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    Loves Error

    If Qin Zigui doesn’t die, he will die of shame.

    So in theory it works, but the law may not allow it.

    Sheng Yan’s heart was ashen and his eyes were sad.

    The elevator door opened and he raised his hand to close it.

    The elevator door opened again, and he raised his hand to close it again.

    The elevator door opened again, and again…

    It wasn’t closed this time.

    Qin Zigui reached out to hold the elevator door and whispered: “The elevator is stuffy, get out first.”

    Sheng Yan kept his eyes straight: “I want you to take care of it.”

    Qin Zigui whispered again: “I didn’t see anything just now.”

    Sheng Yan slowly rolled his eyes: “Really?”

    “Yeah, really.”

    Qin Zigui’s expression was emotionless, and it seemed that he really didn’t intend to laugh at him about this matter.

    He barely understands anything.

    Only then did Sheng Yan look away, reluctantly straightened up, with a cold expression on his face, and handsomely walked out of the elevator in the image of a mature and steady school bully, trying to pretend that nothing happened.

    However, as soon as he took two steps, he felt something was wrong and turned around: “Why are you here? Didn’t you go to the competition training class?”

    Qin Zigui let go of his hand and turned around: “I don’t feel well today, so I didn’t go.”

    The elevator door slowly closed behind him.

    Sheng Yan asked again: “Then why are you standing in front of the elevator?”

    Qin Zigui: “Aunt asked me to go down and buy some drinks.”

    There’s nothing wrong with his tone or expression.

    But Sheng Yan just felt that something was not right.

    For a moment, he forgot the reason why he came back from class angrily. He only felt that something was strange. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and happened to catch a glimpse of Qin Zigui’s right hand. He frowned: “What’s wrong with your hand?”

    “Nothing.” Qin Zigui took his right hand back and put it back into his trouser pocket, “I accidentally touched it.”

    “Are you kidding? I just saw it. There are several scratches on the base of your fingers. It looks like they were just done. It can’t be accidental.” Sheng Yan’s tone was obviously anxious, and he took a step forward without caring. He then reached into Qin Zigui’s trouser pocket and tried to pull out the injured hand.

    The distance was too close, Qin Zigui quickly stepped aside.

    Sheng Yan’s hand was completely empty.

    The young man’s slender white knuckles were lonely and frozen in mid-air, showing some loneliness and embarrassment.

    Qin Zigui’s eyelashes moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, he only said lightly: “It has nothing to do with you.”

    Sheng Yan, who had been angry all night, finally laughed angrily at this moment, took back his hand, and sneered: “Yes, you are right, it really has nothing to do with me. I am just meddling in other people’s business.”

    As he said that, he walked straight towards 2601 on the left.

    Qin Zigui instinctively reached out to save him, but he slapped him away: “Don’t fucking touch me! It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand me!”

    Qin Zigui lowered his hands and stood there: “Sheng Yan, I didn’t mean that.”

    “I don’t care what you mean!”

    Sheng Yan got angry seeing him like this.

    It seems that everything in the world is insignificant to him, and other people’s true feelings seem like a joke.

    “Anyway, you said it yourself, we are not the same person, so from now on, I don’t care about your affairs, and you should mind less about mine. If I skip classes, fight, surf the Internet, fall in love with my mobile phone, it has nothing to do with you! We will go our separate ways from now on. Go your own way, don’t talk to anyone, don’t care about anyone, anyone who doesn’t follow is a dog!”

    The anger that Sheng Yan had been holding back for a long time was now welling up on his forehead. He was so angry that his brain could no longer keep up with his mouth. He only knew that after uttering harsh words, he finally felt relieved.

    Then he turned around and entered the password directly, intending to slam the door and let Qin Zigui know that he was really angry this time.

    However, just a second before he completed the handsome move of slamming the door and breaking off all grievances, the door of 2602 behind him opened first.

    Immediately afterwards, Ms. Xu Qingrong’s sharp and straightforward voice came from behind: “Sheng Yan, who are you talking to here? Are you polite? Apologize to Zigui and come over for dinner.”

    “Aunt Xu, this is all my problem and has nothing to do with Sheng Yan.”

    Qin Zigui was aware of his mistake.

    Sheng Yan didn’t refute, but he didn’t look back either: “Mom, I will eat at home.”

    “That’s a good idea. Mom will fly to London early tomorrow morning, so I won’t bother you about skipping the evening study tonight, but you must come over to me for dinner right now.”

