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    Loves Balance

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    At the sudden question, Jehyun looked up to see a subtle smile on Ha Baekyung’s lips. Whether it was a tactic or not, it seemed like Ha Baekyung had also been stood up by Jiwon, just like Jehyun, but he wasn’t angry, which made him seem really good-natured. Jehyun forced a smile and answered Baekyung.

    “Oh, of course. My mouse broke.”

    “…Your mouse?”

    “Yeah. It just stopped working suddenly. So I came out to buy a new one.”


    He couldn’t bring himself to say he had come out to confront someone who wasn’t showing up and was now just buying a carrot (the mouse). As Jehyun explained, Baekyung tilted his head slightly and asked.

    “Did you ask me earlier why I looked scary?”


    “Were you planning to negotiate on-site?”

    Baekyung’s clear laughter made Jehyun’s face flush with embarrassment. Being mistaken for someone who negotiates on-site was humiliating. But… being a so-called “black-market gamer” was much worse.

    Jehyun awkwardly laughed and shook his phone.

    “Yeah, something like that. The other person’s manners were at 18 degrees. So I was just checking.”

    “I see…”

    “And you? Did Jiwon not come?”

    “I’m not meeting Jiwon. I had an appointment with someone I know, but they didn’t show up.”

    “Really? What to do at this time…”

    Jehyun, embarrassed for getting stood up by Hyun Jiwon, thought Baekyung was just making excuses and comforted him. Patting Baekyung’s large shoulder, he said it was okay, while Baekyung squinted and glanced down at Jehyun.

    That was the moment Shin Jehyun’s transaction partner arrived. As Baekyung’s eyes narrowed more and more, a large man, almost as big as Baekyung, approached and asked in a low, shy voice.

    “Are you… here for the mouse?”

    The man, who had a scowl on his face and appeared quite rough, came forward with a mouse wrapped in a convenience store plastic bag. He looked even more like a back-alley thug than Jehyun, who was already perceived as a troublemaker.

    Is he a physical education major? Jehyun thought and nodded toward the man.

    “Yes, is this the mouse?”

    “Ah, yes. Here you go.”

    “Thank you. You saw the money I transferred earlier, right?”

    “Yes, yes. I saw it. Thank you.”

    “Ah, could I check it for a moment?”

    “I’m busy right now… If there’s any problem, please send me a message.”

    “Oh, yes. Please go ahead.”

    Jehyun wanted to check the condition, but the other person handed him the bag and left without a second glance. What could be so urgent at this hour? Jehyun looked into the bag with a suspicious eye.

    But the mouse’s condition was strange. Looking closely at the mouse’s connector, Jehyun stretched his mouth and turned on his phone’s flashlight to illuminate the bag.

    “This is…”

    Soon, Jehyun’s voice came out like he was grinding his teeth. The long cable was filthy, and the USB connector looked like someone had bitten and chewed it, with the outer coating almost completely peeled off.

    Selling such trash for 30,000 won! Enraged, Jehyun immediately sent a message to the seller, but the seller read the message and didn’t reply. It was read but ignored.


    In the middle of winter, having been toyed with by Habaek and scammed on the mouse, Jehyun couldn’t stand it anymore. He unzipped his padded jacket and flapped the hem to let the cold air cool his heated chest. After cooling off for a while, Baekyung, who had been watching him sympathetically, asked.

    “Is the condition bad?”

    “No, Baekyung. Look. I’ve never bought something like this in my life.”

    “…This is just trash.”

    “Right? Oh, it’s so frustrating. There was a reason for the 18-degree manners.”

    Removing his hat, Jehyun swept his hair back in irritation and took a deep breath. He wanted to curse over the phone, but since he hadn’t exchanged phone numbers, he could only send a filtered message through the app.

    “I have a spare mouse at home.”


    How can I play with a broken left click? The words from Baekyung that calmed Jehyun down were simple.

    “I have a spare gaming mouse at home. My older brother left several behind after buying them through parallel import… If you’re okay with it, would you like to use that?”

    His kind offer made him look exceptionally handsome. Jehyun, who had been staring blankly at Baekyung, couldn’t help but reach out and pat Baekyung’s hat-covered head. Smiling, he replied.

    “Yeah, I’ll buy it. Just sell me one.”

    “Then come by my house and pick it up.”

