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    Loves Balance

    Warning: Physical Assault! — You can hide marked sensitive content or with the toggle in the formatting menu. If provided, alternative content will be displayed instead.

    “Who is it?”

    Startled, I looked up. Shin was standing there, holding a glass of water. But for some reason, my heart sank at the sight of him. I hadn’t done anything wrong, after all.

    [Huh? Are you with someone else?]

    “Oh, yes.”

    I quickly ended the call as Shin approached.

    “I’ll greet you properly when I get to the shop. Thank you, hyung. Goodbye.”

    [Yeonwoo… Ah, alright. Make sure to come this weekend.]

    Luckily, he stopped himself from saying more, allowing me to end the call. Shin placed the water glass and a small, round container on the bedside table and sat down on the bed.

    “Who was it?”

    He asked casually. Why did the same question earlier make me shiver? I must really be getting weak. I checked my phone, berating myself.

    “It was the assistant chef at the place where I work. He was worried because I didn’t answer his calls. Wow, look at all these messages.”

    As I deleted the dozens of messages, I didn’t notice Shin’s expression. After a while, I looked up to see him staring at my phone screen, looking slightly cold. But his mutter was nothing significant.

    “He seems like a good person.”

    “Yeah, he takes good care of me, even preparing separate meals just for me.”

    “Just for you?”

    “Yeah, I think he admires me for studying for the college entrance exam at my age.”

    I scratched my neck awkwardly as Shin took my phone and placed it face down on the table. Then he took out a gold-covered pill from the round container and offered it to me with water.

    “Take this.”

    “What is it?”

    “Just a supplement.”

    It looked more like an expensive herbal medicine than a simple supplement, given the shiny gold wrapping. I shook my head, feeling hesitant to accept it.

    “It’s okay, I’ll take care of myself. You don’t need to worry about these things…”

    “I admire you too, hyung.”

    His words made me laugh involuntarily. He smiled back and forced the pill into my hand. I hesitated, feeling like I was stealing someone else’s medicine.

    “You should take it as well.”

    “If I took it, you’d struggle more.”

    “…Alright, I’ll take it.”

    I quickly put the pill in my mouth and chewed it. The taste of herbal medicine filled my mouth. I swallowed it with the water he handed me, and he took the cup back. It felt uncomfortable having him take care of me like I was sick. This wasn’t why I came here. I started to regret coming, but he muttered as if reading my mind.

    “It makes me feel better seeing you here.”

    I watched him for a moment before lying down on the bed. Well, if it’s okay for me to shamelessly stay at someone else’s house, then I guess I’ll stay. I never imagined I’d end up lying in someone else’s bed after being bedridden for days at home.

    If I were at home, I’d be sprawled in front of a fan, eating air with my mouth wide open. But this cool, soft bed like a sandy beach quickly put me to sleep. I woke up to the sound of the doorbell, followed by the shouting of a stranger.

    “You did it on purpose, didn’t you?! You ignored my calls on purpose, you bastard!”

    It was a young voice, around my age, slurred as if drunk. Although unfamiliar, it was clear from the yelling that it was a family member, just as Shin had predicted. And sure enough, the following curses and cries revealed everything.

    “Damn it, how could you repay our mom like this after everything she’s done for you? Do you know how much she suffered because of you? She fed you and took care of you, despite you never showing her any respect! Yet you never once thanked her! Not even a single flower on Mother’s Day! How could you let our family fall apart like this?”

    Human relationships are truly difficult. Unless one is exceptionally selfless, everyone prioritizes their own perspective in interactions, even with family. This sibling must have had a lot of resentment and grievances. Even if Shin was at fault, I wanted to side with him.

    He’s a kid who lost his mom and suddenly found himself in a strange home. It pained me to imagine young, stoic Shin unable to connect with anyone, standing alone. Despite the sibling’s drunken tirade, Shin didn’t respond once.

    I began to regret coming here, thinking I might have made things worse. I was jealous of the person he met when he ran away… Suddenly, the word “jealous” made my mind go blank. Am I… jealous? Of someone I don’t even know? This is crazy.

