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    Loves Balance

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    With an unlit cigarette held between his fingers, Choi Muhyeok rubbed his dry lips.

    “Managing Director, I’m all done. Now, let’s…!”

    Ji Yeonwoo, who had just locked the store’s door and turned around, hesitated when he saw Choi Muhyeok’s rigid expression. Just as he was about to ask if something was wrong, Choi Muhyeok cupped Ji Yeonwoo’s face with both hands and kissed him. Startled by the sudden kiss, Ji Yeonwoo squirmed, his back hitting the closed glass door with a thud.

    “Mng, Managing Director, wait, wait a moment.”

    Out of breath, Ji Yeonwoo twisted his head, pulling away to catch his breath.

    “I can’t breathe… why so suddenly?”

    “Because you’re being a valuable model for me, so bear with it a little.”

    Choi Muhyeok gave Ji Yeonwoo a moment to catch his breath before tilting his face again and leaning in.

    “A model? What do you mean by that…?”

    “Aren’t you curious what kind of face that guy will make when he sees this scene?”

    Ji Yeonwoo looked at Choi Muhyeok with a puzzled expression, not understanding. But Choi Muhyeok silenced him again with another kiss. This time, it wasn’t as rough as before. He held Ji Yeonwoo’s head gently, kissing him softly multiple times before deepening it. Ji Yeonwoo furrowed his brows but soon wrapped his arms around Choi Muhyeok’s neck, focusing on the kiss.

    Choi Muhyeok embraced Ji Yeonwoo’s waist, his eyes narrowing as he slowly looked toward the alley where he had seen the silhouette.

    ݁˖ ❀ ⋆。˚

    Even though it was broad daylight, the alley was cast in deep shadows. A man, leaning against the wall, checked his phone. The screen displayed a series of photos of Choi Muhyeok and Ji Yeonwoo standing close together, kissing as if caught in a time-lapse.

    “This is Jung Doowon,” the man said, speaking into his earpiece while staring at the screen.

    “You were right. The person with Ji Yeonwoo is Sunwoo Group’s eldest son, Managing Director Choi Muhyeok of Sunwoo Trading Company. I just sent the pictures. Please take a look. Yes, it’s the same gangster group you mentioned. I’ll provide more details when we meet. Yes, goodbye.”

    The man finished the short call, removed his earpiece, and turned around.

    “Jung Doowon?”

    A sudden unfamiliar voice called his name. Startled, the man looked up.

    “What is this?”

    A burly man in a black suit was blocking his path, and two more men were closing in from either side of the alley.


    Sensing danger, Jung Doowon instinctively turned to flee, but two more men blocked his way from the other end. He tried to fight back, but he was no match for the three well-built men. In the struggle, he dropped both his phone and earpiece, which one of the men promptly picked up while crushing the earpiece underfoot.

    The men carried the unconscious Jung Doowon away to an unknown location.

    Meanwhile, inside a car speeding down the road, a phone notification pinged. The man in the back seat, dressed in a crisp suit, was sitting with his legs crossed, his back resting against the seat. He glanced at the phone. His well-manicured hand picked it up leisurely. His eyes narrowed sharply as he looked at the screen.


    On his phone was a picture of Choi Muhyeok, kissing Ji Yeonwoo while pressing him against the door.

    “So it’s Choi Muhyeok, huh?”

    Lee Hyunjun zoomed in on the man kissing Ji Yeonwoo and squinted. The scene looked familiar—it was the man he had seen at the hotel lounge.

    “As expected, it’s that bastard.”

    Breathing out in disbelief, his eyes turned vicious. He flipped through the photos with an impatient thumb until, unable to hold back, he flung the phone toward the front seat. With a thud, the phone bounced off the center console and tumbled to the floor.

    Even after throwing the phone, Lee Hyunjun couldn’t calm his anger, his chest rising and falling with fury.

    “So Ji Yeonwoo’s new fling is that gangster, Choi Muhyeok?”

    His muttered words were laced with a sharp edge. The driver and the secretary in the front exchanged cautious glances, sensing the tension. The secretary, sitting in the passenger seat, carefully retrieved the discarded phone and handed it back to Lee Hyunjun with trembling hands.

