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    Loves Error

    Drops of water fell from his wet hair and ran down his cheeks. His fingers dug into the moist skin.

    “Uh… Ugh…”

    Ji-an gasped as he breathed the pheromones coursing around Jeong Hee-seo’s body. At the same time, the unsettling turmoil inside his stomach calmed down frighteningly quick.

    ‘Alpha’s pheromone.’

    The doctor’s words suddenly came to mind. He mentioned that an Omega needed the pheromones of their Alpha partner to alleviate pregnancy symptoms, and during the early stages of pregnancy, periodic intimacy with the Alpha, the baby’s father, was most effective.


    Ji-an took a long breath. He felt like he could finally breathe thanks to Jeong Hee-seo’s pheromones.

    Ji-an’s pale lips had restored to a rosy hue, and his face that had lost its vitality regained a flush. Ji-an’s eyes were watery. Before he knew it, pheromones overflowed from him.

    Jeong Hee-seo’s dark eyebrows twitched as he silently looked down at Ji-an leaning on him. It’s not something he’s felt for just once or twice when an Omega emits pheromones to seduce him, but strangely enough, Seo Ji-an’s took away his reason.

    And he wasn’t the type of person who liked the thought of Alphas and Omegas seducing and enjoying one other through the power of pheromones.

    Jeong Hee-seo hardened his face coldly and withdrew all of his pheromones. Then it was Ji-an who became impatient.

    He urgently stretched out his arm and grabbed Jeong Hee-seo’s collar. The collar of the fitted suit wrinkled as Ji-an opened his jacket, pressing his forehead against Jeong Hee-seo’s chest, and murmured.

    “Pheromones, give me more pheromones.”

    Ji-an buried his nose in the thin shirt that wrapped around the sturdy chest. He took a deep breath of the warm scent that surrounded him and desperately clung to and begged.

    “Ugh… quickly, give me more.”

    Reluctant to leave the chest, Ji-an managed to lift his head, looking into Jeong Hee-seo’s eyes. His disheveled appearance reflected in those dark eyes. However, Ji-an was currently in a somewhat half-crazed state. Even the way Jeong Hee-seo contorted his expression felt oddly sexy.


    Jeong Hee-seo was just staring at Ji-an with unknown emotions in his eyes.


    There was even wetness in the pleading voice. It was out of Ji-an’s control. The sudden onset of pregnancy symptoms left Ji-an’s pride and whatever else he had in his head completely overwhelmed.

    Jeong Hee-seo’s pheromone quickly filled the air. Ji-an stumbled as he lost power in his knees. The frighteningly alluring pheromones of the dominant Alpha overwhelmingly dominated the body of the recessive Omega who was carrying his child.

    Ji-an, who had suddenly become dizzy and lost his senses, thought for a brief moment that if this was the feeling, he wouldn’t mind it at all.

    Jeong Hee-seo let out a light sigh and reached out to lock the bathroom door. Even as he heard the clicking sound of the lock turning, Ji-an could not think of anything, as if his thinking circuit had stopped.

    Ji-an could plainly feel the Alpha’s hand on him to keep him from falling, but his body didn’t feel like his own, like if he were out of body. He couldn’t muster a normal response.

    Jeong Hee-seo brushed Ji-an’s hair and checked to see if he had a fever. Then, covering his own nose and mouth, he uttered curses.

    “Seo Ji-an, snap out of it. Did you eat something weird again?”

    Haha. Ji-an laughed helplessly. Of course, he would misunderstand. It was understandable to misunderstand, especially considering their first encounter. Jeong Hee-seo thought of Ji-an as a drug addict. Ji-an felt strangely reassured when he saw Jeong Hee-seo not rejecting the closeness and leaning in.

    It felt good to have Jeong Hee-seo’s pheromones, warm body temperature, and big hands stroking him. Ji-an continued to rub his forehead against his chest like a pampered kitten.

    “Haa… Just give me some pheromones.”

    Jeong Hee-seo just held on to Ji-an without saying a word. With newfound courage, Ji-an pried open Jeong Hee-seo’s collar and repeatedly breathed the pheromones.

    “Ah, I’m alive.”

    Ji-an blurted out his true feelings without realizing it. It was true.The lump clogging his throat vanished as he breathed deeply. Even water, which had felt repulsive, now seemed refreshing. Jeong Hee-seo’s pheromones seemed to act as a kind of filter.

    Ji-an somehow became bolder as the leopard-looking man obediently embraced him. He leaned back with all his weight and rested for a while.

    About ten minutes passed. Ji-an regained his composure as the rough breathing subsided, realizing that he had let out his true feelings. Ji-an hesitated for a moment before speaking.

    “That… I’m sorry. I suddenly had a seizure or something and couldn’t breathe.”

    “… Lift your head.”

    Jeong Hee-seo grabbed Ji-an’s chin and lifted it up. Ji-an obediently showed his face since he had done something improper. He couldn’t bear the thought of making eye contact, so he lowered his eyelids. Jeong Hee-seo’s Adam’s apple could be seen moving in his field of vision.

