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    According to the police surveillance installed at Yu Duqiu’s company, Pei Ming arrived with five attendants.

    Among them, two strong men seemed to be carrying heavy and long items wrapped in black waterproof bags. Based on Lu Qing’s observation, they looked like controlled weapons or containers for dismembered bodies.

    Three police cars raced from the Xinjing precinct toward the scene, running through multiple red lights. Their sirens blared until they neared the destination, arriving just in time at the technology park.

    Ji Lin jumped out of the police car and instructed Lu Qing to stay inside, ready to contact the station if anything went wrong. He then led Niu Feng and several other muscular officers with determined strides into the entrance of Building C. When a security guard tried to stop them, Ji Lin flashed his badge and sternly asked, “Where’s your boss? Take us to him.”

    The security guards exchanged uneasy glances, none daring to speak first.

    “Here we go again. Is Yu Duqiu running his own country or something? Why do his people only listen to him and refuse to cooperate with the police?” Ji Lin grumbled.

    Niu Feng, equally frustrated, chimed in, “Captain, forget talking, let’s just search every room!”

    One guard grimaced and replied, “It’s not that we don’t want to cooperate, it’s just that we’re afraid of losing our jobs. At least you cops are fair and follow the law, but our boss… the only thing ‘fair’ about him is his gender.”

    At that moment, Yuan Li elegantly appeared, gently tucking her hair behind her ear, and flashed a professional smile. “Captain Ji, is it? Mr. Yu knew you’d come, and he specifically asked me to bring you to him.”

    Seeing the calm and polite woman, Niu Feng’s anger immediately faded. He awkwardly avoided her gaze and whispered to Ji Lin, “How did Yu Duqiu know we’d come? Did he bug our station or something?”

    Ji Lin snorted. “A police station bugged? That would be a nightmare. He probably just guessed that I’d show up once I saw Pei Ming on the surveillance footage. This guy knows people’s minds too well. You—his secretary, right? Lead the way, and don’t try anything funny!”

    Niu Feng muttered under his breath, “…And that’s why our captain’s been single since birth.”

    Since Yuan Li was waiting for them, it seemed there was no major incident inside. Ji Lin discreetly holstered his gun, put on an earpiece, and went in solo, instructing the others to stay outside in case something went wrong.

    Yuan Li led them to the reception room door and knocked lightly twice, her voice soft, “Mr. Yu, Captain Ji is here. Should I take him to your office to wait?”

    “No need, let him in.”

    The door opened, and Ji Lin stepped in. As soon as he entered, a strong smell of tobacco hit him, but it was different from regular cigarettes—it had a scent of caramel and coffee mixed in.

    His gaze immediately locked onto the source of the smoke—by the sofa and coffee table.

    The two groups sat facing each other on opposite sides. Yu Duqiu’s entourage looked a bit thin, with only Zhao Feihua, Lou Baoguo, and the unfortunate little security guard who seemed resigned and spaced out, perhaps having given up.

    On the other side, Pei Ming’s five attendants formed a half-circle behind the person seated on the center sofa. One held a DSLR camera, and another was adjusting a tripod.

    Ji Lin: “…”

    So, the “packages” seen on surveillance were just these two gadgets.

    This was a case of overreacting. Now that he was thinking clearly, even if Pei Ming was the mastermind, the situation likely hadn’t escalated to a point of no return since Yu Duqiu’s project hadn’t even launched yet.

    Ji Lin steadied himself and met the gaze of everyone in the room.

    He had already investigated Pei Ming’s background and was familiar with his appearance, but this was the first time he was meeting him in person.

    Compared to the polished elite image in business magazines, Pei Ming in real life seemed more laid-back. When Ji Lin entered, Pei Ming removed the cigar from his mouth, turned to glance at him, raised his thick eyebrows slightly, and gave a small nod along with a warm, welcoming smile.

    He was composed yet approachable, a master at putting people at ease. And, considering he was quite handsome, it was no wonder he was far more successful in business than his brother.

    Yuan Li excused herself and closed the door. Ji Lin calmly walked towards the sofa, his mind racing through everything he knew about Pei Ming:

    Pei Ming, male, currently 35 years old, eldest son of Pei Xianyong, the founder of Pei Jewelry, and Peizhuo’s older brother from the same parents.