    “Is that okay? When will you be home? If you’re going to wait a bit longer, I’ll wait with you. It’s not urgent, so you can give it to me tomorrow morning.”

    “Let’s just go now. It looks like they won’t show up.”

    Baekyung said this with a faint smile. Jehyun felt a bit puzzled by this unusual smile from Ha Baekyung but soon smiled happily and placed his hand on Baekyung’s back.

    Ha Baekyung followed Jehyun’s lead obediently. His large size and gentle nature made Jehyun feel like he was seeing his younger brother Shin Jehee, making him smile and ask.

    “Have you had dinner? What do you want to eat? I’ll treat you.”

    “Really? You’ll buy it for me?”

    “Uh, there are a lot of good places to eat around here. You don’t really know this area, right? I’ve lived here for four years. If there’s anything you want to eat, just let me know. I’ll tell you which place is the best.”

    “Something I want to eat….”

    Baekyung tilted his head as if he were pondering. While looking at him, Jehyun tried to think of places that might still be open at this hour and stopped at the crosswalk when he saw the traffic light.

    “Do you like market-style chicken? You know, the one fried without batter. There’s a really good place for that. Want to have chicken and beer? You can handle your alcohol, right? I remember you stayed almost till the end last time. I don’t really remember since I blacked out.”

    “I think I can handle alcohol. You blacked out? You didn’t seem that drunk that day.”

    “Yeah, let’s go.”

    Just as Jehyun was about to reply, he noticed the light had turned green and patted Baekyung on the back. Walking side by side across the crosswalk with Ha Baekyung, Jehyun continued speaking.

    “I usually look pretty sober even when I’m drun—”

    He was about to finish his sentence when it happened. Late at night, perhaps because the rider didn’t notice the two of them in their black padded jackets, a delivery motorcycle rushed by from the right, narrowly missing them.

    “Whoa, shit! That scared me.”

    Jehyun, startled, pulled Baekyung’s arm and stopped in his tracks. Still gripping Baekyung’s sleeve tightly, Jehyun turned his head in the direction where the motorcycle had sped off.

    “Is that guy crazy? Hey, are you okay?”

    Worried about Baekyung, who had been standing closer to where the motorcycle passed, Jehyun quickly moved and led him safely onto the sidewalk. He looked around, checking to see if Baekyung had gotten hurt.

    “Are you shaken up? Are you hurt anywhere? Did it run over your foot?”

    “…I’m fine.”

    Baekyung seemed a bit startled. His brown eyes, looking slightly expressionless, shimmered under the streetlights as he looked down at Jehyun. Seeing that his junior’s handsome face was unharmed, Shin Jehyun let out a sigh of relief.

    “It can be dangerous here at night. I’m glad you’re okay. Let’s go.”

    With that, Jehyun gave a brief smile and started walking toward the chicken place. Ha Baekyung stood still for a moment, watching Jehyun’s back, before finally following after him.



    “If we were walking together and a motorcycle rushed by me, what would you do?”

    “What would I do?”

    “Would you ask if I was okay and check if I was hurt?”

    Caught off guard by Baekyung’s sudden question, Ha Jaekyung looked at his younger brother with an expression of disgust. Then, making a face as if he was grossed out, he flicked a snack at Baekyung and said,

    “What nonsense are you talking about? You should just be grateful I don’t shove you out of the way.”


    Yeah, that was the normal response. Ha Baekyung glanced at Ha Jaekyung with a look that said he expected this, then turned his head away again. Sitting cross-legged on the couch with his chin in his hand, he thought back to what happened a few days ago.

    189 cm tall and 95 kg. Thanks to swimming until the age of 16, Baekyung had shoulders so broad that even the Pacific Ocean seemed too small. He had rarely been protected by anyone. By the time he was in 4th grade, Ha Baekyung was already over 170 cm tall, making him bigger than his peers and often treated like an adult.

    Even his older brother, Ha Jaekyung, would push Baekyung forward during fights rather than protect him because of his size.

    So when Shin Jehyun had grabbed him by the sleeve and pulled him close as if to shield him, it had been a very unfamiliar feeling for Baekyung.

    It was really strange. It felt so foreign, yet ticklish…. While thinking about that night, Ha Jaekyung suddenly asked him,

    “Hey, did you end up meeting the healer or not? Noona said you didn’t show up to the meeting.”

