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    As soon as Ja-kyung threw the axe, he pulled the gun from Section Chief Kim’s waist and aimed it at his temple. Bang, Chairman Kang collapsed and Ja-kyung looked back at Il-hyun.

    “Sorry. You have no parents anymore.”

    Delight flashed across Il-hyun’s face. Even though his father was struck with an ax in the head right in front of his eyes, he didn’t look sad at all. The collapsed Chairman Kang groaned and convulsed, and his subordinates pointed their guns at Ja-kyung in panic.

    In a tense confrontation with guns pointed at each other, Section Chief Kim shouted.

    “What! What are you doing! Chairman! Bring Chairman Kang here first! You bastards!”

    As most of them were hired mercenaries, confusion was heightened even among them. Ja-kyung called out to them.

    “Make a good judgment. The person who was going to give you money is dead anyway. It’s foolish to have a gunfight here.”

    Chairman Kang’s flailing stopped as if to prove Ja-kyung’s point. Several of his subordinates looked back at Section Chief Kim, puzzled. Section Chief Kim’s expression became stunned as well. Ja-kyung pulled a knife from Section Chief Kim’s pocket while still pointing the gun at him, and then moved behind Kang Il-hyun.

    “This CEO Kang will pay you the same amount. Of course, if you put the gun down.”

    After cutting and untying the rope, Kang Il-hyun slowly stood up. Section Chief Kim’s face went white. He kept shouting not to shoot for fear of endangering his life. Ja-kyung took Section Chief Kim as a hostage and began to slowly retreat.

    At that moment, Takeya Jun, who was mingling with the crowd, pulled out a gun and fired without hesitation. Bang, the sound echoed through the building, and the flying bullet grazed the side of Ja-kyung’s face. Damn, it. Jun stood with the gun pointed at him and laughed eerily.

    “Listen, everyone. He’s the one who made my eyes look like this. Do you think I’ll let you live?”

    Everyone began to waver at his words. Ja-kyung frowned, and Jun retaliated with a finishing blow.

    “I’ll give you the money, kill those two guys!”

    Fuck. The moment Ja-kyung reached out to counterattack, Section Chief Kim’s head was blown by the second bullet and Ja-kyung’s face was covered in blood. Bang, bang, Ja-kyung launched an immediate counterattack, and ran toward Kang Il-hyun and the doorway, using Section Chief Kim’s body as a shield.

    As he threw Section Chief Kim’s body on the ground and ran downstairs, he heard a gunshot and sounds of Chairman Kang’s men coming up from under the building. The two of them turned to the side and looked for a place to hide.

    The sound of footsteps drew closer. Kang Il-hyun then grabbed Ja-kyung’s arm and walked into a nearby empty office. As expected, it was just being built so that was why the window side was clearly open, and the pillars and construction materials were piled up in the middle.

    The two took a step back after locking the door. Shouts were heard outside along with the sound of footsteps. Il-hyun quickly scanned Ja-kyung from head to toe. The white T-shirt he was wearing for the date was stained with blood. Both arms continued to swell with blood.

    “Are you okay?”

    Ja-kyung nodded. He didn’t think Il-hyun should be the one asking him if he was okay. Kang Il-hyun was also in a bad condition. Il-hyun looked around. There were construction tools, welding machines, and welding gas all over the place as if the construction had progressed quite a bit. He dragged Ja-kyung to the window. He looked down once and grabbed Ja-kyung’s shoulder.

    Before figuring out what Il-hyun was up to, Ja-kyung looked down and discovered a safety net beneath the building. The safety net didn’t appear to be strong enough to support two grown men, and while there was sand beneath, it wasn’t clear how much cushion it would provide.

    Bam, bam, bam, here it is! Here! The closed door shook as if about to be ripped open, and then there was a gunshot. As bullet marks formed one by one on the iron door, Il-hyun grabbed Ja-kyung’s cheek and kissed his lips roughly. Unknown to whom the blood belonged, it entered the mouth and mixed with saliva.

    His lips parted, and Ja-kyung hurriedly grabbed his arm.

    “Wait. I think we should jump out of here together.”

    Il-hyun replied with a smile.

    “Go ahead and wait.”

    Ja-kyung’s eyes widened. What does that mean? Before he could ask more, Il-hyun pushed Ja-kyung on the shoulder. He tried to grab Kang Il-hyun’s arm, but he suddenly stepped back and fell straight down.

    Ja-kyung’s body gets caught in the net once, and then the safety net breaks and he rolls onto the pile of sand. He couldn’t get up easily because of the shock, but Ja-kyung didn’t seem to be seriously injured. Il-hyun picked up the chainsaw and pulled the string back. After two or three turns, the motor turns and the sharp saw blade moves at a terrifying speed.

    He picked it up and strode toward the door.

    Bang, bang, bang, the door latch rattles before popping off, and the door swings open with a shattering sound. Il-hyun swung the chainsaw at the oncoming men indiscriminately. A pitiful scream was heard, followed by the splattering of flesh and blood.

