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    At first, Ham Geonwu was only intrigued by the mysterious gem, not Sijin himself. Honestly, he found it a bit boring when someone showed interest in him first.

    Still, his first impression of Sijin had been favorable. A handsome man with a gentle, refined aura who seemed inexplicably drawn to him. He had a calming, pleasant voice, and after a few conversations, Ham Geonwu had sensed a strong, unwavering core beneath his polite exterior.

    But he was an examiner.

    No matter how attractive someone was, if their profession was Diagnostic Examiner, Ham Geonwu viewed them differently. The traumatic memories of his time as a test subject made him instinctively wary of all examiners. 

    ‘He’s an examiner, so he’s probably just like the rest. I’ll tease him a little and focus on the protection mission.’

    Ham Geonwu believed Sijin’s kindness was a facade. He might have seemed carefree, but he was well aware of the realities of the world. There was no such thing as unconditional kindness. Examiners always had an ulterior motive. He knew his suspicion bordered on paranoia, but he couldn’t shake it off.

    He approached his first examination with a sense of skepticism, treating it as a test. He was still doubtful, even as he sat down in the examination room. 

    But this examiner was somehow different. 

    “You must have been really nervous about coming here.” 

    Haa… I don’t know. Maybe.”

    “But you kept your promise and came for your examination. I’m proud of you.” 


    Ham Geonwu had never had such a casual conversation during an examination before. He stared at Sijin, his brow furrowed. Sijin didn’t seem the least bit intimidated by his A-rank status, busying himself with preparations for the examination. 

    And his gentle words, spoken in that soothing voice, were so unfamiliar, so disarming…

    “I’m 28, you know.”

    “I know. You’re doing a great job with your examinations. You’ve grown up so well.” 


    Ham Geonwu felt a strange sense of déjà vu. He couldn’t figure it out. 

    He never would have imagined being treated like a child at the age of 28. He racked his brain, trying to understand the situation, when a news segment he’d seen about pet therapy popped into his mind. Apparently, some dentists used therapy dogs to help children relax during appointments. 

    “What are you doing after your examination today? You should reward yourself.” 

    “I’m going to drink until 5 a.m.”

    “Wow, our Geonwu really is 28.” 

    That was exactly how Sijin was acting. Or perhaps it was the other way around. Would this be what it felt like to be examined by a puppy?

    For the first time ever, Ham Geonwu felt completely at ease during an examination. He even enjoyed it. 

    He was even given a reward for his good behavior.

    “Candy…? Why are you giving me this?” 

    “It’s a reward for doing a good job.” 

    “I didn’t even get candy when I was eight.” 

    Ham Geonwu, after his first examination with Sijin, came to a conclusion: 

    Maybe this guy wasn’t so bad after all.

    His intuition was rarely wrong. He was good at judging people, at figuring out who was a threat and who wasn’t. And Sijin was definitely not someone to be wary of. He would protect Sijin, and Sijin, in turn, would take care of him, helping him to grow stronger.

    ‘This is… a pretty good arrangement.’

    For the first time, Ham Geonwu revised his deep-seated prejudice against examiners. Maybe there were decent ones out there, ones who kept their promises. He wasn’t expecting anything more than that, and that in itself was enough. 

    But something changed.

    As time went on, he found himself drawn to Sijin in unexpected ways. 

    “There’s also… s-sexual intercourse between… between people who love each other.” 

    He’s so damn cute.

    “Are you… learning a new technique? Are you okay?” 

    He’s good at teaching.

    “Don’t worry. It’s safe. You trust me, right?” 

    He’s competent. Trustworthy…

    And the moment Ham Geonwu’s trust in Sijin became absolute was during the imprinting suggestion session. 

    Ham Geonwu hated imprinting suggestions. The practice of forcing Espers and Guides into relationships simply because they had high compatibility felt dehumanizing. And getting such a suggestion from an examiner was especially unsettling, a remnant of his past trauma.

    “So… you’re going to imprint as a married couple, right? Not a contract imprint or a compensation imprint… but a fair and equal imprint, correct?”

    But Sijin seemed truly against the idea of him imprinting with Jeong Taeyul. 

    Ham Geonwu had never met an examiner like him. He noticed Sijin’s hand trembling as he scribbled notes on the chart. If he pushed him any further, Sijin might actually beg him not to imprint.

    It was baffling. If he and Jeong Taeyul imprinted, it would be considered a success for the examiner, and it would ultimately benefit both the Esper and the Guide. 

    ‘Does he really hate the idea of us imprinting that much?’

    Sijin’s reaction was so amusing that Ham Geonwu couldn’t help but grin. The way he’d flustered, even under Jeong Taeyul’s playful teasing, was endearing. Ham Geonwu wanted to see more of it.

    And then, during their drinking session, Ham Geonwu finally learned the reason behind Sijin’s kindness.

    Sijin, his cheeks flushed with alcohol, had confessed shyly, “Don’t you remember? Ten years ago… You saved me.” 

    He had a connection with Doctor Baek from ten years ago? 

    Ham Geonwu racked his brain, searching for the memory. However, ten years ago had been a tumultuous time filled with sporadic terrorist attacks, and Ham Geonwu, who had been living each day on the edge, had hazy memories of that period. His tendency to focus on the present didn’t help. 