    After Xu Qingrong finished speaking, Qin Zigui’s aunt Qin Ru’s gentle voice sounded again: “Xiao Yan, come here quickly. Your mother said she would celebrate your birthday in advance tonight, so your Uncle Jiang cooked a big table of dishes for you, all your favorite food.”

    The two Bodhisattvas pressed down, and Sheng Yan disappeared.

    Although he was hanging out outside, he was always good at home and rarely disobeyed the two noble queen mothers. After giving two orders, no matter how reluctant he was, he could only turn around, pretending not to see Qin Zigui beside him, and looked towards him with a paralyzed face. Go to the door.

    A large duplex of 280 square meters, with lighting from two sides and floor-to-ceiling glass. It is located in the best school district in Nanwu and has direct access to the CBD. The apartment layout is exaggerated and the real estate fees are extremely expensive. People with no family background can’t afford to live here.

    So correspondingly, Xu Qingrong, a single mother, is busy all over the world all year round, and it has become normal to be unable to celebrate Sheng Yan’s birthday on time.

    For example, his birthday is actually tomorrow, July 7th, but because Xu Qingrong has a business trip tomorrow, he can only celebrate it today.

    Sheng Yan didn’t mind this at all, but when he saw Qin Zigui sitting down opposite him in his old position, he felt that this birthday was no different from his death anniversary.

    Very unlucky.

    However, he did not want to show shame in front of his elders and refute their intentions. Looking at the table full of rich dishes and exquisite cakes that looked very expensive at first glance, he still said obediently: “Thank you, Aunt Qin and Uncle Jiang.”

    “Thank you, why are you so polite to Aunt Qin? The old rule is to make a wish first and then eat. Jiang Ping, where are the candles and lighters!” Qin Ru shouted back.

    Immediately a voice came from the kitchen: “It’s coming, it’s coming!”

    Jiang Ping is Qin Ru’s husband, Qin Zigui’s uncle, and the head of a listed technology company.

    He looked quite majestic and had the aura of a domineering president, but at home he was just a lowly person. When Qin Ru called him, he ran out wearing an apron, holding a candle, and a lighter.

    When he put the candles in the middle of the cake, Jiang Ping sighed with emotion: “Time flies so fast, Xiao Yan will be 18 in the blink of an eye. I remember he was only three years old when I celebrated his birthday for the first time. Then. When he made a wish, he insisted on speaking it out, so I scared him and said that the wish would not work if he said it, but he didn’t believe it. He made a wish every year, and it came true every year. You think it’s strange or not.”

    When it comes to this matter, Sheng Yan also feels very strange.

    When he was three years old, he lived with his grandparents in the old house. That year was the first time Qin Ru and Jiang Ping took Qin Zigui back to Nanwu, and it was also the first time the two families celebrated a birthday together.

    He was young and ignorant, so he made a wish that his brother Zigui could always play with him and not leave. As a result, Qin Zigui really didn’t leave.

    When he was four years old, he made a wish to win first place in a kindergarten drawing competition, and he actually won it.

    When he was five years old, he really disliked the Fat Hu who was two years older than him in the class, so he made a wish for bad luck to the Fat Hu. As a result, the Fat Hu cried and called him big brother the next day.

    In this way, until my sixteenth birthday, I made a wish every year and it came true every year. It would not be a big deal, but it did work.

    “But it’s not all working. Last year’s plan didn’t come true.” Sheng Yan said casually while lighting the candles.

    Xu Qingrong sat down on the other side of him: “What wish did you make last year?”

    Sheng Yan thought for a moment: “Everything I ask for will be granted.”

    “That’s definitely not possible.” Xu Qingrong said with an air of experience, “This kind of wish is too abstract and greedy, and Lady Guanyin can’t help you. Only the kind of concrete wish that is possible will be useful. So make a reliable wish this year. For example, when the final results come out in two days, you will be among the bottom ten in your grade.”

    “Mom, it’s my birthday, can you not mention anything unpleasant?” Sheng Yan muttered in a low voice.

    Xu Qingrong couldn’t help but laugh out loud: “Hey, you also know that it is unhappy to be in the bottom ten of the grade, so can you try to make a point of it, even if you are the eleventh from the bottom in the exam?”

    Seeing that Sheng Yan was about to lose his temper, Qin Ru quickly interrupted: “Okay, Xu Qingrong, please stop saying a few words. Come on, Xiao Yan, make a wish quickly and promise us a meal.”

    Then she turned off the lights in the living room.

    Only the warm yellow flame of the candle danced gently in the darkness.

    In Sheng Yan’s field of vision, only the square of cake under the candlelight and Qin Zigui’s coldly lowered eyebrows opposite him – he looked like he was playing with something, but he wasn’t thinking about it at all.

