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    Loves Error

    “B-Brigadier, Brigadier General! Wait for a moment…!”​

    His field of vision spun again as if his body had turned to jelly, and the door slammed shut in front of him. Sehwa, who had been thrown onto the bed, held his breath quietly. The small room attached to the office was rather bleak to be called a bedroom and somewhat lacking as a lounge area. A massive waterbed occupied the center, and on the opposite wall, an oversized wall-mounted TV seemed out of place. To the left of a strangely shaped small sofa was a bathroom, and a full-length mirror was attached to the sliding door. It was a room designed exclusively for sex, so repulsive that it could make you nauseous.


    As if even his fidgeting annoyed him, Ki Tae-jeong suddenly grabbed Sehwa’s hair. Sehwa screamed but then realized what he had done and looked at him with apprehension. There was no way that a man who could disfigure people without a care in the world would spare someone like him…

    “Wait, what… What are you doing…!”

    He seemed to be about to kill him just a moment ago, but now he was reaching for Sehwa’s lower garments.

    “Did you climax earlier?”

    “Ah, why are you doing this… all of a sudden…”​

    Until just now, he had flickered his eyes as if he was about to kill someone. Now, he was smiling as if he were satisfied, and Sehwa’s trembling response seemed to please him.

    “Hmm… I’m not sure. It’s all wet. Is this water or semen?”

    “Let go of this… Ah, don’t…!”

    “I am asking you seriously. if you’ve been walking around with watery semen like this, or something that looks like rice water….”​

    Ki Tae-jeong licked up his wet thumb as if he were examining it. ‘Why, if you have sex often, semen becomes a bit more watery,’ he added with a vulgar joke.

    “If that were the case, we might have gotten tired of it eventually. You or me.”

    “That’s… I’ve never operated like that.”

    “I see.”

    Ki Tae-jeong nodded as if it made sense.

    “If that were the case, you would have been in a wheelchair a long time ago. You’ve never lived outside this House since you were born, right?”


    “If you had had your back hole opened all the way from then until now, you wouldn’t have been able to walk around on your own two feet like this. I said something useless. Sorry.”​

    There wasn’t an ounce of remorse in his voice. Sehwa wanted to cry. The shame he felt now was something he hadn’t even experienced when he ejaculated under the water. He had shown his tears in front of him earlier, but it wasn’t due to emotional turmoil. His tears back then were an automatic response he didn’t even understand.

    But now… he really felt like letting go and crying. Why was he tormenting him to this extent? Ki Tae-jeong knew perfectly well that he was Lieutenant Kim’s long-term hostage. He also knew that he was a man who had spent his whole life servicing the house. He understood that when a high-ranking person waved banknotes, he had to do everything required, he had already…


    It seemed that if he spoke now, it felt like he would burst into tears. So, he sneakily glanced at Ki Tae-jeong and chewed on his lips.


    The man’s hand grabbed Sehwa’s hair at once just like before.

    “I’m calling you, can’t you hear me?”


    “Then why are you ignoring me? You only answer when you’re beaten, do you want me to do that? Do you want me to hang you up somewhere and beat you, or just?”

    “Hmm…, I-I, was wrong….”

    “Do you know what you did wrong?”

    “Yes, yes…”​

    “What did I say I didn’t like?”

    “P-peeking at…you.”​

    “That’s right,” Ki Tae-jeong said as he finally released his grip. Even though he hadn’t been hit severely, Sehwa’s suppressed sobs began to well up.

    “You’re pretty, so I’ll let it go this time.”

    Ki Tae-jeong’s long and slender fingers gently wiped away the tears that were hanging on Sehwa’s lashes. Just a moment ago, these same fingers had been scrubbing drugs off a glass plate and inspecting semen on Sehwa’s pants.

    “Let’s go back to what we were talking about earlier.”

    Ki Tae-jeong brushed off the moisture on his hands and sat down beside Sehwa. The water bed swayed lightly. It was a bizarre and vulgar oscillation that naturally reminded him of a sexual act.

    “In any case, you’re now in a position where you only have to listen to me and not Lieutenant Kim if you want to live.”​

    Sehwa tried to answer, but his voice wouldn’t come out, so he nodded vigorously.

    “Roughly, I intend to stay here until I catch Lieutenant Kim.”

    Ki Tae-jeong pressed Sehwa’s face here and there as if to alleviate his boredom.

    “So, play with me while I’m here so I don’t get bored.”

    “Play… what do you mean?”

    “Yeah. If you play with me, I’ll give you anything.”

    Ki Tae-jeong’s eyes were burning with lust as he pressed his lips to Sehwa’s damp cheeks. It was strange how Sehwa seemed not to understand the implications of his words.

    “What are you going to get from that bastard, Lieutenant Kim? Money? House?”​

    Sehwa couldn’t answer anything and just felt disgusted inside. If he was going to go crazy, he should go crazy in a dignified manner. Why did this person have such bad habits? He wasn’t even that old, yet he acted like a playboy with a young concubine by his side…

    “Ah, this is definitely a proposal, so you can answer comfortably. I don’t have a hobby of doing things forcibly. It just feels dirty.”​

    Well, hasn’t he tried it by force before? Sehwa looked around with trembling eyes. Answer comfortably? Will Ki Tae-jeong give him anything? It was hard to believe, given Ki Tae-jeong’s ambiguous attitude. Why him…? Why bother…?

