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    The night view of Bangkok shone brightly from the window. The scenery that was unfamiliar to him when he first came here was now as comfortable as his own home. There was no such thing as a home for him, so if he remain anywhere long enough, it becomes his home. After recalling the old memories for a moment, Ja-kyung took out a cigarette and lit it.

    Wang Han appeared and handed him one of two bottles of beer from the refrigerator.

    “What are you thinking about?”

    ā€œI wondered if I could come back here.ā€ 

    Wang Han’s brow furrowed. 

    “What a bad luck.”

    Ja-kyung smiled and took a sip of the beer. He had to go outside in the afternoon the next day. He needed to tidy up his hair, get a new pair of glasses, and dress modestly. He planned to eat at a usual restaurant where he ate frequently.

    “Are you returning to Korea for the first time in five years?”


    “How do you feel?”


    Wang Han did not ask any further questions. He knew how much of a terrible childhood Ja-kyung had in Korea. Both his parents were criminals and he said they engaged in drug-related work. While his peers were studying at school, Ja-kyung was used to deliver drugs. 

    Being beaten after being hungry was common, and he didn’t even have a chance to dream in the first place.

    After his parents died, Ja-kyung was left alone at the age of ten and fostered by Wang Han’s father. Wang Han, who was 12 years old at the time, watched after Ja-kyung as if he were a younger brother, but the two eventually became criminals because what they saw and learned was stealing.

    “What should I do when I get the money?”

    “I’m thinking about getting a hair transplant. What do you think?ā€ 

    Ja-kyung burst out laughing. Wang Han had previously come from elsewhere to apply hair growth medicine, but this went wrong, and hair grew on his palms, forcing him to use a razor on his palms for a while. He later read in the manual that after application, he should wash his hands thoroughly with water.

    ā€œGive up. If there was a way to change it, none of the famous people would be bald?”

    Wang Han was aware of it as well, so he couldn’t deny it.

    ā€œThen what are you going to do? Are you really going to buy an island?ā€ 

    ā€œI donā€™t know yet.ā€ 

    Ja-kyung hesitated for a while, pressing the tip of the beer bottle to his lips.

    “Should I donate the money?”


    ā€œLike Warren Buffett.ā€ 

    ā€œThatā€™s great. He’s the best at investing and you’re the best at killings, so in a way, you two have something in common.”

    Wang Han was serious, but Ja-kyung smiled bitterly. Warren Buffett would be furious if he learned that he was compared to a butcher who kills people. Many people have always admired that person, yet the only time he has been regarded as when he has killed someone.

    Wang Han picked up his beer bottle. 

    ā€œFor you who will be greater than Warren Buffett.ā€ 

    Ja-kyung laughed and bumped his bottle. 

    ā€œFor five million dollars and your new hair.ā€


    Il-hyun closed his eyes and raised his arm to press the stop button when the loud alarm went off. The time was 7 a.m. He got up and rubbed his face to wake him up. He drank alcohol with politicians until late yesterday, and the hangover did not go away even after he slept and woke up. 

    He wanted to go back to bed, but he couldn’t because he had an appointment in the morning. After putting on a robe in a nude state, he went out into the living room. When Tae-soo noticed him, he got up from the sofa.

    ā€œYou’re here, sir.ā€ 

    ā€œYou came early.ā€ 

    His voice cracked from exhaustion and he walked to one side of the bar and opened the refrigerator. It was stocked with beer and disposable bottled water. He took a bottle of water, twisted the cover off, and drank it to relieve his thirst.

    ā€œWhat time did you say the flight?ā€ 

    ā€œItā€™s half-past ten.ā€ 

    He’d be on time if he washed up and left right now. He took off his robe and went into the bathroom to shower with cold water after discarding the empty bottled water in the trash can. He closed his eyes and stood under the water few moments to regain his composure.

    After wiping off the water, he went out to dry his hair, applied skin toner and picked out a shirt. 

    He put on a blue shirt, a watch, and a tie that matched, and stood in front of the mirror. He smiled warmly as he fastened his cufflinks, as though his partner was standing directly in front of him.

    ā€œWelcome to Korea.ā€ 

    He then shifted his gaze left and right to examine his own features. Hmm, handsome. He took his jacket and headed outside with a satisfied smile on his face. Tae-soo was waiting for him. 

    “Let’s go.”

    The two went through the long hallway on the second floor to the central staircase. Every movement was recorded on CCTV installed throughout the house. It was placed four years ago after he was attacked, and it has a night vision feature that detects activity even in the dark.

    At that time, only five people died in Kang Il-hyun’s home. Two of them were guards, while the other three were intruders. He had kept one of the intruders alive and tortured him severely to find out who had ordered him. A member of the National Assembly was found dead in a car the next year.

    ā€œGood morning, sir.ā€

    The resident employees all lowered their heads at the same time as he walked down the steps.

    “Good morning.” 

