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    “Hyung, did you tell him to do it?”

    Ja-kyung looked at the elated Wang Lun with a puzzled expression. He had wondered why Kang Il-hyun unexpectedly got waxing, but Wang Lun claimed he was encouraged by love. They say that love comes with sacrifice and cost. What in the world. It was strange that Wang Lun encouraged it, but even stranger given Kang Il-hyun’s personality, he listened to it and put it into action.

    “When you’re in love, your judgment becomes clouded. If I told him to shave his head, CEO Kang would have done it.”

    At that, Wang Han was furious. Don’t touch his hair. He complained that his recently transplanted hair was falling out and he was depressed. Then, he handed out a glass of wine to Ja-kyung.

    “Anyway, congratulations on your return. Even though it was just a two-day escape.”

    Ja-kyung smiled charmingly as he raised his glass of juice and gently clinked it. After returning home, taking a shower, and having a hearty dinner prepared by the house chef, he realized how foolish it was to have fled to the island. He even made a promise that if he ever had to run away again, he would go to a top-notch resort.

    “Did CEO Kang go to the company?”

    Ja-kyung nodded at Wang Lun’s question. He dropped off Ja-kyung and went straight back to the office. He said that he might be late because he had a lot of work to do, and they would catch up later.

    Ja-kyung felt somewhat sorry for spending the night sitting in front of the gate, and when he saw the mosquito bite mark on his cheek, he found it a bit amusing. You’re human too, huh? Seeing the mosquito bite made him think that.

    “Oh, Wei. I have something to tell you.”

    Wang Han spoke while pouring alcohol into an empty glass. Ja-kyung, who was eating a watermelon, looked at him. He hesitated a little, made eye contact with Wang Lun for a moment, and then got to the point.

    “Lun and I are going to leave this place.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “I don’t think we can stay here forever. Staying in one place for a long time is not our nature. You know that too.”

    Ja-kyung asked anxiously. Then what about me? Han smiled warmly.

    “You idiot. Do you think CEO Kang will let you go?”

    Han didn’t say anything more. Ja-kyung looked at Lun. Seeing the expression with a lot to say, he gestured for him to go ahead and express his thoughts.

    “Hyung thinks we might be a hindrance to you. Now that you have a good older brother, having people like us around might make your situation difficult. So…”


    Han warned with his eyes to stop, and Lun kept his mouth shut. Ja-kyung asked with a puzzled expression.

    “How could you think that way?”

    “Lun was exaggerating. We had planned to leave before.”

    Lun pouted. lie. It was a lie. Although Han warned, Lun wasn’t the type to listen. Ja-kyung looked back and forth between Han and Lun. He understood their feelings, but it was still hurtful.

    “Don’t do that. We’re family. No matter what anyone says, you guys are my family.”

    “I know. I’ve never once thought of you as an outsider either. But…”

    “You guys raised me. You’re my parents and brothers.”


    Ja-kyung spoke firmly to the two of them.

    “If I could die for someone, it would be my brothers. So, please don’t think about it.”

    Both of them fell silent. Then suddenly, Lun stared at the ceiling. Han turned away and wiped his eyes with the back of his arm. Ja-kyung asked with a concerned look. “Are you guys crying now?” When Han looked back, his eyes were red. “No, it’s just that the alcohol is too strong.”


    Ja-kyung couldn’t sleep. Tossing and turning, he checked the time and it was 2 am. He was supposed to meet Jang Tae-ho tomorrow for a re-examination. Kang Il-hyun said the results wouldn’t change much. He felt strange. He didn’t know what kind of expression he should make when he met Jang Tae-ho. It was strange that he didn’t have any feelings for him, even though he was his blood brother.

    He fell asleep after a while, but he heard the door open and the faint sound of footsteps. The bed shifted before he woke and looked back, and someone’s body temperature touched his back first. The fresh scent was something Kang Il-hyun often used.

    “You’re late from work.”

    Il-hyun kissed the back of Ja-kyung’s neck as he muttered in his sleep.

    “Sorry. I should have let you sleep, but I missed you so much I couldn’t resist.”

    As Ja-kyung tried to turn around, Il-hyun wrapped his firm arms around Ja-kyung’s waist and pressed his body closely.

    “Good night.”

    It was quiet. ja-kyung thought he would do something else, but since he sleeps quietly, it was rather suspicious. But unlike the good night greeting, his dick couldn’t sleep and poked his ass hard. Also, he expected that. Annoyed, Ja-kyung pulled his back forward, but Il-hyun pulled him back.

    “Do you want to do it or not?”

    “Don’t mind. My dick has a mind of its own.”

    “Don’t play around, do it if you want to.”

    Ja-kyung was barely finished speaking when Il-hyun flipped him over and climbed right on top. Tak, Ja-kyung turned on the bedside light and finally could see his face properly. Ja-kyung squinted, then laughed when he noticed the mosquito bite mark on Il-hyun’s cheek.

