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    Ja-kyung had become a trembling mess, staring up at the ceiling with unfocused eyes due to some circumstances. The spinning ceiling fan only blurred his vision. He would have hung Kang Il-hyun upside down right then and there if he could. But it was he, not Kang Il-hyun, who was hanging upside down at the moment.

    After putting Ja-kyung’s legs over his shoulders, Il-hyun leaned his upper body forward. Il-hyun pushed until Ja-kyung’s thighs touched his chest and his butt lifted up. Ja-kyung’s body was crumpled like paper, and his stomach felt sore from the d*ck that had come in so deep.

    Il-hyun reached his hand into the back of Ja-kyung’s neck and pulled him towards him. As his upper body rose, it became apparent that a protrusion was sticking out under his belly.

    “Can you see it?”

    His voice was dangerous, his gaze devoid of any flavor.

    When there was no response, he took Ja-kyung’s hand and rubbed it against that area. The sensation of Il-hyun’s d*ck inside the protruding belly was vivid.

    “You don’t know how amazing it feels to put it all the way here.”

    Ja-kyung gasped and opened his eyes wide.

    “Since I don’t know, why don’t you lie down and take the pound-, ah!”

    Ja-kyung couldn’t finish his sentence before Il-hyun thrusting and moving his hips from side to side. It feels like his d*ck was tearing through his intestines. Ja-kyung didn’t know what to do and grabbed Kang Il-hyun’s arm which was supporting the bed. Ahh, stop, stop for a moment. You went too deep. Ja-kyung held his breath as Il-hyun thrust harder.

    Ja-kyung was excited by the sensation of hitting his prostate like striking it with a hammer, but the pleasure was indescribable when Il-hyun roughly thrust in this way. Although he had asked him to move faster, he wouldn’t easily grant such a request. Today, he acted stubbornly like a naughty child.

    Ja-kyung finally reached down and grabbed his penis, rubbing it up and down. His sense of smell was tormented by the sticky and fishy smell mixed with the scent of peaches. Kang Il-hyun’s jaw clenched as the stimulation tightened Ja-kyung’s h*le.

    Il-hyun touched the smooth waxed area with his hand. t had swollen red from how much he had sucked on it.

    “Should I engrave my name here?”

    “Don’t, ah, don’t even think about it.”

    “As expected, I thought you’d like it.”

    When Ja-kyung raised his head and glared at him, Il-hyun smirked and pulled it all the way back before thrusting back in with force. Il-hyun smacked up against his prostate. Ja-kyung threw back his head as his body convulsed,  and poured out semen like a gushing stream.

    His eyelids trembled, and not even a moan came out of his parted lips. No matter how long Il-hyun had been putting it inside, it felt like the inner wall and his d*ck had merged like two lumps of clay. Ja-kyung was afraid that if Kang Il-hyun pulled out his d*ck, his organs would come out.

    Il-hyun took the semen that Ja-kyung had ejaculated on his stomach with his hand and brought it to his mouth. He licked the ejaculate off his fingers, sucking on them before leaning forward again to kiss her passionately. Drool dripped from the corners of his mouth that were still slightly open.

    Il-hyun licked him like a dog again. His chin and cheeks were smeared with his saliva. Later, he licked the top of his eyelid but Ja-kyung pushed his face away.

    “Ha, don’t.”

    “I want to eat you.”


    “I want to eat you and put you in my stomach.”


    “Huh, can I do that?”

    If he told him yes, he would really do it. This crazy man.

    “Tell me, honey. Hmm? Is that okay?”

    It was an inappropriate plea. But… if that was really what he wanted…

    “Do as you like.”

    Moans and words flowed together. Kang Il-hyun bit Ja-kyung’s shoulder and cursed. The movements of his hips became faster and faster. Slap, slap, sweat drips down his back and shoulders, and his stomach clenched, even though he just finished ejaculating.

    “Ah no, ah!”