    “…Ha, what’s this? You brought another guy here? You have time to hang out with some innocent-looking kid but can’t answer your phone? Grandpa and Grandma are on the brink of collapse, and you’re here playing with another guy? You bastard!”

    I clutched my head, lost in self-reproach over my jealousy, then looked up in shock. How did he know I was here? Did he see my shoes? I tried to listen to the voices beyond the door, but after that outburst, I heard nothing more. Maybe Shin said something quietly. His brother mumbled something, but I couldn’t make it out.

    Then there was a loud thud, followed by a groan. Alarmed, I quickly got up from the bed. Could Shin have hit him? But I couldn’t go out. Pacing nervously in the room, I finally heard the front door close and Shin came in. He looked at me standing there, flustered, and apologized briefly.

    “Sorry, it was noisy.”

    His voice sounded casual, as if it was nothing significant, which made me feel worse.

    “Are you okay? Is your brother hurt?”

    “He just fell. He’s really drunk.”

    “No matter how drunk he is, he shouldn’t say such things.”

    He looked at me quietly and then smiled, looking foolishly kind, so I added another comment.

    “Why didn’t you say anything? It’s not your fault.”

    “There’s no point in responding. It’s not like I’m going to help them.”

    He spat the words out and glanced out the door. His eyes, soft when looking at me, turned sharp in an instant.

    “Soon enough, they’ll be begging on their knees as if they never insulted me.”

    “Are you really not going to help?”



    “Thanks to you, I can face them without feeling anything. Thank you.”

    It wasn’t pleasant hearing Shin refer to his family as “them.” I worried that his biological father might be included in that group. Unlike others, distancing oneself coldly from a biological parent isn’t easy. Even if his father was part of “them,” I didn’t want to judge Shin’s decision.

    It’s better to listen to his story than to meddle, insisting he should forgive and accept his blood relatives. Whatever he says, just nodding in acknowledgment is enough.

    “Do I help you?”

    “As long as you don’t disappear from my side.”

    “I don’t have many places to go besides the library and home.”

    He laughed, looking pleased.

    On Wednesday, I went to the library for the first time in a while. After getting a meal at Shin’s place the day before and sleeping all the way until morning, it felt like a miracle to wake up refreshed. The library was the only place to go to shake off the guilt of doing nothing but sleeping.

    Even though it wasn’t a reserved spot, sitting in my usual place felt like coming home. I promised myself to study hard, but I kept glancing up the whole time. Shin, who must have gotten a haircut yesterday, looked neat with his new style. His hair, usually falling forward, was now brushed back naturally.

    Even when he bent his head to study, a few strands fell forward, making him look effortlessly handsome. The black T-shirt with rolled-up sleeves he wore today looked as stylish as a suit. I was newly infatuated and couldn’t help but sneak glances at him, my heart pounding.

    It felt surreal that such a handsome, talented person was my boyfriend. I found myself looking at him repeatedly in disbelief. But life is full of ups and downs. In the afternoon, bad news came my way.

    [I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.]

    The shop owner where I worked part-time apologized multiple times. Surprised, I blinked as I stepped outside to take his call.

    “Are you saying I can’t come in starting this weekend?”

    […Yes, starting this weekend. It’s not that I want to do this. I really don’t want to let you go!]

    I’d heard business was booming, so what was this? The sudden news of being fired left me no time to even feel upset. Especially since the owner kept apologizing so sincerely, I felt bad for him.

    “It’s okay. Thanks for letting me know in advance.”

    [Are you really okay?]


    [Then come visit us.]

    “Excuse me?”

    [Make sure to come by. Will you visit this weekend?]

    …That made me feel slightly annoyed.

    “No. I’ll think about it after the college entrance exam.”

