<Zero>: What? Did asdf come back?? ㅇ.ㅇ

    <Cheche>: asdf?

    <Zero>: There are only two people with dark horses on our server, asdf and Graduate Student!

    <Zero>: asdf just kidnapped the newbie;;

    <Cheche>: What?? I didn’t see it just now, is it really asdf?

    <Cheche>: This dying game had an event with herbs and people are really coming back one by one lol

    <KuuKuu>: Wow, does that mean asdf might sell food today??

    As they distanced themselves from the crazy players, the contents of the global chat appeared clearly in the lower-left corner of the screen. Yoon Ji-gu glanced back and forth between the chat and Yeo-woon’s character in confusion. If you converted “asdf” to Korean, it became “ㅁㄴㅇㄹ.” It was obvious they were talking about Yeo-woon.

    Throughout the journey across the unfamiliar map, forcibly mounted on the horse, similar comments appeared several more times. Quite a lot of people recognized Yeo-woon. When he first met him, he was really a penniless newbie with nothing.

    What kind of game was this, where the relationships between users were so unusually close? Even the players who had crossed over to Illusion stuck together, giving each other items and greeting each other with a raised fist whenever they met.

    When asked if he knew them, Yeo-woon simply replied, “No? I just gave it because I saw the cloak.” Yet, when other cloaked players met Yeo-woon, they too used their “money-throwing” skills to show their goodwill.
    “Hyung, why do people recognize you?”
    -I saw some familiar nicknames too. This is a completely stagnant game, so most people remember each other.

    Yeo-woon responded nonchalantly. But to Yoon Ji-gu, it didn’t seem that simple. It was hard to believe that people would react with, “Is he back?” just because they recognized a familiar face. What if, by some chance, it was revealed that Yeo-woon was ‘asdfasdf’? Wouldn’t even more weird players swarm them in Illusion?

    ‘I have to stop this….’

    Yoon Ji-gu snapped out of it after having such a thought without thinking.


    Stop it? Why did he think that? Moreover, his mood suddenly dropped. But unable to even guess the reason, Ji-gu just stared at the monitor for a long time with a troubled face.


    -This is the main city. It’s like Isis in Illusion.

    Perhaps because it was closer to realistic graphics compared to Illusion, exploring various parts of the map wasn’t boring. If he had been alone, he wouldn’t have thought that way, but it seemed that way because Yeo-woon explained what everything was one by one.

    ‘Why does it feel like he’s reading me a storybook? And why does his voice sound so good?’
    It was nice, but it irritated him for some reason. Not knowing why, Yoon Ji-gu started to shake his legs nervously.

    -This is the restaurant where I used to work.

    “Why do you work in a game?”

    -You have to work to earn money.

    Ugh… Why bother working even in a game? Yoon Ji-gu grimaced inwardly, careful not to let Yeo-woon hear. Unlike Illusion, Little Forest allowed players to progress through crafting rather than just hunting. According to Yeo-woon, if you chose a crafting path as your profession, instead of hunting quests, you’d get quests related to gathering crops or combining items. It was fascinating how the system differed so much despite the game genre being similar to Illusion.

    <IfYouTieMeUpAndLockMeAwayI’llSue>: asdf-nim, are you doing business today? ㅠㅠ

    <asdfasdf>: I came back after a long time and found out I got fired from the restaurant lol lol

    <StorageCharacter23424>: Eh, are you coming back??

    <WholeRoastedHarkon>: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Everyone’s coming back

    <GiantBaby>: Desperately want this crowded dead game to live again—Day 121981987498.

    Just go away, all of you. Why do so many people know Lee Yeo-woon? No matter where he goes, people greet him like they’re meeting an old friend. Could it be that he went around throwing money or items at random people in Illusion too? Thinking back to how he was surrounded by crazy lunatics the moment he entered the game, it seemed entirely possible.

    Yeo-woon was still greeting people while carrying Ji-gu on his horse. Suddenly, another person on a horse galloped over and stood in front of Yeo-woon.