    Pei Ming’s life had been a mix of fortune and hardship. He was born into wealth, with his father Pei Xianyong reigning as the richest man in Pingyi City throughout Pei Ming’s childhood. Naturally, all eyes were on Pei Ming as the heir. Fortunately, he lived up to expectations, growing up amidst endless praise, smoothly entering top universities, and becoming one of the country’s most promising young elites.

    However, few people’s lives remain smooth forever. Just as Pei Ming was beginning to take over the family business after coming of age, his father, Pei Xianyong, was imprisoned for involvement in drug trafficking. Overnight, the family’s stock plummeted, scandals exploded, and all their drug-related assets were confiscated, leaving them severely weakened—a blow from which they have yet to fully recover. Pei Ming, once the golden child, was now branded as the despised “son of a drug lord.”

    If it weren’t for Pei Ming’s real business acumen and his ability to endure humiliation while carefully managing the company, they would have gone bankrupt during the toughest years, and the whole family would be left in dire straits.

    Although Pei Ming’s wealth no longer ranks him on any major lists, he is still a notable figure in Pingyi City. Without a warrant from the prosecutor’s office, it would be difficult to search his property and company.

    Ji Lin nodded back at Pei Ming and then shifted his gaze—so far, they hadn’t found any evidence directly implicating Pei Ming, so it was better not to show too much curiosity and risk alerting him.

    Yu Duqiu had probably instructed his secretary to falsely claim that he had a prior appointment with the police in order to reduce Pei Ming’s suspicions.

    Although Yu Duqiu usually acted erratically and was rather annoying, Ji Lin had to admit that, in critical moments, he could unexpectedly be dependable.

    Ji Lin glanced at Yu Duqiu and teased, “Hey, Mr. Yu, you’re looking a bit lonely today. Why only two people with you? Last time, when you met with the mayor, you had a whole crowd of followers.”

    Yu Duqiu seemed to catch on to Ji Lin’s hint for more information and responded, “Bai Zhao got hurt earlier. I asked Old Zhou to take him to the hospital to get bandaged.”

    That was exactly the response Ji Lin was waiting for. Internally, he praised Yu Duqiu for being “on point.” Feigning concern, he asked, “What? How could someone get hurt in the office? What happened?”

    “We were doing something in the small meeting room, not convenient to explain.” Yu Duqiu grinned mischievously. “He’s too stubborn, and ended up hurting himself.”


    …So much for Yu Duqiu being dependable! Expecting him to talk sense was like expecting stones to sprout flowers!

    Zhao Feihua chimed in curiously, “No way, you only took five minutes?”

    Yu Duqiu: “…”

    Lou Baoguo sighed, “The day has finally come to bid you farewell, Feihua. It’s been a pleasure working with you all these years. Remember, talking less won’t kill you.”

    Pei Ming chuckled softly, breaking the awkwardness between them. “Duqiu, who is this?”

    Following the lead, Yu Duqiu introduced, “Oh, this is Captain Ji from the Xinjing precinct. He’s in charge of investigating my second uncle’s case. We’ve been seeing each other often lately, trying to find the culprit quickly.”

    Ji Lin smoothly extended his right hand to Pei Ming, “Mr. Pei, I’ve heard a lot about you. It’s an honor.”

    Pei Ming didn’t display the haughty demeanor typical of many wealthy businessmen. Perhaps due to his father’s history, he seemed cautious around the police. He quickly stood up and shook Ji Lin’s hand. “I’m just a businessman, nothing compared to those of you who risk your lives for the people. Saying it’s an honor is too flattering. I’ve also heard about you, Captain Ji. My brother caused you some trouble recently.”

    Ji Lin felt something hard when he shook Pei Ming’s hand. Looking down, he saw a large jade ring on Pei Ming’s finger.

    It was lush green and perfectly translucent.

    Ji Lin’s heart sank.

    Peizhuo, the spoiled younger brother, had clearly complained to his older brother. He even told him the name of the officer who interrogated him—not exactly to send a thank-you note.

    Though Pei Ming’s outward attitude was polite, Ji Lin couldn’t shake the feeling that there was an eerie green glint in his eyes, matching the color of his ring. He wasn’t sure if it was just his imagination.