    Il-hyun thrust with such force that it hurt Ja-kyung’s ass, and he poured his semen deep inside. Sweat dripped down their tightly coiled bodies. Thump thump, their hearts pounded wildly, and Ja-kyung’s legs draped over his shoulders ached and tingled as if bitten by a mouse.

    Kang Il-hyun, who was breathing heavily next to Ja-kyung’s face, lifted his head, looked into his eyes, and smiled.

    “Do you want more?”

    Ja-kyung didn’t have the energy to answer. When he shook his head, Il-hyun’s eyes narrowed mischievously, and their lips met again. Let’s just stay like this. It’s warm and nice. His whispering voice felt distant, like a dream.


    His eyelids felt heavy. He closed and opened them a few times before coming to my senses. The ceiling fan spinning overhead summoned memories of last night. The smell of semen wafted through the air as he lifted the sheet covering his waist.

    Ja-kyung managed to get up and looked around, but Kang Il-hyun was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he’s in the living room. As he got off the bed, his legs felt weak and wobbly. He held onto the bed, but his knees were already bent. Ah, I feel so pathetic. It’s about preserving a man’s dignity.

    He cursed and staggered to his feet. When he caught sight of his reflection in the bathroom mirror, Ja-kyung was speechless. His n*pples were puffed out, his lips were torn and swollen, and his cheeks were faintly covered with teeth marks.

    Just in case, he looked at his back and it was the same. Kang Il-hyun’s name was still tattooed on the border of his buttocks and waist, but the tattoo of a snake on his right shoulder, or more precisely, the snake’s head, was covered in teeth marks. He should have simply eaten it away.

    Ja-kyung huffed and walked to the shower after squeezing some toothpaste onto his toothbrush. While brushing his teeth, he turned on the water, but as soon as it touched the waxed area, it stung to the point where his hair stood on end. He came out wearing a gown after barely showering with tears in his eyes.

    He walked into the living room and saw not only Kang Il-hyun but also Park Tae-soo. He said hello and left, and Il-hyun approached him with an ice pack in his hand.

    “You’re awake already?”

    He knew they were supposed to leave in the afternoon, but looking at the time, it was already lunchtime. Ja-kyung dragged his heavy body and sat on the sofa, and Il-hyun took a seat next to him.

    “Lie down and spread your legs. I’ll give you an ice compress.”

    “You’re giving me treatment for my pain?”

    “That’s right. Why did you do something that would upset me like that?”

    It’s ridiculous.

    “And you f*cking loved it.”

    Ja-kyung glared at him, but he didn’t deny it. As Il-hyun kept telling him to lie down, Ja-kyung reluctantly took off his gown and lay down on the sofa. Il-hyun wrapped the ice bag once with a thin towel and placed it on top of Ja-kyung’s crotch. The burning sensation subsided a bit, providing some relief.

    After a while, Il-hyun picked up the ointment from the table.

    “I’ll apply the ointment for you.”

    “I’ll do it myself.”


    “I think you’re going to make a mess.”

    Il-hyun snorted.

    “I promise. If I caused a mess, I’ll call you ‘oppa’.”

    Even though Ja-kyung protested, Il-hyun still leaned in and used his mouth to blow on that area, carefully applying the ointment. It stung even more when the ointment touched him. Ugh, Ja-kyung let out a groan, and Il-hyun’s expression turned pitiful.

    “Does it hurt a lot?”

    F*ck. Whose fault is it? It’s not like you intentionally sucked on it with your mouth. Even though he looked at him with resentful eyes, he just smiled. Il-hyun only touched it slightly while applying the ointment, but it felt strange. In case he might get an erection, Ja-kyung pushed his shoulder and tied his robe.

    As Ja-kyung tried to go to the bedroom, Il-hyun pulled him close and lay down on the sofa. Their chests pressed against each other, and he could hear Il-hyun’s shallow breaths above his head. When Ja-kyung tried to break free, Il-hyun held him even tighter.

    “Let’s stay like this for 10 minutes.”