    Ja-kyung pressed it with his fingertips, and Il-hyun grabbed his hand and then licked it with his tongue. Il-hyun’s tongue climbed up his wrist and licked his chin and cheeks as if painting with a brush. Il-hyun targeted the sensitive spot inside Ja-kyung’s neck as he squirmed from the ticklish sensation. Then, moving to his lips, he kissed and caressed with small pecks.

    As their lips parted, Il-hyun’s hand reached inside Ja-kyung’s shirt and touched his chest. Ja-kyung bit his lower lip and swallowed a moan as Il-hyun pressed and rubbed his nipple. This time, Il-hyun pinched and twisted it between his fingers. Capturing the ever-changing expressions on Ja-kyung’s face with his gaze, Il-hyun commanded, “Smile.”

    When Ja-kyung frowned instead of smiling, Il-hyun buried his face in the nape of his neck and rubbed his nose against it. Give me a smile. Smile for me. Now, he lowered himself further, pushing his face into Ja-kyung’s shirt-covered chest, nibbling and suckling at his chest. Eventually, he turned his attention to the nipples, making Ja-kyung arch slightly. Il-hyun’s head came out from inside the shirt, his hair tousled. His eyes darkened with lust.

    Ja-kyung raised his upper body.

    “I’ll give you a blowjob.”

    Il-hyun raised one eyebrow.

    “Baby, you suck at blowjob,”

    Ja-kyung warned.

    “One more word. I will kick you out.”

    Il-hyun quickly adjusted his expression and lay down. Ja-kyung sat on his stomach and pulled his shirt off over his head. Il-hyun stroked his hands along the muscles of Ja-kyung’s body. 

    His well-defined muscles looked impressive. The chest he had been biting and sucking not long ago had already turned reddish. Following the pale nipples, he explored every nook and cranny of his body. There was no unattractive spot on Ja-kyung’s body. As his hand moved downward from his chest, caressing his abdomen and sides, Ja-kyung moved downward, removing Il-hyun’s pants. The taut, erect dick sprung up, jutting towards his belly.

    Ja-kyung let out a sigh. Il-hyun’s dick looked bigger because he had no pubic hair. The vivid blue veins seemed to stand out even more today. It twitched when his fingertip lightly brushed against it. Il-hyun piled up two pillows next to him and propped them up behind his head, watching Ja-kyung.

    Ja-kyung extended his tongue and began licking, starting from the base and slowly tracing up the dick. His tongue pressed against the upper part of the dick like Il-hyun had done to him, he could hear Il-hyun’s breathing become rougher.

    “Not bad.”

    Ja-kyung chuckled at his hoarse voice. He licked a few times before parting his lips and swallowing his dick. Moving his head up and down, he attempted to take it deeper as Il-hyun had instructed. However, it was still a bit challenging to take it past the back of his throat. After a few attempts following Il-hyun’s guidance, he gave up and used his hand to grip the dick, rubbing it up and down.

    “A wise choice.”

    Ja-kyung applied more pressure as Il-hyun teased him. Il-hyun frowned and removed his hand. Then, at once, he threw Ja-kyung back down and climbed on it while pressing his body. Suddenly, the position changed. He took off Ja-kyung’s pants and underwear, threw them aside, and buried his face between Ja-kyung’s legs.

    In an instant, Ja-kyung’s dick disappeared into Il-hyun’s mouth.


    Ja-kyung could see the crown of Il-hyun’s head between his legs. With each movement of his head, waves of pleasure washed over him. The sensation of touching the delicate skin with saliva, teeth, and tongue was distinct. Spitting out the dick that had been in his mouth, Il-hyun smiled as if he were about to melt away.

    “Is this really that hard?”

    He teasingly kicked out with his foot, but his legs were caught. He thought Il-hyun was going to penetrate him as Il-hyun spread his legs wide. Ja-kyung reached up to find the lube, but contrary to his expectations, Il-hyun quickly rolled over, pressing his body down on Ja-kyung’s. As they moved their waists together, their dicks were pressed between their torsos and rubbed against each other.

    It was a different sensation. His earlier promise that it would feel amazing was not entirely untrue. Il-hyun’s hips moved rhythmically, just like when he thrust into Ja-kyung. Il-hyun’s head almost hit the headboard of the bed as his body moved. He wrapped his arms around Il-hyun’s head, looking him in the eyes. The hand stroking his cheek was soft and affectionate.

    Ja-kyung couldn’t take his gaze away from his lust-ridden eyes. Il-hyun lowered his lips. As Il-hyun’s tongue entered his mouth and a deep, passionate kiss ensued, he felt like he was being penetrated even though he wasn’t. Ja-kyung hugged his neck and wrapped his legs around his waist. The kissing lips fell off and landed on Ja-kyung’s shoulder.

    “Haa… Haa.”

    The rhythm of their movements grew faster and faster. Il-hyun leaned harder into him with the arms that held his head and body close. Biting his shoulder before moving to his earlobe, he whispered huskily. “I love you.” Il-hyun was a person who did not hesitate to say all sorts of embarrassing things to him, but Ja-kyung was especially fond of those words. That’s why those words always touched his heart.

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