    “No worries. We believe he’s innocent. It was just a precaution.”

    Pei Ming smiled. “Of course. I’ve watched him grow up. He wouldn’t even hurt a fly, let alone commit a crime.”

    What kind of odd reasoning is that? Ji Lin thought. Not hurting people doesn’t automatically make someone a good person, especially when rich folks like them don’t do their dirty work themselves.

    “I also heard about him giving Lingya gifts. It’s nothing new. He had a crush on her back in school and used to give her things all the time. No big deal.”

    Clearly trying to excuse his brother, Ji Lin played along. “Yes, after our investigation, we concluded there was no issue. He was released immediately, but he might have felt embarrassed about being in the police station. He didn’t seem in a good mood when he left. Perhaps, Mr. Pei, you could talk to him and lift his spirits.”

    Pei Ming nodded graciously, “Of course, I’ll do that.”

    After their polite exchange, Ji Lin sat next to Yu Duqiu and casually glanced at Huang Hanxiang, who looked quite uneasy. “This guy looks unfamiliar. Is he one of your employees?”

    Yu Duqiu shrugged. “Today’s ‘unexpected catch.’ I’m not sure who planted this spy in my place. I was just talking to Brother Pei about it. He used to work as a security guard at Pei’s company.”

    Ji Lin instantly understood the implication and dragged out his response, “Oh… quite the coincidence.”

    “Exactly. I’m not sure who he’s been mingling with since leaving my company, but it looks like he became some sort of corporate spy. Luckily, Duqiu spotted him early on, so no damage was done.” Pei Ming picked up the conversation smoothly, distancing himself from any suspicion. He casually pushed a lacquered cigar box across the table. “Captain Ji, care for one? These are Behike 52s. It took some effort to get a box. I was going to give them to Duqiu, but he hasn’t smoked in years. You smoke, don’t you?”

    Ji Lin waved his hand, “Thank you, but I don’t smoke and wouldn’t know a good cigar if I saw one. Don’t waste it on me.”

    The brown paper wrapping the cigars resembled a crisp vintage suit, but who knew if it contained tobacco or poison, much like how scum often hides beneath a seemingly respectable exterior.

    Pei Ming sighed, “What a shame,” but he didn’t insist, continuing to smoke himself, and thoughtfully asked, “Duqiu, Captain Ji is looking for you. Do you need me to step out?”

    Ji Lin replied, half-jokingly and half-truthfully, “No need. I don’t have anything pressing. I mainly came to check on his recent situation, see what he’s been up to and who he’s been meeting. You guys can talk.”

    Pei Ming joked, “Duqiu, you’re now the ‘prime suspect,’ huh?”

    Yu Duqiu shrugged helplessly, “Yeah, I’ve lost my freedom.”

    “Don’t worry, Duqiu won’t kill anyone. He’s far too timid—afraid of the dark, scared of guns, and most terrified of being loved.” Pei Ming teased.

    Yu Duqiu laughed, “I’m not afraid of the dark or guns; I just prefer to sleep with the lights on. I did shoot while in America; if you don’t believe me, ask Captain Ji. I am afraid of being loved, though—it’s too much trouble. I prefer open relationships.”

    “You’re nearly thirty; it’s about time you got a serious partner,” Pei Ming said, casually pressing the edge of his cigar against the ashtray, spinning it to let the ash fall. Seemingly nonchalant, he asked, “Isn’t Lingya quite nice? Why did you suddenly break off the engagement? I heard from Xiaozhu that… you seem to suspect she harmed you? Is that true?”

    As soon as he said this, the two people sitting on the opposite sofa silently cursed.

    Lou Baoguo struggled to suppress his urge to curse and turned to Zhao Feihua with a look: Look at him! Asking questions he already knows the answers to! Isn’t that shameless?

    Zhao Feihua quietly adjusted his glasses with his middle finger.

    Huang Hanxiang suddenly coughed violently twice. Lou Baoguo quickly covered his mouth with a hand, whispering sharply, “Quiet! You’re just a foolish little thing; how dare you act as a corporate spy?”

    In contrast to the anger of the two, Yu Duqiu, the person in question, remained calm and quickly crafted an excuse: “She didn’t harm me; she was just too naïve and got used by others. The main reason is that she couldn’t stand me messing around with men right under her nose. I didn’t want to spoil her, so I took the opportunity to propose breaking off the engagement. I really don’t understand; she’s seen me with men for years. What’s there to be angry about?”