    “Tell her to stop talking nonsense.”

    “Are you both just too scared to meet, then pretending you did?”

    “I really went. The healer didn’t show.”

    Ha Baekyung grew irritated at the ridiculous conversation. Ignoring Ha Jaekyung’s teasing, Baekyung stood up and opened the fridge. He grabbed a can of zero cola and went straight to his room.

    As the computer booted up, Baekyung, still frowning, thought about the person he had spent the night with. Shin Jehyun, a sunbae who had been strangely on his mind a lot lately.

    His awareness of Shin Jehyun had started from the orientation. At first, it was because his initial impression had been so intimidating that Baekyung couldn’t help but notice him. But as he listened more, he realized that his voice seemed oddly familiar. It felt like he’d definitely heard it somewhere before.

    After the orientation, Baekyung had been getting ready for a server merge by practicing with a ranking party. He remembered that while doing so, he had received directions from a healer through voice chat. That’s when he realized why Shin Jehyun’s voice had felt so familiar—it sounded a lot like the healer’s voice.

    Though there was a slight difference between the healer’s voice heard through the speakers and Shin Jehyun’s, Baekyung knew that voices often sounded different through microphones, cables, and speakers.

    Then, by chance, he ran into Jehyun at a bar with his classmates, and Baekyung began to suspect that Shin Jehyun might really be the healer. When he subtly probed him, Jehyun reacted in a suspicious way. When Baekyung joked that he looked like he’d be good at games, Jehyun retorted that Baekyung looked like a gaming addict. This only fueled his suspicions further when Jehyun nonchalantly defended Caplet as if he were hiding something.

    Later, when the conversation turned to meeting in person for a player-versus-player (PVP) match, Baekyung had specifically chosen Korea University’s back gate as the meeting spot because it was close to where Jehyun said he lived. So when Baekyung ran into Jehyun in the elevator, he had been caught off guard. If Shin Jehyun was indeed the healer, the timing to reveal that Baekyung was Habaek had been thrown off.

    But it really did seem like Shin Jehyun had gone to the back gate for a secondhand transaction. Baekyung had even seen with his own eyes Jehyun getting scammed by a thug-like guy, so he had half-dropped his suspicions.

    He only held onto some suspicion because of one thing. The healer was incredibly brazen. If Shin Jehyun was really the healer, he would have been the kind of person to leave Baekyung standing on the street, waiting until his transaction was done, without hesitation.

    So still half-doubting Jehyun, Baekyung questioned him at the chicken restaurant. Using Jehyun’s previous comment about blacking out as a clue, Baekyung made him drink a lot of lemon soju and then pestered him to show his Raterre character.

    Contrary to Baekyung’s suspicion of it being a cover, it turned out that Jehyun really had a max-level character on the non-PvP server of Raterre. The last login time was also around when they ran into each other in the elevator, suggesting that Jehyun genuinely played Raterre.

    “Shin Jehyun isn’t Healer.” Acknowledging this truth for some reason made Baekyung feel good. That night, he drank with Jehyun until the second round, parting ways around 3 AM on the 14th floor with a Jehyun who still appeared quite sober. Spending so much time one-on-one with someone wasn’t something Baekyung had expected.

    Though Baekyung’s appearance suggested an extroverted personality, in reality, he didn’t particularly enjoy people’s company. However, the time spent with Jehyun felt surprisingly comfortable. After some thought, Baekyung realized it was likely due to Jehyun’s attitude toward him.

    Unlike the female classmates who viewed him as a romantic interest or the male classmates who were desperate to befriend him, Jehyun simply found Baekyung cute and casually touched him. Baekyung had lost count of how many times Jehyun, drunk that night at the chicken restaurant, patted his head.

    Normally, Baekyung would react violently even if Ha Jaekyung, his own brother, so much as touched his hair. Yet, strangely, he didn’t mind Jehyun’s touches. The unfamiliar feeling originated from that moment at the crosswalk.

    Jehyun’s touch, as he pulled him protectively, came to mind every time Jehyun patted him. It was such an odd experience that Baekyung couldn’t push him away.

    As Baekyung continued thinking about Jehyun, the screen suddenly lit up, signaling the end of loading. Turning his gaze back to the monitor, Baekyung’s character, Habaek, stood in front of the Mallorca entrance with a familiar figure nearby.