    [Oh, gosh…]

    I ended the call, hearing his inexplicable sigh. It finally sunk in that I’d been fired. The part-time job didn’t pay a lot, but it had been quite helpful. I wondered how much was left in my bank account and whether I could make it through the end of the year with what I had. As I stood there calculating, staring out at the wall-to-wall windows, I noticed a familiar figure outside.

    Shin was walking out. Huh? When did he leave? I watched him without thinking, but he didn’t go far, stopping in front of a man standing outside the library.

    From the fourth floor, I couldn’t see his face clearly. But the man was tall and well-built, appearing to be in his mid to late fifties. For some reason, one person came to mind instantly… Shin’s father? Without realizing it, I started running down the stairs. Shin’s expression was cold and scary.

    Kim Shin

    Everyone was astonished when they learned about Kim Shin’s grandfather.

    “You really have no ambition, huh?”

    But that wasn’t true at all. He considered himself more ambitious than anyone. It was just that nothing had sparked his desire. If he truly wanted something, he was confident he could acquire it, even if it meant betraying family or friends. Luckily, nothing in his life had ever felt worth such extreme measures. Until now.

    Yeonwoo was asleep, utterly exhausted from several days of intense sex in the hotel. Kim Shin had been watching him for over an hour. His chest rose and fell slightly with each breath, faint breathing sounds accompanied each movement, and his slightly parted lips were mesmerizing. 

    Just watching wasn’t enough. Kim Shin had masturbated several times while Yeonwoo slept. He didn’t care if Yeonwoo woke up and saw him. In fact, getting caught might have made it better.

    Despite having sex countless times over the past few days, his thirst for Yeonwoo remained unquenched. Only four days had passed, after all. Even if they spent 40 or 400 days here, having sex non-stop, would it ever be enough? Yeonwoo turned over with a rustle, showing his back to Kim Shin. Kim Shin adjusted Yeonwoo’s position so he faced him.

    Yeonwoo was so deeply asleep that he didn’t wake up despite the change in position. Now facing each other, Kim Shin lay beside him, studying the long, delicate eyelashes he rarely noticed when awake. Yeonwoo’s white, soft skin was as pure as an elementary school child’s. He was so adorable. No other word came to mind, and it annoyed Kim Shin how much he loved even the slightest detail about him.

    Kim Shin moved in close, almost kissing him. Feeling the breath on Yeonwoo’s skin, he closed his eyes momentarily. Just knowing Yeonwoo was alive and here filled him with an overwhelming sense of contentment. This was a feeling he had never experienced before and never wanted to lose. Although he wanted to stay and listen to Yeonwoo’s breathing, he got up.

    The digital clock on the desk read 5:14. He picked up his phone and quietly left the room. For the first time since arriving at the hotel, he turned on his phone. Even though it was early morning, Director Hong, his grandfather’s secretary, answered after a few rings. Having been unwell last week, his grandfather was still hospitalized, so Director Hong remained at the hospital.

    [Mr. Kim Shin, it’s finally good to hear from you. I tried contacting the hotel, but I was told not to disturb you and was at a loss.]

    Director Hong’s voice was hoarse, likely from being woken up. Clearing his throat, he quickly continued, perhaps fearing Kim Shin might hang up.

    [The Chairman has something important to discuss with you. When can you come?]

    “What’s it about?”

    [Oh, it’s about how well you handled the company’s business recently. The Chairman wants to talk about the future of the company. It’s just a discussion, so no need to feel pressured…]

    “I’ll come if he gives me everything.”


    “All the assets. I want it all.”

    There was a stunned silence on the other end. Kim Shin glanced at the slightly ajar door, wanting to know immediately if Yeonwoo woke up.

    “Is that all?”

    [But, didn’t you say you didn’t want it before… So, are you saying you want to take over the entire company?]


    [Ah, I see…]

    “I just want the assets. Find someone competent to run the company.”

    [You mean you’ll take the assets? Really?]

    “Should I not?”

    The person on the other end immediately apologized, but Director Hong couldn’t hide the excitement in his voice.

