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    Loves Error

    Ji-an felt like calling driver Kim and asking for help seemed like something inappropriate to ask of an elderly person, so he was racking his brains to find another solution.

    However, Jeong Hee-seo appeared as if someone had called for him. It was also amazing.

    After paying, Ji-an went downstairs to the store and saw Jeong Hee-seo cramming Woo-seok in the backseat of the car. Even the elongated body of an Alpha was insufficient for the rear seat of a large sedan. Moreover, as he was losing his patience, Jeong Hee-seo’s irritation peaked.

    “Iā€™m sorry.”

    Closing the door as if it were about to break, Jeong Hee-seo was startled by Ji-an’s sudden appearance behind him. Ji-an’s nervousness became more apparent as he watched him dry-washing himself briskly.

    ā€œWhy are you sorry?ā€

    ā€œWell, actually, you can just leave Woo-seok hereā€¦ Youā€™ve worked hard… Even if we leave him, he’ll come back to his senses eventually, right? The weather isn’t that cold…”

    Ji-an was so embarrassed that the words just came out. Jeong Hee-seo, who had his hand on his waist, let out a helpless laugh and headed toward the driver’s seat, speaking in passing.

    ā€œHeā€™s the friend who let you stay over last time.”

    “Oh, yes. That’s right. Right, it was like that.”

    “Come on, get in.”

    Anyway, Jeong Hee-seo was a man who was thorough in his calculations. Ji-an wondered why he was concerned about his situation, but Ji-an could understand how one might consider their baby’s mother’s situation as their own. The pointed gaze urged him once again, and Ji-an quickly climbed into the passenger seat, scratching his cheek awkwardly.

    Woo-seokā€™s house was not far from the bar. Yet, Ji-an felt it was unusually distant today. It was because Jeong Hee-seo had remained silent except when he first sat down with the passenger door closed and entered the name of Woo-seok’s officetel building into the navigation system.

    Inside the quiet sedan, only Woo-seok’s drunken breathing and the navigation’s voice guiding the way echoed.

    ā€œYou have arrived at your destination.ā€ With that sound, Jeong Hee-seo swiftly unbuckled his seatbelt and got out while leaving the engine running. He didn’t forget to gesture for Ji-an to stay seated.

    Peeking out through the slightly opened window, Ji-an watched as Woo-seok was dropped off at the entrance of the building as if he were a sack of potatoes. In this way, Woo-seok was quickly discarded. Jeong Hee-seo took the wheel with a relieved expression as if this was the limit of his kindness.

    ā€œIs there anything else you want to eat?ā€

    Jeong Hee-seo asked as soon as he started the car again. Jeong Hee-seo would probably be the person who wanted to fatten Ji-an up the most out of all the people Ji-an had met in life. Ji-an was about to snap and ask if he thought of him as some kind of pig, but then he remembered the amount he had eaten for lunch and just shook his head. Jeong Hee-seo spoke again, with his gaze fixed ahead again.

    ā€œThen weā€™re going straight home.ā€

    ā€œWhat about you, hyung-nim?ā€

    Ji-an asked back without realizing it. It was an automatic response. Hello, long time no see. How have you been?. I’ve been fine, and How about you? It was a meaningless inquiry without any intention.

    “I have time. Shall we go for a drive?”

    His unexpected suggestion made Ji-an’s eyes widen.

    “A drive? Where to at this hour? The roads will be jammed.”

    “The weather’s nice. Let’s go see the night view.”

    It was a strangely pleasant voice. Ji-an felt something was strange and looked back at Jeong Hee-seo.

    ā€œI guess you really like driving.ā€

    At Ji-an’s puzzled question, Jeong Hee-seo tightly shut his mouth. Seeing his lips pressed together in a straight line, Ji-an bit his lip. Ji-an also knew that he was talking nonsense.

    ā€œI donā€™t hate it.ā€

    ā€œYou donā€™t waste time in the car, so you’re always working even during that time… But I didnā€™t know you would take the time to drive.ā€

    Ji-an added as if making an excuse. Ji-an knew what his intention was, but he wanted to let it slide like that. He didn’t want to attach any significance to the fact that a person who was still working even during the time spent in the back seat was making time for him and suggesting going for a drive. Additionally, he also wanted to sweep it under the rug that he was too excited to refuse.

    Even though it was long past the usual quitting time, the downtown area was still jammed with traffic. The road, which was congested for a while, became deceptively quiet after passing a certain point. The car moved forward smoothly on the open road. When Ji-an opened the window, the sound of the wind blew past his forehead. Jeong Hee-seo turned on the radio without a word.

    “Do you like this kind of song?”

    “Do you?”

    “I only listen to playlists like the Top 100 Apple Charts. I’m tone-deaf, so I don’t really have preferences.”

    “Me too.”

    The man, who seemed like he would only listen to classical music or songs by unknown French singers, was silently listening to the folksy lyrics of a ballad. The somewhat earnest lyrics, asking if it would be okay for someone lacking like him to like someone perfect, didn’t seem like something Jeong Hee-seo would be able to relate to at all.