    Healer: Oh, did the coward show up?

    Healer: Sitting in your room all day, huh? Too scared to say hi and ran off, huh?

    Healer: Were you scared I’d hit you? I was gonna treat you to a meal, so why’d you run?

    Scoffing at the flood of messages, Baekyung placed his fingers on the keyboard.

    Habaek: Who’s introducing themselves here?

    Habaek: Didn’t even show up but acting like you did, huh?

    Healer: Lol, shut up. I waited so long, I got frostbite on my toes.

    Healer: Pay for my treatment.

    Habaek: I thought you got into an accident on the way to the back gate and called 911.

    Healer: Take a screenshot of that report and post it in the guild, and I’ll delete my character.

    As if he’d actually do that. Grinning in disbelief, Baekyung asked Healer a question.

    Typing out “darling” made him feel like vomiting, but just as he hated being called that for years, so did Healer.

    Why do something to others if you hate it yourself?

    That was it. Empathy unlocked. After seeing Healer’s chat during a past battle, Baekyung decided to annoy him in the same way from now on. He should’ve done this sooner, he thought, as he coldly provoked Healer with a blank expression.

    Habaek: Are we really only going to have an online relationship? I don’t care if you’re ugly; I’ll still love you 😔

    Healer: Did you really not call 911? All talk, huh?

    Habaek: How insecure are you? How bad is it that you’re this scared?

    Healer: Have you even seen my face? Lol, do you even go outside?

    Habaek: Lolol, should I print my Google location history?

    Healer: “True gamers” be like: pulling out location history thinking people will be impressed.

    Habaek: True gamers be like: Haven’t been outside in 3,000 years and believe their dream walks were real.

    Healer: Habaek’s hobby: arranging meet-ups but then falling asleep at home and lying about showing up.

    But as the conversation continued, Baekyung grew frustrated.

    How could someone be this shameless? Healer kept claiming Baekyung didn’t show up when it was clearly Healer who didn’t. Could it be that Healer actually showed up? Grinding his teeth, Baekyung glared at the chat window before picking up his phone. After confirming it wasn’t too late, he sent a message to Shin Jehyun.


    [Sunbae, sorry to bother you, but I’ve got a question. Could there be another back gate at Korea University, different from the one we went to?]

    As if Jehyun had been looking at his phone, the reply came quickly.

    Healer: You crying?

    Habaek: Just thinking about you typing at your desk with your bedsores makes me tear up.

    Healer: Habaek: “I’m crying” (This will make him think I’m serious, right?)

    Even while their exchange continued, Healer’s trash talk kept going. Baekyung shot back a response from Habaek while also messaging Jehyun again.


    [The person I was supposed to meet insists they went to the back gate, but aside from that scammer, no one else showed up, right?]

    [If you go about 200 meters out from the back gate to the edge of the road, there’s a small side gate. That might have been the back gate in the past.]


    [Someone who’s lived in the area for a long time might still call that the back gate. Even the juice shop guy still says he’s been at the back gate for ages.]


    [So who were you meeting? They must be older, huh?]


    [Ah… Yeah, they’re probably older. Thanks a lot! You cleared up my confusion.]

    [No problem. You got home okay last night? I blacked out again…😭 Thanks for the mouse, too. Send me your account, and I’ll pay you back.]


    “So there was another back gate.” Baekyung frowned as he looked at Healer, who was still accusing him of not showing up.

    However, the place officially known as the back gate now was exactly where Baekyung had been waiting. The fact that Healer had been waiting somewhere else, yet brazenly continued to run his mouth, was laughable.

    No, wait. Did he do that on purpose? With that certainty in mind, Baekyung smirked and fired back at Healer’s latest message.

    Healer: Got nothing to say now, huh? Out of excuses? Wonder what you’ll come up with next time you chicken out again.

    Habaek: I’ve never seen such a pathetic loser before.

    Healer: Self-introduction time?

    Healer: Anyway, we all know Habaek chickened out big time, but let me know when you grow a spine, and I’ll buy you dinner, okay?^^?

    Habaek: I don’t go to free soup kitchens, lol.

    It was impossible to have a proper conversation. In the end, Ha Baekyung shook his head and moved his character elsewhere.

