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    The party was held at a villa in Gapyeong. Choi Ki-tae owned it, and there was a swimming pool in the middle of the yard. It was also quite large, with enough room for ten adults to play. As soon as they arrived, Kang Seok-joo took off his clothes and entered the pool, sprinkling water on the women.

    “How have you been?”

    Ja-kyung took a bottle of water and begins to drink it, but someone approached and sits next to him. It was the same woman he’d seen before. She worked in the legal profession and was a model. The woman in a halterneck gown sat beside Ja-kyung. Her voluptuous breasts were adorned with a stunning jewel necklace.

    She swept her long hair to one side and smiled as she looked at Ja-kyung.

    ā€œYou changed your glasses. This one is better.ā€


    ā€œWhen are you going back to Hong Kong?ā€

    ā€œIn ten days or so.ā€

    “Thatā€™s too bad. I often go shopping in Hong Kong, can I contact you separately?ā€

    Her body moved in closer as she asked. Her skin was soft. Her upper body was slightly bent, exposing her chest bone. The woman gently embraces his arm while looking intently at him. She rubbed her chest openly, and Ja-kyung didn’t really push her away.

    If it had been the usual Ja-kyung, his body would have reacted, but strangely he didn’t feel anything. He was shocked in an instant as if struck by lightning. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t reacted to such a beautiful and attractive woman after seeing Kang Il-hyun’s huge dick.


    Someone puts a finger to his ear and snaps it. When he turned around, it was Choi Ki-tae. Choi Ki-tae walked in and sat down after looking disapprovingly at the woman sitting next to Ja-kyung. The woman who had been pushed back turned and cursed.

    ā€œOh, you crazy bastard.ā€

    ā€œHe is my guest. Go away.”

    She shook his hand to get his attention, and after a brief moment of staring at him, she left to join her friends. Ja-kyung looked at the woman’s back with a shocked expression on his face. She was beautiful, but why… Choi Ki-tae waved his hand in front of his face expressionless.

    “What? Did I interrupt you?ā€

    Ja-kyung, who came to his senses, shook his head left and right.


    He looked at the water that Ja-kyung was holding in his hand.

    ā€œYou donā€™t like champagne? Do you want me to get you something else?ā€

    “It’s okayā€¦ I donā€™t like alcohol.ā€

    ā€œAh, what a shame.ā€

    The words had an odd nuance to them. Ja-kyung pretended not to know and drank the water. Kang Seok-joo rides on his friend’s shoulder while smoking marijuana and shaking champagne. The lid shattered and champagne splattered on Ja-kyung.

    Choi Ki-tae rushed to block it with his hand, but he was a step too late. Ja-kyung wrinkled his brow as he suddenly covered himself in champagne.

    ā€œThat crazy bastard.ā€

    Choi Ki-tae cursed and shook off the champagne on Ja-kyung’s clothes.

    “Are you okay?”


    Kang Seok-joo popped the champagne into his mouth, drank it, and then splattered it on the women again. It was absurd to see champagne worth millions of won thrown away like water. Even after the taste has faded, it appears to last a long time. They decided to fight in groups of three, three, five, and laughed when one of them fell into the water. He was a really fresh young man, considering he hadn’t used drugs.

    ā€œNo way. Let’s go in and change.”

    ā€œIā€™m fineā€¦ā€

    “Let’s go. I have something to give you.ā€

    Choi Ki-tae’s eyes darkened.  Ja-kyung looked worried as he held the bottle of water he was drinking. Fortunately, Park Tae-soo was waiting outside the gate.  It would have been preferable for the two of them to finish their work here rather than be caught by him.

    Choi Ki-tae took the initiative and stood up after Ja-kyung nodded his head. There were marijuana and drug bags all over the place. Ja-kyung followed him to the second floor. He could see the lower floor at a glance as he passed through the hallway. On the sofa, a man and a woman were having sex with only their bottoms exposed.

    Looking at it, Choi Ki-tae laughed.

    ā€œFuck! Go and do it in the room!ā€

    The woman who had climbed on top of the man and shook her waist gave Choi Ki-tae the middle finger. Moans could be heard from all over the place. Choi Ki-tae escorted Ja-kyung to the last room. The noise was completely silenced once inside.

    There was a bed, a sofa, and a small bathroom in the room. It was said to be a villa, and each room appeared to be set aside for sex. While Ja-kyung looking around the room, Choi Ki-tae went to a small bar to the side and poured two drinks. It was a strong liquor…

    His intention was obvious. He placed it in front of Ja-kyung, who looked at him blankly and then Ki-tae advised him to drink it.

    “Iā€¦ I can’t drink…ā€

    ā€œJust have a drink. It doesnā€™t have drugs.”

    Ja-kyung brought the glass to his mouth.  Choi Ki-tae laughed as he frowned after tasting it a little. Choi Ki-tae grabbed his drink and drained it in one breath. The ring on his finger was noticeable. There was a large jewel embedded in it, and the stone was large and colorful. He smiled as he gazed at the stunning Ja-kyung.

    ā€œYou look so sexy, but youā€™re cuter because you canā€™t even drink.ā€

    Ja-kyung raised his eyes, he apologized briefly.