    <YourDreamIsGradSchool>: Oh my gosh, Sous Chef-nim, long time no seeㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


    ‘YourDreamIsGradSchool’ was a female character decked out in all-black equipment. It was the first time Yeo-woon, who usually remained unfazed by greetings, actually responded with surprise.

    YourDreamIsGradSchool dismounted and raised her fist high. It was a motion of slightly bending the knees and looking up at the sky as if showing respect. It was also an emote that refugees in Illusion always learned. In Illusion, it seemed pointless, but the original version looked a bit cooler.

    -Sorry, I’ll just greet them for a moment.

    “Sure, whatever.”

    Yoon Ji-gu thought a simple greeting wouldn’t be a big deal, but it wasn’t just a greeting.

    <asdfasdf>: Looks like you kept playing Little Forest?


    Lee Yeo-woon was using an informal speech with ‘YourDreamIsGradSchool’.

    <YourDreamIsGradSchool>: Well, yeah… Little Forest is my life after all

    <asdfasdf>: No wonder you were working so hard even in your senior year lol lol

    <YourDreamIsGradSchool>: Oh right, Sous Chef-nim, I got into university >< ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    <asdfasdf>: So you’ll be a grad student soon?

    <YourDreamIsGradSchool>: F/U…. What nonsense ㅡㅡ

    <YourDreamIsGradSchool>: But are you really coming back now?? ㅜㅜ

    <asdfasdf>: Not coming back, just dropping by because I heard about the comeback event…

    <YourDreamIsGradSchool>: lol lol That’s basically a comeback, so funny

    <asdfasdf>: lol lol lol

    What on earth is happening in front of him right now? Informal speech? Yeo-woon using informal speech? Yoon Ji-gu was so shocked that his mouth hung open slightly.

    <YourDreamIsGradSchool>: There’s a drought of chefs latelyㅠㅠ Potions are even worse;; It seems like you’re the only one who can make food items that reduce debuff effectsㅠㅠㅠㅠ Please come backㅠㅠㅠㅠWhat are you up to these days?ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

    <asdfasdf>: Me? I’ve been playing Illusion lately…

    <BornToBeGeneral>: ?

    <IfYouTieMeUpAndLockMeAwayI’llSue>: Advertising other games in LiFo is illegal—You’re stuck here forever

    <GlassesPush>: ? You’re so brazen, tie him up

    <Friday>: Lock him up

    <Don’tExpandMaxLevel>: No, come back ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

    <WholeRoastedHarkon>: We must fill Illusion

    When Yeo-woon mentioned playing Illusion, everyone in the city started gathering around the restaurant. However, Yoon Ji-gu was too fixated on the fact that Yeo-woon was speaking informally to notice.

    …It took Ji-gu so long just to call him ‘hyung’. Moreover, Yeo-woon didn’t even use informal speech with him, Earth Star. The only thing that changed was the way he addressed Ji-gu. How could this happen to him… He has been so good to Yeo-woon.

    <YourDreamIsGradSchool>: But Sous Chef-nim, who’s that you’ve got riding with you?

    What’s it to you? Stop acting like you know him.

    Although he hadn’t done anything, YourDreamIsGradSchool was already cemented as the worst in Yoon Ji-gu’s mind. Unconsciously, his leg started shaking more intensely.

    <asdfasdf>: Just a younger friend I know

    <asdfasdf>: He was curious about Little Forest so I’m showing him around

    A younger friend I know? Somehow it sounded a bit intimate. Yoon Ji-gu’s heart felt more at ease. Should emotions really swing this wildly? He hadn’t even experienced anything like this during puberty.

    <YourDreamIsGradSchool>: Wow, then is he a newbie?

    <Don’tExpandMaxLevel>: Newbie?

    <WholeRoastedHarkon>: !

    <BornToBeGeneral>: !

    <GlassesWipe>: Hey, Earth Star, get down for a sec

    <GlassesWipe>: Noona got something for you, haha

    <WholeRoastedHarkon>: Earth Star, hyung will give you money

    <Ji9byeol>: F*ck offㅗ

    <GlassesWipe>: lol lol lol Cute haha

    <WholeRoastedHarkon>: He’s got the attitude; he’ll fit right in with Little Forest. I think he’ll adapt well, haha

    <Don’tExpandMaxLevel>: Somehow, I figured he’d be cute;;

    ‘You have new mail.’