    Clenching his teeth, Lee Hyunjun snatched the phone and dialed a contact from his speed dial.

    The screen displayed the name “Jung Doowon” alongside his number. As the phone rang, Lee Hyunjun held it to his ear, his face twisted with anger.

    — Ring… ring…

    The quiet car was filled with the monotonous ringing tone, broken only by the soft hum of the engine.

    [The person you are trying to reach is unavailable…]

    After the long ring, the automated message played. Both the driver and secretary exchanged worried looks. Frowning, Lee Hyunjun ended the call and redialed.

    The result was the same.

    Slowly, Lee Hyunjun lowered the phone from his ear, eyes narrowing.

    “Has Jung Doowon… ever ignored my calls before?”

    It was only then that an unsettling realization began to take hold, and his expression hardened.

    ݁˖ ❀ ⋆。˚

    The park was bustling with people out for fresh air. Some were strolling in the sunlight, others chatting on benches. Among the crowd were Choi Muhyeok and Ji Yeonwoo.

    Unlike the casually dressed people around them, Choi Muhyeok, in a full suit and dress shoes, was enough to draw attention, though he seemed entirely unfazed by it.

    While such an ordinary activity like a date might be boring and tedious for someone like Choi Muhyeok, who had everything, Ji Yeonwoo felt grateful that he never showed it.

    After about an hour of walking, the sky suddenly began to cloud over.

    As people glanced up at the gloomy sky, they dispersed one by one, as if by some unspoken agreement. Watching them head back, worry crept onto Ji Yeonwoo’s face.

    “It looks like it’s going to rain, so they’re probably heading back,” Ji Yeonwoo said, stopping to look at the sky, now turning gray.

    “Seems like it,” Choi Muhyeok responded.

    “There wasn’t any rain in the forecast.”

    “It’s a shame, but we’ll have to save the rest of the walk for next time.”


    “Are you tired? We can rest for a bit if you want.”

    Ji Yeonwoo’s gaze shifted from the sky to Choi Muhyeok. He widened his eyes slightly as if seeking confirmation.

    “Yes, that sounds good.”

    Choi Muhyeok’s gentle suggestion made Ji Yeonwoo smile. He took Ji Yeonwoo’s hand and led him to a nearby bench. Although he hadn’t noticed while walking, once he sat down, Ji Yeonwoo felt a dull ache in his legs. It had been a long time since he’d walked for so long without resting.

    As Ji Yeonwoo clenched his fists and lightly tapped his thighs, his gaze fell on Choi Muhyeok’s shoes. Unlike Ji Yeonwoo, who was wearing sneakers, Choi Muhyeok was still in his suit and dress shoes, but he didn’t seem the least bit uncomfortable.

    “Managing Director, don’t your feet hurt?” Ji Yeonwoo asked out of concern. Choi Muhyeok gave him a curious look before glancing down and then, realizing what Ji Yeonwoo meant, smiled.

    “I’m fine. I’m quite used to wearing dress shoes.”

    Now that he thought about it, Ji Yeonwoo couldn’t recall ever seeing Choi Muhyeok in anything but formal attire.

    “Since my twenties, I’ve spent most of my time either at home or at work, so I’ve worn suits far more often.”

    “Well, the suit really suits you. Honestly, I can’t even imagine you in anything else.”


    Ji Yeonwoo nodded, meeting his eyes.

    “Remember that time you stayed over at my place and wore my clothes? It was so different. You looked like a completely different person.”

    “Are you talking about the first time I visited your house?”

    “Yes. I don’t think I ever mentioned it, but when you came out of the shower with your hair down, you looked really handsome.”

    Ji Yeonwoo was talking with a bright smile when suddenly, he stopped mid-sentence. He had been speaking without thinking, but now that he reflected on his words, they sounded almost like a confession.

    “Oh, no, I mean, I was just surprised to see you in a different way…” Ji Yeonwoo fumbled to explain, his words trailing off when he saw the gentle smile spreading across Choi Muhyeok’s face. Embarrassed, Ji Yeonwoo’s expression turned sheepish.

