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    Loves Error

    Choi Muhyuk firmly pressed the earphone nestled in one ear.


    [ Have you finished work, hyung? ]

    His younger brother, Choi Minhyuk, rattled on. Choi Muhyuk, who had maintained a blank expression throughout, slightly raised the corner of his lips.

    “Do you need money again?”

    [ Why do you ask like that? Am I someone who always asks for money? ]

    “Then why the sudden call?”

    [ Whatever. What are you doing after work? Busy? ]

    Choi Muhyuk, driving leisurely, gradually slowed down as the taillights of the preceding car came into view. Eventually, he applied the brakes slowly as he came to a stop at the signal. The roads of Seoul during rush hour were nothing short of hellish.

    “What’s the matter?”

    [ Thought we could have dinner together after a long time. ]

    “Why dinner all of a sudden?”

    [ Jinchul-hyung went fishing and caught some rockfish. He said he’s preparing sashimi. He’s inviting you. ]

    “…Not today.”

    [ Oh, why not? Let’s go together. ]

    Choi Minhyuk elongated his words playfully.

    “Stop being gross. Where from all of a sudden?”

    [ Ah, hyung. ]

    “I have work. Can’t make it.”

    [ Work? ]

    Choi Minhyuk asked in puzzlement. With one hand on the steering wheel, Choi Muhyuk, lost in thought, reluctantly spoke.

    “I have to attend a matchmaking meeting.”

    [ What, what? A match? Why all of a sudden? ]

    As expected, Choi Minhyuk exclaimed in surprise, almost falling back. Without a change in expression, which seemed to be his expected reaction, Choi Muhyuk remained unchanged.

    [ Why are you mentioning this now? ]

    “I only found out today too.”

    [ The person involved found out today? Wow, our chairman is amazing. ]

    “Anyway, I can’t go because of that.”

    [ Hyung, so you’re really going to attend the matchmaking? ]


    [ Are you sure it’s okay? ]

    The question contained two meanings. One was whether it would be okay if things went smoothly and they ended up getting married, and the other was whether it would be okay if things turned out bad and the chairman wasn’t happy.

    “If I refuse, I’ll just have to roll around at the bottom again for a while.”

    Choi Muhyuk interpreted it as the latter.

    [ Huh. You’re going to do that again? Wow, hyung, you’re really something. ]

    “Don’t be sarcastic. You’re coming with me too.”

    [ Ah, why? I don’t want to. Leave me out of it. ]

    With a coquettish tone in Minhyuk’s voice, Choi Muhyuk’s lip twitched slightly. His gaze shifted to the dashboard. Time was already approaching 5:20.

    She might have been a beauty that anyone would like when seen in a photo, but Choi Muhyuk wasn’t attracted to her. Ironically, female omegas weren’t Choi Muhyuk’s type. All his past partners were male omegas. And the last time was two years ago, during the winter when he turned thirty. So, today’s matchmaking meeting already had a predetermined outcome. The problem was how to reject her.

    It wasn’t particularly appealing to reject her in a straightforward manner, perhaps due to his skewed feelings. To prevent such incidents from happening again, he needed a more cunning approach. That way, he wouldn’t receive matchmaking offers again. But resorting to violence against the woman was out of the question…

    With his elbow resting on the windowsill, Choi Muhyuk, lost in thought as he ran his finger across his lips, was suddenly fixated on something. He noticed a flower shop by the roadside. Glancing at the sign as if drawn to it, Choi Muhyuk parked his car in front of it.

    [ Hyung, don’t do this… ]


    Choi Minhyuk’s attempt to say something was cut off. Startled by the sudden call, Minhyuk responded with a puzzled “What?”

    With the hazard lights on and the car parked by the roadside, Choi Muhyuk leaned forward, stretching his neck to look at the sign. ‘Flower Fiancé.’ The brown handwriting on a pink background caught his attention.

    [ Hyung? ]

    “I’ll give you the picture and name, find out which school she went to.”

    [ The person you’re seeing today? ]

    “Is there anyone in the chaebol families without any flaws among the second or third generations? If you find anything, write it down on a card.”

    [ Got it. I’ll find out and let you know. ]

    After hanging up the phone, Choi Muhyuk slowly got out of the car. Clad in a black cashmere coat, he looked up at the pink sign emitting bright light.

