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    Loves Error

    Ji-an jumped up from his seat as he heard the unexpected words, his ears pierced as the voice crackled and then disappeared. Anyone who saw him would most likely think he was crazy. That’s how surprised he was.

    The Seo Ji-an from here is dead…? So, he can’t come back?

    So, does that mean his death in the original world is not invalidated as well?

    Ji-an’s eyes widened.

    “Hey, you scammer! The thing Koreans hate the most is someone who doesn’t finish what they’re saying! Why do you disappear at such a critical time, why!”

    He was so frustrated that he was about to explode.

    “Who the hell are you, anyway!”

    Ji-an screamed without realizing it till he realized his mistake. Ding dong, the front door bell rang. He belatedly tried covering his mouth, but it was a meaningless action.

    When Ji-an gave up and slowly went to the front door and opened the door, Jeong Han-joo was clenching his fist ready to knock on the door.

    “Ji-an. I didn’t know you were home.”

    “Oh, really? I slept a bit longer…”

    “Can’t you open the door?”

    Jeong Han-joo looked troubled outside the 10-centimeter gap in the door. He seemed a little shocked that Ji-an opened the door with the door latch on, barely showing his nose.

    “I’m sorry, I’m a little unwell right now…”

    “You’re not feeling well? Where does it hurt?”

    “Just a cold. Hyung, don’t worry about me… Uh, that, aren’t you going on a date or something? Today’s a day off. Why are you at home?”

    “How can I ignore you when you say you’re sick? Can you open the door completely? Did you take medicine? Did you go to the hospital?”

    Ji-an touched his forehead. Han-joo hyung, it’s not because you’re like this that I’ve been unable to give up for all these years. Jeong Han-joo was also bad in some ways. Giving people affection for no reason had a way of killing them.

    “I took medicine. I need to rest.”

    He didn’t give him any more room and tried to close the door, but Jeong Han-joo pushed his hand in. Ji-an was startled.

    “Are you crazy? Take your hands off. You almost got hurt, hyung!”

    “Let’s talk. There’s something I want to ask you.”

    Ji-an knew what he wanted to ask.

    He probably wants to ask about the day when he and Jeong Hee-seo disappeared together at the JM anniversary party before he came to this world. He might be curious about what ‘Seo Ji-an’ did in the drama.

    Ji-an racked his brain for a while, but he couldn’t recall the lines from that scene no matter how hard he tried. If he were to guess based on the developments in the latter part, he probably said something about it being an accident or blaming Jeong Hee-seo…

    Ji-an put aside the conflict and looked directly at Jeong Han-joo. It felt uncomfortable to say such things while staring at the person he had unrequited feelings for, but it had to be done.

    He needed to speak of these matters to put an end to his one-sided love.

    “What do you want to know? That I slept with Hee-seo hyung?”


    Ji-an added another word while staring into Jeong Han-joo’s stunned eyes.

    “Just in case there’s any misunderstanding, I was the one who suggested sleeping together. Since Han-joo hyung was out of the question, I decided to pursue him. And when I actually did, it felt good.”

    “Why go to such lengths…”

    Ji-an’s phone rang loudly, cutting off Jeong Han-joo’s words. It didn’t matter to Ji-an what he was going to say. To avoid a crisis, Jeong Han-joo had to tidy things up, and Ji-an had no energy to pay attention to whatever the person trying to tidy up might say.

    “Hello, Mom.”

    Ji-an raised one hand and gestured for Jeong Han-joo to wait and answered the phone. His mother must have called because she was worried. However, the unexpected story flowed through the receiver.

    – Ji-an, where are you right now? You need to come home quickly.

    “That officetel. Mom, I’m going to rest here for a while. I was already going to call you… ”

    – Ji-an, Ji-an. This is not the time for you to be idle.

    “… Yes?”

    – What is your relationship with Director JM? Jeong Hee-seo. You know who it is, right?

    “…What about him?”

    At the unexpected name coming from his mother’s mouth, Ji-an’s fingertips turned cold, and his heart raced. Ji-an’s gaze lingered on Jeong Hee-seo’s jacket thrown on the bed.

    – That person is at home now.

    “Home… What does that mean? What’s going on?”

    Ji-an asked again even though he knew the answer. Ji-an’s eyes were filled with shock when he met Jeong Han-joo’s gaze on the other side of the door. Jeong Han-joo was looking at Ji-an with a strangely distorted expression as if he had heard something.

    – Ji-an… Tell me honestly. Are you pregnant?”

    The moment Ji-an heard his mother’s words, his heart sank and his mind went blank.

    He ran frantically to the front of the house and found his mother waiting at the front door.  Ji-an tried to hide his anxious expression as he got out of the taxi. Ji-an’s mother began slapping him on the back as soon as his feet reached the ground.