    “Let’s get going. If we want to have dinner and show you what you like, we’re running short on time,” Choi Muhyeok said casually, checking his watch. For some reason, Ji Yeonwoo felt like he was being teased and gave him a playful glare.

    “Are you teasing me right now?”

    Choi Muhyeok chuckled softly and reached out to touch Ji Yeonwoo’s cheek.

    Ji Yeonwoo’s eyes sparkled with excitement as he felt the tender touch. The Choi Muhyeok he knew rarely laughed out loud. Seeing him smile like this meant that he was feeling as happy as Ji Yeonwoo was.

    “I didn’t mean to tease you, but by the time we get home, it’ll probably be just in time for dinner.”

    Hearing his voice reminded Ji Yeonwoo of his earlier comment about having dinner at his place.

    “Right, you said we’d have dinner at your place. But shouldn’t we stop by the store to get groceries? Is there a supermarket nearby?”

    Since the park was close to Flower Fiancé, but in the opposite direction from his home, Ji Yeonwoo wasn’t familiar with the area. He turned on his phone to search for nearby stores.

    “No need to worry about that,” Choi Muhyeok said, a slight smile on his lips.

    “But how will we eat if we don’t go shopping?”

    Ji Yeonwoo looked puzzled. He thought the dinner plan was spontaneous, just like their walk, but it seemed like Choi Muhyeok had something else in mind.

    “There’s a housekeeper who cooks and cleans for me. I’ve already asked her to prepare dinner.”

    “Oh, I see…”

    Hearing his unexpected answer, Ji Yeonwoo let out a small sigh. He had never been to Choi Muhyeok’s place, so he didn’t know how big it was, but whether it was big or small, Ji Yeonwoo had never imagined him doing his own cleaning or laundry.

    This brought back old memories. When he lived with Lee Hyunjun, they had a housekeeper too. She was younger than most housekeepers, and because of that, they often had great conversations.

    Sometimes, when he was sick or feeling under the weather, she would take care of him and even be a good listener. He wondered how she was doing now.

    Choi Muhyeok stood up first and helped Ji Yeonwoo to his feet, leading him back the way they came. As they walked, Ji Yeonwoo looked up at the sky. It had grown even darker, as if it might start raining any moment.

    “We’d better hurry. It looks like it’s going to rain soon.”

    Their previously slow and leisurely pace quickened. Familiar scenery passed on both sides. About halfway back on the path they had come, Choi Muhyeok was the first to speak.

    “Ji Yeonwoo, you don’t like the rain, do you?”

    Surprise flashed in Ji Yeonwoo’s eyes as he quietly followed Choi Muhyeok’s lead.

    “How did you know?”

    “I’ve read your journal, and there are a lot of negative stories on rainy days.”


    “And I don’t know if you realize it, but whenever you talk about the rain, your expression isn’t exactly great.”

    “Have I… really?”

    Ji Yeonwoo felt somewhat embarrassed, scrunching his lips into a smile. It was the first time hearing this. Since you can’t see your own face while speaking, it made sense not to notice.

    More than anything, Ji Yeonwoo’s heart began to race again, as if falling for Choi Muhyeok once more. It was always astonishing to see how he could infer the truth from just a few small details. It could be said that he was simply perceptive, but another way to look at it was that he cared deeply. It meant he didn’t overlook even the smallest things about the person he cared about, piecing things together from those details. Deep interest, after all, was just another way of saying deep affection.

    Though it felt awkward to confirm what they both already knew, the good feeling was hard to hide. With a subtle smile tugging at his lips, Ji Yeonwoo continued walking, now holding Choi Muhyeok’s hand a little tighter.

    “We have a lot in common.”

    “Like what?”

    “Just like you dislike the rain, I dislike snow. The kind that falls from the sky, like rain.”

    At this, Ji Yeonwoo was even more shocked.


