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    Loves Balance

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    “Have you been unable to receive guiding for more than two weeks?” 


    “Is there a particular reason you haven’t been able to meet with your imprinted Guide?”

    “I don’t wish to answer that question.”


    Sijin paused briefly while reviewing his chart. Sitting before Sijin was Esper Yoo Seunghwa, one of the key A-rank espers he needed to manage closely.

    Esper Yoo Seunghwa was the captain of Oscar Team, primarily involved in espionage and covert operations. She was also the first person at the F12 Center whom Sijin had ever seen who was properly dressed in a suit. Except that under her sleek, black ponytail, her face, as impassive as a mask, and her cold eyes seemed to pierce right through him. 

    Moreover, Yoo Seunghwa was uncooperative. Despite being there for counseling, Sijin felt as if he himself were under scrutiny instead.

    “Esper Yoo Seunghwa, please be as honest as possible with me. It will greatly assist in my diagnosis.”

    “This doesn’t seem to be something you can help with, Doctor.”


    It continued like this, causing Sijin’s mood to sink further amidst his growing fatigue. However, he maintained his composure. In truth, Sijin found dealing with someone who played mind games during counseling sessions, like Yoo Seunghwa, more tiring than dealing with someone who threw a tantrum (Killer Whale) or was constantly on guard (Shark). And considering that Yoo Seunghwa was the captain of a specialized espionage team made it even tougher.

    “Why did you come to this F12 Center, Doctor?”

    Sijin gave an uneasy smile at the question, curious about what she aimed to uncover.

    “Esper Yoo Seunghwa, this isn’t the time for my counseling session.” 

    “I’m just wondering why the director chose you specifically.”

    “Perhaps because they needed a diagnostic examiner?”

    “You’re too kind-hearted for that role. Or should I say, too young.”

    ‘Did Jeong Taeyul put her up to this?’

    He almost said it out loud. Sijin ignored her words with a small sigh. Surely even Esper Yoo Seunghwa would understand that he meant to drop the subject.

    “Let’s stop talking about me. So… have there been any problems recently with your imprinted Guide?”

    “Yes. We are currently separated.”

    “Is there a specific reason?”

    “My Guide requested a divorce.”


    It meant marital discord. This was a territory beyond what Sijin should meddle in. After all, his role was to manage ‘Esper Yoo Seunghwa’. In contrast to the troubled Sijin, Yoo Seunghwa seemed unaffected.

    “I recommend meeting your Guide for guiding at least once every two weeks even during separation. Since you’re imprinted, simply being in each other’s presence should be enough to stabilize your wavelengths. If you’d like, I can schedule a couples counseling session for you.”

    Sijin deliberately avoided mentioning divorce. Unlike divorce, the imprinting left traces on each other’s hearts for life. There was currently no safe method to remove an imprinting.

    “I’ll keep that in mind.”

    It implied she wouldn’t consider couples counseling. Sijin felt momentarily frustrated but didn’t show it on his face. Anyway, imprinted Ability Users could endure well even without guiding for two or three months. Moreover, suggesting anything hastily during this sensitive time wasn’t advisable.

    “I understand. Then…”

    Suddenly, there was a loud crashing sound outside.

    Yoo Seunghwa showed little reaction. Trusting the other examiners, Sijin intended to continue the session. But then his emergency line rang. Sijin excused himself for a moment and answered the call. It was the youngest examiner.

    “This is Baek Sijin.”

    [Dr. Baek, Esper Ham Geonwu is getting agitated.]

    “Did you follow my instructions?”

    Sijin was referring to the preparations for the examination. Sijin had purposefully asked another examiner to handle him. He wanted to gradually expose Ham Geonwu to different stimuli. This would allow him to undergo examinations with other examiners as well, not just him. Ultimately, it was for his own good.

    [No, I was about to prepare when…]

    “Then start by explaining each step slowly…”

    [I’m sorry to interrupt, but Esper Ham Geonwu refuses unless you’re present, Dr. Baek.]


    Sijin momentarily lost his words. How could he have overlooked this? A killer whale’s stubbornness truly matched its size.

    “…Understood. I’ll be right there.”

    Baek Sijin ended the call. He needed to see Ham Geonwu before this situation escalated further. First, he turned to Yoo Seunghwa, who was seated across from him.

    “I’m sorry, but our counseling…”

    “Yes, it seems we should wrap up.” As expected of a captain specializing in intelligence, she quickly assessed the situation.

