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    Loves Error
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    The owner’s absence has been gone for too long. At this point, it was impossible for the employees to know that the situation was getting complicated.

    As lunchtime approached, the employees gathered in front of the table and sat down. As usual, the owner’s absence was a topic of conversation. These days, whenever they had a spare moment, each one of them couldn’t help but discuss it.

    “Where do you think the boss has gone?”

    Aunt Jeong-hye chewed on her radish pickles, comfortably seated with her legs crossed like she always did, leaning back against her father’s legs.

    “He’s probably out playing golf or something with a client.”

    “Then why hasn’t he bought the fish? That money’s cursed.”

    The owner was not a person who paid attention to the original store. The store itself was running well among employees, but the problem was the raw fish. but now even that had fallen through

    With payments not being made, the fishermen were understandably furious. They demanded to know how they were supposed to make a living. Eventually, they stopped supplying altogether.

    …Now, slowly but surely, the tanks were starting to empty. Customers kept coming in, but there was no fish to serve them. Naturally, the employees could only scratch their heads in frustration.

    But as usual, no conclusion was reached.

    “So, what kind of boss is he supposed to be?”

    The conversation that had been flowing here and there took a turn and landed on the customer. Eun-myeong put down her spoon. A sullen face was reflected in a small silver circle.

    “He’s supposed to be throwing money around like it’s nothing, spending millions every day.”

    “Come on, seriously? He’s a total thug. I’ve never seen a thug like him.”

    The chattering voices became noticeably lower. The heads of the gathered people move secretly closer.

    “He doesn’t even use a card. Just cash every time. Just give me the money, just the money.”

    The flow of bills into the shop was all because of that customer. The kitchen aunt interjected with a shiver in her voice.

    “Last time, oh my, I was shocked. There was blood on the money.”

    I was so shocked that I spilled the sauce, but they said not to be surprised because it was blood from killing a bug. Does that make sense?

    Before they knew it, lunch was over. Eun-myeong sat in contemplation. The hands under the table were shaking. Nobody here knew that the boss was dead. Somewhere, there seemed to be the faint sound of metal clanging.

    Squeak, the door opened. A large man entered, sweeping aside the curtains. It was the bear. Behind him, he could see the man. Today he was wearing a dark red tie.


    The employees stood up and greeted them. And they all wink at Eun-myeong. It was only natural because he always looked for Eun-myeong every time he came.

    “Please, come this way.”

    Eun-myeong stood up, pulling the chair back. He had come again, to watch over him. He never touched the food, yet he always lingered around the shop, stubbornly guarding the door.

    The intimidation left by the man lingered on the back of his mind. His sister must never find out, never…

    “Baby, the one you did well.”

    Now that the supply of fish has completely dried up, the special has become the menu that can’t be served first.

    “Shall we serve snow crab?”

    The order to do so came back. After quickly bowing, he rushed out as if fleeing. Eun-myeong’s slippers shuffled hurriedly. Unnoticed, peculiar glances were fixed on the soles of his feet.

    Eun-myeong fetched the king crab from the tank. Today, some of them seemed bloated. They moved sluggishly, perhaps due to their condition. He carefully selected only those.

    They were people who wouldn’t eat anyway. They came to a seafood restaurant but never touched the food, only drinking alcohol. And they kept watching him as if scrutinizing Eun-myeong’s every move.

    After steaming them, his freckled cheeks turned red from the heat as he took them out. He arranged the crabs on a tray after patting his cheeks to cool them down.

    Finally, he clenched his fist and knocked on the door to the plum blossom room.

    “Uh, um, the food is ready.”


    A brief reply came from inside. He opened the door with a pounding, trembling heart. It was a short time entering. Eun-myeong measured the distance to the door in his mind. It was just four steps away. Even as slow as Eun-myeong was, he could escape in 10 seconds.

    “I’ll prepare it for you.”

    Eun-myeong stood as far away from the man as possible. I busily played with my hands while resting my lower abdomen on the edge. The man looked at him. No, he observed and assessed him as if he were dissecting fish. It felt suffocating.

    “…I’ll cut it for you so it’s easier to eat.”

    Eun-myeong held scissors and tongs to cut the crab himself. His hands trembled despite it being something he always did. Was it okay to hold scissors in front of this man? What if he suddenly took them away and stabbed him…

    He first cut the crab’s back. Splat, a little water leaked out. The moist water trickled down his white fingers.

    “Our, our shop’s crab is full, ah no, I mean our shop is famous for our full meat king crab.”

    His whole body seemed to be sweating profusely, and his plump cheeks were flushed with heat. The man wanted to flip the insides of his mouth with his hand. Inside, it would be a deep pink color, wouldn’t it?

    The neck seemed so thin that every time he gripped it, it felt like it would snap with a little force. The waist was so slim that the apron strings were left dangling. He wouldn’t be able to play the role of a man until he died. Someone like this would only be held by a man.

