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    Sehwa moved to the small room with the waterbed. He had no other choice. He disliked Ki Tae-jeong’s bedroom even more than here. The living room sofa where he had rolled around with him was equally terrible.

    But sleeping on the bare floor would only hurt himself. He needed to rest well to be able to move tomorrow. So he chose to lie down on something that at least resembled furniture… but the undulation of the mattress focused solely on pleasure was far more unpleasant and vulgar than he remembered, making it impossible to fall asleep.

    Staring blankly at the ceiling, Sehwa suddenly remembered the first time he had sex with Ki Tae-jeong here and laughed coldly.

    He had been puzzled by how his hole became wet on its own at his touch without taking any drugs, and had asked him while holding onto him and groaning. Was it the aphrodisiac he ate before still having an effect, or was the patch originally like this… probably something like that.

    What had Ki Tae-jeong answered then? He seemed to have agreed, saying he might be right. Since it wasn’t a particularly strong reaction that left an impression, even Sehwa’s memory was now vague. Thinking about it now, it was truly an insincere response. He had just carelessly placated him, wanting to have sex immediately regardless of his confusion.

    Well… Ki Tae-jeong probably did that because Sehwa wasn’t worth the effort to comfort properly. Had there ever been a moment when he was honest and sincere with him? Even just once would be fine.

    Sehwa, who had been tracing the patterns of the cheap wallpaper with his eyes, slowly closed them. He had done so as if forcing himself not to see anything, but red and blue optic nerves flickered behind his eyelids like convulsions. At the end of it, the afterimage of Ki Tae-jeong from some time appeared and disappeared faintly.

    Sehwa curled up into a small ball on his side. Back when he was just inflated with light, thinking he should try hard to like him, everything had been bearable… but now, he didn’t know why it all felt so sad.

    Although he knew there would be no end if he went over everything one by one, the feelings he had recklessly thrown at him came back like a boomerang. The love he had harbored alone became self-mockery and ridicule, beating his already tattered heart with sharp edges.

    What he had been so happy to obtain, what he had held dear, wasn’t like spring outside areas where snow hadn’t melted yet. Only scars like permafrost that would never melt in any season, that would never be erased, remained.


    “Wait here. I’ll go out and try to buy some time.”

    The fence walked unsteadily towards the entrance. While listening to her gruff voice asking the soldiers various questions, Sehwa stared at the unfamiliar number on her phone screen for a moment.

    True to her reputation, the fence had perfectly prepared everything and came to find Sehwa as soon as the sun rose. He had brought all the items like syringes, which were just excuses, in top quality.

    Tracing the cryptic imprints at the end of the drug packaging with his hand, Sehwa counted the remaining badges once again. Perhaps Oh Seon-ran had put in a good word discreetly, but the badges indeed seemed to be extraordinary items. That’s probably why he brought such good things so quickly.

    If so, he would have to use them even more carefully from now on. It was something so rare that even he only learned its use after the fence told him. Since badges couldn’t be used instead of cash, they would definitely have to go through people, and with such a rare and valuable item on the market, word would surely spread quickly.

    So apart from giving them away when sneaking into 2-Hwan, he thought he should save these badges for when the child has a problem. Whether going to a hospital or finding an unlicensed quack, it should be saved for that one time only. In many ways, it seemed prone to being discovered….

    – Sehwa?

    As he was absentmindedly waiting for the signal, the ringtone suddenly changed unnaturally. Startled by the machine noise that seemed to pierce his eardrum, he was about to remove the phone from his ear when Oh Seon-ran urgently called out from the other end.

    – Sehwa, it’s me.

    “…Major General Oh Seon-ran?”

    – Were you surprised by the strange noise? I’m sorry. I was a bit late sending the signal interference. You can speak comfortably now, but I don’t think we can have a long conversation.

    Sehwa glanced towards the entrance. The fence was still arguing with the soldiers outside. She was saying useless things like there were still items to bring so why couldn’t more people come in, or if not, some of them should move with her… something like that.

    “I’m in the same situation, so I won’t speak long. Please help me just this once.”

    – Sehwa.

    “Please disable the CCTV around all ports and checkpoints nationwide for one hour… no, even 30 minutes from 8 PM today. I know it’s difficult, but I promise I will never bother you again after this, Major General.”

    – Sehwa, you’re not…

    “It probably won’t be a loss for you either, Major General. Anyway, if I, supposedly the most perfect evidence, suddenly disappear like this, it will surely disrupt the trial proceedings,”

    – That’s not the issue! Everyone knows you have no connections in other zones, how can a pregnant person make the CCTV go dead and then go anywhere!


    – I’m sending someone right away, so come here.