    “Flower Fiancé.”

    A faint breath escaped through his softly murmuring lips. A fiancé like a flower. As he contemplated the meaning, Choi Muhyuk twisted the corner of his lips. The coincidence of encountering such a fitting flower shop in this situation seemed a bit amusing.

    It was the best option he could come up with. There likely wouldn’t be any flowers symbolizing farewell, and openly defying his father wasn’t a wise decision when everything was already scheduled. Simply handing over a bouquet of flowers, pretending to be courteous, and discreetly finding flaws to eliminate. That method seemed like the most cunning way to handle it. Justification could be created as needed. While resorting to underhanded tactics wasn’t particularly appealing, he still disliked the situation.

    His legs stretched toward the glass door of Flower Fiancé. As he pulled the glass door, a warm breeze rushed out, contrasting with the subzero air outside.


    In a world overflowing with mechanical sounds, the classical chime that rang from the end of the glass door, swaying lightly, was clear and pure.

    The owner, who was chatting with the first customer, turned around at the sound of the door opening.

    “Welcome. Since we have a customer here first, may I finish up with them and then assist you?”

    Seeking permission with a cheerful voice, the owner resembled someone who had carefully arranged flowers in the Flower Fiancé.

    “Yes, sure.”

    “Just wait a moment, please.”

    Despite his blunt response, the owner smiled warmly. He seemed to be in his early to mid-twenties. With impressive fair skin, he gave off a bright impression. Smiling at Choi Muhyuk, he turned his gaze back to the first customer. Observing the owner interacting with the customer with a smiling face, Choi Muhyuk slowly glanced around the shop. His gaze was fixed on a business card on the side table by the entrance.

    ‘Flower Fiancé, Jhi Yeonwoo.’

    That’s what was written there.

    * * *

    Flower Fiancé was a small-scale flower shop. Inside the modest 5-square-meter space, flowers and potted plants filled the area so tightly that there was only enough room for one person to pass through, and with a burly man at 191 cm and 82 kg, standing in front of it, it looked completely packed.

    The interior, like the meticulously decorated sign, was also filled with flowers of various colors. Everywhere, there were shades of red, yellow, and white. To Choi Muhyuk, who wasn’t familiar with flowers, this place was simply a visually exhausting extravaganza of primary colors.

    “This is the first time I’ve seen a shop with pink ranunculus.”

    As Choi Muhyuk looked around, he turned his head upon hearing the unfamiliar flower name. Two female customers blocking the owner continued the conversation.

    “My friend loves this flower so much, but surprisingly, there aren’t many shops that have it.”

    “That’s right. Since ranunculus isn’t an easy flower to care for, not many people have them. Actually, ranunculus is also a flower I like. So, in my case, I tend to keep them around to maintain my liking for them.”

    “Oh, I see. Then, do you also have Hemerocallis? How about Alstroemeria?”

    “We keep both flowers, but since it’s not their blooming season right now, we don’t have them at the moment. Would you like me to check for you?”

    “Yes. Could you also check for Verdonna lilies? They look so pretty in vases.”

    “Sure. If you write down your name and contact information here, I’ll check and get back to you.”

    Excitedly, the female customers scribbled notes, clearly thrilled by something. Watching them from a distance, Choi Muhyuk’s expression gradually twisted.

    “Hemer… Madonna, what?”

    Hearing a flower name he’d never heard before, his mind became dizzy. As regret started to creep in, the two customers finished their conversation and brushed past Choi Muhyuk on their way out.

    “I’m sorry for the wait.”

    Finally, a man wearing a navy shirt and slacks with a brown apron approached. Although there was no name tag, judging by his appearance, he seemed to be Jhi Yeonwoo, the owner of Flower Fiancé.

    “Do you have any flowers you’re looking for?”

    Choi Muhyuk’s intense gaze swept over Jhi Yeonwoo, who stood face-to-face with him. Their foreheads might touch if they stood facing each other. He wasn’t exactly 180cm tall, but he seemed to be around 170s. His face was clear and white, perhaps because his light brown hair had no trace of dust. His eyebrows were adequately thick, his eyelids had double folds but weren’t too pronounced, and his lips were a light shade of red.