    ‘You have new mail.’

    ‘You have new mail.’

    <GlassesWipe>: Noona sent you pocket money Haha Buy cute clothes ♥

    <Don’tExpandMaxLevel>: Play LiFo forever ! ! !


    A sigh escaped Yoon Ji-gu’s lips. He could faintly hear Yeo-woon chuckling beside him. Feeling cheerful, Yeo-woon suddenly dismounted, changed his outfit, and began cooking for the people around him.

    <GlassesWipe>: Hey, I’ll buy 10 sets.

    <YourDreamIsGradSchool>: No, I’ll buy everything. I’ll pay 10 times the market price, just make them for meㅠㅠ

    <BornToBeGeneral>: If anyone cuts in line, I’ll kill you. Everyone, line up.

    A long queue started forming in front of Yeo-woon. He took out a large kitchen knife. It seemed to be the weapon for the chef profession. Despite all the surrounding users holding dazzling weapons, the kitchen knife looked more like a weapon. As Yeo-woon swung the large kitchen knife, food items appeared above his head and went straight into his inventory.

    “Do you find that fun? Don’t you ever get bored?”

    -Yeah, it’s enjoyable.


    -Ah… sorry. It must be a bit boring just watching. Right?

    “It’s fine. I’m not bored…”

    That’s not the issue—what’s starting to bother him is Yeo-woon’s speech. He spoke informally to Ji-gu in real life, but not to Earth Star in the game. He even used informal speech with YourDreamIsGradSchool.

    After a hundred deliberations, Yoon Ji-gu cautiously stated his business.

    “I’ll let you use informal speech with me.”

    -What? Suddenly?

    His voice sounded confused. That made it even more irritating.

    “Suddenly? Hyung, you use informal speech with that grad school student or whatever. But why do you always use formal speech with me? It’s really ridiculous. Are you discriminating between people?”

    -That’s… because they’re a regular customer and said it was okay to use informal speech first…

    “I said it was okay to use informal speech too.”

    -And there are guild rules…

    “What do the guild rules matter? There are plenty of people who don’t follow them already. And it’s already wrong that I call you ‘hyung’. You know that, right?”

    Ji-gu grumbled grumpily. Yeo-woon made a thoughtful sound before speaking in a troubled voice.

    -What if it becomes a habit? I might accidentally use informal speech in guild chat and get caught.

    “You can just pretend it’s a joke. Can’t you even do that?”

    Yeo-woon paused for a moment before asking in an amused voice.

    -But are you perhaps jealous?

    “No. No?”

    -…I think you are.

    “It’s not like that! Seriously, that’s so ridiculous. It’s not jealousy, it just feels a bit unfair. …I’m telling you, it’s not jealousy!”

    Yeo-woon laughed teasingly as if amused by Yoon Ji-gu’s forced indignation. It was a voice chat, so his face wouldn’t be visible. Yeo-woon shouldn’t be able to tell he was flustered, so why was he laughing? Yoon Ji-gu’s face grew hot.

    -Alright, but let’s keep this informal speech thing a secret from the guild


    He did it.

    -But are you really not bored? After I finish making these, we need to go hunt golems… You can’t follow there.

    “It’s fine.”

    Yoon Ji-gu didn’t think Yeo-woon would play this game again after today, anyway. Even if nothing else, the character’s movement speed was just too slow—it wasn’t even crawling.


    Having finally gotten what he wanted, Yoon Ji-gu leaned back in his chair and smiled contentedly. Even if he used informal speech, everyone probably wouldn’t care much if he told the truth. Lee Yeo-woon worries too much.


