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    Loves Error

    “Then, please pack the cookies separately along with the madeleines.”

    This was for Jeong Hee-seo. Ji-an hummed involuntarily. He received the paper bag handed by the boss and bowed in thanks. Returning to his seat, a sense of accomplishment swept over him.

    The joy of giving a small treat to someone he was grateful for filled him. It wasn’t something he bought with his own money, but anyway, the thought is what matters!

    Ji-an took a subtle glance back at Jeong Hee-seo. He seemed to be concentrating on the interview, as if he hadn’t seen him. The professional executive’s stern expression showed that he responded seriously.

    His voice must be very really cool.

    “I’ll have to look for the video later.”

    Ji-an gave Jeong Hee-seo a thumbs up and began eating the bread from the tray while holding Jeong Hee-seo’s handkerchief in one hand.

    “What do you want to eat for dinner?”

    Ji-an, who was seated in the passenger seat patting his stomach, turned his head.

    “What exactly do you take me for, hyung-nim…?”


    “We just ate meat, hyung-nim. I’m on the verge of exploding.”

    “… Ah.”

    Jeong Hee-seo, who was driving, seemed to be distracted by something. Otherwise, why would he be concerned about eating again when it had been less than ten minutes since they had just eaten? Ji-an glanced at Jeong Hee-seo’s reaction. Perhaps because the sun had set, shadows cast on his handsome face.

    Was that concern for him nothing more than a sense of duty? Ji-an suddenly became curious whether he was so sincerely giving because it was a device predetermined by the script.

    “I guess you’re a little tired, Hyung-nim. Ah, well, you must be tired. You’re either working or taking a meal break.”

    “No, not really.”

    What did he mean not really. He should have eaten a bit more slowly. Ji-an suddenly felt a bit regretful. However, upon closer examination, the mistake was on that meat. It was just too delicious.

    The originally promised one-hour shooting time was continuously delayed. The people who were supposed to be interviewed together were late, the audio was interrupted, and the Q&A content was changed… The reasons were various, and in the end, Jeong Hee-seo’s entire schedule ended well after lunch time.

    ‘I should have expected this to happen. I made you wait a long time.’

    ‘It’s okay. The bread was delicious, and I had fun watching YouTube.’

    ‘You have a knack for making people feel even more sorry.’

    ‘It’s true. The bread making videos were fun.’

    Heh. Jeong Hee-seo chuckled as if relieved.

    The place Jeong Hee-seo took Ji-an to emphasize his apology, was a secluded and quiet meat restaurant that reminded him of the place from before, and Ji-an decided to change his opinion of Jeong Hee-seo from today.

    From a cool-headed corporate executive to a restaurant hunter.

    The beef was so exceptional that it shattered Ji-an’s preconception that all Korean beef tastes good no matter how you eat it. The meat grilled on the hot stone melted on the tip of the tongue, and dipping it into the restaurant’s special sauce elicited exclamations of admiration from the depths of the soul. Everything about the meal was flawless, making it a genuinely unforgettable dining experience.

    ‘Beef is the truth. Hyung-nim. Beef is just… Oh, but I heard that if you buy Korean Beef for someone, it means you have ulterior motives.’

    ‘If I say I have ulterior motives, will you fall for it?’

    ‘Now that I think about it, it seems like something people who can’t afford to buy Korean beef say once a year while enjoying a big meal.’

    ‘You speak well.’

    ‘… Hyung-nim, why do you seem to eat less? Maybe because you have the financial ability to eat Korean Beef every day.’

    ‘I like pork better.’


    When Ji-an exclaimed about his unexpected love for pork, Jeong Hee-seo gave his own meat theory, saying that pork has a milder flavor and was more filling than beef. It made so much sense that it was logical enough to make even Ji-an, who was born into a family running a barbecue restaurant, nodded in agreement,

    It was just ten minutes ago that they sat there, chatting continuously and finishing off a Korean beef. So it was worth noting his tired expression.

    When they reached the hill right in front of the house, Ji-an looked at Jeong Hee-seo’s expression and spoke cautiously.

    “I don’t think I’ll be able to digest it until lunch tomorrow, so you don’t have to worry.”

    “After that…”

    “Well… if we talk about nutrients, it should be fine until the day after tomorrow…”

    Jeong Hee-seo glanced back after a long time, his eyes filled with disbelief.  Ji-an shrugged his shoulders and averted his gaze. In fact, Ji-an also knew this. It was reasonable to continue to stay with Jeong Hee-seo. But he felt like he shouldn’t follow his greed.

    While he was talking nonsense, the car arrived right in front of his house. Ji-an unbuckled the passenger seat belt and turned to face Jeong Hee-seo.

    “If you’re really that worried, please lend me a handkerchief soaked in pheromones. If it runs out, we can meet again.”


