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    Loves Error

    1. The Depths of the Ocean [2]

    Damn it. Why are there so many security devices?

    He muttered curses as he put his eyes up to the smooth screen.

    In the Deep-Sea Biology Department, there were only doors that opened when the researcher’s card was swiped, but here, there were heavy double iron doors that could only be passed through eye recognition.

    What kind of secret project are they doing that requires such unusual security measures?

    The office he finally entered was more ordinary than its grand outdoor appearance. White walls, partitions, desks, and a whiteboard with a schedule written on it. The only notable thing was that no one looked up even though someone had come in.

    “I’m Han Yeonsoo, who has been transferred from the Deep-Sea Biology Department.”

    When Yeonsoo greeted first, a black-haired man’s head popped up above the partition.

    “Ah, you must be the new researcher.”

    He was a man with tied-up long hair and freckles on his nose. He casually approached with a casual stride and extended his hand.

    “I’m Doctor Kei, the senior researcher.”

    “Yes, nice to meet you. Please take care of me.”

    As they shook hands, Kei cheerfully waved his arm. It was rumored that the Conservation and Reproduction Department was filled with the most introverted “nerds” in the center, but he seemed surprisingly sociable. However, the deep dark circles under his eyes, sunken cheeks, and a certain sensitivity in his appearance couldn’t hide his gloominess.

    “Come on, what are you all doing? Come and greet the new team member.”

    Kei shouted towards the still quiet desk area.

    “Shut up. It’s noisy. Who cares about greetings.”

    A woman suddenly stood up with an irritable voice. She was tall and thin, with messy chestnut-colored hair. Already having a somewhat sharp impression, her brows furrowed, giving off a fierce vibe.

    The woman, who briefly glared at Yeonsoo, approached with a clacking sound of her high heels.

    “So, Kang Ki-joon personally chose and sent you. Well, should we even monitor you?”

    What? Yeonsoo couldn’t hold back and frowned. To treat someone as a spy out of the blue. And to be involved with Kang Ki-joon, was extremely unpleasant.

    “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I didn’t do anything to please that ‘son of a b*tch’ Kang Ki-joon.”

    When he casually referred to Kang Ki-joon as a son of a b*tch, the woman’s eyes widened in surprise. After a moment of silence, she burst into laughter. With laughter, her stern expression instantly softened.

    “You’re interesting. Aren’t you supposed to be careful unless you’re really close to that son of a b*tch? What do you know to complain about when you just arrived? There are so many people here who act as Kang Ki-joon’s ears in the center.”

    “Judging by what you’re doing over here, it doesn’t seem like there are any. Well, even if there are, I don’t care.”

    “…Then try it. Kang Ki-joon, you fucking bastard.”

    “You fucking son of a b*tch. Is that okay?”

    This time, the woman openly giggled. Yeonsoo also ended up chuckling as well. Despite his aggressive attitude, it was hard not to find it amusing how the woman referred to Kang Ki-joon differently. Everyone disliked him, but no one could insult him, yet the woman had no reservations.

    “My name is Alexandra. Everyone here calls me Alex, so you can do the same. You don’t need to introduce yourself. You’re already too famous, so everyone knows you.”

    The woman reached out her hand. She easily broke her guard down. Yeonsu shook their hands lightly as she took it.

    “But why am I famous? I’ve been stuck in my department since I started working and I’ve been quiet all along. I hardly know anyone.”

    “Ha. You really don’t know?”


    “Everyone thinks  you’re Kang Ki-joon’s person.”

    Alex flicked her little finger. A black stone embedded in her pinky nail glowed.

    “The pretty genius doctor that Kang Ki-jun lives with.”


    “They say that even if you act tough, Kang Ki-joon treats you kindly.”

    Yeonsoo’s complexion suddenly turned pale. His jaw clenched involuntarily.

    Although Kang Ki-joon acted like a crazy pervert whenever they met at the center or arbitrarily detained people in the office, Yeonsoo never imagined that people would think of him like this.

    Maybe it was because he had no interest other than the deep-sea research that he had been oblivious to the rumors until now. It might be better that he didn’t know about such a ridiculous rumor until now, he thought, trying to comfort himself.

    “Alex, stop it. What’s the point of saying such things?”

    It was too late for Kei to try to fix it.

    That’s why he closed his eyes and ears and only focused on research. He didn’t want to know unwanted information from the beginning.

    “Alex may be a bit rough in words and actions, but she doesn’t have bad intentions. Please understand, as a fellow doctor. It would be better to introduce the other team members at once, right? Jun! Come here.”

    While Yeonsoo let out a deep breath, Kei gestured towards the desk again.

    Behind the desk, in the most secluded corner of the office, a slightly raised back of a head twitched as if surprised. But other than that, the person hidden in the desk didn’t move a muscle, as if they couldn’t hear Kei’s call.

    “Jun. Are you going to keep doing this? It’s okay. You can come out.”

