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    Loves Error

    Jin raised his soju glass with a smile still on his face. “Let’s visit again tomorrow.”

    Han Naeyung nodded while eating some well-cooked onions and garlic. Nari, who had been lying on the floor, jumped onto Han Naeyung’s lap. Nari fidgeted, trying to find a comfortable position, pressing down on Han Naeyung’s thigh.

    Han Naeyung wrapped his free arm around Nari’s body. Despite the dog’s weight, it looked natural.

    ā€œMost veterinarians seem to have pets.ā€

    ā€œEveryone is different.ā€

    ā€œThatā€™s true. You donā€™t have any, do you?ā€


    Han Naeyung looked at Jin calmly, not with a look of “how do you know,” but rather a curious “why do you think that?”

    ā€œThat dog doesnā€™t show aggression towards people, but itā€™s quite vicious towards other dogs. I tried to introduce it to other dogs to make friends, but…ā€

    Jin took a sip of soju.

    ā€œIt immediately tried to bite their necks. I had to intervene and it was quite a struggle. So, I figured, if you had animals at home, you wouldn’t have been able to take care of Nari for the past two days.ā€

    Come to think of it, both Nari and Han Naeyung dislike their own kind.

    ā€œIt must have learned early on in the dogfighting ring that it had to kill or be killed.ā€

    Jinā€™s hand paused while pouring soju. He felt as if Han Naeyung had read his mind.

    The most basic value for any living being is survival. Nari attacking other dogs was evidence of that. Jin had assumed Nariā€™s behavior was due to its background in dogfighting, but Han Naeyung had approached it differently.

    ā€œI scolded it a lot after that incident, but from its perspective, it was self-defense.ā€

    Han Naeyung petted the now-calm Nari.

    ā€œA scolding is… necessary.ā€

    As he answered, Han Naeyung lifted his head. Their eyes met. Jin pondered why Han Naeyung disliked physical contact with people. He hadnā€™t been trapped in a dogfighting ring like his dog, nor had he been in a kill-or-be-killed situation. Jin’s speculative thoughts had one root cause: he didnā€™t know much about Han Naeyung yet.

    ā€œAbout that germaphobia…ā€

    Jin gestured at the gloves. He almost asked if it wasnā€™t serious and could be cured. He remembered how Han Naeyungā€™s hands had trembled whenever he touched him.

    It could be a form of PTSD, so it wasn’t something to dismiss lightly.

    ā€œDr. Han, don’t you want to feel human warmth, like that from a lover?ā€

    It might have been a rude question, but Jin couldnā€™t contain his curiosity. He wanted to understand Han Naeyung better.

    ā€œItā€™s not that I havenā€™t tried.ā€

    Jin was quite surprised.

    ā€œAt least you donā€™t hate people, then.ā€

    ā€œYes. Itā€™s not that I hate people. Itā€™s just…ā€

    Han Naeyung chose his words carefully.


    As if it were nothing, Han Naeyung downed his soju. Jin, already curious about so much, became more eager to know. He suddenly thought of the legend of the fish ā€œChimoā€:

    A fish that, enchanted by the beauty of a courtesan, forgot its instinct to swim and gradually sank to the riverbed. Like Judith who beheaded Holofernes, or Salome who received John the Baptistā€™s head, and Carmen who bled under Joseā€™s knife. They were all femme fatales, leading their admirers to extreme situations.

    Their admirers knew that their lives could be ruined, but still couldn’t resist, just like how Jin had altered his commute home for Han Naeyung.

    Jin didnā€™t have a preference for the gender of his romantic partners. However, in his conservative profession, this attraction could become a liability. Yet, emotions rarely follow logic.

    ā€œIf you donā€™t dislike people, then I guess Iā€™m not that bad, right?ā€


    Jin confidently poured another glass of soju. They both reached for the soju bottle almost simultaneously, but since Jin was a bit faster, Han Naeyung’s gloved hand ended up enveloping Jin’s.

    Han Naeyung’s hand twitched slightly, but it was merely a startled reaction, not a continuation of his tremors.

