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    Loves Error

    He had an arrogant expression on his face, as if he had never been rejected in his life. Ji-an didn’t even consider resisting since Hee-seo’s attitude was so firm. The only response he could muster was compliance.

    “I don’t dislike you though?”



    Ji-an nodded vigorously. Why would he dislike him? He’s good-looking, being in front of him improves his appetite, he has plenty of money, and there’s no reason to dislike him.

    “You say you don’t want to get married.”

    “Ah, marriage isn’t such a simple matter, is it? Dating and marriage are different, aren’t they?”

    “Do you want to date, then?”

    “Well… no, not really.”

    Ugh. He almost puked up everything he ate. Ji-an was baffled as to how he could talk like that while keeping his chin up and looking straight into his eyes.

    “Why are you so complicated?”

    Ji-an quickly turned his eyes away again, avoiding Hee-seo’s gaze. Hee-seo sipped his tea and gazed out the window, lost in thought. His profile, frozen like a painting, suddenly came to life when he parted his lips.

    “Anyway, fine. The decision about your body is up to you. I think it’s fine to try living together as a sample and then decide.”

    “No, what… sample… What’s with the choice of words?”

    Jeong Hee-seo just shrugged his shoulders without answering. Just then, the door opened, and someone entered to begin cleaning up the dishes. The dishes that had filled the table were swiftly removed, and the traces of the meal were thoroughly wiped away.

    “I will bring the dessert you ordered.”

    The dessert was only served in front of Ji-an. He didn’t order anything. Why did they bring it? Hee-seo chuckled and began to leave without saying anything, leaving Ji-an bewildered.

    “Do I get to choose the hotel too?”


    “If you have a place that you like, let me know.”

    Jeong Hee-seo asked a question as soon as the room became quiet. He refilled the teacup he had just finished.

    “Try it. My nephew likes it.”

    Jeong Hee-seo flooded his mind with hotel-related notions before smiling mischievously and suggesting a children’s dessert. It was scarlet-yellow ice cream in a small glass bowl. A green frog-shaped spoon was stuck in it.

    The tangy taste of tangerine filled Ji-an’s mouth as he took a bite. He hated to admit it, but it suited his taste perfectly.

    After finishing the meal, the chauffeur was nowhere to be seen. As he stepped into the passenger seat and Hee-seo took the wheel, it was clear they were on their way to the hotel. It was the second time they were alone in the car, but Ji-an had closed his eyes and pretended to be dead the last time, so it was comfortable.

    Thus, Ji-an eventually succumbed to embarrassment. He gave up his choice and asked him to decide on the hotel. Entering a motel with an Alpha was too much for the single person with 8 years of unrequited love experience.

    And in just ten minutes, Ji-an regretted that decision.

    In the distance, the logo stamped on the large building, JM. Ji-an double-checked the name that appeared on the navigation map and clenched his teeth.

    “It’s JM Hotel?”

    He regretted it, but it was too late.

    Hee-seo nodded but said nothing. If asked why he chose this place, the answer was obvious. It was close, easy, and fast—typical Hee-seo’s style. If it was JM, there was no need for reservations or payments.

    Only Ji-an was at a loss. It might be the best choice to escape his grandmother’s influence.

    Ji-an looked around nervously as he followed Jeong Hee-seo across the lobby. It felt like Jeong Han-joo would jump out of nowhere.

    The Han-joo hyung he knew doesn’t like showing off his family’s wealth, so if he were to go on a date with Seo Ji-hyuk, he would definitely use a different hotel, but you never know. The compulsory force would inevitably come into play, and they might encounter Han-joo and Ji-hyuk here.

    Perhaps Ji-an’s complexion was too anxious,

    “Is this place okay?”

    Jeong Hee-seo asked, tilting his head in front of the elevator.

    “Oh? No. No. It’s good. Very.”

    Not understanding the meaning of the question, Ji-an hastily shook his head to indicate a negative response. He was afraid that if Hee-seo knew he cared about Jeong Han-joo, he might transform into a strange person like in the drama.

    Before getting on the elevator, Hee-seo handed Ji-an a black card key. The gold logo was vividly stamped on the card, and there were tiny patterns engraved on it.

    It felt like he was given it with the meaning “Let’s go,” and it made Ji-an’s spine shiver.

    If the atmosphere becomes strange… What should he do? Now that he thought about it, from Hee-seo’s perspective, it might already be a done deal between them. The voice clearly said that they had done some knotting―f*ck. That was probably how he got pregnant. In such a relationship, if Ji-an were to insist on something like not being able to do it this time… What should he say to refuse?