    Healer was truly shameless. Their back-and-forth felt like a broken record, and Baekyung realized it was a waste of time to keep up with Healer’s twisted mind games.

    “I need to be the better person.” Ignoring the guild chat where Healer continued looking for him, Baekyung started queueing for a solo battleground. It was time to get back to what really mattered.

    “This guy must be out of his mind,” Jehyun muttered in exasperation, deleting all his mail. Healer’s inbox was stuffed with random junk items, which he had used a workaround to store due to lack of space in his inventory. The items had piled up, and in the process of sorting through them before a server merge would wipe everything, Jehyun stumbled across messages from Habaek.

    On Caplet, even though whispers were blocked between players after being muted, they could still send each other mail or chat through other channels. After a fight in a dungeon where they both muted each other, Habaek and Jehyun had a habit of mailing each other junk items as a way of flipping the middle finger, and now there were hundreds of them from Habaek.

    To. Healer

    You dropped this from your pocket.

    Attached Item: Cow Dung

    From. Habaek

    And now, Jehyun found himself cursing at the absurdity of it all as he went through dozens of similar messages.

    Contempt: What’s up?

    “Dude, this guy sent me over 100 mails. It’s all cow dung.”

    Cow dung was an item you got during a level 3 quest early in the game. Aside from that quest, it was utterly useless. Apparently, Habaek had kept it in his inventory until max level just to send it to Jehyun.

    As Jehyun moved past all the pointless messages, each one forcing him to claim the attached items before deleting them, he grew increasingly annoyed. After sorting through about 20 pieces of cow dung, he paused and twisted his lips into a grin before deciding to accept them all into his inventory.

    Then, Jehyun hit the “reply” button and wrote back to Habaek.

    To. Habaek

    Stop leaving crap on the battlefield, babe, I picked it up for you.

    Attached Item: Cow Dung (20)

    From. Healer

    “I thought I was done with this.” Realizing he’d casually dropped another “babe” joke, Jehyun clicked send, only to feel a slight twinge of regret right after. But it was already done.

    As he continued sorting his inventory, a notification chimed—new mail had arrived. Jehyun frowned. It had to be Habaek. Opening his inbox, he braced himself for whatever nonsense awaited him.

    To. Healer

    I picked up something you dropped on the road too, babe^^

    Guess you couldn’t contain your feelings for me..

    I’m so nervous..😭

    Attached Item: Wobbly Heart (367)

    From. Habaek

    “What the hell is this?” Jehyun squinted at the unfamiliar item as he hovered over it with his mouse. The description popped up:

    Wobbly Heart (367)

    Priest Anyak’s heart, dropped as she fled in despair. It’s said that the overwhelming love she had for the rogue Liv burst from her and solidified into this item. Rumor has it you can make a ‘special’ potion using this.

    Anyak was the boss of Anyak’s Love School, a max-level dungeon that was more of an event and not really worth the grind. Jehyun didn’t bother with it much, since it wasn’t his kind of thing, and he hadn’t even farmed it for rankings. The dungeon revolved around a bizarre love story between a priest, Anyak, and a rogue, Liv.

    “That psycho.”

    Contempt: …What’s up?

    Jehyun’s muttering seemed to make Contempt, who was in voice chat with him, feel uneasy.

    “Did you do something wrong? What is it?”

    Contempt: No! I swear, I didn’t! Really, I didn’t!

    “Strong denial, huh? You know what they say about that.”

    Contempt: Seriously, nothing! Just finish sorting your mail!

    Still suspicious, Jehyun narrowed his eyes but stayed silent. After all, whatever Contempt could have done probably wasn’t that big of a deal.

    Deciding to take Habaek’s bait, Jehyun accepted the Wobbly Heart and mailed it back to Habaek, split into 30 pieces, with a message: We’re done. P.S. here’s some more useless garbage.

    When Habaek replied again, Jehyun didn’t bother reading it. Instead, he quickly finished cleaning up the rest of his inventory and shut his mailbox. As he opened his inventory, he was greeted by a cluttered mess of useless junk.

    “Wow, damn. My inventory’s about to explode. Should I just throw out all the materials?”

    Contempt: You probably can, right? I threw all mine away.

    “Alright, I’m doing it too.”

    [Guild] SpellChecker: There’s a notice about the server merge on the homepage, have you seen it?