    Despite his cold demeanor, warmth could be felt through the gloves. It was still chilly, but strangely intense, like embers in a fire. Jin and Han Naeyung’s hands became entangled as they both tried to pull away. Even though they both seemed to intend to retreat, it felt as if Han Naeyung was holding onto Jin.

    ā€œWell then.ā€

    This time, Jin held onto the hand trying to pull away.

    ā€œIs dating also possible?ā€

    Blinking, Han Naeyung looked at him with a stiff gaze tinged with surprise. This time, he didn’t respond for quite some time.

    Certainly, the mornings after sleeping with the aid of alcohol were always tough.

    Han Naeyung wiped his tired eyes and swallowed some water. After performing two neutering surgeries in the morning, he barely managed to eat the lunch his mother brought, consisting of assorted greens and pancakes. He had worried it might go bad due to its large quantity, but his colleague Lee Seolhwa helped by finishing it off.

    Looking back, that man had quite an appetite. He managed to finish a portion of spicy sausage stir-fry that was enough for two people by himself. After sharing three bottles of soju, it was Jin who first stood up and suggested leaving.

    Despite mentioning alcohol addiction, he made it clear that they shouldn’t let it interfere with work. Han Naeyung had to come home, drink another half bottle of soju, and take a sleeping aid before he could finally fall asleep.

    “Doctor, there’s a client.”

    Lee Seolhwa informed him from outside the examination room. Han Naeyung washed his hands with antiseptic and greeted the incoming client. The cat on the leash was a Norwegian Forest Cat.

    As expected, its tail was also full and fluffy. Instead of being wary, the cat’s eyes sparkled with curiosity. Its owner brought it in without a carrier, and the cat walked around like a dog.

    “Nice to see you again. It’s vaccination day for Sangeun, so I brought her in.”

    As naturally occurring Norwegian Forest Cats were genetically robust, preventative vaccines were essential for conditions like bronchitis or panleukopenia. Han Naeyung examined the cat from its eyes to its ears. He felt its cold, moist nose and gently massaged its forehead.

    “It seems like her nose is dry when she sleeps. Is that okay?”

    “It’s a natural occurrence. She seems healthy.”

    Sangeun was a female cat who came in as the first client on the day the animal hospital opened. That’s why Han Naeyung remembered what her owner said back then. Since the cat’s breed was Norwegian Forest Cat, they decided to name her Sangeun, taking the first letter from the word “Sangeul” in her era (Norwegian Forest).

    It didn’t seem important that there were no cats in “Sangeun’s Era (Norwegian Forest).” Moreover, Sangeun was quite unique in that she enjoyed going for walks, so her owner often brought her in with a leash.

    Meowing softly, Sangeun nuzzled her face against Han Naeyung’s hand. As soon as he picked up the syringe, she bristled her fur and showed a newfound sense of caution, but she bravely endured the needle. Han Naeyung massaged the cat’s skin before handing her back to her owner.

    “Then, I’ll see you on the next vaccination date.”

    Meow, meow. Sangeun whimpered, saying that the injection hurt, and her owner comforted her. Han Naeyung got up and opened the door of the examination room for them. After they left, Han Naeyung followed behind.

    As the owner chatted with Lee Seolhwa, Han Naeyung prepared a few vaccines. While the owner finished paying, Han Naeyung replied that he would see them next time. Then, he pocketed the rattling vaccines.

    “Oh? Nari’s owner came by yesterday?”

    Lee Seolhwa, who was looking at yesterday’s accounting records, was surprised and asked. It seemed she had just noticed the last amount Han Naeyung had written. She made a face that seemed to say, “When did they come?”

    “Nari is doing well? Did you bathe him, Doctor?”

    “He’s doing well… I did it myself.”

    “You must have had a hard time taking care of him.”

    Usually, dealing with clients and mixing words was Lee Seolhwa’s job.

    “Since there’s no separate treatment fee, did you just bathe him?”


