[Party] CatMeowMeowMeow: Since you’re a newbie, focus on protecting Neuta-nim with your  shield

    [Party] Sunset: Yes ㅠㅠ

    Sunset flew over Yeo-woon’s head with a crying face. Somehow, he seemed more gloomy than when he was next to CatMeowMeowMeow, and it didn’t feel like it was just his imagination.

    [Party] CatMeowMeowMeow: Good job~~~

    [Party] neutaaaa: Good job

    [Party] Sunset: Good job

    [Party] Ji9star: Good job

    After a 29-minute raid, the dungeon clear window popped up.  Looking at the contribution, most of the damage was dealt by CatMeowMeowMeow, and Earth Star had the highest pattern avoidance rate.

    And Sunset’s party member rescue contribution was remarkably high.


    Yeo-woon silently closed the battle analysis window. If it weren’t for Sunset’s HP shield, he would have used up all his death counters and left the dungeon first.

    The advice that he just needed to be careful of ground AoE damage only applied to experienced players. While following Yoon Ji-gu who was running ahead quickly, Yeo-woon almost died from suddenly erupting geysers, and while clearing trash mobs, he died and had to be revived by Sunset.

    Unlike the other three who were dealing damage efficiently without wasting a single second, Yeo-woon was overwhelmed just trying to avoid the boss monster’s attack patterns.

    -Hyung, how is it? Is it manageable?

    Yeo-woon, completely exhausted after just one run, leaned back in his chair with his eyes half-closed.

    “Ah… it’s tough but good. I want to lie down… How many runs do you do per day?”

    -I do about five runs, but still haven’t gotten anything good.

    His voice was gloomy. Even if there were items for sale, he couldn’t just buy what he wanted, even if Yeo-woon wanted to buy it for him.

    The Blessing of the Four Gods was a new dungeon, and the drop rate for rare items wasn’t very high, so there weren’t any items for sale.

    Moreover, housing items were generally considered less valuable compared to other rewards, so even if they dropped, people often destroyed them instead of selling them.

    Suddenly, he became curious. While Ji-gu was running the dungeon for the housing pet, why was CatMeowMeowMeow so earnestly running the dungeon with him?

    [Party] neutaaaa: By the way, what are you trying to get from Four Guardians, Cat-nim?

    [Party] CatMeowMeowMeow: I’m collecting enhancement materials

    [Party] CatMeowMeowMeow: Want to add status effect damage to my weapon

    No wonder he was running it so hard.  He didn’t want a specific item, but since the materials dropped per round were limited, he seemed to be trying to run the dungeon as much as possible.

    [Party] neutaaaa: But what if your weapon breaks while trying to add just a little?

    [Party] CatMeowMeowMeow: ㅜㅜ That’s why I’m planning to have someone with good enhancement luck do it for me..

    [Party] Sunset: Be nice to me >w< lol

    [Party] CatMeowMeowMeow: You’re already doing well ㅡㅡ;

    [Party] Sunset: That’s true ㅇ//ㅅ/ㅇ

    [Party] neutaaaa: And why are you running this, Sunset?

    The white blob that had been staring only at CatMeowMeowMeow turned around. Sunset giggled while covering his mouth. But why did that expression seem so annoying?

    [Party]Sunset: For fun ~ㅎㅅㅎ~

    [Party] CatMeowMeowMeow: ㅡㅡ;

    [Party] Ji9star: ㅡㅡ;

    -Don’t ask anymore. That crazy person got his wanted item in one try…


    Yeo-woon closed his mouth. How could someone get what they wanted in just one try? How annoying.

    [Party] CatMeowMeowMeow: Would you like to open the chest this time, Neuta-nim?

    [Party] neutaaaa: Yes, I’ll open it

    [Party] Ji9star: Please pet please pet please pet ㅠㅠ

    Yeo-woon hit the reward chest repeatedly. When the cracking chest fully opened, reward items burst out all at once.

    The rewards fell to the ground in a line. Among them, there was one particularly shiny box. When moving the mouse cursor over the item, a preview window showed the text ‘Four Gods’ Pendant Selection Box’.