    [It’s such great news. The Chairman will be thrilled. Though, he might collapse from the shock, so I’ll inform him gradually. But, may I ask why you suddenly changed your mind? Does it have anything to do with the person you’re with at the hotel?]

    Since his grandfather was paying for the hotel, it was obvious that reports had been made about his male companion. However, his grandfather had always disapproved of Kim Shin being gay. Kim Shin still remembered the reaction when he first came out.

    ‘Is there something wrong with you that you like men? You should meet a woman and have children! Go to a hospital for counseling and take medication. What do you mean no, just try it. There are Miss Korea candidates lining up for you!’

    Even though his grandfather had always been supportive in his own way, Kim Shin understood then what he truly wanted—someone to inherit his wealth. Once Kim Shin realized his own value, giving up that enormous wealth became easy. His grandfather was still the closest thing to family he had, but that was all. Now, he intended to take everything if necessary.

    “Yes, it has to do with this man.”

    Kim Shin answered clearly. Director Hong, noticing his cold tone, responded awkwardly.

    [Ah, yes, of course, it’s a man. The Chairman regrets what he said to you before. Although he doesn’t express it, he wishes you to be happy with someone…]

    “Any other matters?”

    [Hmm, the xx Corporation will go bankrupt soon. We’ve tried everything to prevent it, but it’s hopeless. The banks have been informed, and once the company closes, the existing creditors will sue the management. Of course, there might be hidden funds, but if you wish, we can find and seize everything.]

    “Do that.”

    [Understood. Family members might come to you regarding this matter. Are you okay with that?]

    “Director Hong, don’t let my family know where I am.”

    [Actually, they already know and have visited the Chairman several times at the hospital. Even your stepmother came, and I handled them, but they believe you’re avoiding them…]

    “It doesn’t matter. Let them think I’m avoiding them. In a way, I am.”

    [You will need to face them eventually. Be prepared.]

    Kim Shin laughed briefly. What kind of preparation?

    “My family is just something I can barely tolerate.”

    He had no intention of caring about such a thing. Kim Shin paused, then turned his head, sensing movement inside. Ending the call, he went back inside to see Yeonwoo looking up at him with swollen eyes from sleep. Even his just-woken appearance made Kim Shin smile.

    As he approached, Yeonwoo turned his head, still shy despite the days they’d spent together. Perhaps he noticed his own naked body under the gown. Avoiding eye contact only made Kim Shin more aroused. While exchanging a few words, his mind was filled with memories of Yeonwoo’s voice and body from the previous night.

    ‘Ha, uh! Stop… Ah! Ah! Please… Ugh!’

    “It’s because of you.”

    When Kim Shin suggested not going to the library, Yeonwoo had insisted, his mild complaint endearing. If he kept Yeonwoo under him for a few more days, he might see sides of him he’d never seen before. Maybe like a cat showing its claws. The thought thrilled him, and his voice lowered, suppressing his desire.

    “Sorry. You’re too beautiful.”

    “I’m a guy. What’s beautiful about me? Maybe in your eyes…”

    Yeonwoo tried to sound indifferent, but his ears turned red, and he avoided Kim Shin’s gaze again. His long neck was exposed as he turned his head. Kim Shin wanted to bite it immediately. He wished those fingers fidgeting with the blanket would grasp him and moan.

    He didn’t want to let Yeonwoo go. However, he had to suppress the urge to lock him up. His voice had to remain calm to avoid scaring him away. The problem was that Yeonwoo insisted on going to the library despite his objections. Moreover, when Kim Shin touched him, he flinched like a frightened puppy, making him even more aroused.

    “You had a call. What was it about so early?”

    The question cooled Kim Shin’s heated mind. Maybe he could use this? Could this be a way to keep Yeonwoo close, even if it was out of sympathy?

    “I don’t want to worry you, but…”

    Leaving it hanging, he saw Yeonwoo move closer.

    “No, that’s why I’m here. To share worries and happiness… with you.”

    Kim Shin smiled, pleased with Yeonwoo’s sincerity and concern, but he never revealed his true feelings. How much could Yeonwoo worry about him?