    Without wasting any more time, Baek Sijin stood up. The two hastily tidied their space and headed toward the door side by side. Although Baek Sijin’s height at 177 cm wasn’t small, Captain Yoo Seunghwa, clad in her black uniform, appeared similarly tall.

    During this brief moment, they engaged in rapid-fire conversation like playing speedball.

    “If you get caught by the Killer Whale, there’s no escape.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “You’re aware of his weaknesses, right?”

    “No… I’m not sure what you’re referring to.”

    “Action-oriented, stubborn, overly optimistic, PTSD, and a greedy person who must have whatever he desires.”

    “…Those could be seen as strengths, depending on the perspective.” Yoo Seunghwa stood by the door, now facing Sijin directly.

    Good boy syndrome.”

    [TL/N: This refers to not being able to express one’s feelings honestly even as an adult, and trying too hard to remain a good person to others while suppressing their desires or wishes.]

    Sijin’s hand paused as he was about to grasp the doorknob. His eyes momentarily flickered with uncertainty. After taking a deep breath, he looked at Yoo Seunghwa with a slightly disillusioned smile.

    “It’s not healthy to constantly analyze others.”

    “You’re right. Despite my rude behavior throughout our counseling, you never got angry. It’s quite common among those with this syndrome.”


    Was she intentionally trying to make him uncomfortable? Suddenly feeling unbearably weary, Sijin struggled to maintain his composure.

    Yoo Seunghwa continued without missing a beat, “No matter how well you take care of others, it’s useless if you’re falling apart yourself.”

    Sijin’s forced smile gradually faded at these words. He let out a deep sigh, revealing his exhaustion. Yoo Seunghwa observed this expressionlessly before saying:

    “I apologize for my earlier remarks. I’ll be leaving now.”

    Her voice was infuriatingly calm as she exited the diagnostic room.


    Left alone, Sijin stood silently for a moment, haunted by the words he had just heard: No matter how well you take care of others, it’s useless if you’re falling apart yourself…

    He slowly turned his head toward a mirror hanging on the wall and saw himself wearing glasses.

    ‘When was the last time I took care of myself…?’

    Sijin stared at his tired reflection, feeling unfamiliar with his own face. He sometimes thought that if he continued neglecting himself like this, all that would remain of him one day would be ashes. However, he felt powerless to change his reality as there seemed no other choice for him.

    His thoughts were interrupted by Shin Dayoung’s urgent call.

    “Doctor! Doctor…!”

    Startled back to reality, Sijin rushed out the door.

    There, waiting for him, was Ham Geonwu, panting heavily.


    The glass window of the lab was cracked. Thankfully, it was tempered and didn’t shatter, but seeing pens and chairs embedded in the glass was unsettling nonetheless. Sijin met Ham Geonwu’s gaze through the damaged pane. He stood amidst the chaos, catching his breath. His bare torso flexed with each heavy exhale. Clenching his teeth like a wild animal, he avoided making eye contact with him.

    “Is anyone hurt?” Sijin immediately checked on his team members. Fortunately, no one seemed to be injured.

    However, Shin Dayoung looked troubled as she spoke up. “Doctor… We were following your instructions and carefully preparing everything—”

    “As long as nobody got hurt. Let’s discuss this later.”

    Sijin asked Shin Dayoung to handle the cleanup. This type of incident was common within the examination lab anyway. Besides, it could have been worse if an A-rank esper had only broken some windows.

    Sijin cautiously entered the lab. Ham Geonwu now sat on the examination table with his head bowed and hand pressed against his forehead, not even acknowledging his entrance.

    “Esper Ham Geonwu, are you okay?”


    “Have you calmed down a bit?” Sijin carefully approached him. His white lab coat gently swayed with each step he took. He picked up the chart that had fallen near Ham Geonwu’s feet.

    Ham Geonwu spoke in a low voice, “….Why weren’t you here earlier?”

    “I’m sorry. The previous counseling ran long.”

    “Why are all the other examiners suddenly being nice to me?”

    “It’s because I provided additional training recently.”


    “You were quite startled.” Sijin responded with his usual gentle demeanor. Gradually, Ham Geonwu’s labored breathing began to slow down.

    After a brief silence, he turned his head and whispered quietly, “…I didn’t mean for my telekinesis to come out like that.”

    “I understand.”

    “When they suddenly took my temperature… I thought they were going to give me an injection.”

    “It’s okay. I know how surprising it was for you.”

    Sijin’s calm response finally prompted Ham Geonwu to lift his head and gauge his reaction. 

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