    Jeong Hee-seo, who was staring out the window with his eyebrows furrowed as if he was displeased with something, turned his head at Ji-an’s words. He sighed deeply and took out a handkerchief from his pocket. Ji-an could sense that he was about to release the pheromones.



    Not even 30 seconds had passed.  Ji-an took a breath, as if he had barely come out of the water. To cool his flushed face, he fanned himself exaggeratedly.

    “Wow, it’s too strong in this small car. You can tone it down a bit.”

    Phew. He opened the car door slightly. If he didn’t ventilate, it felt as if he was about to suffocate from his pheromones. His lower part, which had quickly become wet, was already bulging and raising its head to reveal its presence, so Ji-an adjusted his bag and secretly covered the front.

    “I’ve thought about it for a while, Seo Ji-an.”


    “Can’t you smell your own pheromones?”


    He turned his gazes. What he said was half right and half wrong. He could smell it, but he couldn’t feel the power of this devilish pheromone. Jeong Hee-seo’s eyes furrowed as he stared at Ji-an’s confused expression.

    “You’re not easy either. Not reacting to my pheromones.”

    Then… A thought passed through Ji-an’s mind reflexively. Ji-an secretly turned his gazes and looked at the front of Jeong Hee-seo’s pants.

    What the hell, it was calm.

    Instantly, his pride was wounded. No, Jeong Hee-seo said he was not easy either. Why did he react so subtly? Surprised, Ji-an looked up as he heard Jeong Hee-seo chuckle.

    “Why are you hard?”

    “I’m not?”

    I just tensed my waist! Ji-an shouted, pushing away Jeong Hee-seo’s arm away as he tried to reach into his bag.

    “Hyung-nim, you said I’m not easy… ”

    When Jeong Hee-seo turned around, there was a glint of amusement in his eyes. He’s mocking. He’s laughing at him!

    F*ck…  this pheromone thing…

    Ji-an snorted like an angry bull, snatched the handkerchief from Jeong Hee-seo’s hand, and jumped out of the car. He didn’t forget to cover his bulging front with his bag.

    Ah, his honest self… This was so humiliating. He felt pathetic that even in this place, the dominance and recessiveness were evident.

    Jeong Hee-seo’s gaze fell on the back of Ji-an’s head as he hurriedly unfastened his seat belt and got out. The nape of his neck and ears were bright red, and he looked quite embarrassed that he was the only one getting hard. He was at an age when his pride could be hurt because of that.

    Jeong Hee-seo repressed his laughter and silently watched Ji-an.

    He thought Ji-an would slam the car door shut, but his timid fingertips held the door and slowly closed it. Jeong Hee-seo pressed the corner of his twitching mouth with the back of his hand. As he was waiting to see what the next reaction would be, Ji-an knocked on the passenger window and put his face close to the glass.

    When Hee-seo rolled down the window to see what he was going to say again, he stuck his head in like a puppy.

    “I’m really fine. However, Hyung-nim should drive carefully… and get some ventilation. I’m worried that the stimulation might be too strong for Hyung-nim’s age and you might cause an accident.”


    “Hyung-nim said it yourself. My pheromones aren’t bad. I do have a bit of a scent.”


    In the end, Jeong Hee-seo lost. He couldn’t endure the rising corners of his mouth. Ji-an’s contemptuous expression was worth seeing.

    “You’re so annoying, really.”

    Ji-an, who hadn’t expected Jeong Hee-seo to open the car door and get out, hesitated and stepped back from the car. He even felt a little scared as Jeong Hee-seo strode towards him with large strides.

    Did he go too far…

    “W-why… if you have something to say, you can say it in the car. I can hear well.”

    Something touched Ji-an’s back as he was stepping back. When he turned his head, he saw a brightly lit street lamp. When he turned his gaze back, Jeong Hee-seo was now standing in front of him.

    “Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

    “What, about what?”

    Given the situation below the belt, it wasn’t that okay. Ji-an, feeling embarrassed, tightened his grip on the bag covering the front. As he mumbled, Jeong Hee-seo raised his hand swiftly.

    Startled, Ji-an closed his eyes without realizing it. However, perhaps that was why Jeong Hee-seo clicked his tongue. Ji-an thought to himself that it was a terrible mistake. The habit Ji-an grew up with was not easily broken. Even Seo Ji-hyuk felt uncomfortable when he acted like this…

    Jeong Hee-seo’s hand touched Ji-an’s shoulder.

    The hand gently caressed him and brushed his shoulder away a few times with an indifferent expression, as if shaking off dust.

    “I should have dressed you better. Going into battle with such soft clothes.”

    “Ah, about grandma.”

    It was a moment when the tension was gently released. Ji-an opened his eyes and stared blankly at Jeong Hee-seo. He looked warmer as the scarlet street lights cast a dark hue on his face. Jeong Hee-seo’s visuals looked so amazing that it felt unfair when they parted ways.

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