    [Party] CatMeowMeowMeow: Wow

    [Party] Ji9star: Wow

    [Party] Sunset: Gasp how much was that again

    [Party] Ji9star: If the options are good, it’s worth whatever you ask for. Since there’s no stock available lol

    [Party] Sunset: Maybe because only a few have appeared on the server yet ㅇㅅㅇ lol

    [Party] Ji9star: I’ll sell it and distribute it to you all

    When Earth Star opened the box, a message appeared across the server announcing that he had obtained a rare item.

    [Party] Ji9star: I’m happy… but not happy at all

    [Party] CatMeowMeowMeow: Nice, an expensive item lol

    -I’ll feed the cat and come back…

    The call ended with that weak voice. While wondering why Ji-gu was so gloomy over this, Yeo-woon couldn’t help but give a hollow laugh, somewhat understanding their feelings.

    [Party] CatMeowMeowMeow: Neuta, take all the remaining rewards

    The three people only picked up the items they wanted and left the dungeon without hesitation. Yeo-woon collected all the remaining rewards and finally left the reward map.

    In the waiting map, there was the four-person party in black cloaks that he had seen before entering. When Yeo-woon came out, he once again raised their fists in greeting.

    Unlike the other three who finished their business and went outside, Yeo-woon decided to stay in the entrance waiting map for a moment.

    “Right. That person definitely…”

    It was because there was a familiar username in that party. Yeo-woon approached them with an uncertain expression and asked.

    [Global] neutaaaa: Frog-nim, you know me, right?

    [Global] neutaaaa: Aren’t you the one who used to play Black Mage? Always wearing frog clothes and carrying a dragonfly net

    The user, true to their username, wearing frog coordination items all over, crouched down and spoke.

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: Ribbit?

    Seeing how they spoke, Yeo-woon became even more certain that this was the user he knew. One of the people who had been raising their fist finally lowered it and asked.

    [Global]  BackFromLifo: Eh, you know Frog, mnql?

    [Global] neutaaaa: They seem to be using the same nickname, are they really the Black Mage?

    [Global] BackFromLifo: Yeah, we’re from the same guild and moved over together

    Seeing that the party members’ guilds were the same, it seemed they were still close friends.

    [Global]  BackFromLifo: Wow, didn’t know you two knew each other

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: Ribbit

    [Global] neutaaaa: We’ve known each other for quite a while lol

    Yeo-woon knew this user very well. Their gaming hours overlapped, and they had traded frequently, even adding each other as in-game friends. Though they mostly talked during trades and hadn’t really been close…

    [Global] neutaaaa: I see you still don’t use words

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: Ribbit haha

    [Global] BackFromLifo: Nah, they speak normally when they’re angry

    [Global] Jeon-chan: True, they got angry like three times today?

    [Global] Jeon-chan: lololololololol

    [Global] neutaaaa: Frog-nim, it’s nice to see you after so long^^

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: Ribbit lol

    [Global] neutaaaa: How’s my item that you ran away with?

    The crouching frog suddenly stood up. And a miracle happened.

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: Huh??? What item??

    [Global]  BackFromLifo: Didn’t even need a kiss to turn human this time…

    [Global] Jeon-chan: It’s super easy to make Frog talk fr

    [Global] neutaaaa: I lent you a full drop item, but you quit the game without returning the item or money ㅡㅡ

    Frog was the first person to leave the game without looking back after the game’s incident. Even if he occasionally returned to Little Forest, his login date wasn’t updated, so he seemed to have completely lost interest in Lifo.

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: Ah gasp omg;; I’ll return it Haha Should still be in my Black Mage inventory..;

    [Global] neutaaaa: I don’t play that trash game anymore

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: ? Whoa, that’s me, lol

    [Global] BackFromLifo: You’re losing it huh, pay them back with the money here

    [Global] BackFromLifo: Frog’s a grade-A scammer

    [Global] Jeon-chan: What a complete scammer. Absolute trash, not worth associating with

    [Global] BackFromLifo: Give it back give it back!!!!!