    ā€œOh, Iā€™m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. but you look really sexy, especially your eyes. You don’t know?”

    He took a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and exhaled smoke. Ja-kyung rested his hands on his lap and gazed at the glass he couldn’t seem to empty. He used to get a lot of glare when he was younger, but it was all because of the color of his eyes. His father, in particular, stated that he did not like the color of Ja-kyung’s eyes and attempted to cut them out with a knife.

    ā€œIs it really because of the drug that you contacted me? It’s not, right?ā€

    He asked quietly. Ja-kyung remained silent and shook his head slightly. Choi Ki-tae stood up and sat next to Ja-kyung, as he nervously fidgeted with his fingers. He gently grabbed Ja-kyung’s wriggling hand and offered him marijuana.

    ā€œWould you like to?ā€

    Ja-kyung paused for a moment before biting the tip and sucking it in. When he coughed, Ki-tae smiled and rubbed the marijuana on the sofa to turn it off. And then his lips came closer. It had a distinct hemp scent. He turned his head to avoid their lips touching and pushed Choi Ki-tae’s shoulder. 

    ā€œCanā€™t you wash upā€¦?ā€

    Choi Ki-tae’s eyes narrowed.

    ā€œI’m clean. Do you want to see it?ā€

    As he was about to take off his pants, Ja-kyung grabbed his hand and shook his head.

    ā€œWashā€¦ I’ll do it after you wash up…ā€

    Ki-tae stood up from his seat after kicking his tongue with a disapproving face when Ja-kyung went out more firmly than he expected.

    ā€œThen wait. I’ll wash up and go out.”

    He took out his cell phone and cigarette, tossed them aside, and entered the bathroom. The door closed and the sound of water was heard from inside. Ja-kyung wiped the area where his lips had touched with the back of his hand a while ago and then spat on the floor.

    He quickly took a connector from his inner pocket and connected Choi Ki-tae’s phone to the new phone he had brought. The phone took about ten minutes to copy. Meanwhile, he wanted Choi Ki-tae to stay in the bathroom, but there was a good chance he’d come out sooner because his body had heated up.

    Ja-kyung looked anxiously at the phone and the bathroom door. The sound of the water stopped after about 5 minutes. Oh, shit. Unsurprisingly, the doorknob twisted. Ja-kyung stood up, unbuttoned his shirt, and walked to the bed.

    Just then, Ki-tae came out wearing only his undershirt wrapped in a towel. Choi Ki-tae’s eyes flashed with desire as soon as he saw Ja-kyung sitting on the bed with his clothes undone. As he approached, he smiled and placed his hands on both sides of the bed.

    “What. You told me to wash up, but you are such a sweetheart to go to bed first. My pretty cat.ā€

    A wolf face is engraved on his chest as well as a goblin tattoo on his arm. His lips moved closer. Ja-kyung turned his head and his lips moved over his neck. Ja-kyung felt dirty and frowned as he licked his neck with his tongue.

    He tried it twice with Kang Il-hyun and thought it would be fine, but he feels much worse than he expected. Ja-kyung checked his watch as he tightened his grip. Done. Ten minutes. When he pushed Choi Ki-tae’s shoulder, his body fell off. Choi Ki-tae looked at him with a puzzled face.


    The nape of the neck that he just sucked was tingling.

    “I’m sorry. I can’t…ā€

    His face was wrinkled, and his eyes were mixed with irritation and anger. Haa, fuck. He cursed as he swept his hair back.

    ā€œHey, are you kidding me?ā€

    ā€œIā€™m really sorry.ā€

    Ja-kyung tried to get out of bed slowly, but Ki-tae blocked him with his arm and threw him on the bed. Ja-kyung struggled for a while as he tried to forcefully subdue him. Don’t kill this bastard just yet.  At that moment, someone knocked on the door. Bang bang, bang bang. Hey, Choi Ki-tae, open the door. Itā€™s going crazy now. Fuck! Choi Ki-tae!

    “Ah, seriously.”

    If he leaves it alone, that person will smash and break the door. Choi Ki-tae walked over to it. As soon as he opened the door, his friends come in drunk, babbling, and pushing. While Choi Ki-tae was arguing with them, Ja-kyung dashed to the sofa, disconnected his phone, and placed it in his back pocket.

    Choi Ki-tae turned around for a brief moment, and their gazes locked. Ja-kyung apologized and dashed outside. He heard a call from behind him, but pretended not to hear it and went downstairs to call Kang Seok-joo, who was in the pool.

    ā€œI will go first. I’m too tired, I canā€™t stay any longer.”

    “What? Already?”

    “Yeahā€¦ Have fun.”

    As he walked away, the woman who was a model earlier waved her hand with a sad expression. After saying goodbye to her, Park Tae-soo stepped out of the car and approached him. But something was strange about his expression.

    Ja-kyung, who was approaching the car, came to a halt and checked his face on the rearview mirror. A red coin-sized mark was clearly visible on his neck. He closed his eyes tightly. He’d feel better if he smashed Choi Ki-tae’s head right now, but he couldn’t, so his stomach was churning.

    Park Tae-soo, who was standing in front of the driver’s seat, looked at him strangely as he straightened his back. He hurriedly opened the back seat door as if escaping.

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