    The first thought that came to Choi Muhyuk’s mind upon seeing him was, ‘Is he an omega?’ Generally, alphas could easily identify omegas even in a crowd of hundreds. The eyes of alphas with superior traits were accurate in recognizing omegas, almost like an instinct.

    However, although Jhi Yeonwoo gave off the vibe of an omega, Choi Muhyuk couldn’t sense any pheromones from him. Perhaps it was diluted by the floral scent that filled Flower Fiancé, he thought, but that didn’t seem to be the case. omega pheromones typically had something that attracted the instincts of alphas, unlike the fragrance outside of flowers, but that something was absent from Jhi Yeonwoo.

    “Um… sir?”

    Staring blankly, Jhi Yeonwoo cautiously spoke. Meanwhile, Choi Muhyuk maintained his characteristic poker face. With no double eyelids, his face could be interpreted as sharp or angry by someone who didn’t know him.

    Wondering if there was something on his face, Jhi Yeonwoo glanced away and brushed his cheek with the back of his hand.

    “What kind of flowers do omegas usually like?”

    Jhi Yeonwoo blinked several times while looking at Choi Muhyuk. The first question he heard after entering the store was indeed puzzling, but he didn’t show any further reaction beyond that.

    He was well aware that the question might sound strange. However, it was his way of indirectly probing Jhi Yeonwoo’s traits. Generally, betas didn’t like being treated as omegas, so he thought Jhi Yeonwoo, if he were an omega, would react in some way to the question.

    Choi Muhyuk wasn’t sure why he was so curious about Jhi Yeonwoo’s traits, but he really wanted to know. Perhaps it was because he imagined Jhi Yeonwoo as soft and plump like a piece of white glutinous rice cake, without a hint of muscle, which seemed to fit his preferences.

    After staring at Choi Muhyuk for a while, Jhi Yeonwoo suddenly chuckled softly, like air escaping.

    He’s laughing?

    Choi Muhyuk’s narrowed eyes focused on Jhi Yeonwoo.

    “This is the first time I’ve received such a question while running a flower shop.”

    Jhi Yeonwoo’s long eyelashes curved gracefully as he spoke.

    “Each person has different preferences for flowers, but I don’t categorize them based on traits.”

    Choi Muhyuk still couldn’t quite understand what he meant. How was he supposed to choose flowers if he didn’t know anything?

    “Unlike alphas, omegas don’t particularly enjoy revealing themselves socially. Isn’t it for a similar reason?”

    “What if you don’t know the other person’s preferences?”

    “Well, if you know what colors and scents the person who will receive the flowers likes, it could make it easier to choose.”

    “But I don’t know that.”

    Jhi Yeonwoo’s calm voice was halted by Choi Muhyuk’s words. He felt like they were wasting time the more they talked. He didn’t expect the conversation to be this complicated when he just wanted to pick out some decent flowers.

    “Just make a bouquet with whatever is suitable. It’s not like we’ll see each other again anyway.”

    Since they knew nothing about each other and Jhi Yeonwoo was just one of the passing people, there was no need to know his flower preferences.

    He thought it would be even better if the flowers symbolized parting, but there probably wasn’t such a flower available.

    “Hmm, how about roses?” 

    His gaze followed where Jhi Yeonwoo was pointing. There was a bunch of common red roses, commonly seen.

    “Red roses are the most popular and safe choice. That’s why they are often given as gifts.”

    “Then let’s go with these.”

    Choi Muhyuk answered without a moment’s hesitation, as if he were someone sent to run an errand for someone else.

    “Shall I make it into an appropriate size for you?”

    Jhi Yeonwoo asked cautiously, perhaps sensing Choi Muhyuk’s lack of enthusiasm.

    “Yes, please do.”

    “Just wait a moment.”

    Jhi Yeonwoo smiled at Choi Muhyuk and began preparing the bouquet. Choi Muhyuk’s gaze followed Jhi Yeonwoo’s busy movements.

    His eyes were drawn to the smooth, white nape of Jhi Yeonwoo’s neck, visible above the navy blue shirt. The skin was so flawless that it almost seemed like a baby’s, delicate enough to poke with a finger and leave a mark. And what’s more? The eyelashes that swept downward were long and lush.

    “…He seems like an omega.”

    Choi Muhyuk tilted his head slightly and pressed his lower lip with his index finger. He reluctantly released his pheromones. It wasn’t the most ethical method, but he had no other way to confirm it.