    It wasn’t a bad suggestion, so he adjusted his uncomfortable posture and turned to lie on his chest. He could feel Il-hyun’s heartbeat thumping against his back. Il-hyun used his arm as a pillow between Ja-kyung’s neck and head and embraced his waist. But as Ja-kyung felt his hard d*ck pressing against his buttocks, Ja-kyung moved his waist forward.

    “You said you wouldn’t cause any trouble.”

    Il-hyun immediately replied in his ear.


    Ja-kyung looked at him with disgust. He’s so full of surprises, really. Irritated, Ja-kyung moved his elbow back and hit his chest. Ugh, Il-hyun’s short groan was laced with laughter. He kept rubbing his hard d*ck against Ja-kyung’s ass, so he held on and eventually rolled down the couch. When he stood up he saw Kang Il-hyun’s d*ck was already hard and bulging through his pants.

    Even though they did it a lot yesterday, it still getting hard well. It’s amazing.

    “You’re not taking Viagra behind my back, are you?”

    “I’m not at that age yet.”

    “Don’t be so sure. You’re not far off.”

    Will you hate me when I’m old? He walked over and put both hands on Ja-kyung’s shoulders and gave him a pained look. But it was all part of his trick.

    He pressed Ja-kyung’s shoulders down to his knees while pulling down his pants and pulling out his penis with the other hand. He brushed Ja-kyung’s hair aside as he lowered his pants and underwear to his thighs.

    “I feel like I’ll die because of how much I like you.”

    Desire oozed from his voice, revealing his longing. He grasped his d*ck and brushed the tip against Ja-kyung’s lips.

    “S*ck it.”

    Ja-kyung closed his mouth and opened his eyes.

    “Don’t command me.”

    Il-hyun quickly lowered his eyebrows.

    “S*ck it. Please.”


    “Please, Oppa.”

    Il-hyun laughed and stroked Ja-kyung’s cheek when he frowned. After pondering for a moment, Ja-kyung made a decision. Fine, I’ve done a lot of wrong to you this time, so I’ll make amends. He opened his mouth slowly and stuck his tongue out to lick the underside of his d*ck. Every time he licked, Il-hyun’s Adam apple moved up and down. The hand gripping Ja-kyung’s hair grew stronger as Il-hyun’s gaze looked down darkened.

    Ja-kyung tried to open his throat as wide as possible to take in his d*ck, but he could only take in about half of it. He grabbed both of Kang Il-hyun’s thighs to try to push it in more. Then, the hand that had been touching his cheek groped the lower part of his neck.

    “You did well last time. Open the way here.”

    After a few attempts, Ja-kyung managed to open it wide enough for it to reach his throat, but he almost choked and nearly went to the underworld. When he grimaced in refusal, Il-hyun gently stroked his cheek. Ja-kyung had no choice but to relax his throat.

    Il-hyun’s d*ck swept through his moist throat and went deeper. It felt like he couldn’t breathe, and he thought he might gag. Ha, f*ck. As Ja-kyung’s throat tightens around his d*ck, Il-hyun throws his head back and grinds his teeth. His waist moved back and forth, and his d*ck’s surface rubbed against the oral mucosa and touched his teeth.

    Undigested saliva trickled down Ja-kyung’s mouth, and the corners of his eyes gradually turned red. Il-hyun carefully controlled his speed and pushed his d*ck deeper until it bulged below his throat. Haa, as Ja-kyung’s expression changed as if he was about to cry the more he moved.

    Ja-kyung’s face always incites his sadistic desires. But if he continued like this, there would undoubtedly be consequences. Il-hyun showed patience and pulled out his d*ck. He rubbed his d*ck back and forth, and Ja-kyung stuck out his tongue.

    My beautiful little kitten. Even if he can’t suck his d*ck, he sure knows how to turn me on. Il-hyun’s eyes darkened. With a suppressed moan, he released his semen onto Ja-kyung’s tongue and nose.

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