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by CanaanAugust of the year 564 of the Continental Era

❖ August 26th, a letter from Euilde Elmyr to Richard Elmyr
Dear elder brother,
I received your warm and affectionate letter. Upon reading your words, I realized just how narrow-minded my actions have been, and I feel a deep sense of reflection.
After reading your letter multiple times, I have made the decision to approach Kael Clavis first.
However, it is proving to be more challenging than I initially thought.
As you know, I have always been passive in nature, and unless someone reaches out to me first, I struggle to make the first move. Even with my closest friend, Ian Wallace, it was Ian who first approached me.
Yesterday, around lunchtime, I received your letter and read it in the garden behind the annex. As you suggested, during afternoon classes, I decided to approach Kael Clavis and strike up a conversation. Coincidentally, our history class was scheduled in the same time slot.
But… my resolve didn’t last for long. As I entered the classroom for history class, I walked into chaos. Right in the middle of the commotion was none other than Kael Clavis.
Confused, I asked a fellow classmate standing nearby, only to find out that a group of other senior students, who were followers of Reilt, had barged into the classroom before class to confront Kael Clavis.
At that moment, my heart sank.
To think that people would subject someone who is already fragile and has many scars to further persecution instead of offering warmth… It was truly heart-wrenching.
Although I am weak and insignificant, as I remembered the words you said, something boiled up inside me, and I couldn’t contain it. I couldn’t bear to see someone who is already fragile and wounded being treated so harshly by others.
In an unexpected turn of events, I dashed into the midst of the chaos, where Kael Clavis and the five senior students were located. Surprisingly, they all momentarily stopped. But as I approached closer, it became clear that something was off. Despite the intense situation, Kael Clavis didn’t have a scratch on him, while the five senior students were the ones injured. Perhaps these ill-tempered seniors had already had encounters with someone who fought back?
I mustered up the courage to speak, stating that it is unacceptable to torment someone who is physically weak and asking the senior students to act as true seniors and uphold courtesy. They couldn’t find words to respond, and fortunately, Ian, who was in the same class with me, arrived and defended me and said that if the senior students didn’t leave before the professor arrived, they would all face consequences related to the previous incident. It’s embarrassing to admit, but with Ian’s presence, I felt somewhat relieved.
Anyway, because of that, the senior students left the classroom with bewildered expressions, and thankfully, the afternoon classes proceeded without any further incident.
During the class, Kael Clavis occasionally glanced at me with a complex expression. I believe it was due to his shyness and uncertainty of how to express gratitude towards me.
After the class ended and everyone started leaving, (strangely enough, I’ve noticed that the students are moving at a faster pace. It doesn’t seem to be just a matter of mood, but I think it’s a good thing that everyone in the academy has become so diligent.) as I was preparing to leave as well, I noticed Kael Clavis staying alone in the classroom. Summoning my courage, I approached him.
He stared at me intently. His gaze was so intense that it still makes me a little nervous to think about it. However, I considered his direct and unwavering gaze as a testament to his strong desire to befriend me.
So, I extended my hand to him.
I have heard a lot about you from my brother, that you are frail and introverted. But I have also heard that you are a wise man with a keen eye for learning. Please, would you befriend me? I said.
He stared at me at a loss for words for a moment. Was he that happy to hear what I said?
After a few fidgety motions of his mouth, he looked at my extended hand, and shortly after, he firmly clasped my hand.
He didn’t say much. However, his brief “Thank you,” I believe, was filled with sincerity.
However, elder brother, in people who like to read and write a lot, calluses usually form on the middle finger, but why are there calluses on the palm of Kael Clavis’ hand? It’s as if it’s not the hand of a scholar but of someone who has been refining swordsmanship.
Anyway, I was happy that he responded to my greeting and offered to guide him around the various places in the Academy. Kael Clavis, being the introverted person he is, didn’t say much, but he accepted my offer with a serious nod.
Because of that, I had to cancel my promise with Ian to go to the library together yesterday afternoon. So, Ian visited my room in the middle of the night, saying he was upset, and in an attempt to console him, we accidentally fell asleep together in my room.
Kael Clavis was even less talkative than me. He mainly asked me short questions and spent a lot of time listening to my words.
I tried to speak to him as nicely as possible, but I wonder if my efforts reached him.
Throughout, I worried that my genuine feelings went in vain because I didn’t receive a proper response. However, in the end, he asked if we could personally discuss the book we are currently studying. Hearing those words, I tried to handle it calmly and maturely, but I was incredibly pleased.
I must be doing well, right? It was evidence that he was opening up to me, wasn’t it?
They say it will rain tomorrow. I pray that our lands will be blessed with abundant rain, ensuring a plentiful harvest of our grains. With that, I will end my letter.
– Your younger brother who loves and respects you.