    Obviously before this time, Qin Zigui should have given him the carefully prepared gifts, and then started to listen to his wish seriously, but now he turned his back and refused to recognize anyone, which was very heartless.

    The anger in Sheng Yan’s heart suddenly came out again. He closed his eyes, opened them within a few seconds, and blew out the candles with a huff: “Okay.”

    Xu Qingrong turned on the light: “So fast?”

    Sheng Yan: “Yeah.”

    Xu Qingrong asked again: “What wish did you make?”

    Sheng Yan unconsciously glanced at Qin Zigui, and then said angrily: “I hope all pretenders will stay as far away from me as possible.”

    Qin Zigui’s fingertips that were peeling something off paused slightly, and then quickly returned to normal.

    No one at the table noticed anything was wrong, only Xu Qingrong said softly: “You unlucky kid, you promised to make a wish to get out of the bottom ten.”

    “For things like grades, just leave it to fate.”

    Sheng Yan picked up the chopsticks and didn’t care.

    Xu Qingrong rolled her eyes at him: “You can’t learn from Zigui. Speaking of which, Zigui, how are you preparing for the information competition?”

    After Xu Qingrong asked, before Qin Zigui could answer, Jiang Ping took over with a proud look on his face: “That must be no problem. He is really talented in this area and can now handle very complex programming. And last time he came to us He studied in the company’s technology department, and everyone in the APP R&D department praised him as a genius. I’m just waiting for him to graduate from college and shine in our company.”

    The pride is beyond words.

    Ms. Xu sighed with envy: “That’s great. You said we were raised together, but it’s like our Sheng Yan hasn’t grown up yet. He just knows how to play all day long.”

    After saying that, he turned his eyes and saw that after Qin Zigui had finished peeling seven or eight shrimps, he quietly pushed the small plate towards the other side of the table and came to the answer: “It’s all Zigui’s fault.”

    Qin Zigui, who did nothing, said: “?”

    Xu Qingrong ignored him and just turned her head to look at Qin Ru: “Do you still remember? When they were about seven or eight years old, we all went on a business trip during the summer vacation and no one cared about them. They came back the night before school started. I couldn’t find anyone in the bedroom in the middle of the night, and I was scared to death. I ran to the study and saw the elder sitting there with a small face, writing furiously, and the younger one was sitting next to him crying and burping. Son, I thought something was wrong, so I walked over and took a look. Well, it turned out that Sheng Yan didn’t do his homework during the summer vacation, and Qin Zigui was there to help him catch it. So your Qin Zigui has contributed a lot to Sheng Yan’s current performance. “

    Jiang Ping also laughed and said: “It is true that Zigui has spoiled Xiaoyan since he was a child. If nothing else, it must have been more than ten years since he peeled the shrimps.”

    As soon as he finished speaking, Sheng Yan’s hand holding the shrimp paused.

    He didn’t notice at all that Qin Zigui had peeled the shrimp. He just realized that there was an extra plate of peeled shrimp in front of him, and with the habit he had developed over the years, he picked it up naturally.

    As a result, now that Jiang Ping said this, the shrimp became neither edible nor edible.

    If you don’t eat it, you will appear to be a very stingy person.

    Let’s eat. With the current relationship between him and Qin Zigui, he will look particularly undignified.

    So after a brief stalemate, Sheng Yan wisely chose to put the shrimp into Ms. Xu’s bowl: “Your son’s birthday, Mom, you can eat it.”

    When did this brat become so sensible?

    Ms. Xu glanced at Qin Zigui, who was bowing his head and saying nothing, and immediately understood, she picked up an unpeeled shrimp for herself, and said angrily: “Tell me, what’s wrong with Zigui again?”

    Sheng Yan lowered his head, picked up a piece of fish head with chopped pepper, and muttered: “Whoever got angry with him, I’m not a primary school student.”

    The tone is more like that of an elementary school student.

    Ms. Xu didn’t bother to expose it: “Okay, as long as you don’t lose your temper, you will have to live in Zigui’s house for several months. You will not look up when you can look down. It would be really embarrassing if you lost your temper.”

    The chopsticks that Sheng Yan had just brought to his mouth froze instantly.

    Ms. Xu peeled the shrimp calmly: “I bought a lot of vegetables today and planned to cook them for you.”

    Sheng Yan: “Then?”

    “Then the pressure cooker exploded and the kitchen exploded.” Ms. Xu put the prawns into her mouth and squirmed her fingertips with a calm expression.

    Sheng Yan: “???”