    Oh Seon-ran said if he wanted to hide somewhere, he should stay at his official residence instead. No, he pleaded. He seemed to be trying hard to hold back, feeling both angry and worried, but unable to scare him.

    “Major General.”

    – If you’re uncomfortable, I’ll go out and stay somewhere else,

    “No, you don’t need to do that.”

    It was a kind offer. If it were him, he didn’t think he could care so deeply even for a close friend’s son, especially someone whose blood relation wasn’t even confirmed through a blood test.

    “I’m sorry, but I don’t trust anyone anymore.”

    – Sehwa, hey.

    The problem was his own heart, which now couldn’t feel anything as sincere no matter who said what.

    “I know I’ll be caught soon anyway. I know all that, but… I just want to make sure no one can use me as a hidden card at the start of the trial. That’s all.”

    The first impact is usually the most important. How can you trust and play a hand with many variables that can’t be pushed from the beginning after time has passed? Becoming a worthless means to everyone. That was enough.

    – If even you use yourself like that… You have a constitution that’s difficult to care for even in the best hospital with the best care in 5-Star… What are you going to do about your body and the child in the future?

    “…I don’t know yet. I want to think about that issue a bit more.”

    A small commotion could be felt through the phone. It seemed there wasn’t much time left. Oh Seon-ran repeated Sehwa’s name a few times, then listed what he could do in the current situation with a trembling voice.

    – 30 minutes isn’t that difficult. I’ll try for an hour… But after that, I won’t be able to help you anymore.

    Of course, that’s obvious. How many people could paralyze all ports and checkpoints across the country? Ki Tae-jeong or Lieutenant Kim would naturally suspect Oh Seon-ran first, and from now on, they would only watch his movements with their eyes wide open.

    The bigger the body, the easier it is to attract attention. The rank of Major General is Oh Seon-ran’s most powerful weapon, but conversely, it can also be a shackle that prevents him from moving quickly in times like this.

    – Instead, let’s meet in 3 weeks. Until then, I won’t interfere with what you’re doing at all. If I act clumsily, they might follow us.


    – If you wanted to see Ki Tae-jeong and Kim Seok-cheol in trouble, that much time should be enough. There’s nothing that makes those bastards look more foolish than me helping you directly.

    Sehwa, please. The unfamiliarity of hearing someone desperately call his name made Sehwa’s lips move without a sound.

    – If something goes wrong with you too, I won’t be able to face Jinwoo… your father, even in death. So please…

    “…I’ll think about it.”

    Oh Seon-ran, seemingly relieved, let out a short sigh and chose a few meeting places. They were all places Sehwa, who was familiar with 2-Hwan geography, knew well.

    – If you don’t see me after 10 minutes, get up from your seat immediately. Then move clockwise from the first place I mentioned, and if you don’t see anyone at the moved location, let’s come back the next day. I’ll do the same.

    As if it really was the end, the voice of his subordinate urging him was clearly heard.

    – And cash towards the fence…

    Oh Seon-ran’s voice, trying to add something urgently, was cut off by a sharp mechanical sound. It seemed that some kind of interference signal had been cut off. The fence, having no more excuses, was trudging back towards him.

    “Did the talk go well?”

    Sehwa nodded and returned the phone. The thought that it might have been recording occurred to him belatedly, but he wasn’t in a position to question such things now. If the fence’s mood soured, he would be the only one to lose. The content was all about Major General Oh Seon-ran treating him specially, so even if they listened to the recording later, they would probably just treat him better, not accuse him of deception.

    “Do you know the famous smuggler in 2-Hwan? The one called Geumdong.”

    “I know.”

    “I happen to have something to send to him. I can hide you in that container. As long as it’s going down, not up, I think we can bribe the checkpoint… But hiding a person is quite expensive.”

    “Okay. Once we cross into 2-Hwan, I’ll give you the badge through a courier.”

    “Hey, people’s minds change between entering and leaving the bathroom. Once you cross into 2-Hwan, you could just refuse to give it. We need to settle this now.”

    “Didn’t Captain Oh Seon-ran say he gave you the full advance?”

    “Well, that…”

    The fence trailed off, mumbling. It was just a probe, but it seems he really did receive something from Oh Seon-ran. There really is no one to trust. Even though Sehwa thought the fence was treating him very well… But Sehwa, who had lost a lot, decided to pretend not to know this time as well.

    “…Anyway, we absolutely must leave for 4-Hwan by 8 PM.”

    “Then, you need to come to the shop by 6:20 at the latest… Can you do it? I’m not lying, there’s a guard standing every other tile outside. They’re even armed soldiers.”

    “I’ll figure that out somehow, so don’t worry about it. Just prepare a flashlight in advance.”

    “A flashlight? Why… Never mind, what’s the use in asking now. Alright.”