    His party members started ganging up on Frog with more enthusiasm than the actual victim. Then Yeo-woon received a separate whisper.

    [Whisper] FrogSaysRibbit: Back then after the game died I went straight into college prep academy

    [Whisper] FrogSaysRibbit: Not making excuses but I seriously forgot omg…ㅠㅠ Really sorry.. I want to die

    He had expected this. Whenever his name appeared in server announcements, memories of that lost item would surface fresh in his mind, but since the item’s value had already plummeted, there was no point in getting it back, so he had just let it be.

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: When I sell what just dropped I’ll pay you back even if it’s just a bit ㅠㅠ

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: (item link)

    Looking at the linked item, it was a Housing Pet Selection Box. Yeo-woon swallowed and asked.

    [Global] neutaaaa: Would you sell that to me instead?

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: mnql-nim, you do housing?

    [Global] Jeon-chan: They’re doing life skills here too lol

    [Global]  BackFromLifo: Heard furniture crafting is super grindy

    [Global] neutaaaa: No lol I just started housing recently

    [Global] neutaaaa: You don’t need to return the dropped item, just sell me that instead

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: What’s the point of selling this lol if you need it I’ll just give it to you

    He initiated a trade. And the moment the box appeared in the trade window, a gentle smile spread across Yeo-woon’s face.

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: ㅠㅠ You must have wanted to beat me up every time you saw me ㅠㅠ

    [Global] neutaaaa: Yeah… just imagined it though

    [Global]  BackFromLifo: lololololololololololol

    [Global] Jeon-chan: lolololololol

    The unopened pet selection box entered his inventory. Yeo-woon’s mind was filled with thoughts of showing the box to Ji-gu right away.

    [Global] Jeon-chan: It’s too much of a scam to settle for that for the full-drop items from back then…

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: …ㅠㅠ

    [Global] BackFromLifo: Frog is crazy! He’s trash;; If it were me, I would have reported him to the police

    [Global] Jeon-chan: Fr how do you forget after borrowing a full drop item lol

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: Ah I really forgot because of the college entrance exam ㅠㅠㅠ

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: I’m really sorry ㅠㅠㅠ I’ll pay you back slowly

    [Global] neutaaaa: So did you do well on the exam?

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: Did super amazingly well and got into my desired university ㅜㅜ

    [Global] Jeon-chan: Ah should’ve failed

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: ㅗ

    [Global] neutaaaa: That’s good

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: And Vice Guild Master… my scholarship money and part-time job pay are coming in next week, I was planning to use it all on the game ㅠㅠ

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: I’ll pay you back somehow, I really just have bad memory, I’m not a scammer ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

    Yeo-woon patted the head of Frog who was doing a deep bow to show it was okay. Seeming very apologetic, Frog did another deep bow.

    [Global] neutaaaa: Don’t bow twice;

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: Ah

    [Global] Jeon-chan: lololololololololol

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: ㅠㅠ

    [Global] Jeon-chan: But mnql-nim where’s your house? Feels like it’d be great for screenshots

    [Global]  BackFromLifo: Can we come visit?

    Yeo-woon shook his head, thinking of his trash-filled house.

    [Global] neutaaaa: I really haven’t decorated anything yet.. Someone keeps illegally dumping trash so I’m busy cleaning that up lol

    [Global] Jeon-chan: Huh?? Report them to GM what the heck

    [Global] neutaaaa: They’re a guild member…

    [Global] Jeon-chan: Oh someone like Frog then

    [Global] FrogSaysRibbit: Ribbit…;;

    [Global] Jeon-chan: Annoying. They turned back into a frog

    [Global] neutaaaa: I’ll tell you the plot number when I finish decorating lol come visit then

    [Global] Jeon-chan: Can I add you as a friend?

    [Global] neutaaaa: Sure

    [Global]  BackFromLifo: Me too

    Yeo-woon accepted all their friend requests. After accepting Frog’s request that came last, the unfamiliar silhouette color on the mini-map changed to indicate friend status.


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