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    Jae-chan noticed that the other person was visibly upset. He lifted his upper body slightly and grasped the swollen knuckles of the large hand. He pressed his lips against the firm knuckles, still lingering with a fragrant scent, and kissed them. Even when he raised his head to kiss his cheek, Woo-jin showed little reaction.

    “Are you mad?”

    Jae-chan asked a question from a distance so close that his breath could touch him. Woo-jin stared silently at the wall for a moment and then shook his head.


    “Your wavelengths blowing.”

    Jae-chan pointed out the unsettling movement of the air. Despite the windows being closed, his hair was slightly tousled repeatedly. His forehead itched.

    Woo-jin sighed. He calmed the air that was needlessly fluctuating according to his emotions.


    Meanwhile, Jae-chan’s eyes, still affected by the drug, gradually became sullen. Why wasn’t he doing anything? When they were alone, Woo-jin often reached out his hand as if he couldn’t resist how lovable Jae-chan was. Although he knew it was simply because Woo-jin had an affectionate nature, he still wanted to receive that skinship right now.

    Woo-jin, still looking at Jae-chan with a frozen jet-black gaze as his emotions were unsettled, inevitably tilted his head. When he pressed his lips against Jae-chan’s lips that was cooler than usual, even the anger he had felt in recent months seemed to take a back seat. Sharing a kiss with Jae-chan became the top priority.

    “Mmm… .”

    His body heated up and trembled as their lips met in pleasure.

    Woo-jin thought about the mannequin in the trunk as he kissed him a little more deeply. Unlike the mannequin whose mouth was covered and whose limbs were tied, Seon Jae-chan in his arms was alive. He could hug, touch, and moan freely as he desired.

    When he hugged the lively body tightly, Jae-chan withdrew his arm that had been embracing him. He pulled Woo-jin’s head and whispered as he hugged him.

    “Let’s do it…”

    I want to do it. Huh? Those were the desperate words. At the whispers that seemed to grip and shake his rationality, Woo-jin just gave a cold smile and buried his lips deeply into Jae-chan’s nape. He had no intention of being intimate with someone under the influence.

    When Woo-jin didn’t move any further, Jae-chan tried to take off the suit that he had praised for looking good on him. Woo-jin pushed his hand away as he tried to undo the buckle, causing Jae-chan to whimper. Thinking it would be better to touch him a bit, Woo-jin grabbed his hand and slid it under his shirt. Jae-chan groaned as he played with Woo-jin’s taut pectoral and deltoid muscles with extreme patience. Unable to endure the tiny sound that scratched deep into his mind, Woo-jin also put his hand into Jae-chan’s clothes.

    Take off your clothes and do it. Ah, I want to touch yours too… Jae-chan pleaded relentlessly as his heated, moist flesh with lewd fluids dripping down was teased. Woo-jin continued to stare at the wall while moving his hands. If his patience could be visualized, it would be in tattered shreds.

    He wondered how many times such violent urges had surged through him.

    When all his willpower was nearly depleted, the extremely misbehaving Jae-chan finally fell asleep. Woo-jin was unable to move for a moment, as if he had received a deep stab wound, before lifting Jae-chan’s slumbering body like a limp doll. He headed to the bathroom attached to the private room.

    After bathing the unconscious Jae-chan and changing him into a patient’s gown, Woo-jin cleaned himself up too. That’s when he noticed Jae-chan’s phone incessantly vibrating with notifications.

    [23 Missed Calls]

    Since there was no separate contact from Chae Seong-hwan, Go Woo-jin’s eyebrows rose. Thinking that it might be Seon Eun-soo, he used Jae-chan’s fingerprint to unlock the screen.

    [23 missed calls

    -Gyeong Chang-hyun]

    [Are you dead?]

    [Are you alive??]

    [If you’re alive say something]

    [Hey hey hey hey

    11:56 PM]

    Messages arrived noisily one after another through the messenger app. It seemed Gyeong Chang-hyun had broken free of mind control and was belatedly trying to reach Jae-chan.

    Whatever… Woo-jin wanted to throw the phone away, but he glanced back at Jae-chan. Taking in his peacefully sleeping face, he gritted his teeth and sent a reply, [Yes]. Then in his mind, he smashed Jae-chan’s phone to pieces and turned it off completely.

    He checked his own phone too. There was no contact from Chae Seong-hwan, who was interrogating Seon Eun-soo, and only a number that he had never seen before appeared.


    Since he didn’t normally answer unknown numbers, he ignored the call. If it was important, they would leave a message.

    After turning off even the reddish bathroom light allowing darkness to envelop the room, Woo-jin could vaguely make out the hospital room illuminated by the piercing blue night energy. He lay down beside Jae-chan, holding him close and feeling the faintly transmitted warmth of his guiding energy while observing the tumultuous emotions roiling inside him.

    Why was he so angry?