    [Free Board] Looks like asdf is coming back

    Author: BlessedFisherman

    Server: Lahisten

    Seems like the comeback event is working

    The sous chef of the central city is back ㅠㅠ


    ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Just tears of joy

    ┓┓┓┓┃/ . ` (Crash)
    ┓┓┓┓ : .\○ノ The day of
    ┓┓┓┓┃ ` / LiFo’s revival
    ┓┓┓┓┃ `ノ) . ` is coming !!!!!!!
    Never give up




    -Yesterday, the Great Swordsman came back, now they’re all coming back one by one ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Why did I complain about only returning players getting herbs? It wasn’t a bad thing after all

    -OMG lol lol lol lol

    -Yeah, I f*cking knew they’d come back ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ If they were going to quit, why wouldn’t they have sold the dark horse that’s only two on the server? It’s absolute proof they’re coming back

    -I think I’m over-immersed, I’m tearing up… ㅋ

    ⤷ lol lol Always whining like a drama queen, “Little Forest, you son of a b, shut down… no, don’t shut down… I mean, shut down… no, don’t” ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅠ

    -(Animated gif) Finally had some real food again, the difference in HP recovery between this and potions is huge lol Also reduces debuff by 50%

    ⤷Wait, where do you buy that?

    ⤷Did asdf sell it?

    ⤷No, he just gave it out ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Had to line up to get it.

    -I wonder how asdf leveled up his crafting skills lol The buff difference with other chefs’ food is huge…

    ⤷I only eat asdf’s food lol lol

    ⤷Honestly, no reason to visit the restaurant after asdf quit, right? lol

    -Earlier asdf recruiting for a golem party, so I asked him about his return, but he said he’s not really back ㅠ Seems like he just came to get herbs

    ⤷The Great Swordsman said the same thing yesterday, but today they’ve been playing Underground for 24 hours straight lol They’re playing so hard

    ⤷Yeah, but the Great Swordsman actually quit and came back… He said asdf switched to a different gameㅠㅠ

    ⤷Such a betrayal.

    ⤷So frustrating, I hope all the other games shut down, and only Little Forest is left;;;;;;

    -ㅠ If he really quit, he should have sold his account to someone… There’s no decent chef left, so everyone’s just using potions now;;

    -But why doesn’t the sous chef join a guild?

    ⤷People who focus on crafting don’t usually join guilds unless they’re looking for a social group.

    ⤷They don’t need the hunting buffs.

    ⤷Oh, I see. Thanks.

    -But he brought a newbie with him on the horse. If he’s bringing in a newbie, doesn’t that mean he’s going to keep playing?

    ⤷A newbie?

    ⤷What do you mean newbie? That’s like a mythical creature lol Stop spreading rumors.


    ⤷What’s the newbie’s username?

    ⤷Tell us the name.

    ⤷The newbie was clinging to the horse and didn’t even get down lol lol

    ⤷A terrified newbie is so cute!

    ⤷I hope he keeps playing now that he’s back:)

    -I heard while waiting in line that he’s playing Illusion these days lol

    ⤷Damn it.

    ⤷Ban the word “Illusion.”

    ⤷Damn, I missed that oneㅠ

    ⤷But isn’t it hard to switch from chef to Illusion? Hope he stays if he’s back haha

    ⤷He said he’ll come by occasionally to sell food.

    ⤷Damn it, occasionally isn’t enough—come every day.


    -asdf’s Illusion username is neutaaaa<< that’s with 4 a’s.

    ⤷Thanks, I’m adding him as a friend.

    ⤷I’ll befriend him and bring him back to Little Forest.

    ⤷Do you guys do Illusion? Do you have too much free time?

    ⤷Don’t get distracted.

    ⤷There are a lot of people here doing Illusion, tooㅋㅋ

    ⤷At least be discreet about it, it’s depressing.

    -Why are so many of the high-level players switching to Illusion lol Is it the game of the year? I should quit and switch to Illusion too, see ya lol

    ⤷You’re so full of yourself, thinking as if your quitting would make us beg you to stay~~

    ⤷Nope, don’t quit~ We need all the players we can get~

    ⤷The game’s going to die if you quit~ Even if you hate it, don’t quit~

    ⤷Yeah, if you quit, the server will shut down^^


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