    Slowly, don’t rush. Whenever he felt the urge to forcibly keep Yeonwoo with him, his rational mind always warned him. Don’t get caught.

    “I need to go home.”

    When they got into the car after leaving the hotel, Yeonwoo said this firmly. It was a simple statement, but it sounded like a rejection to Kim Shin, and he had to grip the steering wheel tightly to suppress the surge of cruelty. Instead, he set a subtle trap.

    “Yeah, I guess it would be uncomfortable at my place. My family would come over and yell and curse. It’s probably better if you’re not there.”

    He carefully chose his words to appear pitiable, to make Yeonwoo want to stay by his side. But while waiting for the result, he was extremely anxious. Outwardly, he pretended to be unaffected, letting go of Yeonwoo’s hand and focusing on driving, but his mind was entirely on Yeonwoo. He barely managed to resist the urge to hold him back when he got out of the car.

    As he watched Yeonwoo through the side mirror, he wanted to stop and bring him back. The time he spent waiting in the car, parked at the entrance of the alley, felt like the longest period in the past few days. He stared intently at the spot. Come out. Please come back to me. Every minute felt like an hour. Even though the car was cool, he felt suffocated as if he were under the glaring sun outside. So when Yeonwoo reappeared from the alley, he wanted to scream in relief.


    But he just exhaled the breath he had been holding. He was so relieved that he leaned his head on the steering wheel. His hands, gripping the wheel too tightly, were sweaty. He had thrown out his words on a whim, and though he had waited, he had little hope. It was just a foolish expectation driven by his greed. He never thought Yeonwoo would really come back out.


    A short laugh escaped as the relief passed. Seeing Yeonwoo genuinely worried about him filled his heart. Then he saw Yeonwoo stop and hold his waist as if it hurt. He resisted the urge to drive up to him.

    He suppressed his excitement because there was no guarantee Yeonwoo was completely his yet. After confirming that the bus Yeonwoo boarded was heading toward his home, he slowly followed it and made a call. His brother answered after a few rings, his voice angry.

    [Where the hell have you been hiding to call now?!!]

    “Be home in an hour.”

    He hung up immediately. His brother called back, but Kim Shin ignored it, focusing on the bus ahead. After confirming that Yeonwoo got off near his home, he turned the car around and headed home first. Washing his hands in the bathroom, he saw his smiling reflection in the mirror.

    His brother, Juhwan, was bound by the concept of family, but other than being a cohabitant for eight years, he meant nothing to Kim Shin. When they were younger, Juhwan had occasionally followed him around, calling him brother, but their stepmother always took him away. Juhwan seemed to understand his mother’s wishes and stopped trying to get close.

    They rarely clashed while living together and only exchanged necessary words. The term ‘brother’ felt as distant as ‘family.’ Even when Juhwan swore at him now, Kim Shin’s thoughts were only on Yeonwoo, who might be eavesdropping from the room. Although Juhwan reeked of alcohol, likely needing courage to confront him, it didn’t matter. Yeonwoo’s sympathetic words were more important. He even hoped Juhwan would say something harsher.

    “Why aren’t you saying anything? Damn it, say something! You’re always so confident. Admit what you did, you bastard!”

    Juhwan demanded, but Kim Shin watched him with boredom. More. Keep going. Juhwan seemed to understand this and looked around the quiet house with a sneer.

    “Why aren’t you saying anything? What, did you bring another guy here? While grandpa and grandma are at death’s door, you’re here playing with men? Is that fun for you, you bastard!”

    Juhwan said more, but nothing provoked a reaction from Kim Shin like this. This time, Kim Shin didn’t reply. But the atmosphere changed instantly. Despite being drunk, Juhwan felt his heart drop at Kim Shin’s cold stare, filled with menace.

    “How do you know he looks innocent?”

    Kim Shin asked in a low, quiet whisper. Juhwan realized he’d made a mistake. His drunkenness faded, replaced by a chilling fear. He had heard about Kim Shin’s male companion from Kangho, who had thrown a water bottle at him when he visited him in the hospital.