    “When a crab is full of meat, it’s called ‘bakdal’…”

    White liquid trickled down the fingertips of the kid’s hand, which was pinching the crab’s legs.

    “…The yield is good, and it’s delicious because it’s savory.”

    Tap, tap, tap. The flowing juice reminded him of something dirty. He must have done the same thing in the bathroom. Inserting his small chili pepper(pen*s) between his skinny thighs and urinating. The man stretched out his hand. He slowly drank the flowing broth. The man put his finger into his mouth and sucked on it.

    “It’s sweet.”

    Eun-myeong was startled, causing his hand to shake. The scissors reflected off the lightbulb on their own, emitting a sharp light from the tips.

    “Huh, ah…”

    It was then. The shell of the crab was cut by the blade of the scissors. It was a strange feeling. Usually the crab shell breaks with a crisp sound, but this time he felt something soft break open.

    When the scissors were pulled out, white powder poured out. Eun-myeong stared blankly at his hand. What on earth is this?

    A chilly atmosphere settled in the plum blossom room.

    At that time, a large, hot hand touched Eun-myeong. He grabbed Eun-myeong’s hand and peered down between his fingers with a gaze as dark as a valley. The man lowered his chin. He opened his lips and stretched out his thick, smooth tongue, and licked Eun-myeong’s hand.

    “Well, it’s sweet.”

    It’s cold, cold, cold.

    The space between Eun-myeong’s fingers was sucked obscenely. Eun-myeong’s face turned red like a slapped butt. Even though I tried to pull my hand away, I couldn’t help it because it was held in the man’s grip. The black and blue veins that appeared on the back of the man’s hand were disgusting and scary.

    Slurp, slurp, slurp.

    The soft skin was taken into the man’s mouth, sucked, and then returned to its original place with a soft sound. The skin that had been sucked wet like a lollipop suddenly swelled. As if it had just come out after enjoying a long bath.

    “Baby, do you know what this is?”

    Eun-myeong looked at him as if he had lost his mind. Of course, he had no idea. Eun-myeong looked down at the man with red, sore eyes as if someone had pressed them hard with the palm of his hand.

    “N-no… .”

    His heart pounded with a strange sense of tension and suffocating fear.

    “A drug that makes cheap bastards like you cum.”

    The man wiped his mouth with a tissue.

    “The cums dripping out of his hole, and he’s begging me to stop it with my d*ck… His eye would roll back and he insists it’s okay to put a fist in.”

    His thick and flexible eyebrows frowned. He continued talking as he balled up the tissues and threw them on the table.

    “But f*ck it.”

    The curse he uttered was both vulgar and crude.

    “Why the hell is this in the crab shell?”

    “I-I don’t… I don’t know either.”

    Eun-myeong couldn’t understand why such a thing was inside the crab shell. Overwhelmed by a series of events that hit him like waves, Eun-myeong felt like an old sailboat swaying and on the verge of capsizing.


    The man tapped Eun-myeong’s stomach with the back of his hand. He tapped Eun-myeong’s lower abdomen, as if pointing to the belly of a crab, urging him to answer.

    “Mister, are you telling me to cum after eating this?”

    The man chuckled. If it were an Omega stimulant, there’s no way this customer would have it, but there was a hint of something in his eyes. Thinking back, he was always in that state.

    It wasn’t a smile. Rather than just kindly observing Eun-myeong like a gentle adult, it felt more like he was piercing through him with a lewd gaze.

    “I really don’t know why this was here, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry…”

    Eun-myeong squeezed his thighs. Occasionally, foreign substances came out of the food. Even if they were careful, strands of hair would come out in the spicy stew. It could belong to a customer or a staff member, but once it came out, the staff would always apologize.

    But powder? And an Omega stimulant?

    “Buy it quickly…”

    He was about to say he would contact the boss. But the boss… with this man. He tightly closed his eyes. Suddenly, laughter burst into his ears. He probably caught on to what Eun-myeong was about to say.

    What the hell is this? As he bit his lower lip tightly, a momentary flash of a scene struck his mind. It was something from the past that passed by like a flash.

    ‘Eun-myeong… Don’t touch that.’

    One day, Eun-myeong went to the dumpster behind the raw fish restaurant to throw away trash and found several Styrofoam boxes lying on one side. When he opened them, they were filled with crabs, all fresh. He was puzzled as to why they were there.

    Thinking about sending them out to customers, he wondered why they were here. Before the truck could load them, the bathroom door opened, and his sister, Eun-joo came out. She saw Eun-myeong trying to take the boxes into the kitchen and was surprised.

    “These belong to the boss, don’t touch them…”

    Eun-myeong blinked as he was about to lose the box.

    ‘What’s the matter?”

    Eun-joo scolded him fiercely. Then she anxiously looked around. Yes, that was what she was trying to hide then…

    Eun-myeong trembled and opened her eyes. The darkness shattered, and the face of the strange man laughing strangely was before him.


    Did you see something scary? The man asked. Thump, his heart sank to his lower abdomen.

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