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    The group of strangers who got out of the car each took out a knife from their arms. Ja-kyung put his gun back in his waist and ran towards the car. The crowd gathered and blocked his way. The flashing blade moved with a whistling sound in front of his eyes.

    Ja-kyung grabbed his opponent’s arm and broke it against his side in one breath. Then, he quickly picked up the falling knife and kicked the attacker’s instep, stepped up, and instantly severed his carotid artery. As the splashing blood rose up in the air, the opponent grabbed his own neck, fell down, and floundered like a fish.

    He skillfully turned the knife in his hand and threw it at the face of the man behind him. The tip of the knife accurately hit the man’s eye, and the man collapsed into the ground screaming. Ja-kyung drew his gun and aimed it at the menacingly approaching people. Pisyuk, pisyuk, pisyuk, flying bullets hit them in the chest and head.

    Several members of the group draw guns from their arms in response to the unexpected violent response. Ja-kyung crept among the parked cars. He aimed at their ankles after falling under the car. The heads of those who fell after being hit by ankles were completely shot, and bullets grazed the sides of their faces as soon as they stood up.

    A man with half his face covered suddenly jumped out of the back of the van. Just before Ja-kyung fired the second bullet, Kang Il-hyun appeared from behind and grabbed the man by the neck, and twisted it at once. Seeing him grinning, Ja-kyung gnashed his teeth. When did he get there?

    He could have ended up wearing a flower-decorated lace dress today. Even thinking about it gave him shivers all over his body. While Ja-kyung was distracted for a moment, a knife suddenly came towards him. He barely avoided it, but it almost pierced his neck.

    He grabbed his opponent’s arm and took his knife, punched his opponent’s neck and face with his fists, and smashed his head against the windshield of the car. Someone jumped onto the car’s roof after he threw the bloodied man to the ground.

    This time it was a rather large man wearing a suit. Seeing the gun in his hand, Ja-kyung quickly fell down and rolled under the car. Bang, bang, the bullet hits the ground where he was lying a moment ago. Under the car, Ja-kyung looked around.

    Fuck. They were focused and determined. People who were inside the building rushed out of the parking lot entrance just as the movie ended. He rolled out of the car after hearing a buzz.

    Bullets flew as he dodged and ran between cars at full speed. Car windows were smashed and car alarms went off loudly. The people who came out the front door screamed and ran back into the building, and the opponents scattered as they realized what was happening.

    The security guards who appeared after being contacted ran out with truncheons

     and hurriedly radioed to somewhere with guns and knives. After reaching the car, Ja-kyung looked around. It has become a mess, but Kang Il-hyun was nowhere to be seen.

    He was probably shot somewhere. Il-hyun was not an easy person to kill, but Ja-kyung was still worried. First and foremost, he got into the car, and contrary to his worries, Kang Il-hyun was sitting in the passenger seat. He was smiling pervertedly.

    ā€œLee Ja-kyung, I won the race.ā€

    Ja-kyung clenched his teeth and started the engine. He stepped on the accelerator, pulled the car out immediately, and started to exit the parking lot at lightning speed. Several black cars followed behind him. He broke through the barricade the guards had set up to block the entrance and exited the building.

    As soon as he exited, he turned immediately to the right, ran a red light, and sped away.

    “How did you arrive first?”

    “By sneaking.”

    Ja-kyung looked at him with a dumbfounded expression.

    ā€œWow, thatā€™s embarrassing. I was fighting to the death.ā€

    ā€œFighting is the norm. But no one wants to fight to the death.ā€

    Ja-kyung rolled his eyes.

    “Wait and see, if it becomes dangerous later, I’ll run away first.”

    ā€œWhy did you change your words? Who was the one who proposed to protect me in the morning?ā€

    He’s good at making up things that he didn’t even say at the time of the proposal. Heā€™s a delusional person. Ja-kyung felt unfair and cursed silently, but the chasing became even more intense. Moreover, the front was congested with a long line of cars waiting for the signal to change.

    Ja-kyung immediately turned right into the alley. Hoonk, hoonk- As the Klaxon sounds continuously, the people passing by split like the Red Sea. The chasers also quickly followed. Bump, bump, bump, the car swayed each time it jumped over the speed bump.

    Ja-kyung was attempting to exit the alley when a van stopped in front of him. Ja-kyung drove up to the empty sidewalk and crossed the flower bed. The wheel became stuck on the ledge of the flower bed, causing the car to float into the air and crash onto the road.

    Il-hyun unknowingly grabbed the steering wheel and turned around, frowning.

    “You have a driver’s license, right?”

    “Don’t worry. I’m not as good as Lun hyung, but I have some skills, so I won’t crash anywhere.”

    “Look out for the front.”

    “I’m looking.”

    Looking ahead, there were still too many cars on the road. Ja-kyung swerved through the gap between the cars stopped on either side. He narrowly missed a car, smashing his rearview mirror in the process. But his chasers were no match for him.

    While driving, Ja-kyung came to an intersection and attempted to turn left, but a car that had been following them closely suddenly pulled alongside and blocked their path. To their frustration, they were forced to continue straight. Ja-kyung turned to Il-hyun after inspecting the sign for the upcoming tunnel.