    He came out after hearing an elderly woman wearing an apron greet from the back kitchen. She was the housekeeper, who did housework and Kang Il-hyun had known her since he was barely able to walk.

    ā€œSir, you’re here.ā€ 

    ā€œMrs, please don’t prepare breakfast. I’m going to the airport right away.”

    ā€œThen Iā€™ll make something simple for you to eat.ā€ 

    “It’s okay. Never mind.” 

    ā€œI heard that a guest is coming todayā€¦ā€

    ā€œYes, he will stay here for a while. Please take good care of him, Mrs.ā€ 

    “Yes. I will.ā€ 

    Il-hyun headed out with Tae-soo after giving her a gentle smile. The car had parked in front of the gate appeared in front of him as he proceeded through the open grass. Il-hyun, who was sitting in the back seat, leaned on it. A hangover that did not go away completely plagued his stomach again. As he frowned his brow, Tae-soo who was seated in front noticed it and looked back. 

    “Are you all right, Sir?”

    He nodded once. The car started and the park came into view as they drove out of the neighborhood. Although it was early, there were quite a few people out for a walk. They were out on an outing with their family, dressed in casual clothing and enjoying the spring sun. He just passed the park and found a flower shop and stopped the car. 

    Tae-soo turned around to see what was happening.

    ā€œGo and buy some flowers.ā€ 

    “You say flowers, Sir?”

    ā€œI should prepare a bouquet of flowers for the guests coming from far away.ā€

    Tae-soo got off the car without more questions and proceeded to the flower shop. He has bought a bouquet of roses after a few talks with the owner. Tae-soo appeared to be an average man on his way to meet his lover, carrying a bouquet of roses.

    Il-hyun leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes as the car continued its ride. The surging exhaustion and hangover were forcing him to sleep. He thought it would just be for a few minutes, but when he awoke, he was already on his way to the airport. Ah, he twisted his neck left and right and checked the time. He arrived on time. 

    The car drove for ten more minutes and stopped in front of the airport. Tae-soo presented the flowers to Il-hyun as he exited the car. The aroma of roses was overwhelming. The only time he touched flowers was when someone had died and something to celebrate.

    There weren’t many people in the airport when they arrived. He awaited him in front of the gate, holding a bouquet of roses in one hand and a paper with the Chinese characters ‘Zhang Yi An’ written on it. A sign indicated that a flight from Hong Kong had arrived, and people began to pour out.

    Il-hyun examines the people leaving with their luggage intently, and a tall figure stands out in the distance. He was dressed in a green striped shirt with spherical silver-rimmed glasses, yet his shoulders were slightly bowed and his eyes looking around were quite young and naive. A man who appeared to be a guard next to him was carrying his luggage.

    ā€œThat’s him, right?ā€ 

    Tae-soo, who was also observing, took a picture from his arms and checked it.

    ā€œYes, thatā€™s right.ā€ 

    He took the bouquet of roses and stepped forward, standing in front of him, without hesitation. Looking closely, he wasn’t that tall. A little over 180 centimeters. The other person raised his head and established eye contact as he looked down at his height, which was shorter than his. Surprisingly, the inside of the circular spectacles revealed the bigger eyes. His eyes were red and watery, 

    ā€œMy name is Kang Il-hyun. Welcome to Korea.ā€

    He handed out the rose bouquet and noticed the guard standing next to him. The guard nodded. A bouquet of roses was presented to Zhang Yi An, or Lee Ja-kyung, who was disguised as Zhang Yi An. Il-hyun immediately held out his hand.

    “Nice to meet you.” 

    Ja-kyung hesitantly held his hand. Nice to meet you. He smiled awkwardly after saying hello in Chinese. Kang Il-hyun’s hands were cold and it was similar to the feeling of touching a snake. He felt like he’d been holding his hand for too long, so he tried to release it, but he couldn’t. As Ja-kyung’s expression hardened, the guard from Hong Kong noticed something strange and stepped forward.

    [Don’t be rude.] 

    Tae-soo who was behind Il-hyun sent a warning to the Hong Kong guard with a look of warning not to step in. Il-hyun smiled and let go as his hands relaxed. But his hand didn’t just fall off. He rubbed Ja-kyung’s palm with his fingertips as if he were caressing him.

    ā€œI apologize for holding your hand for so long. Please follow me. The car is in front.ā€ 

    As Kang Il-hyun and Park Tae-soo turned and walked ahead, Ja-kyung, who was left behind, let out a deep sigh without realizing it. Damn it. A cold sweat trickled down on his back. He didn’t know why, but Kang Il-hyun seemed to have confirmed his calluses by rubbing his palm a while ago.

    ā€¦No way. 

    The hand holding the bouquet became tense. An acquaintance of Wang Han and a colleague who would help him tapped him on the back. He nodded at him and asked whether he was all right. Kang Il-hyun, who was walking in front of him, turned around and gave him a sidelong glance, indicating that he should follow him.

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