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    A strong smell of alcohol wafted from Kang Il-hyun, who had come closer. It was obviously too far to say it’s because of alcohol. There is also a limit to patience. After harassing people like that last night, he dropped his cell phone in the water today. He put up with that, but when he came in while he was sleeping, he openly said he would cut his dick with an axe.

    If Ja-kyung put up with it any longer, he’s a fool. Ja-kyung rushed at Il-hyun. When he throws his fist, Il-hyun dodged quickly. He threw a fist on the opposite side, but grabbed his arm and broke it. He loosened his bent arm and kicked Kang Il-hyun’s calf. He staggered for a moment, then turned and smiled.

    “So you’re angry?”

    He smashed his cigarette into the wall and motioned for him to come. Ja-kyung took a fighting stance, jumped up, and slammed him with his knee. Kang Il-hyun blocked it with his hand and stepped back, so he kicked him right away.

    Kang Il-hyun’s body stumbled backward as a result of the quick and agile movement, and Ja-kyung took advantage of the situation and threw himself. The two became entangled and rolled over on the bed, at which point Ja-kyung pulled out the ax that had become stuck on the bed and struck Kang Il-hyun in the head.

    The ax blade fell to the spot where Il-hyun’s head had been as soon as he dodged. Knowing that it was no joke, Il-hyun grabbed his arm and pushed Ja-kyung away. Ja-kyung rolled over, stood up, and threw the axe in an instant. The axe hit the wall after Il-hyun ducked his upper body to avoid it.

    Looking back, Il-hyun narrowed his eyes.

    “Did you really try to kill me? I am your employer.”

    Ja-kyung took a deep breath, held out his middle finger, and gritted his teeth.

    “Get out, you psychopath. I’m not signing the contract with you. I’m going out of this house tomorrow.”

    “So why do you talk to your ex-girlfriend on the phone and ruin my mood?”

    Ja-kyung screamed in disbelief.

    “You said you don’t hold grudges!”

    Kang Il-hyun shamelessly raised his chin.

    “I don’t, but I did today.”

    Then he gnashed his teeth with a disapproving expression.

    “Was Veronica’s body so voluptuous? My dick is quite voluptuous too, would you like to take a look?”

    As Il-hyun was about to take off his pants, Ja-kyung pretended not to hear and charged again. Il-hyun was defending meticulously, and at one point Ja-kyung’s fist went in properly and hit his jaw. Il-hyun’s expression became grim. As Ja-kyung’s fist flew in succession, Il-hyun blocked it and stretched out his fist.

    Bam, the battered Ja-kyung staggers back and lands on the floor! And he spat. His saliva mixed with blood. When Il-hyun saw this, he made a sad expression.

    “Sorry. It’s not like I did that on purpose.”

    “Shut up!”

    As they blocked each other, exchanged punches, and rolled, things in the bedroom flew around and the table was overturned. Later, the glass of the TV was cracked and even a large picture frame hanging on the wall fell and was smashed. As they were tossing and turning on the floor, Ja-kyung climbed onto Il-hyun’s body first, grabbed him by the collar, and growled.

    “Say it. Say you won’t do it again!”

    Il-hyun smiled and licked his tongue.

    “Ha, this posture is good. Move your back as it is.”

    Feeling Kang Il-hyun’s dick growing under his ass as he sat on it, Ja-kyung was furious and fed up. How can a dick grow in such a situation? A bastard who doesn’t like this guy. He throws a fist, but Il-hyun does not block it this time.

    Just as he was punching Kang Il-hyun in the chin, there was a sound in front of the door.

    When he raised his head, Park Tae-soo stood there with a surprised expression.


    Wang Han and Wang Lun, who were having an early breakfast, widened their eyes when they saw Ja-kyung coming down. It was surprising that Ja-kyung, who slept a lot in the morning, woke up early, but the corner of his mouth was bruised. The housekeeper also looked at him with a worried expression.

    “Are you hurt?”

    Yes. Other footsteps could be heard from inside as Ja-kyung nodded. It was Kang Il-hyun. Ja-kyung was about to go upstairs with just the bread from breakfast when Il-hyun arrived. Wang Lun and Wang Han couldn’t keep their mouths shut when they saw Kang Il-hyun’s face. 

    His cheeks were also bruised and his lips chapped. Their gazes alternated between Ja-kyung and Il-hyun. Because there was a loud noise in the next room last night, Wang Lun made a joke about how violent they were. They weren’t having sex, but they were fighting.

    “Good morning.”

    After a refreshing smile, Kang Il-hyun looked at Ja-kyung. He was angered and hit him while defending himself yesterday, but it appears that it bruises well. He moved to Ja-kyung’s side in frustration when he noticed his mouth was swollen, but Ja-kyung only brought bread and went upstairs.

    Il-hyun’s eyes narrowed.  Why are you so angry? Ja-kyung didn’t even pretend to hear when Il-hyun called after him. He even dashed over and slammed the door behind him. The sound of footsteps behind him stopped Il-hyun as he was about to open the door.

