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    His d1ck slipped out. Kang Il-hyun helped Ja-kyung down, holding onto the back of the couch to keep him on his stomach. Then he got down and moved back, rubbing his own d1ck. Through the ripped panties, he can see the hole where Ja-kyung used to receive the d1ck a while ago.

    Lee Ja-kyung’s shoulders trembled as Il-hyun rubbed and pressed the inside with his middle finger. Il-hyun could feel every wrinkle on his fingertips. He slowly drew a circle and explored the inside, as if tasting food.

    Ja-kyung looked back and gave him a pleading gaze.

    “When are you going to do it?”


    When Il-hyun inserted d1ck with his fingers still in it, Ja-kyung flailed his arms in surprise. Aah!! Tear, it’ll tear! Ugh. The big cock slid through the narrow hole. Ja-kyung bit his lower lip and gripped the back of the couch tightly. He was about to ask if Il-hyun was crazy when Kang Il-hyun moved his waist in a circular motion.

    “Huh, I’ve always been curious. How my d1ck moves inside you.”

    “Get your hand out off me, now, ah! Fuck!”

    His fingers scratched inside and slipped out. Kang Il-hyun then immediately grabbed his waist with both hands and slammed into him. Il-hyun slid his hands in front of him to steady him when Ja-kyung’s upper body nearly collapsed from the impact. Baby, I haven’t even started yet.

    As soon as he finished speaking, he supported one leg on the sofa and started moving. Slap, slap, slap, his body swaying back and forth as Il-hyun slammed into his ass until it hurts.


    “Hold on tight, baby.”

    Ja-kyung’s legs were lifted before he realized what he meant. His body suddenly floated in the air like Superman. Ja-kyung looked back as he wrapped his arm around the back of the sofa. This crazy man. It was more difficult than he had expected to be fucked with his body in the air. Veins bulged from Ja-kyung’s neck and arms.

    Slap, slap, slap, holding on to his legs, he slammed in like a machine. The fuse in his head flickered in and out as Il-hyun’s d1ck crushed his prostate. His vision flashed white and pleasure shot up his spine from his waist.

    His arms were trembling, and he kept slipping due to the sweat. He felt the urge to cum and put one hand down to touch his d1ck, but he was stopped by Kang Il-hyun. When he turned around, his usually neat hair was disheveled. Afterward, he could see Il-hyun’s excitement in his short, hot breaths.

    Il-hyun’s d1ck pounded inside him like a mortar. Kang Il-hyun lowered his body and immediately flipped him over and climbed up the moment he felt the urge to cum. His legs were now dangling from his shoulders, and his body was crumpled like a piece of paper.

    The penetration from above struck him squarely in the prostate from that position. Ja-kyung threw his arms in the air in desperation. Wait. Il-hyun’s mouth lifted slightly. He pulled Ja-kyung’s body close to him and raised his knees. This resulted in his back and ass being lifted in midair, with only his shoulders touching the sofa.

    Because of his position, Ja-kyung could see Kang Il-hyun’s d1ck sliding in and out of his hole. His d1ck twitched in front of his eyes with each thrust. Ja-kyung hid his face behind his arms. He wasn’t sure if it was from sweat or tears, but his arms were wet. As his climax approached, his jaw trembled.

    Instead of moaning, only breath escaped from his mouth and his eyes turned white.

    “Ugh, uh!”

    His limbs trembled convulsively, straining against his back and thighs. Cum splashed into his face as his body folded in half. Every muscle in his body twitched against his will as if he’d been electrocuted. Kang Il-hyun let go of his legs and wrapped his arms around him before the excitement wore off.

    He licked the semen from Ja-kyung’s chest and face with his tongue and continued to thrust. His movements had become so relaxed that he couldn’t tell if he was grinding or pounding. He smiled as he carefully licked Ja-kyung’s flushed cheeks and eyes.

    “You need to take some supplements, why are you having such a hard time?”

    “Let me fuck you, and I’ll tell you why it’s hard.”

    Ja-kyung gasped for air as he said it, and Il-hyun grinned before grabbing Ja-kyung’s d1ck. When Ja-kyung told him not to touch him because he was sensitive, he squeezed it and rubbed it with his thumb. He then sucked on Ja-kyung’s nipples. Along with the stinging sensation, the electricity coursed through his body again.

    Slap, slap, slap, he forgot he’d cummed and his d1ck throbbed again. The movements gradually became harder and faster. From above, Kang Il-hyun’s lips devoured Ja-kyung’s. He kissed him until he couldn’t breathe, and licked him until his face was covered in saliva.

    As Ja-kyung turned his head, he saw the cake box. I want to eat cake. He muttered like he was talking in his sleep, but he could hear Kang Il-hyun laughing in his ears. Now was not the time to worry about cake. Even as he says scary things, the hand that runs through his hair was gentle. Ja-kyung holds onto his hand and looked up at Kang Il-hyun.

    “Come to think of it, I didn’t tell you.”


    “Thank you for being born.”

    A smile grew on Il-hyun’s face. Don’t mention it. His lips curled down, signaling the beginning of a long night.


    Ja-kyung woke up early and looked at his reflection in the mirror with a dazed expression and sighed. The tattered lace panties haphazardly draped over his waist, losing their original shape. After discarding the panties and putting on a robe, he looked for the clothes he had taken off last night.