    “Ah! Ah! Ah! Mom! Wait for a sec!”

    Even though he was being beaten, Ji-an felt a strangely comforting feeling. He even smiled without even realizing it.

    “Why are you smiling? You troublemaker!”

    Oh my. Where did the old lady go? The real Mrs. Yoon appeared. Ji-an held both of Mrs. Yoon’s hands. He was glad to see her, although his back really hurt.

    “You… You didn’t get into trouble out of anger because of Han-joo, right?”

    His mother’s eyes shook violently. Ji-an had a sudden realization.

    Seo Ji-hyuk, the dominant Omega and his mother’s precious eldest son, was not present in this world. As a result, Ji-an received all of his mother’s attention and love. Furthermore, Mrs. Yoon felt sorry for Ji-an’s unrequited love for Jeong Han-joo.

    Ji-an remembered that in the drama, Mrs Yoon, his mother, was the one who supported and hoped for a relationship between Jeong Han-joo and Seo Ji-an. 

    What happened in the actual world, where he died? His mother was so cold to him.

    ‘Is it true that you like Han-joo? Did I see it wrong? Oh dear, what a world… so embarrassing.’

    ‘Why do you so disgustingly want to covet your older brother’s partner?’

    ‘I can’t afford to live seriously. If other people find out about that, they will criticize you for being presumptuous.’

    “Mom, I don’t like Han-joo hyung anymore. I’ve sorted things out.”

    Ji-an calmly conveyed his words and looked into his mother’s eyes. Were his eyes filled with the sorrow that had surged up? His mother’s eyes became moist with tears. Ji-an reached out his arms and pulled his mother into a warm embrace.

    “Oh my, why is this child like this? Do you think I’ll just let it go if you act like this? Using aegyo(cuteness/act cute) to get away with it?”

    Haha. Ji-an laughed while wiping away the tears that had come out.

    “Let’s go inside. I’m worried about what he and grandmother might be talking about.”

    “Oh, right, let’s do that. Come on, come on inside.”

    Mrs. Yoon hurriedly took the lead, deeply agreeing with Ji-an’s words.

    The atmosphere in the living room was gentler than Ji-an had expected. Upon entering, Ji-an was greeted by his grandmother, who looked at him as if she had been waiting for him, and she spoke.

    “Oh, Ji-an is here. What does this all mean… Please come and explain it step by step.”

    Ji-an suddenly felt suffocated in the living room decorated to his grandmother’s taste. The speckled shadows cast by the pine bonsai on display behind her evoked fear.

    His grandmother sat at the head of the table, while Jeong Hee-seo sat on the side, centered around a stunning mother-of-pearl table. He was observing the people in the room with a perfectly expressionless face. It was a thoroughly businesslike demeanor.

    ‘He’s assessing how the thrown bait is working.’

    Ji-an bit his lip gently. The grandmother’s not-so-angry face was just as he expected. However, he couldn’t figure out exactly what Jeong Hee-seo wanted.

    It couldn’t be that his affection for him has already grown so much. Could he possibly want a baby? No, that’s not possible.

    Ji-an slowly got down on his knees, trying to suppress his confusing thoughts. At the same time, the grandmother and Jeong Hee-seo were seen opening their eyes wide in surprise.

    “Firstly… Grandmother, I apologize. I caused this incident by forgetting your teachings… I’m sorry for damaging your dignity… and…”

    Ji-an could hear his mother sigh behind him. It seemed like someone was rushing over to support her with a worried voice.

    Ji-an closed his eyes, then opened them again. This time, his mother might actually collapse.

    “And Mr. Jeong Hee-seo.”

    When Ji-an raised his eyes to look at Jeong Hee-seo directly, there was a subtle twitch in his eyebrows. Ji-an remained expressionless and continued with his next words.

    “There must be some misunderstanding, but the baby in my stomach is not Mr. Jeong Hee-seo’s baby.”

    Oh my. His mother let out a scream as she collapsed. The servants shouted “Madam!” in panic. Ah, this is how makjang dramas unfold. Ji-an had to suppress a chuckle.

    Jeong Hee-seo didn’t seem to find the situation amusing. His expression turned grim, showing a hint of irritation. A shadow fell over his previously composed face.

    I am the protagonist in the midst of this makjang drama, but it feels like I’ve transcended reality and am merely observing others’ affairs. Maybe that’s why I think it’s amusing and absurd. Still, the baby in my stomach is my reality.

    “What kind of nonsense is that? Are you saying that if it’s not this person’s baby, it’s the seed of someone you don’t even know where they came from?”

    His Grandmother stood up from her seat as soon as Ji-an finished speaking. Twisting her wrinkled lips into a malicious expression, she looked around and grabbed a wooden stick that had been placed on the table.

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