    He had a relaxed expression as if he were enjoying a game rather than being chased. In any case, Ja-kyung pulled out a loaded gun and handed it to him.

    “You see the tunnel? Shoot at the wheels when we enter.”

    Il-hyun nodded. Shortly after entering the tunnel, he opened the car window and pointed the gun at the car behind him. Pisyuk, pisyuk, pisyuk, flash emanated from the silenced pistol. There were sparks on the road and bullets in the bumper, but the tires were intact.

    Ja-kyung turned around to check, then frowned.

    “What’s with that useless skill of yours?”

    “It keeps moving.”

    ā€œThen if the car is not moving, is it still called a car?ā€

    ā€œIf you keep nagging me, I will shoot you.ā€

    Man, seriously. As if on cue, a bullet came from behind. It wasn’t easily broken because it was bulletproof glass, but the rearview mirror that remained was smashed. After taking the gun, Ja-kyung took Il-hyun’s hand and made him hold the steering wheel.

    “Hold on.”

    Ja-kyung counterattacked by sticking his upper body out the driver’s side window. He pulled the trigger on the gun while pointing it at the tire. The tire on the car that was shot exploded, causing the car to lose its balance and move in a straight line. Bang! It collided with the tunnel wall and stopped.

    The car that followed also stopped as the road was blocked. Taking advantage of the situation, Ja-kyung quickly pulled the car into gear and accelerated. Ja-kyung looked to the side as there was no word from him, and Kang Il-hyun looked at him with a half-fazed expression. The reaction was similar to when Ja-kyung confessed in the morning.

    “Whyā€¦ why?”

    ā€œDo you know how sexy you are right now?ā€

    Ja-kyung was taken aback by the unexpected remark. Il-hyun sighed and muttered to himself at the same time.

    ā€œHa, fuck. Iā€™m hard.ā€

    Ja-kyung was dumbfounded. This crazy man. He is horny at any time. He should probably shoot him with a gun. While glaring at him, Il-hyun sneakily slid his hand and asked if it would be okay if he could touch him just once. As Ja-kyung struggled to shake off that hand, they were hit from behind.

    When Ja-kyung turned around, another car quickly followed. He missed Wang Lun more than ever. If he were here, they could have gotten away with it in a minute. They were outnumbered, and he wasn’t sure if it was a coincidence or a plan, but they would pass them at every intersection, forcing them to move forward.

    “It’s weird, isn’t it?”


    Kang Il-hyun’s mischievous expression faded as time passed, and he became colder. Ja-kyung became nervous because it was a rare sight. It began to rain again from an overcast sky. Damn it. Even the weather doesn’t help.

    In the pouring rain, it was difficult to secure visibility no matter how much the wipers were moved. Every time he turned a corner at high speed, the wheels slipped and stumbled in the rain. At some point, they were just following behind, with no attack or other response.


    ā€œTheyā€™re rabbit cĆ²ursing.ā€

    At Kang Il-hyun’s words, Ja-kyung grabbed the steering wheel tightly. Recognizing that the situation was serious, Kang Il-hyun immediately asked Tae-soo for support, and he leaned out the window where the rain was pouring and pointed the gun at them. Please, shoot properly this time. Ja-kyung earnestly wished for it, but it hits the wheel one after another and explodes.

    Il-hyun then changed the magazine with demonic skill as Ja-kyung looked up with amazement. Loading, aiming, and firing were all done simultaneously. Ja-kyung was stunned that he wondered if he was really the same man who had been firing randomly earlier. The number of cars was reduced to one-third after using the last remaining magazine.

    Needless to say, they escaped as soon as the car stopped and got out of the entanglement. It proved that Il-hyun was not an amateur, and it also proved that Ja-kyung would not be able to return home easily today.

    They drove out to the outskirts of town, but it didn’t make a difference. The rain continued to fall with terrifying force, and darkness fell all around. The cars following them gradually slowed down for some reason. Il-hyun, who sat next to him, told him to stop when all his nerves were focused on the back.

    He saw a black object on the street, but it was already too late when he hit the brakes.

    The car skidded, the tire exploded, and they collided with the guardrail. His body staggered, but he considered himself fortunate that the impact was less severe than expected. Even if he had to fight without his weapon, he would not be easily pushed back.

    But that relief didn’t last long. Ja-kyung looked behind him, but a blindingly bright light pours in all at once from outside. Ja-kyung covered his face with his arm and immediately heard Kang Il-hyun swearing next to him.


    Before Ja-kyung could ask, Il-hyun wrapped his arms around Ja-kyung’s head and fell on his stomach. Then bullets flew like a hail of fire. Even the bulletproof glass, which was barely holding on, was smashed, and the chair seat was torn into tatters.

    He wondered if it would make this sound if you put iron beads in an iron can and shake them. Deafening gunshots rang out one after the other, then stopped at the same time. Ja-kyung and Il-hyun, who had been bending their bodies and breathing heavily, slowly raised their heads.

    The light from the searchlight faded, revealing dozens of fully armed men through the smudged glass, their guns all pointed at them.

    And in the midst of it all, Chairman Kang stood like a grim reaper with an umbrella.

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