    That’s when SpellChecker spoke up. Homepage? The odd word made Jehyun tilt his head as he typed a response.

    [Guild] Healer: What’s a homepage?

    [Guild] Contempt: Dude, you don’t know the word for server in Korean? It’s not a merge, it’s a consolidation ㅋㅅㅋ..

    [Guild] SpellChecker: They’re opening a new stage of Raptor’s Nest, expanding every two weeks.

    [Guild] Contempt: Master of muting…;ㅅ;

    [Guild] Healer: Is there an official notice, or is this just a rumor? Where can I see it? Caplet forum?

    [Guild] SpellChecker: It’s posted on the official homepage.

    “What the hell is a homepage?”

    Frustrated, Jehyun shouted out loud. Was it a new game info site? No way a dying game like Caplet would have a new site for updates. He couldn’t figure it out, so he grabbed his phone to check the official Caplet homepage.

    [Guild] BeoseotTangsuYuk: Homepage = 누리집 (Korean word for it)

    [Guild] BeoseotTangsuYuk: It’s the Korean replacement term for website^^

    BeoseotTangsuYuk explained SpellChecker’s message.

    [Guild] Healer: Oh. Thank you 😭

    [Guild] BeoseotTangsuYuk: LOL, and yes, you’re right, using the Korean word for “server” is the proper way of doing it 😊

    [Guild] Contempt: Hahaha as expected…;ㅅ; You need to study up to stay in character!

    BeoseotTangsuYuk, an enchanter, had been someone Jehyun often ran into on the battlefield before their guilds merged. He’d thought BeoseotTangsuYuk was quiet since he didn’t talk much, unlike the non-stop duo of Habaek and Sangjae. But when their guilds merged, BeoseotTangsuYuk’s profile said he was a foreigner. Jehyun had wondered if he would speak in English, but it turned out the guy just found typing a hassle.

    It was strange that a foreigner was teaching him about Korean terms, but still, Jehyun quickly thanked him and opened Caplet’s official site on his phone.

    #024 [Notice] March 2: Caplet‘s New Season, ‘Supersaturation,’ is Coming

    Author: GM202

    Hello, this is GM202 from Caplet‘s Support Team.

    On March 2, the server merge will take place, and with it, Caplet’s new season will begin.

    The Legion Commanders, who absorbed raptors to become Saturated Raptors, have now over-absorbed and caused a “Supersaturation” phenomenon.

    This phenomenon will open new stages every two weeks after the server merge. The supersaturated dungeons are as follows:

    • Week 1: Anyak’s Love School
    • Week 3: Spirit’s Resting Place
    • Week 5: Cahill’s Lab
    • Week 7: Ancient Crossroads
    • Week 9: Galie’s Maze
    • Week 11: Black Tower
    • Week 13: Kazak’s Garden Maze
    • Week 15: Spinning Ponyu’s Overgrown Territory
    • Week 17: Enger Fleet
    • Week 19: Mallorca’s Tomb
    • Week 21: Helkaras’s Sanctuary

    Each dungeon will have three levels (Normal, Saturated, Supersaturated), with only the Supersaturated difficulty allowing ranking competition. (Example: In Week 1 and 2, players can compete in Anyak’s Love School Supersaturated difficulty and the Saturated difficulties of nine other dungeons.)

    Only Supersaturated dungeons will grant first-clear titles post-merge.

    Additionally, once the Helkaras’s Sanctuary Supersaturated dungeon is cleared, a new dungeon will appear. We hope you look forward to it.

    Ragnarr, the field raid boss, will not be available this season due to a renewal.

    Details will be provided on March 2 after the update.

    Thank you.

    Ahn Yiyoung’s announcements were always so vague. To summarize, there would be a server merge, and every two weeks, a max-level dungeon would open on the highest difficulty. That was about it, just stretched out for no reason.

    The news that Ragnarr was gone was a welcome surprise. Its loot had been terrible anyway, and it only added unnecessary variables to guild competitions.

    But the part about a new dungeon opening after Helkaras’s Sanctuary was cleared? Did that mean it wouldn’t open if the dungeon wasn’t cleared? Jehyun read over the announcement several times, puzzled, before closing the browser and logging into the Caplet forum, which was already buzzing about the supersaturation news.