    Ms. Xu consoled her, “It’s okay. I’m going to London for a few months, and I’ll take the opportunity to renovate my home. During this time, you’ll stay at your Aunt Qin’s house. Here, everything has been moved here for you.”

    Ms. Xu pointed at the open door at the end of the corridor.

    From Sheng Yan’s perspective, through the open door, you can vaguely see the cool corner of his gaming chair.

    If even the gaming chairs are moved here, then the matter is basically a foregone conclusion.

    And if he remembered correctly, the opposite side of that room was Qin Zigui’s bedroom.

    And if he remembered correctly, if he didn’t want to disturb Qin Ru and his wife in the master bedroom on the second floor, he had to share the bathroom with Qin Zigui.


    Sheng Yan felt a little desperate when he remembered the flag he had just set ten minutes ago to “go his own way from now on”.

    His throat rolled unconsciously.

    The next second, a burning sensation immediately filled the entire throat and mouth.

    Before he could swallow it, the finely chopped millet and spicy chopped sansho pepper rolled out of his mouth and choked into his trachea.

    Sheng Yan, who was still in shock and despair, immediately began to bend over and cough violently: “Mom…cough cough cough cough…water…”

    Before Xu Qingrong and Qin Ru could react, Qin Zigui stood up immediately, quickly walked to the water dispenser, put down the cup and picked up the water, then opened the refrigerator door, frowned and rummaged through What.

    Before Xu Qingrong and Qin Ru could react, Qin Zigui stood up immediately, quickly walked to the water dispenser, put down the cup and picked up the water, then opened the refrigerator door, frowned and rummaged through What.

    However, Sheng Yan was really uncomfortable with the spicy food. Before Qin Zigui came back, while coughing, he caught the glass filled with water that Xu Qingrong had not touched at all, and picked it up.

    Xu Qingrong immediately opened her eyes: “Baby! This is White——”

    Sheng Yan raised his head and drank.


    The moment the word “wine” fell, Sheng Yan, who had never touched any tobacco or alcohol in his life, was instantly moved to tears. The stinging and burning sensations burned along his taste buds and throat all the way to his internal organs. .

    He was always afraid of pain, but this time he was lying on the table in pain, clenching his fists tightly, pinching his palms, and coughing like he would burst into tears in the next second.

    Xu Qingrong felt extremely distressed when she saw Sheng Yan’s ears, face, and eyes were all red. Fortunately, when she turned around, she saw Qin Zigui walking back quickly with a water glass in one hand and iced snow pears in the other. He hurriedly greeted: “Zigui , come on, come on, Xiao Yan seems to be feeling very uncomfortable, please see what to do.”

    It’s really hard.

    The young man leaned on the edge of the table, his face buried in his arms, his thin shoulder blades undulating violently, and he pinched the blood marks on his palms. It seemed that he was trying not to worry others, but he was too uncomfortable to bear it.

    Qin Zigui frowned and walked quickly to Sheng Yan. He put his arm around his shoulders and helped him stand up, letting him lean against him. He held a water glass in his other hand and put it to his mouth: “Drink slowly.”

    But Sheng Yan frowned and tilted his head: “Go away, no… cough cough cough… want to… cough cough cough…”

    he almost coughed out his internal organs, and there were already tears on his eyelashes.

    Xu Qingrong saw that Sheng Yan was in such discomfort and was still unwilling to drink water. She thought there was some serious problem with the bronchus and was extremely anxious: “What’s wrong, baby? Is there anything else that’s uncomfortable? Do you want mom to call 120?” Don’t scare mom.”

    Sheng Yan just shook his head with difficulty, then looked up at Qin Zigui, raised his index finger and pointed at him: “You can’t.”

    The adults were anxious: “What’s going on, Xiao Yan?”

    Sheng Yan opened his eyes wide and looked at Qin Zigui, his eyes were about to burst, his eyes were red, his expression was as heroic as a righteous man about to die.

    The three adults in the room were too nervous to move.

    Then I heard Sheng Yan enduring the pain, gritting his teeth, holding on to the severe burning pain in his throat, and sending out ten words one by one with great difficulty –

    “As agreed, whoever cares first is the dog.”


    At that moment, in the 280-square-meter duplex, apart from the earth-shattering and heart-rending coughs of classmate Sheng Xiaoyan, a stubborn young hard-blooded man, there was only the endless silence of the three adults.

    They didn’t know whether to call Sheng Yan naive or praise him for his fierceness.

    Only Qin Zigui remained indifferent and handed the water glass again: “Yes.”

    “Huh?” Sheng Yan blinked tears and didn’t understand.

    Qin Zigui wiped away the tears at the end of his eyes: “bark.”

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