    Still, he felt a sense of familiarity, as if he had met Sijin somewhere before. 

    ‘When could it have been?’

    He studied Sijin, who was taking a sip of his drink. Ten years ago, Ham Geonwu had been 18, attending Guardian School. It had been a challenging and intense period in his life. Ability Users attending Guardian School were drafted into rescue missions even before graduation, and Ham Geonwu had saved countless civilians during that time.

    ‘Ah, I can’t remember.’

    He gave up on his search for the memory. But he didn’t dwell on it. Ham Geonwu lived in the moment, always seeking out new experiences. If he had saved Sijin ten years ago, he could simply protect him again now. He took a gulp of his drink, his eyes fixed on Sijin. 

    ‘So, there was a reason for his kindness.’ 

    The realization that Sijin’s affection wasn’t random, but stemmed from a sense of gratitude, made him feel even more drawn to him. 

    At some point, Jeong Taeyul had disappeared from the bar. 

    Ham Geonwu kept his drinking in check. Jeong Taeyul had essentially entrusted the protection of their target to him. 

    He was confident in his ability to hold his liquor. He enjoyed drinking, but he knew his limits. He joined in the revelry, but his gaze kept returning to Sijin.

    The night wore on. 

    ‘If he gets any drunker, he’ll probably follow anyone who tries to kidnap him,’ Ham Geonwu thought, a flicker of annoyance crossing his face. The alcohol had loosened Sijin’s tongue, and he was laughing more freely now. He giggled at everything, occasionally slipping into complex, intellectual conversations, revealing his sharp mind. 

    But then, Ham Geonwu noticed someone hovering near Sijin. Sijin, true to his nature, treated everyone with the same friendly smile. And then the pattern repeated itself. Sijin would tell the same story, over and over, his words blurring together, as if he’d forgotten what he was even talking about. 

    What truly irked Ham Geonwu was a single compliment that Sijin had uttered. 

    “Our Gyuho can’t hold his liquor, huh? How cute.”

    Ham Geonwu’s brow furrowed. He turned his attention to Sijin, who was still giggling. Standing next to him was a young, fresh-faced guy. 

    What the hell?

    He wasn’t the only one Sijin considered cute?

    Ham Geonwu finished his drink in one gulp. He had assumed that Sijin’s shyness stemmed from his attraction to Ham Geonwu, but it seemed that he simply found every young guy he met endearing. And what about all that talk about being grateful for saving his life? 

    Annoyance bubbled up inside him, a strange sense of possessiveness taking root. 

    He made his way towards Sijin, fighting the urge to clear the room with his telekinesis. He then gently nudged Seo Gyuho, leading him away from Sijin. Seo Gyuho, upon seeing Ham Geonwu, immediately took three steps back, standing at attention. 

    Ham Geonwu called out to him, his voice friendly.

    “Seo Gyuho? Right?”

    “Yes, sir! Esper Ham Geonwu, sir!”

    Seo Gyuho remained polite, even while drunk. Ham Geonwu gestured towards Sijin, asking casually, “Seems like Doctor Baek thinks you’re cute.” 

    “Sir? Ah, y-yes, sir! He has a… favorable opinion of me.”

    Seo Gyuho, like most young Ability Users, was easily swayed by praise. He even looked a little smug. Ham Geonwu chuckled, his tone light.

    “Why don’t you… try a different approach?” 

    “I’m sorry, sir?”

    “You’re overlapping with my character.”


    He was a bit slow, wasn’t he? No wonder Jeong Taeyul disliked him. He was just like Ham Geonwu. 

    Ham Geonwu sighed internally, his smile not reaching his eyes.

    “I am cute.”

    “Oh, ah… Yes, sir, uh…”

    Confusion clouded Seo Gyuho’s face.

    “Where’d Gyuho go?”

    Sijin, who was engrossed in a drinking game, called out. Ham Geonwu’s smile vanished, replaced by a neutral expression. His usual cheerful demeanor meant that his serious face often intimidated people. 

    And, as expected, Seo Gyuho, his nerves on edge, blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

    “I-I’ll try to be… less cute, sir.” 

    “Good, good.”

    Smart kid. Ham Geonwu patted his shoulder, a genuine smile returning to his face. Satisfied with the answer, he rejoined the crowd, leaving Seo Gyuho behind. 

    Sijin, in the center of it all, was rambling about his ridiculous dreams, thanks to a drinking game. After hearing him mention that his dream was to be a dolphin for the third time, Ham Geonwu decided it was time to intervene. He led Sijin out of the Black Container.

    “Do you always smile like that when you’re drunk?”

    “Me? Did I…?” 

    “Nope, you definitely did. Come on, little dolphin, time for bed.”

    Ham Geonwu gently lifted Sijin with his telekinesis. Sijin looked down at his own body, his eyes wide with wonder, before curling up like a fetus. Ham Geonwu draped his field jacket over him and left, a strange feeling of annoyance settling in his chest. He wanted to ask Sijin what the hell he found so endearing about everyone he met.

    “Maybe I’ll dream of dolphins…”

    Sijin’s mumbled words brought a smile to Ham Geonwu’s lips. He stared at him for a moment, shaking his head in disbelief, before carefully lifting him onto his back. He couldn’t bring himself to be annoyed with him.


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