    Anonymous1: Is this even possible?

    Anonymous2: They’ve been dead silent for a year, and now they claim they’ll release a new dungeon every two weeks? This is Caplet, right? LOL

    Anonymous3: More like two-month intervals. No way they can churn out content that fast.

    └ What did we ever do to deserve this crap?

    WTF is this? 😂 There’s a new Caplet official interview with the devs.


    So, turns out I thought they finally did some actual development work, but no…

    Apparently, it’s just content they had designed and left out when creating the Saturated dungeons, and now they’re releasing it. LOL, they’re proud of reusing old stuff?

    Comments (6):

    Anonymous1: There were gimmicks they initially designed to be harder than expected, so they left them out, and now they’re releasing them because they think players are skilled enough to handle them?<< What a condescending tone.

    └ Who the hell are they to judge our skill level and talk like that?

    Anonymous2: So, basically, no actual new content?

    Anonymous3: Yiyoung, please, just reveal your face once, haha.

    Anonymous4: So, they want us to believe this is some kind of compensation for the lack of updates until they expand the max level? Is the level cap expansion even confirmed? They haven’t said anything about when, but until then, they want us to grind through recycled content over and over? I’m done with this, bye.

    Anonymous5: You can totally see it coming… The dungeon’s gonna be an absolute nightmare of convoluted mechanics.

    LOL, the moment the notice went up, the market got cleaned out of upgrade stones. Who’s the jerk who did that? Is it that ‘Destiny Killer’ dude?

    Hope you blow up a thousand times upgrading to +15 once the season opens, LOL.

    Comments (3):

    Anonymous1: The nickname screams ‘that’ guild, doesn’t it?

    Anonymous2: Prices went up by 100x in 10 minutes 😂… Today’s just another day of growing disgust for the game’s hardcore players.

    Anonymous3: Seriously, though, just sell upgrade stones in the shop already. After all this time, they still haven’t learned? The whole market can be shaken up by one person; how is this even acceptable?

    Despite making a big deal about the update after 100 years, Ahn Yiyoung even did an interview with a vendor. But the excitement that built up after the announcement of the Supersaturation quickly turned into disappointment once Jehyun read the actual content. It turned out the “new” gimmicks in the Supersaturated dungeons were just recycled ideas they had scrapped during level design. That was all.

    Basically, they just slapped a fancy name on old mechanics they decided to reuse. Of course, Jehyun thought, clicking his tongue. Then he cursed out the people hoarding supplies the moment the notice dropped and opened his calendar.

    No matter what, there were only two days left until the server merge and the start of the semester. That meant he had to clear Anyak’s Love School in Supersaturation mode on the first day. Jehyun started planning how to get the first clear of the dungeon, posting the notice in the guild chat (minus Habaek, who had left after a fight with Jehyun).

    [Notice: Please check the announcement. Let’s get the first clear for Anyak’s Love School after the March 2 update.]

    12:36 PM

    [Anyone experienced with Love School? I barely run it, so I need to try it a few times before the merge.]

    Five hundred times? Jehyun’s face twisted in disgust.

    Anyak’s Love School had a mechanic Jehyun absolutely hated—where the character gets fat, slowing attack speed and increasing skill cooldowns. Shin Jehyun, with his quick temper, couldn’t stand anything that slowed him down, so in the two years since Anyak’s Love School had been out, he had only run it about twenty times.

    Five hundred times, though? Yeah, that person’s insane. With a grimace, Jehyun typed in the guild chat:

    [Guild] Healer: Beoseot, do you like Love School? Want to duo heal with me? I’m not very familiar with it…

    [Guild] BeoseotTangsuYuk: Sure! (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

    As much as Jehyun hated it, he needed these kinds of “crazy” people. Seeing BeoseotTangsuYuk agree without hesitation, Jehyun immediately started forming a party.

    Humans and other races had been living peacefully in the world of Caplet. But one day, a black tear appeared in the sky, and from it emerged a race of bipedal creatures that resembled lizards—the subspecies known as Raptors. This event set off a series of upheavals in Caplet.

    For thousands of years, Caplet’s inhabitants had lived in peace, and they didn’t find the non-speaking Raptors threatening. Instead, they curiously observed them, leaving the Raptors to breed and increase their numbers near the black tear, or gate.

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