need it when I offered it to him, but then he kept asking for mine.

    What does he want from me? I raised my chin and looked up at him.

    “Want some more?”

    “Yeah. I’ll also give you some water.”

    “I don’t need water.”

    Why would I buy water when there’s a water dispenser? I even bought a drink. In the end, I emptied half of the jelly into his palm.

    Lim Dae-han smiled satisfactorily at the pouring pink jelly. Then he put everything in his palm into his mouth.

    For some reason, my lips pursed into a pout. But I suppressed the expression because I knew I would be teased if I showed it.

    I lifted my head and looked around. Fortunately, there were no familiar faces. Still, I lowered my voice just in case.

    “Are you going home separately today?”

    “No. Why.”

    “I thought you said you were doing an assignment with senior Hyuna earlier.”


    Lim Dae-han held up the plastic bottle. He drank a lot of water in one gulp. He just took one sip, yet half the bottle was already gone. His bobbing Adam’s apple finally settled. 

    He tilted his head, crossed his arms, and shook his legs restlessly.

    The table shook. I grabbed it tightly with my hand but ended up pulling it towards me. Only then did his restlessness subside.

    “I just said I’m going home. Why would I work with her? It’s an individual assignment.”

    “I see…”

    I muttered, pulling my chin towards my body.  Lim Dae-han, who was quietly watching me, raised his head. Keeping his posture, he leaned his upper body towards me. Startled by his face suddenly being so close, I leaned back.

    “Were you upset? Thinking I’d say we’re working together?”

    Instead of answering, I stared intently at Lim Dae-han. Wouldn’t anyone be upset about that? I should have just asked.

    “…Don’t ask about obvious things.”

    But I didn’t want to show my ugly jealousy, so I added an afterword without realizing it.

    “But it’s not because of Senior Hyuna. I was just upset that we couldn’t go together. I don’t have weird thoughts, it’s just a senior-junior relationship.”

    “You don’t have to explain anything. Because you’re right.”

    Lim Dae-han took the water bottle stood up, and put his hand on my shoulder, pressing it firmly. His grip was so strong that my shoulder sank.

    “Let’s go. The lecture is starting.”

    I also stood up quietly. After throwing away the empty jelly bag, I followed him.

    Since Lim Dae-han said I’m right, I don’t need to worry anymore, right?

    He won’t give me reasons to worry, right?

    Should I have just admitted from the start that I was a little concerned?

    But Lim Dae-han originally had many guy friends who acted that way too.

    Isn’t it rude to be concerned just because the senior is a woman?

    Senior Seong-hong would probably just laugh it off.

    Every time I took a step, this kind of thoughts continued to follow.

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