    Jeong Hee-seo, who had been looking down for a while, takes a shallow breath. Even the pheromones contained in that small breath made Ji-an gasp.

    Jeong Hee-seo reached out and unbuttoned Ji-an’s shirt. He unbuttoned two buttons on the awful floral shirt Ji-an had painstakingly selected for the square-shaped Alpha he was meeting today, as well as the knot on the colorful tie.

    Ji-an maintained his composure even when Jeong Hee-seo removed his stiff and glossy leather jacket. Actually, he felt lighter when he took off that jacket

    Jeong Hee-seo bundled up the leather jacket and tie he had taken off Ji-an and threw them into the bathroom trash can.

    “Make a claim for it.”

    Not understanding what he meant, Ji-an just stared with wide eyes. Jeong Hee-seo took off his own jacket and put it on Ji-an. Ji-an was startled and tried to take it off, but as soon as Jeong Hee-seo fastened the front shawl, he gave in to his scent that rose up.

    Ji-an wore it shamelessly and buttoned it up tightly. He felt like he was being hugged even though he was apart from him as his whole body was completely wrapped in the large jacket. Maybe that’s why he was eventually able to stand on his own.

    While Ji-an staggered out of the restaurant, Jeong Hee-seo handed his card to the manager to pay for the meal and explained the situation of leaving the food. He was an Apha with perfect manners.

    Ji-an left him behind and sat down on the long stone bench in the corridor outside the restaurant. Every time Jeong Hee-seo took a step away, an alarm went off in Ji-an’s head as if a distance sensor were attached. His stomach was churning, and he had to close his eyes tightly to avoid it.

    It’s crazy.

    In this world.

    Is this what a recessive Omega’s pregnancy is like?

    Even though he cried out in his mind, the voice didn’t come out. Ji-an had the impression that the voice was furious with him for not following its advice.

    ‘Do you think giving birth to a baby is a joke.’

    Now, he could empathize with what he had mocked. To think he had considered running away in this condition. It was so stupid. He was too complacent and arrogant. If the symptoms worsened, he wouldn’t last a week without Jeong Hee-seo’s pheromones.

    It was similar to the panic attacks he had experienced during the most difficult times in the original world. The difference was that panic attacks could be diagnosed at a hospital, treated with medication, and managed. Jeong Hee-seo’s pheromones were the only medication for the pregnancy of a recessive Omega.

    What should I do… ?

    The ground felt like it was sinking beneath him, and his head swayed like a piece of driftwood on the waves. Every smell in the world seemed to attack him.

    “Let’s go to the hospital. Your face is pale.”

    Ji-an lifted his head. He could see Jeong Hee-seo’s face in his clear field of vision since he got too close. He didn’t look worried, but rather irritated, but he was still helpful.

    Ji-an looked at him carefully with eyes full of despair.

    Ah, how did I… get involved with this man…?

    Not knowing what to make of the look in Ji-an’s eyes, Jeong Hee-seo took out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his face. Whether it was leftover moisture or cold sweat, the handkerchief quickly became damp.

    Ji-an grabbed the handkerchief from his hand and wiped his nose. As he breathed in, the Alpha’s pheromones poured into his nostrils.

    Baby. You are really terrible too. How can you do this when you don’t even have a heart yet?

    Jeong Hee-seo took out his cell phone and looked like he was about to call his secretary. Ji-an tried to stop him, reaching out his hand, wondering if he was making a reservation to go to the hospital.

    Ji-an couldn’t hold the whole hand, so he hooked his little finger with his index finger and pulled him. Jeong Hee-seo’s eyes shifted to his fingertips before returning to Ji-an’s face. An unknown color appeared in his eyes.

    “I have to go because my appointment time is up.”

    “Where are you going with that body?”

    “It’s not my appointment; it’s my grandmother’s appointment. I’ll borrow the handkerchief.”

    Jeong Hee-seo paused at the mention of grandmother. Ji-an felt like Jeong Hee-seo was slightly persuaded, so he let go of his hand and slowly stood up.

    “It’s okay now. I guess I felt sick from what I ate earlier.”

    He casually mentioned that he felt sick after eating a piece of sushi. Jeong Hee-seo didn’t even look like he believed it, but so what if he didn’t believe it?

    Ji-an bowed to Jeong Hee-seo, who had an expression full of dissatisfaction, and got on the elevator that had just arrived. Jeong Hee-seo remained standing in the corridor, staring at Ji-an, until the door was completely shut.

    It wasn’t until the elevator started moving that he realized he was still wearing Jeong Hee-seo’s jacket. Ji-an pulled his collar and smelled it.


    He felt his knees almost giving out.

    “This is serious. Crazy… ”

    Even in the midst of self-loathing, he thought he could endure this for a while. It seemed like Jeong Hee-seo would have to file a claim with him. When Ji-an gently lifted the inside pocket to look for the brand, he couldn’t find it. It must be custom-made… Perhaps from a store that is ideally suited to him.

    Ji-an closed his eyes and imagined Jeong Hee-seo entrusting his body to a tailor.

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