    Pei Ming seemed skeptical, but the reason was very much in line with the typical behavior of the playboy, Young Master Yu. Even Ji Lin, who witnessed it firsthand, began to doubt whether this guy was using the investigation as an excuse to end the engagement.

    “I’ve heard the same thing outside; everyone feels sorry for Lingya,” Pei Ming replied sympathetically. “However, you’re right; she knew about your orientation long ago, but she refused to listen to your advice and jumped into the fire herself. Who can she blame for getting hurt? My brother, on the other hand, is quite happy. You know he’s liked Lingya since he was a kid, and lately, he’s been visiting the Du family every day, trying to get close to her. I don’t actually agree with it; you know why.”

    Yu Duqiu replied nonchalantly, “That’s all from the previous generation. Even if Du Yuanzhen reported your father, he’s been dead for almost ten years. Can’t you move on?”

    Pei Ming shook his head, sighing softly, “My father brought it upon himself, so I can’t blame others, but Du Yuanzhen added fuel to the fire after the verdict, claiming he had insider informants who could dig up more clues, thus boosting his prestige in the industry. It terrified our family for years, fearing we’d be implicated again, unable to hold our heads up anywhere. To this day, the Du family hasn’t provided any evidence, leaving us to suffer for so many years. Xiaozhu was too young back then and didn’t feel it deeply, but I will never forget.”

    Lou Baoguo was engrossed in the gossip and, afraid to speak, pulled out his phone to text: [Isn’t it perfect? The offspring of a poisoner with the offspring of a scoundrel—what a match!]

    Zhao Feihua coldly replied: [They don’t see it that way; they think they’re innocent. It’s like wearing a mask to the grave—utterly shameless.]

    Pei Ming showed no signs of false sentimentality; his feelings appeared quite genuine. “However, if Xiaozhu really likes Lingya and she’s willing, I won’t stand in their way. I’ll bless them. I just want to apologize to you; as an older brother, I hope you won’t mind.”

    Yu Duqiu graciously replied, “What’s there to worry about? Brother Pei, you’re too polite. Even though we haven’t seen each other for years, we’re not strangers, right?”

    “Haha, with that said, I’m relieved.” Pei Ming put down his cigar, resting it on the edge of the ashtray, and gestured behind him. “To be honest, I didn’t just come here to catch up; I have serious business to discuss.”

    His secretary immediately opened a notepad, and the photographer and videographer quickly took their positions. The lighting assistant set up reflectors that beautifully captured the sunlight, highlighting Pei Ming’s face, making his skin appear fair in the bright areas and deep in the shadows.

    His already outstanding looks shot up to star level.

    Everyone: “…………”

    Is he here to talk business or to shoot a magazine spread?

    Pei Ming, poised and radiant, his eyes bright and full of spirit, held himself impeccably like someone from a magazine.

    In contrast, the lighting around Yu Duqiu was much dimmer, but his striking silver hair stood out in any situation.

    Ji Lin couldn’t help but suspect that this was also a way to attract attention. These businessmen always maintained a respectable facade, but each was deeper and more scheming than the last.

    But then again, Yu Duqiu seemed to rarely appear in magazines; it didn’t seem like he needed to rely on his hair color to draw attention.

    Wherever he goes, he’s the center of attention.

    No matter how much the Pei brothers try to package themselves, the labels the world attaches to them are nothing more than common descriptors like “young talents” and “handsome and wealthy.”

    In contrast, no matter how unconventional or infamous Yu Duqiu is, the world still generously bestows upon him the title of “genius.”

    Being overshadowed by such an unbeatable rival is indeed a bit frustrating. Even without the Themis project or involvement in any investigation, Yu Duqiu likely finds himself regarded as a thorn in many people’s sides.

    “I saw the news report about the mayor visiting your lab a few days ago.” Pei Ming maintained a 45-degree angle toward the camera, his jewelry glimmering. As the shutter clicked, he spoke leisurely, “The report mentioned that your new project holds the promise of curing addiction? I’m quite interested. I wonder if you still need investors?”

    Author’s Note:

    Xiao Bai is coming back soon!

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