    ‘Damn it, what did you say that made Kim Shin come after me? I helped you, and you blabbed!’

    Kangho had ranted, lying in bed holding his aching head. Juhwan had hastily denied saying anything until Kangho calmed down. Then they had bad-mouthed Kim Shin for a long time, during which Kangho mentioned:

    ‘Kim Shin brought a guy home and spent the night with him. The guy looked so innocent, he probably didn’t know what he was getting into.’

    Kangho had repeatedly told Juhwan not to mention this to Kim Shin. But now he had slipped up. The fear he felt wasn’t of Kangho getting angry again but of what the man in front of him might do.


    Kim Shin took a step closer. Juhwan, terrified, instinctively stepped back.

    “I don’t know. I just said it… I heard it from someone… Ah!”

    As Kim Shin stepped forward again, Juhwan screamed silently, stepping back frantically, only to trip and fall hard on the marble floor. He didn’t feel the pain. He didn’t notice his leg was injured by the iron frame of the table. All he could think of was running away. But before he could move, he was pinned by Kim Shin’s gaze. Kim Shin looked down at him with a twisted smile.

    “How’s Juhwan?”

    This time, his voice was a low whisper, but Juhwan’s heart sank even further. He needed to deny any involvement, but fear rendered him speechless. Kim Shin seemed like he might do to him what he did to Kangho. But instead, Kim Shin stepped back.

    “Go. Your role is over.”

    Juhwan didn’t understand what he meant, but he fled Kim Shin’s house in a panic.

    That afternoon, Kangho, who had been discharged for two days, had a visitor. Although his head stitches were removed, the headache lingered, whether from the injury or humiliation, he didn’t know. The fear he felt during his encounter with Kim Shin had faded, replaced by shame. He had been so embarrassed by his pathetic behavior in front of a friend that he hadn’t left his house since his discharge. The only thought consuming him now was revenge. How to get back at Kim Shin? But before he could form a plan, the person in question appeared before him.

    “You… How… How are you in my house…?”

    Kangho stammered, stunned at seeing Kim Shin in his room.

    “Your father let me in.”

    When he heard the word “father,” Kangho swallowed the cry rising in his throat. He had planned to call for his father right away, to tell him to get this bastard out of here, to explain that this bastard was the one who had done this to him. But now he realized that his father had let Kim Shin into his room as if it were his own.

    He remembered Kim Shin’s grandfather, who had crushed Juhwan’s family in just one day, like squashing an ant. It had seemed like a trivial matter to him, and no one dared to speak of it as anything significant. Kangho had even heard his father casually mention it at the dinner table with a smile.

    ‘Chairman Noh held back for a long time. Why would anyone mistreat his beloved grandson? You make sure to get along well with Shin, okay?’

    Damn it. Kangho swallowed, casting a wary glance at Kim Shin. Kim Shin stood in the middle of the room, slowly looking around.

    “W-what are you doing here?”

    But Kim Shin, seemingly having found his target, began to move in a different direction. Kangho hurriedly followed, and when he saw Kim Shin pick up his phone from the bed, he reached out in shock.

    “Hey, why are you… urgh!”

    The hand trying to snatch back the phone was instead caught by Kim Shin, who twisted Kangho’s arm behind his back. In an instant, Kangho found himself on his knees with his head pressed to the floor. The shock of being treated this way in his own home silenced any scream he might have let out. But he couldn’t scream.


    With a dull thud, Kim Shin’s hand relentlessly slammed his head into the floor. The dullness in his head, the faint consciousness from the impact—it all returned. Amidst it all, he vaguely heard Kim Shin make a soft “shh” sound, holding a finger to his lips.

    The foggy sensation in his brain faded, replaced by the overwhelming pain of the impact. Thankfully, Kim Shin had carefully avoided the already injured area of his head, so his wound didn’t reopen. But the dull pain and shock left Kangho unable to think clearly for a while.

