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    Loves Balance

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    September of the year 564 of the Continental Era

    ❖ September 7th, a letter from Euilde Elmyr to Richard Elmyr

    Dear elder brother,

    Please forgive me for taking away your time with my trivial worries, especially when you are already busy with household matters and your academic pursuits.

    However, I feel reluctant to confide in others about my concerns, so I had no choice but to seek advice from you, my esteemed brother.

    Elder brother, what is friendship?

    These past few days, I have been seriously pondering this question.

    You are well aware of the longstanding friendship between Ian Wallace and me. We have been inseparable friends since childhood, and I always believed that our friendship would never waver until the end. Of course, I still cherish Ian as a dear friend to this day.

    However, I’ve come to realize that friendship does not necessarily entail a mutual regard for each other’s thoughts.

    I find joy in my newfound friendship with Kael Clavis, someone who may appear rough on the surface but has a delicate and wounded soul. Yet, it seems that Ian does not approve of Kael.

    The wounded experiences that Kael Clavis has endured seem to have made him even more sensitive to Ian’s abrasive reactions. When he interacts with me, there is no hesitation or caution, but when he faces Ian, it’s as if he is facing a ferocious wolf.

    I apologize for using such derogatory language to describe someone who is already wounded. Please do not mention to Kael Clavis about the words I have written. I fear it could cause him further distress.

    It happened after the morning class. As we were heading to the dining hall together, just like we had been doing for the past few days, Ian raised his voice, telling me to ignore Kael and leave him alone. Wanting to calm the situation and invite him to come with us, Kael, who was usually so timid, grabbed my wrist tightly and tried to leave the scene. He held on so tightly that my wrist still bears the bruise, and it feels sore as I write this letter.

    I’m embarrassed to say I cried a little bit as I tried to stop them. Fortunately, the two of them stopped their argument when they saw my tears, which was a relief.

    Ian stormed off in anger, and Kael, who stayed behind, looked like he wanted to comfort me but didn’t know what to do. He was just clenching his fist. Later on, I noticed there were nail marks on his palm deep enough to draw blood.

    I tried my best to stop the tears, but they wouldn’t stop, so I couldn’t help but hold Kael’s arm tightly and swallow back the tears. For quite some time, I held him firmly in my arms, and Kael’s body trembled. I believe he was trying to hold back his sadness. He must have wanted to cry but held back his tears because I had cried first.

    Feeling embarrassed, Kael didn’t want others to see us, so he wanted to go somewhere else while comforting me. He gently urged me to go to the secluded balcony on the third floor of the annex, where there were few people. There, Kael patiently waited until my heart settled.

    At that moment, I realized the true meaning behind the words you spoke, elder brother. Ah, this is what it means to grow together in friendship, I thought. Isn’t it evident that Kael has become more at ease with me, even if only for a short while, providing me solace?

    However, elder brother, as happy as I was to see Kael change, it didn’t change the fact that Ian’s attitude still saddens me.

    I had planned to have a serious conversation with Ian in the evening. However, Kael intervened. He didn’t say anything special or did anything particular, but…

    He simply held my hand quietly. His sunken eyes and solemn demeanor made it challenging for me to ask him to let go. Because of his persistent presence, like a chick following its mother hen all day long, I couldn’t bring myself to speak to Ian and ended up spending the entire day that way.

    I considered visiting Ian late at night, but Kael stayed by my side, even during my sleeping hours. I was afraid he would be hurt if I pushed him away, so in the end, we fell asleep together in my bed. At this moment, while he was still asleep, I managed to slip away from the bed and write this letter.

    Elder brother, I don’t wish for a rift between me and Ian, nor do I want Kael to get hurt. What would be the wisest course of action in this situation?

    Please, don’t be angry with your foolish younger brother for his inane question. I humbly ask for your guidance, as I greatly value your advice.

    – On this sleepless night, your youngest, Euilde.

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