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    Non Consensual/R*pe

    Ja-kyung, who had regained consciousness, tried to open his eyes, but it was difficult. He got a shiver down his spine. In the meantime, there was a pleasant, fishy smell and loud voices.

    [He has a lot of scars on his body. Will it be okay?]

    [Yes. It must be difficult, but please do it today.]

    [I’m also new to doing this to people… I don’t know if I can do it well.]

    [I’ll give you any amount of money. Ah, take out his eyes and give them to me.] 

    Ja-kyung could tell that it was Kang Il-hyun’s voice without listening to it anymore. He lifted his heavy eyelids, but his vision seemed blurry, but it gradually became clearer. He slowly turned his head and saw Kang Il-hyun’s back.

    Next to him stood a white-haired man whom he had never seen before. He tried to move his hands and feet, but they were fixed on top of each other and he couldn’t budge. He couldn’t speak because his mouth was covered with tape. Ja-kyung moved his head and looked around.

    Seeing all of the preserved animals, such as wild boars, deer, hawks, rabbits, and more, made the back of his neck feel cold. He lowered his gaze, only to realize he was lying on the operating table, wearing only one pair of underwear.

    Kang Il-hyun, who was a little further away, turned around and smiled kindly as he confirmed Ja-kyung had awoken.

    “My dear, are you awake?”

    His mouth was smiling as he approached, but his eyes were ice cold. Ja-kyung tried to speak, but the tape covered his mouth, and he could only make muffled noises. The old man with Il-hyun approached and smiled at him. The old man looked Ja-kyung in the eyes and made a joke about admiration.

    “There was a reason why you asked me to take care of his eyes separately. These are rare beautiful eyes.”

    Ja-kyung pulled on his tied arms as hard as he could, lifted his head, and slammed it down on the operating table. Il-hyun, who had been standing nearby, approached and stroked Ja-kyung’s hair gently.

    “Shh. You’re a good boy, right? It will be over soon.”

    The friendly voice gave him goosebumps. The preserved animals around him, as well as the conversations Il-hyun had with the old man. Ja-kyung now fully comprehends what this lunatic is trying to do. Ja-kyung made as much noise as he could. If he did, he might actually preserve him and put him in the middle of the bedroom. In addition, Il-hyun will pluck out Ja-kyung’s eyeballs and display them next to him.

    “I see this friend has a lot to say to you?”

    When the old man spoke, Il-hyun took out a cigarette and asked.

    “Let him be. He’s always lying when he opens his mouth anyway.”

    Eup! Eupeupeup! As Ja-kyung kept making noise, Il-hyun looked down with a nonchalant face and removed the tape from his mouth. As soon as the tape was removed, Ja-kyung shouted.

    “You crazy bastard,”

    His mouth was sealed with tape again before he finished talking. He gritted his teeth and glared at him, but Kang Il-hyun lit a cigarette and just stared at him without saying a word.

    “Shall we start now?”

    Ja-kyung screamed as if in a fit when he heard the old man’s words. Because his head was the only part that could move, Il-hyun placed his hand inside the back of his head on the operating table. Ja-kyung stopped and stared at Kang Il-hyun. He tossed the cigarette to the floor, stepped on it, and looked Ja-kyung in the eyes.

    “This is your last chance.”


    “Think carefully. What do I want to hear now?”

    Il-hyun slowly removed the tape. Ja-kyung kept his mouth shut.

    “You have nothing to say?”

    Il-hyun tried to put the tape on again, and Ja-kyung hurriedly opened his mouth.

    “I’m… wrong…! I won’t do it again.”

    He turned his head in an attempt to get away from the situation, but he was unsure of the response Il-hyun wanted. Ja-kyung shouted, “I don’t know, I don’t know,” as Il-hyun attempted to attach the tape again.

    “I like you!”

    One of Il-hyun’s eyebrows went up.

    “Are you serious?”

    Ja-kyung pursed his lips. He must live. There’s no other way to live.

    “I do. I really like you. I thought I ran away for nothing. I thought a lot about whether I should go back.”

    “You hated having sex with me.”

    Ja-kyung shook his head.

    “No. I really liked it. I’ve never had such ecstatic sex in my life! Trust me!”

    Confidence and nonsense are now the priorities to live. Ja-kyung made up nonsensical words in order to please him as much as possible. Kang Il-hyun’s scary expression gradually loosened when Ja-kyung said he thought about it 12 times a day.

    Il-hyun called the elderly man who was getting ready to work nearby and told him to leave for a moment. Il-hyun runs his hands from head to toe over Ja-kyung’s body after the old man left and they were left alone. Il-hyun first carefully touched Ja-kyung’s abdomen before moving his fingertips up to his chest as if sketching a portrait.

    Ja-kyung tensed unintentionally as Il-hyun caressed his nipple. Ja-kyung pulled his toes back and bit his lower lip lightly as Il-hyun grabbed his nipple in his hands and slowly twisted it around. After slightly twisting and pinching, Il-hyun climbed to the operation table.