    Jhi Yeonwoo remained unresponsive. There was not even a slight twitch of reaction to Choi Muhyuk’s pheromones. He continued to work diligently with a bright expression, as if nothing had happened.

    Choi Muhyuk raised an eyebrow in confusion. Even if he were a recessive omega, there was no way he would be so unresponsive to the pheromones of a strong alpha.

    “If there’s no reaction at all, then he’s not an omega.”

    Choi Muhyuk sighed and relaxed his neck. While it was his preference to judge someone’s traits from their face to their speech, he had never met a beta before. Yet, he felt strangely invested in this situation, pouring so much attention into it. If, by any chance, his preference had changed to that of liking a beta, or if he was now attracted to beta males, then it might be a situation where he could just drown himself in a basin of water and die.

    At the end of his unconsciously wandering gaze, he saw an unfamiliar flower. The petals with wavy yellow patterns overlapped each other, resembling a chrysanthemum, yet not quite.

    “What’s this flower?”

    Choi Muhyuk pointed to the yellow flower in the vase. Jhi Yeonwoo, who was selecting roses, turned around.

    “That’s a marigold. It’s commonly known as a ‘Marigold’.” (The second marigold was the english pronunciation)

    Putting down the flower he was holding, Jhi Yeonwoo approached.

    “Marigolds are also divided into several types. Generally, they are divided into calendula and tagetes based on the size and spread of the petals. What you’re seeing now is a calendula.”

    Choi Muhyuk stared at Jhi Yeonwoo, who was explaining about calendulas.

    “Also known as Aztec marigolds. They are common in Mexico and considered sacred, often used in religious ceremonies.”

    Jhi Yeonwoo finished explaining and smiled at Choi Muhyuk. The more he looked, the more he felt that Jhi Yeonwoo had a bright atmosphere. He seemed to have no reservations in dealing with people, as if he had been living in a greenhouse. Rather than feeling rude, conversing with him made Choi Muhyuk feel refreshed.

    From the moment he entered Flower Fiancé until now, Jhi Yeonwoo’s surroundings were bright and vibrant. Among the colorful flowers, only Choi Muhyuk seemed colorless.

    “Does the calendula have a flower language too?”

    “Of course. The flower language of calendula is…”

    Jhi Yeonwoo hesitated to speak and faltered. His hesitation to easily reveal what he wanted to say was different from his previous confident demeanor.

    “The flower language of calendula is pitiful love or the sadness of parting.”

    Choi Muhyuk’s amber-colored pupils tensed. It was a reaction of surprise and unexpectedness.

    Jhi Yeonwoo awkwardly chuckled. 

    “The meaning is a little… Right?”

    Choi Muhyuk remained silent.

    “So, it’s also a flower that’s not often given as a gift.”

    The atmosphere settled into a sluggish pace afterward. Choi Muhyuk stared fixedly at the marigolds and tried to start a conversation, while Jhi Yeonwoo gauged his reaction.

    “Just wait a moment. I’ll finish with the roses quickly…”

    Jhi Yeonwoo hesitated and turned away with the roses in his arms. Choi Muhyuk, who had been staring at the marigolds, looked up.

    “…What the, is it really a thing?”

    A flower that symbolizes parting.

    A subtle twist appeared on his lips as Choi Muhyuk muttered. An unconventional idea popped into his head.

    “Yes. I think this is better.”


    Jhi Yeonwoo turned back hastily at the sound of his words.

    Choi Muhyuk’s gaze met Jhi Yeonwoo’s once again, his eyes determined.

    “Instead of roses, I’ll go with this.”

    Choi Muhyuk pointed at the marigolds.

    Since it had come to this, he decided to be a voluntary troublemaker from their first meeting. He had no intention of appearing as a good person in the eyes of the other party anyway. He thought there was nothing better than the recipient understanding the message themselves rather than just delivering it without meaning.

    “But these are marigolds?”

    Jhi Yeonwoo looked bewildered, seeking confirmation.

    “Yes, they are.”

    “But the flower language…”

    “If it’s ‘pitiful love, sadness of parting,’ isn’t that what you said? Is there a problem?”

    “Well, it’s not that, but…”

    Choi Muhyuk’s expression seemed to say, “What’s the problem?” 

    “If you tell them, they’ll look for the meaning of flowers”

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