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by CanaanSeptember of the year 564 of the Continental Era

❖ September 1st, a letter from Richard Elmyr to Euilde Elmyr
To our beloved youngest, Eui,
Your kind-hearted nature seems to shine brighter with each passing day. It brings me happiness, but I must admit that I am already feeling jealous of who will take our youngest away.
Your ability to extend a helping hand to the marginalized without discrimination deserves nothing but praise.
I want to applaud you.
Yes, continue to do so. Reach out and comfort those wounded souls. It will be the whetstone that makes your spirit shine even brighter.
One piece of advice I can offer is that Kael enjoys when someone takes his hand. As of now, he is not yet accustomed to it. But as your bond grows closer, he’ll start reaching for your hand first, but for now, be the first one to offer yours eagerly.
Think of a poor, wet kitten in the rain. Imagine a forsaken and trembling little kitten and think of that as Kael.
Even if they sometimes display a wild side, see it as the vulnerable kitten fiercely fighting to protect themselves. Even if you are scratched by their claws, believe that once the kitten begins to understand your heart, they will trust you infinitely and without doubt.
My words sound a bit preachy, don’t they?
Please don’t feel burdened. I simply wanted to offer a few words of advice out of love for you, as someone who has lived a little longer.
As I mentioned in the previous letter, it seems that this year’s harvest on our lands will be exceptionally bountiful compared to previous years.
I know it may be difficult to return now, but I would love to see the golden fields with you. In the next letter, please write in more detail about how Kael is doing.
– From your big brother to my angel, Eui.