    “I have another idea.”

    Ki Tae-jeong grabbed Sae-hwa’s hand and placed it on his thigh. Then, he covered it and even dug his fingernails in to make sure Sehwa couldn’t resist. With his hands overlapping, he stroked Ki Tae-jeong’s rock-hard body several times, and the flesh hidden below began to swell, threatening to burst through his suit pants.

    “How about it? People usually like it once they get used to it, even if they find it a little uncomfortable at first.”

    Sehwa was speechless and looked at the man’s swelling dick. What? A little? A little uncomfortable? He had exaggerated it a little, but all he could think of was the batons that the thugs wielded. Was he trying to torture him with this now? Then, suddenly, mentioning sex didn’t seem so out of place. Ki Tae-jeong was intent on killing him. Once that stained thing entered his mouth or body, there was no doubt he would die.

    “…Forcibly, you say you won’t….”

    “I said I won’t?”

    This lunatic. Sehwa barely managed to suppress the curse that almost slipped out and turned his head away. He hated it all. Making it seem like he was giving a choice while subjecting him to this ordeal, and that fake, pleading tone. Even amid all this, his mind, which inexplicably found Ki Tae-jeong’s face and neck as elegant as his low voice, was twisted.

    “Maybe if I really put it in… it might not hurt much.”

    Ki Tae-jeong used his other hand to grope around his abdomen. From his pelvis to… a few inches above his navel. About there.

    “Usually, if you do it from behind, it can go a bit deeper.”

    “I can’t take it… and besides, I wasn’t even…”

    He wasn’t even physiologically capable of pregnancy. It wasn’t like he naturally lubricated like other men who could receive the same gender, so smooth sexual intercourse was impossible. He was just explaining that, but he felt strangely embarrassed and hesitated to speak.

    “I know. Whether it’s a man with the potential to become pregnant or a castrated bastard, either way, my dick won’t fit all the way in. I’m just saying to prepare for it to go in this deep.”

    A large hand that could probably cover his entire face roamed around his dry skin here and there. When he touched the spot he had just brushed aside, Sehwa’s body trembled unconsciously. Ki Tae-jeong still had a nonchalant expression, but for some reason, Sehwa felt like he was laughing.

    “My sexual orientation is a bit… like that. I’m not into beating and bleeding, but I’m a bit persistent. So, I’m giving you a chance to choose. If you say yes, I won’t stop until you’re dead.”


    “Have you seen what I’ve done so far? I hate it when people beg and resist, especially when they’ve said they’ll give in. If you just act however you like after saying you’ll submit, I might as well lay you out in the middle of a gambling house.”

    Ki Tae-jeong was going to bet on how many times he could make him take it from behind. In front of everyone. Sehwa whispered horrifying words, and this time, Ki Tae-jeong genuinely smiled. It was such a sweet smile that it could be mistaken for a love confession if you only looked at his face as you pressed the mute button.

    “If I say I don’t want to…”

    “It doesn’t matter. There are things more important than sex anyway, to us.”​

    It was just the way he said it as if he didn’t even think that Sehwa would refuse.

    “Instead, if you play with me, I’ll give you one more thing you want in exchange for Lieutenant Kim’s promise.”

    Ki Tae-jeong tilted his head as if he was going to kiss.​

    “So, it would be nice if you consider it positively.”

    Sehwa was startled and instinctively withdrew, causing the handcuffs that had collided to make a clanging noise. Ki Tae-jeong’s manhood under his hand was now fully erect, and it seemed like it would protrude visibly even outside of his clothes.

    “Sleep with me, babe. I’ll definitely make you pregnant.”

    …Seriously, what a lunatic.


    Of course, he couldn’t sleep a wink all night. Ki Tae-jeong, who had seemed like he would strip Sehwa’s clothes off right away, threw a bomb-like statement and then left the room, telling him to rest now. His hand still carried the sensation of the giant erection. Doing nothing was more unsettling and frightening. The ride right before the fall was always scarier.


    Sehwa brushed off his heavy wrist. The handcuffs that had been tightly fastened around his wrists annoyingly jingled. The patch still wrapped around his neck bothered him. If he really intended to let him rest, shouldn’t he at least remove this?

    Thanks to that, Sehwa trembled while still unable to take off his wet clothes. The bedcover, with a texture like jelly, didn’t absorb any moisture, so he couldn’t even wipe his wet body with it. It looks like they didn’t put a piece of plain cloth on it to make it easy to wipe off anything spilled, whether it’s blood or semen.

    Above all, the structure of this room itself was a problem. Even slight movements caused the waterbed to sway. It made him wonder if it was possible to have sex here, considering how sensitive it was. Moreover, when he turned to the side, there was a full-length mirror, and if he lay straight, his reflection was clearly visible on the TV screen, even though it was turned off. There was no hidden corner to catch his breath.

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