    When he turned around, Wang Han, who had been eating a while ago, was following him. In an awkward atmosphere, he cleared his throat and moved closer, scratching the bridge of his nose. Il-hyun looked at him and smiled kindly.

    “Do you have anything to say to me?”

    “CEO Kang, please leave Wei, no, Ja-kyung alone.”

    One of Il-hyun’s eyebrows went up. The words “leave him alone” got on his nerves. Wang Han noticed that and struggled to decide what to say before opening his mouth.

    “He’s a guy who doesn’t even meet people for a few days before starting work. He’s sensitive. But if you keep provoking him like that, it may cause problems in his work.”

    “Are you saying I’m provoking Lee Ja-kyung?”


    “Should I be happy?”

    “No. So Ja-kyung… he hates that.”


    After much thought, Wang Han spoke up.

    “Being clingy.”

    At those words, Il-hyun’s expression darkened. So, are you saying that he was being clingy with Lee Ja-kyung?

    “He came to my house when he was 10 years old, and Wang Lun-i was like CEO Kang at the time. He wanted a new younger brother, but Ja-kyung didn’t like the way he approached him. Because of this, we were enemies when we were younger. Of course, we still fight a lot now.

    Il-hyun just listened in silence.

    “I may sound arrogant, but if you keep doing that, you will only get resentment.”

    Kang Il-hyun’s expression seemed more shocked than he had expected. He expected Il-hyun to tell him not to be arrogant, but he seemed to be thinking a little seriously. Perhaps he truly cares about Ja-kyung. Il-hyun, who had been silent, slowly nodded.

    “I’ll remember it. Thank you.”

    Seeing him readily agree, Wang Han let out a sigh of relief. After all, he’s an employer. Pretty bad-tempered as well. He was just grateful that Il-hyun agreed with him. After Il-hyun went down, Wang Han knocked on Ja-kyung’s room and entered.

    Inside the bedroom, the staff was busy cleaning. It must have not been very well attached, based on the fact that they kept bringing out the broken items. Ja-kyung sat on the couch, munching on bread from downstairs. He frowned halfway through his meal as if his mouth was bursting with pain.

    “Are you okay?”

    He sat next to him and asked, and Ja-kyung simply nodded. This seemed to happen once a day if he stayed here with Kang Il-hyun. He asked if the three of them would be willing to relocate to a different location. Ja-kyung nodded after a brief moment of thought.

    “Okay then. I’ll look at the situation and talk to CEO Kang.”

    Wang Han then patted Ja-kyung on the shoulder. It meant to relax. Ja-kyung let out a long sigh and tore off half of the bread and handed it to Wang Han. Even when he was young, if he had something to eat, he always left half of it and took care of it.

    The cleaning staff came out with a box full of something while he was eating. Ja-kyung stood up and went there without hesitation. He frowned when he noticed a miniature camera among the items in the box.

    He was confused as to how he knew and appeared at the right time like a ghost, but he had a camera in the room. Surely, then, all of the sex was recorded? He can’t guarantee there won’t be any if he considers collecting recorded files on a crazy level.


    Il-hyun looked outside with a serious face. Park Tae-soo, who was sitting in front of him, looked at him once in a while. Il-hyun was quite shocked to hear what Wang Han said. I was clingy? Me? To Lee Ja-kyung? I thought I fairly treated him kindly.

    That’s why he brought Choi Ki-tae’s head straight off, and also attached Wang Lun’ severed finger. How much more kind does he have to be here? He’d rather have Ja-kyung make a list of the guys he hates. If he kills them all, will Ja-kyung open his heart?

    He then let out a sigh. He couldn’t believe he’d been thinking about this at such an important time. Even thinking about it made him feel pathetic and confused.

    “Shall we go to the hospital?”

    Tae-soo asked, and Il-hyun gently touched his bruised cheek. He looked pretty, but his fist is quite fast, and strong. Even if he was good at hitting and dodging, putting Tae-soo, a former fighter, up against him would be a no-brainer. Thoughts about Lee Ja-kyung were flowing again in his mind.

    “I’m really crazy.”

    Tae-soo, who was sitting in front of him, asked, “Yes?” and looked back. Il-hyun gestured and leaned against the sheet, indicating that it was not about him. Ja-kyung’s face appeared when Il-hyun closed his eyes. Ja-kyung’s eyes were bright red during their sex, and his skin was smooth and soft. His scent was perfect, and moaning and cursing were also lovely.

    But yesterday’s incident made Ja-kyung really angry this morning. According to Tae-soo, only Lee Ja-kyung hasn’t signed the contract yet. Is he really being hated? He wouldn’t have been concerned if he had preserved him at the time.

    Fuck. Even if he was preserved, he would preserve him properly.

    He bitterly regretted not being able to preserve him sooner, but the area he was hit was painful.

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