    Was it simply because Jae-chan jokingly called him a sponsor? Because the person he was responsible for protecting under their contract had recklessly put himself in danger?

    That didn’t seem right. As a sponsor, Woo-jin’s role was to support whatever choices Jae-chan made. That was likely the very reason Jae-chan had wanted a sponsor in the first place.

    Then was it because they were friends before being sponsored? Woo-jin thought about it and concluded that that was not true either. No matter what reckless choices Kim Geun-won or Chae Seong-hwan made, he had never felt like his mind was turning black like this.

    Suddenly, Woo-jin started comparing Jae-chan to the people he categorized as important in his own life.

    Strangely enough, Jae-chan seemed to be more important than his relatives these days. Just looking at him raised Woo-jin’s body temperature, making him want to be as close as possible. Sometimes their eye contact bordered on affectionate. Lost in thought, Woo-jin stared at Jae-chan’s face sleeping peacefully alone beside him.

    Even amid the confusion, he felt that affection again. Despite knowing he had caused chaos in his daily life and was now sleeping cluelessly, he still wanted to keep gazing at him.

    … It’s that phenomenon again. Whenever he looked at Jae-chan, other thoughts faded into the background. Only Jae-chan’s presence filled his mind. Looking back, he realized that, like a drug he had become addicted to, an overwhelming feeling without an antidote was eroding his unconsciousness.


    Therefore, even as his phone screen brightened in silent mode showing an unknown number, he ignored it. Woo-jin simply mulled over the turmoil in his heart while lying face-to-face with the sleeping Jae-chan.


    – It’s you.

    The trembling voice came through the phone.

    – Is it you…?!

    Woo-jin, who had lowered the call volume to the minimum, heard the trembling voice and turned his bored gaze to the dark evening sky.

    As autumn deepened and the early evening grew colder, Go Woo-jin stood outside the noisy pub’s door, holding the phone. He had hesitated to answer the call. It was because the last digits of the phone number he checked on the screen were the same as Jae-chan’s.

    Woo-jin suddenly shifted his gaze and looked inside the pub, where Jae-chan was sitting next to Kim Geun-won. Jae-chan had a beer in front of him and seemed to be passionately ranting about something. However, the faint warmth that had flickered in Woo-jin’s eyes quickly turned emotionless again.

    It was because Seon Eun-soo’s voice penetrated his ears again.

    – Why are you doing this to me?!

    Swallowing the curse, Seon Eun-soo tried to ask politely. That damn civic group kept harassing him nonstop, and his father had ranted for him to study abroad before disgracing the family further. It was definitely Woo-jin’s doing. He recalled the nightmarish events of October.

    While chasing his younger brother, he was suddenly taken by Esper Chae Seong-hwan, an operator of the E-SOF, and beaten by those with abilities. Even though Chae Seong-hwan shamelessly showed his face, Seon Eun-soo couldn’t report him. First, it was because Chae Seong-hwan had discovered him using mental abilities without permission from his superiors. Second, Chae Seong-hwan was a close friend and classmate of J Pharmaceutical’s chairman, Go Young-chang.

    Why was Che Seong-hwan there of all places?

    It was obvious. Go Woo-jin, who was close with his younger brother, must have orchestrated it.

    – What am I supposed to do?

    Seon Eun-soo’s voice shook like a willow branch.

    – I won’t appear in front of you from now on. Even in front of Jae-chan…

    “Why don’t you at least go study abroad?”

    Woo-jin, who had been wasting his time immersed in boredom, suddenly spoke in a curt, mocking tone.

    “I heard Esper Seon Min-yeol is trying to get you naturalized. Or should I say exiled. Since you’re even facing political oppression from civic organizations.”


    Though the soft voice was scornful, Seon Eun-soo couldn’t utter another word. Seon Eun-soo was someone who could wield violence as he pleased in front of ordinary people, but would quickly cower and restrain himself in front of someone who could easily twist his neck.

    Damn, what should I do? What the hell am I supposed to do…?!

    It felt unbearably unfair. He was already in a pitiful state, and he couldn’t imagine sinking any lower. Seon Eun-soo with tears streaming down his face, racked his brain in a way he never had before, and eventually just hung up.


    Knowing he should pay closer attention to those who remain quiet, Woo-jin instructed the person tailing Seon Eun-soo to monitor him extra carefully for the next few days.

    Ignoring the commotion emanating from the pub, Woo-jin skimmed through the call logs from earlier. Amidst the dozens of entries filling up the list daily, he noticed occasional appearances of Seon Min-yeol and Gyeong Hye-in’s numbers. Then Woo-jin noticed an unfamiliar number among them.


    A completely unknown number with no accompanying information. It was the one that had called him in the hospital room.

    He had his suspicions about where it was from. Curling the corner of his lip into a smile, Woo-jin entered the pub where the bustling noise mixed with the sound of music rang out.

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