Earth Star temporarily went out and sent Yeo-woon some unequipped armor pieces from his warehouse character via mail. Yeo-woon briefly left the guild room to receive the armor pieces Earth Star gave him from the postman in the guild hallway.

    While the mail contents were marked as ‘junk items’, they were actually all S+ grade items. Too good to be called junk…

    “…Ah, I’ll have to return these later.”

    It would be troublesome if the equipment got all mixed up in his inventory. Yeo-woon stopped himself from equipping the items thoughtlessly and started taking off all the fashion items he had bought directly from the clothing shop. He took off the transparent hat, gloves, stockings, and even the training suit covering his armor. With just his current equipment visible, it became much easier to see what he was wearing.

    Yeo-woon took one screenshot of his current gear, then another after equipping the items Earth Star lent him. This way, he could compare them later and return the borrowed pieces easily. After all, the purpose of today’s practice game was to ‘compare gear options’, and this made it much easier.

    As he re-entered the guild room in a clunky getup that looked like it would make clanging noises with every step, the guildmates snickered upon seeing Yeo-woon.

    [Guild] Ji9star: ?

    [Guild] Captain Poseidon: What’s with that look?

    [Guild] CatMeowMeowMeow: Oh my;;

    [Guild] Halloween Eggplant: Oh my god, crazy lol lol lol

    [Guild] Halloween Eggplant: He’s reverted back to his old self… ㅠㅠ

    [Guild] ParkRoach: Just put some clothes on hahaha Still not taking that cape off huh

    [Guild] neutaaaa: It’s… my pride

    [Guild] ParkRoach: You customized to look like your neighbor and now this hahaha

    [Guild] Ji9star: ;;

    Does it matter? Yoon Ji-gu wouldn’t know anyway. Even if he noticed and got suspicious, Yeo-woon could just deny it.

    [Guild] Ji9star: Fvck

    [Guild] Ji9star: I want to quit this game

    [Guild] al0ha: Why, though? Hahahahaha

    [Guild] CatMeowMeowMeow: Why Ji9star? Hahahahaha

    [Guild] neutaaaa: That’s quite the headline;;

    These people were tiring. It was easier to compare equipment when he could see the armor like this.

    However, Yeo-woon has decided to somewhat respect Earth Star’s wish to some extent since he had lent him his equipment. Without fully concealing the armor pieces… he randomly equipped a fashion item from his inventory.

    [Guild] neutaaaa: Is this better?

    On top of the clanky armor pieces, Yeo-woon’s character donned a black cape and a bright red king’s ribbon on his head, bouncing in place.

    [Guild] Captain Poseidon: lol lol lol

    [Guild] CatMeowMeowMeow: lol lol lol lol

    [Guild] al0ha: You’re back to your roots

    [Guild] Ji9star: Fvck lose the roots already;

    [Guild] Halloween Eggplant: lol lol lol lol lol lol

    [Guild] ParkRoach: lol lol lol

    Everyone’s laughter indicated the helmet covering was tolerable at least.


    Title: (With Photo) What’s up with this guy in Athens Server Ch3?

    Author: Kungjak Kungjak/ Shadow Warrior

    I’m in the guild corridor in channel 3 right now


    This guy looks like a hero with his weapon, but he has everything else customized expensively with skin tone, make up, hair, etc…but his clothes… What is he doing…? He’s walking around town like that. Isn’t he embarrassed? If it were me, I’d rather go around completely naked.

    Did I miss something coming back after a long time? Is the see-through look trendy among veteran players these days? Are transparent shoes and transparent hats considered rare vintage items now?

    Please explain.


    -Lol fvck this pic is hilarious

    -Is it a trend?

    >- Was the Tale’s armor always this hideous? LOL I didn’t realize;;

    -At least match the top and bottom set, these pieces are all different LOL crying

    -What’s with the ribbon on his head? Hahahahaha His taste is really weird

    -That cape sucks

    ⤷ What are you talking about? It’s the best cape♥ You’re pathetic for not knowing the beauty of the Cape of the Dark Night!

    ⤷!!!!!! Campaign against discriminating the Dark Cape!!!!!!


    ⤷There are people who haven’t worn the Dark Night Cape, but no one who’s worn it just once.

    ⤷Guys, show lots of love for the cape♥♥

    ⤷Sorry, but the face is uglier~! o.o!!