    Bang, bang, gunshots were heard and Il-hyun stumbled backward.

    Blood gushed from the right side of his abdomen. Fuck. Spitting out a curse, he snatched one of the automatic rifles they were carrying and hurriedly ducked behind a pillar. Bang, bang, bang, bullets flew mercilessly into the pillars, and pieces of cement splattered in all directions.

    Il-hyun leaned through the wall and aimed at them. Bang, bang, the head exploded, and several people fell down in an instant. By the looks of it, it seemed that all the people gathered. Il-hyun aimed at the welding gas cylinder behind them.

    A bullet flew by and grazed his shoulder. Ugh, the bullet that was aimed at the gas cylinder flew off to the wrong place. As soon as he ducked for cover, he heard Takeya Jun’s voice.

    “Oh, no. The cheeky young master has turned into a cornered mouse. But where did Lee Ja-kyung go? Huh?”

    Il-hyun let out a ragged breath. Blood was pouring from his side when he looked down. A few of them were about to walk out the door as if Takeya Jun had ordered them to. Il-hyun took advantage of the opportunity and shot them in the head. As they collapsed in front of the entrance, bullets rained down on the pillar without a chance to breathe.

    Cement dust splattered in all directions, revealing an iron framework.

    Il-hyun grinned eerily under his breath.

    “None of you are getting out of here!”

    He attacked the guys at the entrance as soon as he finished speaking. They also hid behind pillars. He must buy time to allow Lee Ja-kyung to escape. As he caught his breath, Il-hyun ejected the magazine and counted the remaining bullets. He couldn’t go on any longer. A gas canister could be seen behind Takeya Jun, but it was difficult to hit it from this angle. It could only be reached by going outside the pillar.

    He could die here if he was unlucky. However, if he hesitated, Lee Ja-kyung would also die. It’s something that should never happen. Ja-kyung must live regardless of what happens. I would have changed my will if I had known I was going to die so soon. This incompetent lawyer won’t really bury Ja-kyung with me, will he?

    He regretted it belatedly and smiled bitterly.

    He had made his final decision.  It became more difficult for him to breathe, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He wasn’t sure if it was the sweat or the rushing blood, but his consciousness was becoming increasingly blurry. He pushed himself out of the pillar after taking a slow, deep breath.

    Bang, bang, he fired back at them, then aimed at the gas cylinder and fired a bullet. Bang, as soon as one shot hits, a bullet from the other side gets stuck in the right abdomen. Ugh. His body trembled with pain. Shhh- Hearing the gas leak, Takeya Jun looked at him.

    Il-hyun fired the second bullet and immediately jumped behind the pillar.

    BOOM! The ceiling shook with a deafening explosion, and chunks of cement rained down overhead.

    Ugh! Ja-kyung who came to his senses, looked up. Kang Il-hyun, you crazy bastard. Bastard! His leg wobbled as he tried to stand up. It wasn’t broken, but it felt like it was cracked. Gritting his teeth, Ja-kyung got up and limped away. He was hurrying toward the building when he noticed several black cars in the distance, kicking up dust and speeding toward him.

    Among them were several ambulances. He didn’t even have time to check if they were Chairman Kang’s people. Ja-kyung limped into the building. He grabbed the stair railing and tumbled upstairs, but then he heard an explosion above him. BOOM!

    The building shook, and Ja-kyung stopped moving. What. BOOM! Debris from the ceiling falls. Ja-kyung was overcome with fear for a brief moment. No way…! He forgot about his aching leg and began climbing furiously.

    Suddenly, a familiar voice called out from below.


    Ja-kyung paused as he looked back. Park Tae-soo, Wang Han, Wang Lun, and others appeared and were armed. He could see tension and nervousness on Park Tae-soo’s normally calm face. Slow footsteps could be heard coming from the upper stairwell, where the explosion had occurred.

    Park Tae-soo’s men aimed their guns in that direction. Ja-kyung held his breath and looked up.

    “Wei. Come here.”

    Wang Han called out but Ja-kyung remained motionless. Wang Han climbed up to protect Ja-kyung but stopped. Kang Il-hyun, covered in blood, staggered down with a pale face, dragging his legs. As if holes had been pierced throughout his body, blood kept gushing out. Every step he took was splattered with blood.

    He found Ja-kyung and smiled faintly.

    “Thank god…”

    Blood gushed out of his mouth as he spoke. The sight made Ja-kyung lose his breath.

    “You’re fine… My baby…”

    He smiled and collapsed on top of Ja-kyung.

    Sir! Park Tae-soo ran up, and Ja-kyung held him. It smelled like blood, and Il-hyun’s body was so cold that Ja-kyung felt as if he was hugging a corpse. His heart sank. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Il-hyun became weak and limp. While holding him, Ja-kyung’s voice trembled with sobs.

    “Hey. CEO Kang…”

    No answer. Even his faint breathing was fading away.

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