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    As he lifted his body, the dick that had been filling his hole almost slipped out. Il-hyun quickly caught Ja-kyung’s waist and pulled him down. It went in all the way, making a thumping sound, and Ja-kyung’s upper body lost its balance.

    “Ah! Wait. Wait a minute.” Ja-kyung grabbed Kang Il-hyun’s arm and stopped him.

    “I told you to move. Otherwise, should I do it my way?”

    Ja-kyung glared at Il-hyun for a moment before removing his hand from his waist. Even though he knew Ja-kyung disliked this position particularly, he sometimes placed him on top just to play with him and enjoy the view. When Ja-kyung adjusted his position by moving his knees, Kang Il-hyun clasped his hands behind my head.

    The muscles in his broad shoulders, chest, and arms twitched and moved. Damn, I never thought I’d end up in a situation like this. As Ja-kyung briefly spaced out, Il-hyun caught on quickly and smacked his buttocks to urge him on.

    Ja-kyung blinked his eyes and slowly moved his hips back and forth. The sensation of the dick inside his belly was vivid. The gel made a squelching sound. He bit his lower lip and put his arms behind him.

    His center of gravity shifts backward, and his penis sticks to the surface of his stomach. Hard. Ja-kyung moved his other hand to the front, grabbing his own dick and rubbing it up and down.

    “Lean back more.”

    At Il-hyun’s words, I leaned my upper body slightly back and it touched my prostate. Ah! For a moment, he felt like he’d been struck by lightning. He trembled as he tightened his thighs and calves in shock. He bit his lower lip and tilted his head back, barely supporting himself on the bed with his left arm. Kang Il-hyun slightly bounced his back, dissatisfied with Ja-kyung’s focus rubbing his own dick.

    Ja-kyung, who was rubbing back and forth, raised his knees slightly and then moved his hips up and down. Il-hyun’s gaze followed the dick going in and out of the hole. His eyes were filled with desire.

    Il-hyun removed the hand that was behind his head and gently stroked Ja-kyung’s thigh. It felt smooth. Quite good. Until not too long ago, Ja-kyung used to complain about this position, saying it was uncomfortable and made his stomach ache. But now, he seemed to know exactly how to get aroused.

    Ja-kyung’s upper body continued to tilt back as he moved. The dick he was rubbing in his hand was dripping with pre-cum.

    “Ah, ah.”

    Every time his thighs clenched, his inner walls tightened. When Ja-kyung’s hand, which was holding and rubbing his dick, began to move in an odd rhythm, Il-hyun removed it and pulled his arm. Ja-kyung’s upper body was folded as he was dragged forward.

    Il-hyun quickly bent his knees and thrust up with all his might from below.


    Slap, slap, their bodies shook together. Il-hyun hugged his body tightly and thrust into his hole tenaciously. The struggling Ja-kyung put his forehead on Il-hyun’s shoulder and gasped for breath. Il-hyun stood up as his penis slid out.

    Il-hyun made Ja-kyung, who had been stumbling to his feet, lie on his stomach at the head of the bed, holding him in place with both arms and pressing against his back.

    Il-hyun’s gaze swept from the back of his head along his spine as he observed the posture in which only his hips were raised. He noticed Ja-kyung’s snake tattoo on his shoulder, which he thought he should have removed last year. Every time he sees it, he regrets it.

    He stroked his hand over the name tattooed on his waistband and inserted his dick. The dimple-like mark at the border of his waist and buttocks became more distinct as he inserted it. He pressed his fingertips against it and pushed it all the way in, then rubbed Ja-kyung’s waist.

    The inner wall moves in the same direction as the dick movement.  moaned, Il-hyun pulled his waist back and thrust rapidly. Slap! Slap! Slap! The sound echoed as Ja-kyung moaned in pain. Ja-kyung’s body swayed up and down like a dancer as he moved faster.