    Time passed without any sense of how long it had been. Kangho remained face down, barely able to breathe, until he finally noticed Kim Shin sitting on the bed, doing something. What the hell… Kim Shin wasn’t holding his arm anymore, but Kangho couldn’t muster the strength to get up. His brain, struggling to function properly, failed to initiate the thought of standing up. Instead, he turned his head to see Kim Shin examining his phone.

    “…Hey, what… my phone…”

    He tried to speak, but his words came out garbled. After several attempts, he finally managed to ask what Kim Shin was doing with his phone. He saw Kim Shin remove a small memory card from it. …What? With his sluggish mind, he struggled to understand. Then he realized his phone didn’t have an external memory card.

    So what is that… Kim Shin pocketed the small card and looked down at Kangho. An uneasy feeling crept over Kangho, though he wasn’t sure why. No, he knew very well there were many things in that phone that could incriminate him. His mind cleared.

    “What did you do with my phone?”

    Kangho tried to sit up, but his dizzy head wouldn’t cooperate. However, he couldn’t take his eyes off the phone and Kim Shin. That phone contained damning evidence of his wild escapades with his so-called party friends, things that would ruin him socially and incur his father’s wrath.

    “You were known for taking good notes as a student, right?”

    Notes? What are you talking about? What did you do with my phone? The unasked question hung in the air. Kim Shin continued speaking, as if Kangho’s confusion didn’t matter.

    “Good organization.”

    “…Why, why are you…”

    Why are you doing this to me? The question went unspoken, but Kim Shin seemed to understand. Instead of answering, he changed the subject.

    “As a police officer, I learned one thing for sure. The perfect way to get away with murder.”

    Kim Shin’s expression remained cold as he added softly.

    “I’m confident.”

    Kangho felt paralyzed, unable to breathe or swallow, his body trembling uncontrollably. Kim Shin rose to leave, looking down at Kangho with chilling calmness.

    “See you around.”

    The owner of the place where Yeonwoo worked part-time had a personality that seemed kind and gentle, yet he ran the business shrewdly and successfully. He was sociable, loved listening to people, and had a curious nature. Lately, his greatest interest was, naturally, Kim Shin and Song Yeonwoo. Just thinking about the two made him giddy with excitement and laughter, but he had to keep it secret since it involved Kim Shin. Hence, he often heard comments like this in recent days.

    ‘Are you dating? Why are you smiling to yourself like that?’

    It’s not me who’s dating, it’s Yeonwoo! And with the amazing Kim Shin! I want to shout it out from the rooftops! Kim Shin, like a modern-day prince, had met his first love, and miraculously, he turned out to be gay, and it was Yeonwoo, who was so kind and diligent! How could he not smile?

    But there was no one to share his joy with. His only wish was for the weekend to come quickly so that he could cling to Yeonwoo and hear everything from start to finish, including why he had skipped work. Just thinking about it made him smile. But there was no need to wait until the weekend.

    “Oh? Shin’s here!”

    One of the subjects of his excitement had come to the store. Containing his joy and trying not to run over with excitement, he quickly approached at a normal pace, though his smile was as wide as could be.

    “I was just about to contact you. Yeon… hmm, should we go to a room? There’s an empty room. Kijun! Prepare an empty room…”

    “No, I’m leaving soon.”

    Kim Shin declined lightly. The owner felt a tinge of disappointment but understood, given Kim Shin’s usually reserved nature. Still, he had questions he was dying to ask, so he pulled him aside.

    “How did things go with Yeonwoo? I’m really curious. Did it work out? It did, didn’t it?”

    But Kim Shin seemed distracted, looking towards the kitchen. The owner followed his gaze.

    “Why are you looking at the kitchen? Yeonwoo isn’t working today.”

    “My matter went well.”

    “What? Oh! It worked out?!”

    The owner’s excitement made his voice rise, drawing curious glances from others. He quickly apologized.

    “Sorry, I got too excited…”

    “It’s fine. Be louder.”

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