    While searching through the pockets, he found a box containing two rings. Thankfully, Kang Il-hyun on the bed was still asleep. Carefully, Ja-kyung took out Il-hyun’s ring and placed it next to his finger. He roughly measured the size of Il-hyun’s finger with his eye, but it seemed a bit uncertain.

    He tried to put it on Il-hyun’s left ring finger discreetly, but it got stuck halfway. Frustrated, he attempted to remove it, but Il-hyun’s eyelids twitched. Il-hyun was one step ahead of Ja-kyung, his hand clenched around the ring before he could fully remove it. The ring remained on his finger due to the tight grip. As Ja-kyung made a puzzled expression, Il-hyun held his palm out, looking at the ring for a while before turning to ask.

    “Is it a proposal?”

    “It’s a birthday present.”

    He checked the ring by examining his hand back and forth several times with a surprised yet happy face. Ja-kyung reached out to grab Il-hyun’s hand and attempted to push the ring further in. However, it wouldn’t go in any deeper. Ja-kyung looked disappointed, and Il-hyun chuckled with a smug grin.

    “It’s good, it’s so tight it feels like it’s in your hole.”

    He said it as if he was joking. Rolling his eyes, Ja-kyung made one more attempt to push it in, but it still got stuck in the middle.

    “Damn it. I wish it fit just right.”

    Il-hyun smiled and held out his hand to the sullen Ja-kyung. Come here. As Ja-kyung climbed onto the bed, Il-hyun embraced him and gently rubbed his cheek against his. Thank you. Honestly, I was touched. There was sincerity in his voice. Ja-kyung hugged him tightly and buried his face in his chest.

    “I wanted to give you a better present. But I couldn’t think of anything.”

    Ja-kyung thought about it over and over again, but it was difficult to give a gift to someone with more money than him.

    “You are a gift to me. Among all the things I’ve received in my life, you’re the most valuable and precious.”

    His voice was incredibly warm. The hand that had been caressing his head moved downward to pat his back. Rest more. Let’s get up and go on a date later. As Ja-kyung closed his eyes, Il-hyun’s gaze focused on his hand again. The ring sparkled between his middle and ring fingers. A smile spread across his lips as he observed it.


    “Young master. When you go home, you must apologize to the chairman.”

    Il-hyun looked out the window with an indifferent expression. He looked down at his soiled school uniform and frowned. He had dragged an annoying classmate to the restroom and beaten him until he was almost unconscious, causing a huge commotion.

    He knew that when he got home, his father would probably beat him with a golf club again. He despised his father. He was someone who indulged in all kinds of wrongdoings himself, yet constantly imposed moral standards on Il-hyun. It was ridiculous.

    As the car passes through an alley, it shows a group of students in school uniforms.

    “Please stop the car.”

    The secretary turned around and instructed the driver to stop. Il-hyun got out of the car and walked towards the scene. A group of high school students had surrounded someone and were attacking him. The victim, a young child, was clearly much younger and had a worn-out appearance, with a torn backpack clutched to his chest.

    As one of the group attempted to snatch the backpack, the child stubbornly held onto it, resisting.

    “You little brat! You want a beating, huh? Hand it over!”

    The child looked up. His gaze met Il-hyun’s head-on. Despite his scruffy appearance, his eyes held a spark of life. His upturned eyes resembled those of a lost kitten. Blood trickled down from his split lip. It piqued Il-hyun’s interest. Should he just watch the fight or turn away?

    After thinking about it, as he approached closer, the high school students noticed Il-hyun and frowned.

    “Who the hell are you?”

    “Middle schooler? Get lost. If you don’t want a serious beating, that is.”

    Il-hyun stared into the child’s eyes intently. Should I help? At the same time, one of the high school students grabbed Il-hyun’s collar. This brat, fuck off. Il-hyun grinned and then looked at the child who was lying on the ground. The child nodded vigorously with a scared look on his face.

    The moment the high school student raised his fist, Il-hyun took out a cutter knife from his pocket and cut the face of the boy in front of him. Argh! A shout followed by a stream of blood erupted from his face. The boy fell to the ground, clutching his bleeding face while crying in pain, and the other students around him took a step back in shock.

    Il-hyun laughed as he waved his knife.

    “From now on, those who challenge me will pay the price.”

    Fuck. He is crazy The high school students were flustered, hastily helping their injured friend and fleeing. Il-hyun clicked his tongue and watched the guys running away. He glanced back at where the kid had been writhing on the ground just moments ago, only to find the kid had run away with the backpack held tightly. When Il-hyun saw this, he scoffed at the absurdity of it all, then he discovered a small plastic bag on the ground. It was filled with white powder that looked like flour. He kicked it, then returned his gaze to the direction where the child had disappeared.

    “Fuck. Some courtesy wouldn’t hurt. That kid could have at least said thank you.”

    He dropped the knife he was holding onto the ground and headed back to his car. No matter how he thought about it, the situation was irksome. He had gone out of his way to help, and what did he get in return? He muttered to himself that the next time they met, whether the kid was little or grown, he’d make sure to give him a kick in the ass.

    However, after that day, he never crossed paths with the kid in that area again.

    – End of the Side Story –

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