    ā€œSurely I wasn’t the last one to bathe Nari yesterday, right?ā€

    Lee Seolhwa exclaimed, still remembering that incident. Han Naeyung also recalled the unpleasant odor. For dogs kept indoors, a bath once a week was adequate. However, even considering that bathing frequency varied depending on the breed, a month was too long, even for a short-haired dog. Lee Seolhwa was even more astonished by Han Naeyung’s silent response as he stood there.

    ā€œNari’s dad didn’t smell at all? I wonder how he managed to bear it.ā€

    “…He seems quite oblivious.ā€

    It wasn’t an incorrect statement, even for someone with his own obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    ā€œWhat’s going on with our doctor?ā€


    ā€œIt’s the first time I’ve heard you say something like that. Even if I were to do cartwheels here, you’d still be indifferent. What’s really going on?ā€

    ā€œIt would be… quite surprising.ā€


    ā€œIf Seolhwa were to do cartwheels.ā€

    Ahaha, she burst out laughing loudly. Han Naeyung ignored the giggling Lee Seolhwa and returned to the examination room. After arranging the vaccines from his pocket on the display stand, he finally sat down on the creaky old chair.

    Suddenly, Jin’s voice came to mind. And it took him quite a while to respond. Yes.

    Of course, Jin wasn’t suggesting that he and Han Naeyung should date. The question leaned more towards whether it was possible for someone with OCD to have a romantic relationship.

    Han Naeyung diverted his gaze from the man who was now smiling with laughter.

    There was someone who briefly crossed his mind.

    Han Naeyung muttered the name that involuntarily came to his mind. With the rise of alcohol, his longing only intensified.

    He nodded.

    Is that supposed to mean innocence? Han Naeyoung smirked sarcastically.

    At that moment, Jin’s expression… It seemed more like he was shocked rather than simply surprised. Whatever answer he had been expecting, it seemed it wasnā€™t the truth he wanted. Of course, his astonished look only lasted a brief moment. With his chin propped up, he looked intently at Han Naeyoung and asked again.

    Han Naeyoung once again chuckled silently to himself. Jinā€™s expression was quite serious as he asked the question. However, he didnā€™t feel any need to answer, even though he was a bit tipsy.

    It was a chillingly cold response. Jin wasnā€™t bothered, just as he hadnā€™t been by Han Naeyoungā€™s bluntness before. Jin merely muttered “Possibilities,” took a sip of soju, and stood up to leave.

    Han Naeyoung pondered Jin’s words several times that day. Even though he tried not to dwell on them, they kept popping up in his mind. It wasnā€™t that people hadnā€™t approached him before. And as he had told Jin, it wasnā€™t as if he hadnā€™t made any effort.

    However, he could never shake off the lingering shadows that clung to him like a tail.

    His lips moved, but no sound came out.

    The fever made his mind hazy, and he couldnā€™t voice the thoughts that filled his head.

    Han Naeyoung covered his heated eyes, which were ringing like tinnitus. Cold hands were only helpful at times like this. If only he werenā€™t delirious with fever. If only they werenā€™t so youngā€¦

    Since he was alone, he was always cold. Even so, he couldnā€™t bear the burden of another person. Han Naeyoung pressed his eyes shut and stood up. He then put on white gloves and left the examination room. He picked up a bottle of shampoo from the display and handed it to Lee Seolhwa at the desk.

    ā€œPlease give this to Prosecutor Jin, or rather Nariā€™s father, when he comes.ā€

    ā€œThis shampoo…?ā€

    Lee Seolhwa looked puzzled at the blue shampoo bottle. Then she nodded as if she understood. Han Naeyoung only made such requests when dealing with people became too burdensome.

    ā€œIā€™ll do that.ā€

    So, you donā€™t want to meet him directly. What happened yesterday?

    Lee Seolhwa wondered as she tilted her head. She didnā€™t notice how much redder his eyes were than usual.

    ā‹†. Żā­’

    When? Where? With whom?