    The Han River started to come into view through the window. From the flowing melody to the visible scenery, everything seemed incredibly ordinary. It was vastly different from the image of the person sitting beside him. The eerily familiar atmosphere made it feel as if he were someone held tightly in his hands.

    Ji-an rolled down the window a bit more and closed his eyes.

    ā€œSince weā€™ve come this far, I want to eat ramen.ā€

    Jeong Hee-seo smiled instead of answering. Ji-an had his eyes closed, but he seemed to know that he was smiling.

    The car drove along the riverside for a while, crossed a long bridge, and headed toward the park. Coming to a slow stop and turning off the engine, darkness and silence descended together.

    The riverside at night was quite cold. The air was damp and windy. Jeong Hee-seo took off his jacket and draped it over Ji-an like a gentleman. Walking side by side in the well-lit park with no dark corners, Ji-an felt a tickle in his stomach.

    ā€œAre you going to eat it too?ā€

    Ji-an asked as he picked up instant noodles at the convenience store. Jeong Hee-seo was already holding a packet. From pork to instant noodles, it was a person completely different from what Ji-an had initially thought. He chuckled softly at the thought.

    ā€œItā€™s delicious.ā€

    Jeong Hee-seo, who was quietly eating next to him, suddenly spoke up. Short cooking time with less water than required. People say that the Han River ramen, despite deviating far from the recipe on the package, was said to be salty and tasty. Perhaps eating it by the Han River made it taste that way.

    ā€œI think eating outside makes it feel more special.ā€

    “It just tastes… better when I eat with you.”

    Jeong Hee-seo said with a calm expression and slurped the noodles again. Ji-an looked at his cheek blankly and then turned his attention back to his ramen. While the notion of eating being more appetizing outdoors was something he had heard from many people, it felt distinctly different when it came from Jeong Hee-seo.

    Maybe Woo-seok was talking nonsense for nothing…

    It’s not like we’re in a relationship. Absolutely not. Ji-an grumbled inwardly.

    Given his long-standing feelings for Jeong Han-joo, it’s understandable that he fell so quickly for Jeong Hee-seo. He was like a savior, providing refreshing water to Ji-an, who was drained by unrequited love.

    Throughout the eight years of liking someone without ever receiving any reciprocation, there was no immunity to withstand the flirting of a handsome man like this. How could one not be swayed? There was no such method on Earth.

    If things continue like this, something really big will surely happen.

    The determination Ji-an had firmly built and the plans for the future were shattered like a sandcastle with just one gesture or glance from him. He felt like if Jeong Hee-seo knocked a few more times, Ji-anā€™s emotions would overflow irrevocably and sweep away all of his rationality and plans for the future.

    Ji-an shuddered with anxiety. If Jeong Hee-seo’s current curiosity develops into genuine feelings towards him, then would he be able to survive that?

    What if he ended up liking him so much that he can’t help it? Then would he be able to endure it a year from now?

    Honestly, his worries overwhelmed him. While it’s easy to have one-sided feelings, losing the affection received is just as unfamiliar and frightening as receiving it.

    ā€˜It would be fine if only I liked him, but it was difficult when Hyung-nim also likes me.ā€™

    “What are you thinking about so deeply? Is there a story behind this ramen?ā€

    Jeong Hee-seo suddenly interrupted, breaking Ji-an out of his thoughts.

    “You’ve got a complicated look on your face. Not sure what it is though.”

    “Huh? There’s nothing complicated.”

    “It’s written all over your face.”

    “No, it’s not.”

    “Your ramen’s overcooked.”

    Ji-an looked down at his ramen and fell silent. Usually, when he ate with Jeong Hee-seo, the food tasted incredibly delicious, probably because of his pheromones, but suddenly he lost his appetite. Even though it was just ramen at night. Ji-an furrowed his brow deeply.

    Jeong Hee-seo also put down his chopsticks. He drank carbonated water to clear his throat and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief. Ji-anā€™s eyes followed the handkerchief. It was because Ji-an remembered what he had chosen to give to him during the day.  Even the simple act of using a handkerchief aligned with Ji-an’s tastes.

    ā€œSeo Ji-an.ā€

    Jeong Hee-seo tilted his head and called out in a subdued voice. Unable to meet his eyes, Ji-an fixed his gaze on the edge of the table. Jeong Hee-seo’s gentle voice continued overhead.

    ā€œA kid who usually eats well is not eating. Is this normal?ā€

    “I ate too much for dinner, that’s all.”

    ā€œDonā€™t be like that, just tell me what has been bothering you.ā€


    As Ji-an raised his head as if resolved and began to speak, Jeong Hee-seo looked straight into his eyes. His eyes were warm. Ji-an couldn’t even remember when he had thought those eyes looked fierce. Ji-an exhaled deeply and said in one breath:

    ā€œI donā€™t want to do that. The job you’re asking me to take. Hyung-nim.”

    Jeong Hee-seo’s eyebrows narrowed slightly.

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