    Then he sat down on Ja-kyung’s chest, undid his belt, and unzipped his pants.  The swollen dick bulged out as it grew.

    “Prove it.”

    Il-hyun grabbed Ja-kyung’s hair and pulled his head forward. He spoke in a low voice while rubbing it on Ja-kyung’s lips. I told you to prove it. Ja-kyung then opened his mouth. He put the big dick in his mouth. Even though he tried his best to open his mouth as wide as possible, but it was impossible for it to enter fully.

    Il-hyun’s hand stroked the top of Ja-kyung’s neck.


    “Relax. It’ll go all the way in.”

    Ja-kyung gasped for breath as the dick thrust in carelessly and without care. Il-hyun rammed his waist into him despite his body trembling in pain. The corners of his eyes were red from suffocation.

    Ja-kyung struggled with his arms and legs tied, then raised his eyes and looked at Kang Il-hyun, who had moved his waist over his face.

    He appeared to be angry and not like someone who was enjoying sex as his brow was furrowed. He couldn’t breathe, and tears began to gather before spilling over.

    Ja-kyung coughed as soon as Il-hyun pulled out his dick. He repeatedly gagged as saliva streamed from the corners of his mouth.

    “It sucks.”

    Kang Il-hyun spat out that one word while fastening his pants and getting down from the table. He brushed Ja-kyung’s tangled hair, wiped the corners of his mouth, and kissed the bridge of his nose as if nothing had happened earlier. The door opened, and inspiration entered before Ja-kyung had a chance to think about it.

    “It’s all done. Let’s begin.”

    Ja-kyung’s eyes widened in surprise as they met Il- hyun’s. Il-hyun taped his mouth shut without thinking twice. He stroked Ja-yung’s cheek and smiled sadly as he screamed.

    “That’s why you should’ve messed around in moderation when I pampered you.”

    He heard the sound of footsteps and the old man handed the syringe to Il-hyun. Il-hyun grabbed Ja-kyung’s chin. The look on Il-hyun’s face when he inserted the sharp needle into his neck was terrifying.

    “Don’t be afraid. I’ll make you the prettiest taxidermy in the world.”

    Ja-kyung breathing quickened and his consciousness became hazy. He tried his best to open his eyes and come to his senses, but to no avail. His eyes began to tear up from the intense fear.

    Fuck. I don’t want to die this way. I’d rather just die.

    He saw Kang Il-hyun’s coolly smiling face for the last time, but his view was completely blocked.


    Chairman Kang’s eyes darkened as he looked at the pictures in front of him. Choi Man-shik, a drug dealer, was discovered dead at his own club a few days earlier. He laundered Chairman Kang’s black money and took care of the dirty work, but he died overnight.

    However, Lee Ja-kyung and the individual seen on CCTV that day’s crime were believed to have been committed by the same person. It wasn’t just one or two that was strange to call it a coincidence. In addition, Kang Il-hyun informed him this morning that he would be working from home temporarily due to personal reasons. He couldn’t figure out what they were trying to do.

    “Find out who came to Mr. Kang’s house recently.”

    Secretary Kim couldn’t answer easily and looked troubled.

    “It will take time, Chairman. As you know, the place is so big and open all around that it is not easy to hide.”

    Chairman Kang pulled out a cigar.  This is the reason for Kang Il-hyun’s decision to build his home away from densely populated areas, where it is open on all sides. Even the small garden in front of the house had been pushed aside, leaving the area completely deserted. It was easy to get caught if you sent someone out clumsily.

    Chairman Kang called Kang Seok-joo out of worry. After a while, Kang Seok-joo comes in after knocking. Chairman Kang was considering sending Kang Seok-joo into the military as he observed the child who was unable of getting his act together after so many years.

    Kang Seok-joo sat down and looked at Chairman Kang. It was almost uncommon for his father to call him to his study.

    “For what reason… Did you call me?”

    “Go visit your second brother for a while during the day.”

    Seok-joo’s eyes widened. When it comes to the second older brother, isn’t it Kang Il-hyun? Why does he have to go there?

    “I think he’s not feeling well, so bring him some herbal medicine.”

    “M, me?”

    As he was hesitating, Chairman Kang glared at him as if he was going to eat him.

    “You punk. He’s your older brother, what are you afraid of?”

    Seok-joo lowered his eyes as he observed his father harshly criticizing him. He reluctantly agreed, then got to his feet and glanced at the picture next to Secretary Kim. There is one really annoying picture.

    That was clearly Zhang Yi An. Why does his father have a picture of Zhang Yi An? He left and shut the door like he was being kicked out. Damn it. He was unsure of the cause of everyone’s annoyance with him. He placed his ear to the door to try to hear what they were talking about, but he couldn’t hear anything.

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