    If the threat to let him go to Ki Tae-jeong worked, he planned to smash all the electrical boxes and communication networks before moving. All the high-tech equipment he uses effectively requires electricity to operate. Of course, there would certainly be emergency measures, but to make him even a little uncomfortable, it seemed necessary to cut all the power lines first.

    “Yes. When all the lights in this building go out and communications are completely dead, know that it’s a signal that I’m coming soon.”

    Sehwa could pinpoint everything in this building, where everything was, even with his eyes closed. Because he had been sneaking around like a mouse every day to divert customers, to run away to avoid being hit, to secretly eat a meal, his body and feet moved on their own without trying.

    When they had destroyed all the military facilities and flew over the sea in a car, Ki Tae-jeong had said that. That he was invincible in the sky. Unfortunately, this house, this vertical city like an ant nest, was the end of that sky. And in the dark sewer where not even electric lights reach, the rat was king.


    Ki Tae-jeong, having descended from the helicopter, adjusted his attire. He sprayed on the perfume he had brought and brought his wrist close to his nose, but couldn’t sense anything special. He couldn’t understand why Sehwa only felt comfort in his body scent when all perfumes smelled more or less the same.

    Of course, he might not want to see him at all now… But it had been a few days since they last met. He probably hadn’t slept well on that uncomfortable bed, so he hoped he could at least breathe comfortably in his arms. They could talk on the way back to the official residence anyway.

    “Oh, here’s the ledger you mentioned.”

    Lieutenant Park took out an old notebook from his briefcase and handed it over. Sehwa’s name was written multiple times on the cover, which looked like a rag with torn parts patched up with tape. It seemed he had rewritten it every time the contract conditions changed.

    The name at the top, probably written when he first inherited the debt without knowing anything, looked more like copied hieroglyphics than writing. The crooked handwriting gradually became neater towards the bottom. Just the cover of the debt ledger vividly conveyed Sehwa’s past years.

    “Also, Boss Son is causing a disturbance, saying he wants to see the Brigadier General.”

    From the day Ki Tae-jeong did the “cleaning” until now, Boss Son had been confined to his office. Although they had assigned a couple of guards, they hadn’t been watching him too closely.

    That bastard couldn’t escape anyway. He already knew well, without anyone telling him, that it wasn’t for nothing that he had climbed to that position while enduring others’ scrutiny. That he was at least clinging to life by siding with him rather than Kim Seok-cheol.

    “Does he still not know about that 12 billion won going to Sehwa?”

    “No, sir.”

    “Then start letting him know everything. He might shut up for a while if he’s shocked. And before we return to the residence, I’m going to burn this, so make preparations.”

    “By preparations, you mean…”

    “You know, like those drums that were in the warehouse where I first met Sehwa. Stuff it in there and burn it all.”

    “Ah… Yes, understood.”

    Warrant Officer Choi, who had been watching from behind, discreetly handed over two shopping bags. They were gifts for Sehwa.

    This time, it wasn’t a check card, watch, or jewelry. Just two pairs of ordinary shoes. He had chosen them himself after much consideration, without seeking the opinion of shoppers or aides.

    Recently, Sehwa’s heels were never without injury. Despite buying and providing him with famous, expensive, and supposedly good shoes, his tender skin would often get scraped by the new leather, leaving blisters and blood. So Sehwa would go out wearing the old sneakers that had originally been his, regardless of what else he wore.

    Because of this, every time they went shopping together, Ki Tae-jeong had to hold back his laughter. He would be dressed in new clothes from head to toe, but his shoes were clumsy and shabby. He had never shown it, fearing that if he noticed he found him funny, or rather cute, he might try to squeeze his feet into new shoes somehow…

    Anyway, he had heard that this model was especially popular among pregnant person of high status. The material and design were excellent, and above all, it was said to be comfortable even when feet swelled.

    What Ki Tae-jeong liked most was that there were baby shoes of the same design. Seeing those things smaller than a palm, he somehow felt Sehwa would like them.

    Ki Tae-jeong awkwardly grasped the handles of the shopping bags and stepped into the house.

    He didn’t know how much Sehwa knew, what he was thinking now, or how to softly turn around the inevitably cold atmosphere… He couldn’t be sure of anything.

    When mistakes happened, he would propose alternatives and substitute apologies with bringing better results. He thought that was much more rational, and everyone with rank had lived that way. No, that’s how they had to survive within the military.

    However… if Sehwa resented him for this, if he had something he wanted because of it. He was willing to grant anything.

    And he was going to honestly confess that he had tried to get away with lies because he didn’t want to lose him. And that he wanted to take responsibility for both Sehwa and the child, that there wouldn’t be incidents like this in the future… He was planning to make a confession for the first time in his life. Although it might lack finesse since he didn’t know how.


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