    The visual pleasure was as stimulating as the physical sensation. In a fleeting thought, Il-hyun thought about how great it would be if humans could rotate their necks 360 degrees. He loved having sex in this position, but not being able to see Ja-kyung’s face clearly was somewhat disappointing.

    Ja-kyung put his forehead on the back of his arm and squeezed the bed sheet, then raised and lowered his head, not knowing what to do. He looked back, and his eyes were already teary. His skin was surprisingly pale and smooth, and the tattoos looked well-made.

    Il-hyun reached out his hand and grabbed Ja-kyung’s dick, rubbing it up and down.


    The dimples above the buttocks become deeper. It was proof that excitement has reached its peak. At the same time, his inner walls clenched around Il-hyun’s dick as if trying to devour it. Haa, fuck. Il-hyun leaned his upper body forward. Ja-kyung’s body landed on the bed and his stomach flattened against the bed.

    Pressing his upper body down, Il-hyun restrained him while only moving his waist like a frenzied dog in heat. His dick went in and out of the hole promiscuously. Il-hyun whispered in a raspy voice as he rubbed his lips against Ja-kyung’s ear.

    “Do you want me to do it, slowly?”

    Ja-kyung shook his head.


    At the same time as Ja-kyung nodded, Il-hyun’s dick lost its direction and thrust inside him. Aah fuck. He licked his earlobe and rained kisses over his cheeks, chin, and lips that he didn’t quite reach. Ja-kyung’s breaths and moans were muffled, and his eyelids trembled at one point. Suddenly, he tightened his grip on Il-hyun’s hand, seeking comfort in the midst of passion.

    Il-hyun rubbed Ja-kyung’s sensitive dick with his thumb as he increased the speed.

    Il-hyun massaged Ja-kyung’s prostate while still feeling the effects of his climax, leaving him breathless and overwhelmed.

    “Ah, ah! Heung!”

    Il-hyun’s composed expression twisted into a grimace. He thrust with such force that Ja-kyung’s buttocks clenched, causing him to gasp for air as he relentlessly increased his pace. Il-hyun abruptly stopped and pressed his dick deeply inside Ja-kyung as he couldn’t hold back any longer. He groaned and released his semen into Ja-kyung’s belly.


    Ja-kyung, who had just awoken, walked into the living room like a zombie, took a bottle of water from the refrigerator, and returned to his bedroom with a cigarette. The evidence of last night’s intimacy between the two was vividly imprinted on the bed. The pungent smell of semen made him frown involuntarily.

    He suddenly wondered what the staff who comes to clean every day would think when they saw this. After quenching his throat, he lit a cigarette, sat on the sofa, and stretched up. He couldn’t help but think he was crazy for looking forward to it. Well, let him handle everything himself for the rest of his life.

    After cursing, he sighed and comforted himself. 

    He eventually got up to loosen his muscles and went to the bathroom to shower. As usual, his body was a mess. He sighed as he looked at his swollen nipples. Even after the sex was over, Il-hyun continued to touch and suck his nipples absentmindedly until morning.

    Nipple Pervert.

    Mumbling to himself, he casually reached out to take his toothbrush, but it was nowhere to be found. Huh? Did it fall on the floor or inside the shower booth? He looked around but couldn’t find it anywhere. Strange. Wearing the T-shirt that was lying on the floor beside the bed, he went downstairs to the first floor.

    He asked the housekeeper for a new toothbrush and was about to head upstairs when he heard footsteps coming from Il-hyun’s bedroom. Hadn’t Il-hyun left for work yet? As he looked, it turned out to be Park Tae-soo, not Il-hyun. He came out of the room with a yellow envelope in his hand and greeted Ja-kyung with a nod.

    What was he doing up so early?

    After greeting him, he headed toward Kang Il-hyun’s bedroom. Il-hyun seemed to have finished getting ready for work, as he was dressed and sipping his tea while flipping through the newspaper.

    “Why are you awake already?”

    Ja-kyung waved a new toothbrush with his puffy face.

    “My toothbrush is completely gone.”

    Kang Il-hyun laughed.