    Jin pulled out a cigarette from his pocket. He stepped outside the police line and leaned against an old wall. There must have been smokers around because the large restaurant ketchup can next to him was full of cigarette butts. It seemed they used the empty sauce cans as ashtrays. The forensic team had already swept the area, so there was nothing left that could be used as evidence.

    The neighborhood commonly referred to as “Ogori” was filled with old and shabby buildings. The low rent attracted many foreign workers to live there. For a neighborhood that had seen several stabbing incidents before, this case was relatively clean.

    The body of Song Iljae, who was found neatly lying in his bed, was discovered by a neighbor. What could have been dismissed as a natural death took a turn due to Song Iljaeā€™s severed tongue.

    A sergeant from the Central Police Station, who noticed the severely bruised wrists, suspected convulsions caused by a methamphetamine overdose. However, the autopsy results pointed in a different direction.

    The victimā€™s blood contained sodium pentobarbital, a substance used for animal euthanasia. The severed tongue was found to have been smoothly cut with a scalpel-like tool.

    It was a murder case with a body but no suspect. The fact that the victim had been given an intravenous injection suggested that the perpetrator was not an ordinary person. The investigation was expected to be difficult as the neighborhood lacked functional CCTV.

    ā€œBrr, itā€™s cold.ā€

    Seon Wook-jae shivered, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his thick padding jacket. Standing next to Jin, who was chain-smoking, he also lit a cigarette. The wind kept blowing out his lighter flame until Jin cupped his hands to help him light it.

    ā€œFor the next rotation, wouldnā€™t it be better if you moved to the trial side? Then you wouldnā€™t have to come out to the field like this.ā€

    ā€œIt doesnā€™t matter to me.ā€

    It really didnā€™t matter. The only thoughts running through his mind were: When? Where? With whom?

    ā€œWhat do you think, Prosecutor? Considering the victimā€™s acquaintances and relationships, itā€™s likely a local committed the crime.ā€

    ā€œThe coroner said the vein was found on the first try. Itā€™s probably someone skilled in this area. Given the negative drug test results, it doesnā€™t seem to be related to drugs.ā€

    ā€œRight. Besides, to get sodium pentobarbitalā€¦ā€

    Seon Wook-jae, his tongue twisted from the cold, inhaled cigarette smoke.

    ā€œLetā€™s start the investigation by prioritizing nearby hospitals. Check if thereā€™s anyone at those hospitals who might have had a grudge against the victim. I need you to put in the effort.ā€


    Seon Wook-jae tapped his chest in acknowledgment.

    ā€œAre you heading back to the district office, Prosecutor?ā€

    Seon Wook-jae asked Jin, who was leaving first.

    ā€œYes, Iā€™ll stop by somewhere first.ā€

    Jin waved his hand and walked towards where his car was parked. He entered a rare old convenience store and bought some gum to get rid of the cigarette aftertaste. The gum was so dry and devoid of sweetness, it felt like chewing on clay.

    Chewing the dry gum, Jin climbed into the driverā€™s seat and gripped the steering wheel. As soon as he started the engine, he turned on the heater, and dry air began to flow out. He drank some water to moisten his mouth, which had dried out from the equally dry gum.

    His grip on the steering wheel tightened. Though he had never been in a relationship, he claimed to have experienceā€¦ Who could have been intimate with the doctor? The reason for his curiosity was obvious. The doctor had a severe aversion to physical contact, recoiling even from a simple touch.

    Thus, there was only one answer. There might have been someone he loved enough to overcome his aversion. Jin spat out the gum onto a piece of paper and drove down the narrow road.

    After passing the main road and turning right at a large intersection, he reached Han Naeyoungā€™s animal hospital. He decided to stop by the hospital first since he would be working late today.

    The unusual time, neither lunch nor quitting time, left the parking line in front of the hospital empty. Jin grabbed his wallet and got out of the car. Approaching the door, he saw Lee Seolhwa at the desk, intently focused on something.


    Jin greeted as he opened the door and walked in.

    ā€œOh! Youā€™re here, Nariā€™s father.ā€

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