    ⤷Hahahaha these comments, why are you all like thisHahahahaha

    ⤷(Photo) Yep, the Dark Cape took Isis down♥

    ⤷Wear it wear it wear it wear it wear it wear it wear it

    ⤷These refugees are slowly starting to get out of hand; they’re creeping into the forums too

    ⤷Please just go back to Little Forest instead of ruining the aesthetic of our game hahaha

    -But if you stand still wearing the Dark Cape in the beginner’s field, a group of caped people will come and give you money LOL is it the spirit of a dying game?

    ⤷Fvck Lol It used to be a noob verification outfit but I guess it’s become outdated


    -Looking at his face, he’s clearly paid real money before, so why is he walking around like that? Hahahahaha

    -Even if you quit for a hundred years and came back, that look would never be trendy.

    -See-through lol is that see-through?

    -You crazy dude, take a walk around Isis and see if anyone else is walking around like that

    ⤷I did, and there was no one, you bastard!

    ⤷Why are you calling people bastard? He’s the only one walking around like that. Are you really that dense?

    ⤷^^ Reflect, I just asked a question and you started cussing at me first calling me crazy. I can hear the sound of your parents’ hearts breaking from raising such an ill-mannered brat^^


    -Wow, I don’t know about the rest, but the Dark? Cape? That’s damn pretty hehe

    ⤷Looking at his previous posts, he’s from Little forest. Seems like he hit level 200 yesterday.

    ⤷ㄴOh nice lol

    ⤷Sigh haha But with all this cape chanting, it’s starting to look kinda pretty to me too? Hahaha

    ⤷^ This dude’s a refugee from little forest too, saw him delete all his return posts in real-time

    ⤷^^ lol lol lol

    ⤷^^^^ lolololol

    ⤷Refugee losers, just wear the cape among yourselves hahaha What’s the issue, why you peddling it so much? Hahahahahahaha

    -That guy is from the Poseidon guild LOL. Whenever Channel 3 is mentioned, it’s always Poseidon. But I’ve never seen anyone looking like that. Did he just join?

    ⤷(Photo) You’ve seen him before. Last time, he was with the small guild trying to take down the hacking guild, what was it, Strawberry Pie? He was the newbie in that guild’s PVP request.

    ⤷^It was strawberry jam

    ⤷I don’t get it from just the photo… Did something like that happen? You guys really just playing game without living huh haha Get a life

    -See-through? Hahahahaha So not covering a single piece of armor is see-through now?

    ⤷That’s why hahahahaha Even the Al0ha guy next to him is straight up naked from waist up wearing just some panties and no one’s mentioning it hahaha

    ⤷Calling someone who covered everything but the face a see-through, lmao;

    ⤷New concept of see-through


    “…Mr. Yeo-woon. Mr. Yeo-woon!”

    In a strangely dazed state, Yeo-woon slowly blinked and turned his head toward the voice. Assistant Manager Kim, leaning on the partition with his arm, was looking down at Yeo-woon with a serious expression. When their eyes met, Assistant Manager Kim frowned.

    “Mr. Yeo-woon. What’s wrong with your face?”

    What, was he going to scold me?


    “You have a fever.”

    Assistant Manager Kim brushed Yeo-woon’s bangs aside and placed his hand on his forehead. He had been feeling unbearably hot. Yeo-woon inadvertently leaned his cheek against Assistant Manager Kim’s cool palm.

    “Your hand is cool, sir….”

    “What are you doing? That’s creepy.”

    Assistant Manager Kim snatched his hand away harshly. My cold pack… Yeo-woon looked up at him with a dejected expression. Assistant Manager Kim openly let out a deep sigh and said:

    “When did this start? Did you get heat stroke or something?”

    “Ah, maybe so.”

    “Don’t ‘maybe so’ me. You looked drained from the morning and now your face is flushed red. How can you work properly like this?”

    “I’m sorry….”

    “No, I’m not asking you to apologize, I’m asking you to leave work early and go to the doctor because you’re running a fever. The flu is going around these days.”

    Ah, right. Assistant Manager Kim has two kids. He’s meticulous about health because he doesn’t want them to catch anything. He seemed to be giving Yeo-woon a hint now. He must be uncomfortable having a germ-ridden person in the office. Yeo-woon covered his mouth and murmured cautiously.

    “Yes…. I won’t infect you, sir….”

    “Are you making me out to be the bad guy?”

    “Well, there’s not much time left until we get off, so just head home early today. Make sure you’re well enough to come to work tomorrow.”

    Now even the section chief was chiming in to kick out the germ carrier. Yeo-woon dazedly gathered his belongings and stood up, getting escorted out to the street by his office colleagues and Assistant Manager Kim.


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