    “Oh, did it get feet and run?”

    Il-hyun put down the cup he was drinking from and gestured to Ja-kyung to come over. As he approached, Kang Il-hyun checked the inside of the front part of Ja-kyung’s shirt. It was inside out. He chuckled at the cuteness of the situation, pulled his arms out, and fixed the shirt back in place. When you see someone capable of committing murder, they seem shrewd, but at moments like this, they’re nothing but a fool.

    “Since you came down, wash up here. I’ll wash you.”

    “But didn’t you finish getting ready for work?”

    “I can always put my clothes back on later.”

    As Il-hyun smiled and tried to loosen his tie, Ja-kyung grabbed his hand and shook his head. If he came in with the excuse of washing, he would never just leave. Don’t mess around, go to work. After warning with his eyes, Ja-kyung took a quick step back.

    After Ja-kyung disappeared, Kang Il-hyun’s face slowly lost its playful smile. He took another sip of tea and leaned back on the couch to check the time. Eight hours to go…

    Park Tae-soo went out early in the morning to find Lee Ja-kyung’s only blood relative, his maternal uncle, but he had died of a drug overdose five months ago. However, even if he were still alive, there was no guarantee he would know the truth.

    His index finger on the armrest tapped repetitively like a ticking clock.

    Eventually, he stood up and grabbed his jacket.

    In eight hours, he would find out the connection between Ja-kyung and Jang Tae-ho.

    If there wasn’t any connection, that would be a relief.

    But if there was… then at that time…


    “Good morning.”

    When Prosecutor Jang entered the room, Manager Park looked at him puzzledly. What’s going on? He’s never late, and he’s usually punctual like a clock. It was hard to understand why he was about ten minutes late. Besides, his hair was a mess. Prosecutor Jang took off his jacket and hung it on one side, sighing in disbelief.

    “It’s the first time I’ve been grabbed by the hair by an elderly lady.”

    “Excuse me?”

    Prosecutor Jang explained the situation. On his way to work in the morning, he saw an old lady struggling with heavy luggage, seemingly unable to move. As he approached her, she suddenly turned violent, accusing him of being a thief and grabbing him by the hair. If it had been an adult man, he might have tried to restrain her with force, but dealing with an elderly person, he couldn’t use force and had to rely on passersby to come to his aid and pull her away. The funniest thing was that the old lady disappeared with her luggage after that.

    Secretary Park, who was listening, looked at him perplexedly.

    “Did you just let her go?”

    “What else could I do? I couldn’t report a senile old lady.”

    Prosecutor Jang, who was looking in the mirror at the crown of his head, lamented.

    “I’m having a hard time for two days in a row.”

    He chuckled bitterly. He was humiliated by Kang Il-hyun last night, and now in the morning, he had his hair grabbed by an unfamiliar old lady. Tsk, he clicked his tongue and tidied his hair with his hand before sitting down at his desk. There, he noticed an envelope with documents that he hadn’t seen before.

    “Secretary Park. What is this?”

    “Something the prosecutor will like.”

    Something I like? When he opened the envelope, Yang Seon-woo’s picture came out. His eyes changed sharply.

    “It’s a mountain village on the outskirts of Seoul, and he stops by there once in a while and stays for a few days. When I asked some of the thugs in the neighborhood, they said that sometimes he comes with a certain man.”

    “A man?”

    “Yes, that’s what they said. They said he looked really scary and gloomy.”

    Ah, even if he didn’t check who it was, he know it. The address was written on the back. It was not too far from where he lived. A fleeting smile passed across Prosecutor Jang’s face. Kang Il-hyun, who didn’t even bat an eye when they met a year ago in the investigation room, was burning with rage yesterday.

    Just because he was chasing Yang Seon-woo. Why?

    “Are you okay?”

    Prosecutor Jang grinned as he looked at Secretary Park, who asked with concern.

    “For now, I’ll see when I get there. Whatever happens, this time I plan to follow him properly.”

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