    His eyes widened as he looked at Choi Muhyeok, surprised beyond belief. Of all the things in the world, how had they ended up in a relationship where one person disliked rain and the other snow? He wasn’t normally one for believing in fate, but hearing that, the thought crossed his mind: Are we meant to be?

    “You didn’t just make that up, right? You’re serious?”



    The words slipped out unintentionally, so startled was he. Realizing how blunt it sounded, he quickly shut his mouth in embarrassment. Seeing this, Choi Muhyeok smiled softly, slowing his pace.

    “Why do you hate the rain, Ji Yeonwoo?”

    “Because I have too many bad memories on rainy days. Even now, I still have nightmares when it rains. What about you, Managing Director?”

    “It’s similar for me. I have a bad memory tied to snow.”

    Hearing Choi Muhyeok’s quiet words, Ji Yeonwoo couldn’t help but exclaim in awe. How could they share something like this? Objectively, it was something they shouldn’t be happy about, but he couldn’t suppress the smile that kept creeping onto his face.

    “The difference is that for me, it only happened once, but it’s hard to forget.”

    The corners of his mouth, which had been pulled up in a smile, suddenly stiffened.

    Ji Yeonwoo’s steps slowed as he walked side by side with Choi Muhyeok. His eyes were now fixed on Choi Muhyeok’s back, a few steps ahead of him.

    Is it just me, or did Choi Muhyeok have a look on his face that I’ve never seen before when he said that?

    It had been an expression full of bitterness. It was almost as if this man, who Ji Yeonwoo had thought he knew, had briefly turned into someone else. It was the first time he had ever felt such unfamiliarity toward Choi Muhyeok.

    “We’re here. You did well walking all this way.”

    Only when Ji Yeonwoo heard Choi Muhyeok’s voice did he notice the car parked ahead.

    Choi Muhyeok naturally headed to the passenger side first and opened the door, escorting Ji Yeonwoo inside.

    “You must be tired. You should rest on the way back.”

    As Ji Yeonwoo settled into the passenger seat, Choi Muhyeok crouched down to meet his eyes. Trying to keep his expression from betraying him, Ji Yeonwoo forced a smile and turned to face forward.

    As Choi Muhyeok walked around the car to the driver’s side, his earlier comment—about how one bad memory had stayed with him—lingered in Ji Yeonwoo’s mind. He couldn’t shake the feeling that perhaps Choi Muhyeok also had a story that wasn’t as simple as it seemed.

    Though he had no idea what that memory was or whom it involved, Ji Yeonwoo didn’t feel brave enough to ask.

    He cut off the trail of thoughts before they could spiral. Turning his head toward the sound of the door opening, he watched as Choi Muhyeok lowered himself into the driver’s seat. Almost unconsciously, Ji Yeonwoo let out a small sigh.

    ݁˖ ❀ ⋆。˚

    “Come on in.”

    Following Choi Muhyeok inside, Ji Yeonwoo took his first step into his home. As the lights gradually brightened, revealing more of the space, Ji Yeonwoo couldn’t help but gasp in awe.

    “This is your place, Managing Director?”

    His home was incomparable in size and grandeur to Ji Yeonwoo’s own.

    “It looks like a model home. No, actually, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a place this nice, even in model homes.”

    Standing in the middle of the living room, Ji Yeonwoo kept turning his head, admiring the surroundings. The house was furnished in a modern style, with a consistent and sleek design. The overall atmosphere felt a bit cold, perhaps mirroring Choi Muhyeok’s own demeanor. Even without being told, it was easy to tell that this was his home.

    After draping his jacket over the sofa, Choi Muhyeok approached Ji Yeonwoo from behind and hugged him. The house was spacious enough that the air felt slightly chilly, but Ji Yeonwoo could feel the warmth from Choi Muhyeok’s body as he embraced him. Grasping the arms wrapped around his collarbone, Ji Yeonwoo spoke up.

    “Managing Director, are we really going to stay home all weekend?”

    “That’s the plan. Is there something else you’d rather do?”

    Turning around within the arms encircling him, Ji Yeonwoo stood facing Choi Muhyeok, their bodies close.

    “Not really. I just want you to tell me all the things you said I was curious about last time.”

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