    During the moment when Ji-an’s mind was being painted red with imagination, Hee-seo gently nudged him.

    “What are you thinking?”




    Ji-an stared blankly, not understanding what Hee-seo was saying, and then Hee-seo took the card key from Ji-an’s hand and brought it to the elevator’s top button. His gaze still rested on Ji-an. The elevator eventually began to move after the beeping sound. It seemed like they needed to use the card key to go to the top floor suite.

    “Oh, it’s my first time here, so I didn’t know.”

    “First time?”

    Jeong Hee-seo asked again.

    Ji-an should have sensed something strange at this point, but he made another mistake.

    “Actually, I’m not familiar with places like hotels… I’m a bit shy, unlike what you might think.”

    In a way, it was a strong appeal containing information that he had never tried things like dates in a hotel, and it was properly caught by Jeong Hee-seo. He then spoke without looking at Ji-an.

    “This is where we first slept.”


    “The founding anniversary party. The day you and I first became entangled. You can’t be telling me now that you don’t remember. No way.”


    Ji-an’s face turned pale, and he couldn’t respond.

    After that statement, Hee-seo didn’t say anything more. Hewas just standing there looking somewhere outside the glass elevator. Ji-an stood still with his mouth shut like a criminal, listening to his own heart pounding.

    The elevator arrived at the top floor suite after a few minutes that felt like an hour. Perhaps because each floor only had one room, the hallway was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. It was even more so because even the sound of their footsteps was drowned out by the thick carpet.

    He then handed the card key to Ji-an again while Ji-an kept his mouth shut and followed Jeong Hee-seo half a step behind.

    “Don’t be confused next time.”


    Ji-an wondered what he meant by saying something like that to him. Just answering with one word felt like he had told a thousand lies. Ji-an closed his eyes tightly and took the card key.

    * * *

    Jeong Hee-seo took off his jacket as soon as they entered through the large entrance. It was a very ordinary action, but Ji-an was surprised. Oh, he’s very serious about it. Ji-an tried to relax by muttering jokes to himself.

    Jeong Hee-seo relaxedly took off his tie and untied the cuff links on his shirt sleeves, gesturing to Ji-an to go inside while making a phone call somewhere.

    “Make yourself comfortable. It’s your home for a while.”

    Ji-an hesitantly went inside and looked around the interior.

    Although it was a hotel room, it had a structure more like a large apartment. Starting from the front door, there was a large living room, kitchen, study, and bedroom on the left side. There was another bedroom, a dressing room, a living room, and a bathroom on the right side.

    There was an 8-seater sofa organized in a “D” form in the living room, as well as a table and a giant TV. One side of the room had a glass window. A densely populated cityscape unfolded beyond the glass.

    Hee-seo’s scent engulfed him as Ji-an gazed down at the Han River in the distance and a construction forest that looked to be made of toy blocks. Hee-seo’s fingers softly pulled on the back of Ji-an’s hooded sweatshirt just as he was about to turn around.

    “The size should be around 100.”

    Jeong Hee-seo only checked the tag hanging on Ji-an’s clothes and then turned around. It seemed like he was giving instructions to an assistant on the other end of the call to prepare comfortable clothes for him to wear for the next few days.

    “That surprised me…”

    Feeling a chill down his neck, Ji-an rubbed his neck as if to soothe it. Contrary to expectations, his neck felt warm, as if a flame had ignited. He could sense his own pheromones releasing smoothly.

    Come to think of it, he hadn’t properly washed up in the morning. Moreover, he had been wearing Woo-seok’s hat all day, sprinting at full speed, and not taking any medication, so even the reins on his pheromones had been loosened. Realizing this, embarrassment overwhelmed him.

    Ji-an gestured and signaled his intention to wash up in front of Hee-seo, who was on the phone, then headed to the bathroom in the inner corridor.

    The huge bathtub in the bathroom looked too luxurious to use. Ji-an went into the small bathroom attached to the bedroom, where there was a shower booth, and began washing himself.

    Pouring hot water from head to toe and creating plenty of soap bubbles, he felt tension easing and his mind returning to normal.

    However, as always, life didn’t leave people in peace. A voice came to him.

    ―How have you been?


    Ji-an almost forgot that Hee-seo was outside and almost screamed. He quickly covered his mouth with a soapy fist.

    ―You have the ability to learn. I see you aren’t shouting.

    “This crazy… You’re asking how I’ve been?”

    ―You seem fine…?

    Ji-an turned on the water strongly because he was afraid Jeong Hee-seo would hear him mumbling.

    “Shut up, and I’m 100% determined to keep the baby… Spit out the way to avoid miscarriage development.”

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