    Kei said in a tone as if comforting a child. However, no matter how much he coaxed and comforted, the person hiding at the desk didn’t move. Kei let out a short sigh and turned away as if giving up.

    “Jun is a bit shy, so it might be difficult for him to greet you right now. Once he gets used to it, he’ll come to greet you on their own.”

    Ah. One person is just “a bit” rough, and the other person is just “a bit” shy. Looking at Kei’s calm face, he couldn’t help but laugh.

    They weren’t as gloomy as the rumors suggested, but they were difficult to call ordinary people. That woman named Alex, and that man named Jun who wouldn’t even show his face.

    Are the other members of the center trying to fit in somehow, outside the framework of normalcy?

    Among them, Kei was the weirdest. On the surface, he seemed to mediate people with a gentle personality, but in reality, he was just a bystander. He just let Alex say whatever she wanted and let Jun do whatever he wanted too.

    When their eyes met, Kei smiled smoothly like a programmed robot. Even that smile felt somewhat forced.

    Well, it’ll work out somehow. He grumbled inwardly and awkwardly returned a smile.

    Yeonsoo decided to completely give up the peace he had enjoyed so far and accept the change. It was an unwanted order, but if he couldn’t avoid it, it was better to adapt as quickly as possible. That’s how he always was. Even though he didn’t like the change, once he was swept away, he quietly gave up and quickly adapted and lived on.

    Still, their team composition wasn’t the worst. From his experience, people with unique quirks weren’t the type to torment others. They were already suffering from their own problems, so they didn’t even have the interest to harm others. It was actually more comfortable to be with such people.

    After a while, Yeonsoo followed Kei and moved to his seat. Kei explained the basic information such as the seat he would be using from now on, the computer, and the passwords needed for various information access.

    During all of this, the office was quite noisy. Most of the noise was the sound of Alex playing games on her phone and shooting someone’s head with a gun.

    ⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⊹˚. ♡.𖥔 ݁ ˖

    Sitting with his legs crossed in front of the desk with a large computer, Yeonsoo was fidgeting his ankles. He twirled the pen he had wedged between his fingers. It was a meaningless action. The morning passed by busily and the lunch break ended without any incidents. There was nothing special. That’s why it felt even more strange.

    Ki-joon said that two researchers in the Conservation and Reproduction Department died one after another. Yet no one brings up anything related to that.

    Is it okay to pretend not to know about that incident?

    The ballpoint pen that bounced between his fingers fell to the floor. The rolling pen stopped in front of a dirty leather loafer. When he looked up, Kei was standing in front of him wearing a white gown, with both hands in his pockets and smiling faintly.

    “Do you want to go to the lab?”

    Without waiting for an answer, he turned around and started walking. Yeonsoo followed him silently.

    He was about to say that he wanted to go to the lab. If the secret was hidden somewhere, it wouldn’t be in this seemingly relaxed office.

    He might find out by looking around the lab about the secret project Kang Ki-joon was referring to. Maybe he’ll even have a chance to ask about the deaths of the researchers.

    Moreover, it’s the lab of the “Conservation and Reproduction” department, so if he’s lucky, he might encounter a rare marine organism with high conservation value. It would be even better if it’s a deep-sea species.

    The two quickly passed through the office space and arrived at the iron door with the “LAB” sign. Instead of finding an experimental space when they opened the door, they found an elevator leading underground.

    Can they really raise a deep-sea species? Why did they make the research lab underground? Kei, who read the question on Yeonsoo’s face, smiled lightly and opened his mouth.

    “We made an underground bunker for the ongoing project. It’s a real military facility capable of air defense.”

    “An underground bunker? Is it for security?”

    “Well, partly because of security, and partly because of safety. This project is a government secret, and…”


    “It’s very, very dangerous.”

    Yeonsoo was still confused about whether he was joking or serious with his smiling face. Suddenly, he stopped laughing and started searching the pockets of his gown as if he remembered something.

    “I almost forgot the most important thing. I forgot to clear the invoice again. Wear this.”

    Kei handed out a white earpiece.

    “What is this?”

    “A specific frequency blocking device. I don’t have much time to explain now.”

    He smiled again and personally inserted the earpiece into both of his ears.


    At that moment, the elevator door opened.

    Yeonsoo, who followed Kei onto the elevator, frowned slightly. The distinctive salty smell of seawater was in the air. He could tell that there must be a tank in the lab without even seeing it. However, it was rare for the smell to escape through the soundproof and shockproof walls of the lab and reach the outside.

    A sense of unease lingered on him. The existence of a huge underground space that he has never heard of while working at the center. And the cold smell of seawater filling the elevator.

    Continuing to be conscious of the foreignness of the place, he tightly clenched his fingers, which had become cold.

    The elevator, which had been descending as if there was no ending, finally came to a stop.

    Just before the door opened, Kei turned around.

    He squinted one eye and said.

    “Welcome to the unknown.” [T/N: He spoke this in English]

    Yeonsoo slowly walked out as if possessed by something.

    What on earth is this…

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