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    […The controversy surrounding the so-called ‘misdeeds of the wealthy superpower ability users’ continues to simmer as testimonies from victims continue to emerge.]

    The news was playing on a large TV on one side of the store. Soon, the initials “A” and “B” followed, and there was no one in this pub who would not know who those people were. The owner quickly changed the channel, perhaps mindful of the Center-affiliated guests.

    Woo-jin returned to his seat next to Kim Geun-won and Seon Jae-chan at the bar and recalled the events of the past 15 days.

    As a result, Gyeong Chang-hyun had become somewhat free. Whatever deal Jae-chan had made that day, it was thanks to Gyeong Hye-in’s intervention. Of course, she hadn’t directly intervened by providing witness testimony. Instead, Gyeong Hye-in simply handed over a hefty sum to the victim. Thus, with the victim expressing no intention to press charges, the incident effectively disappeared.

    But that didn’t mean the problem was neatly resolved.

    ‘Live your life properly.’

    The victim who still believed Gyeong Chang-hyun had drugged her, came to the Center and threw rotten eggs.

    Although Gyeong Chang-hyun did not take sick leave and stay at home like before, he looked dazed and seemed to live like a ghost for several days. It was because the incident that didn’t involve Seon Jae-chan was brought up again, leading to the emergence of news like that.

    “So I submitted my resignation right away. I want to focus on my creative activities.”

    “A resignation letter? Is the number of subscribers that high already?”

    Woo-jin observed Jae-chan eagerly adding embellishments to Kim Geun-won’s words. Perhaps that brat, including his brother, was determined to bring down the group led by Jeong Yeon-oh in court.

    “Yeah, it’s 320,000, 320,000!”

    Suddenly, Kim Geun-won displayed a photo on his laptop in front of them. It was a photo of him receiving a silver badge from a video platform.

    “Wow, when did the badge become so loose?”

    “This rascal.”

    “It’s because I’m jealous, hyung-nim.”

    Seon Jae-chan raised his voice as if he was admiring it. He needed to cater to Kim Geun-won’s taste. After all, this gathering was originally created by Jae-chan request Woo-jin to eliminate the trio.

    It was for the sake of public opinion warfare.

    Of course, the United Freedom Alliance was working faithfully. The recent news broadcast was also a result of his efforts. Seon Jae-chan’s substantial donation was made possible by setting aside a portion of the 20 billion won.

    However, without a target, media attention quickly fades.

    Also, the political figures who secretly supported the Freedom Alliance may not have been interested in the affairs of idiots like Jeong Yeon-oh, even if they were concerned about Seon Eun-soo’s affairs. Their aim was legislation related to psychic abilities Espers.

    Directly confronting the major media outlets was considered a last resort.

    ‘For now, let’s inflate the coverage through the video platform.’

    Jae-chan wanted to stimulate the media indirectly. Woo-jin willingly participated in such a plan by arranging a full-scale meeting with Kim Geun-won. Kim Geun-won, who submitted his resignation letter a month ago, was on a roll these days as a video creator.

    “Yeah, envy me all you want.”

    Returning to the present, Kim Geun-won, who had suddenly gained 300,000 subscribers, boasted proudly.

    “People should live doing what they want. Of course, it’s partly thanks to the generous sponsor.”

    Jae-chan hesitated at the word ‘sponsor’. He wondered if Kim Geun-won knew about his relationship with Woo-jin.

    “Anyway, make sure you follow professional ethics.”

    ‘Professional ethics. Is he referring to Go Woo-jin?’

    “I’m doing fine.”

    Jae-chan shrugged, murmuring as he glanced briefly at Woo-jin, who was quietly back at his seat, tilting his glass. Kim Geun-won gulped down the cold beer and pressed the back of his hand to his moist lips.

    “I just want you to do well in the future, you punk. I’m not going to be hired as a freelance guide!”

    Kim Geun-won told him to continue guiding Go Woo-jin as usual.

    After the incident last summer, Kim Geun-won, who had suffered from prolonged trauma and stress, had been considering quitting his guiding job, thinking it wasn’t right for him.

    The only thing that bothered him was Go Woo-jin’s guiding.

    But after watching for a long time, it seemed like Seon Jae-chan had come to his senses. He still had some trust. Later, he heard the secretive news that an apprentice Guide with a matching rate of over 80% with Go Woo-jin had appeared.

    ‘It’s probably a junior, I guess.’

    Kim Geun-won glanced at Seon Jae-chan, who was fiddling with his laptop. Despite carefully listening to rumors for months, there was no sign of him pressuring apprentice Guide Nam Hae-sol. So, Kim Geun-won had been preparing to resign for three months now, thinking that if things went wrong, he could always work as Woo-jin’s freelance Guide.

    “Make sure to convey this well to the kids.”

    Kim Geun-won said as he sent the spreadsheet that Jae-chan had organized to his email. Since Kim Geun-won was not comfortable broadcasting this content himself, he planned to distribute it to reputable current affairs creators instead. Jae-chan agreed, as the more rumors he could generate, the better.

    “But are you sure it’s okay? Your name might get dragged into this.”

    Three of the four people with special abilities involved in this incident are Guides. Until last year, Seon Jae-chan was the epitome of an unsightly Guide at the Center. Moreover, isn’t the only Esper involved is Seon Jae-chan’s older brother?

    “There might be some unexpected consequences.”

    “It’s okay.”

    Jae-chan replied casually, and Kim Geun-won let it go.

    The only one who furrowed his brows was Go Woo-jin, who silently drank his glass.

    “Oh, I got a call.”

    At that time, Kim Geun-won checked his cell phone. When he saw the name on the screen, he was so excited that Jae-chan asked, “Who is it?” to which Kim Geun-won replied, “A sponsor.”

    He seems really pleased. Maybe it was because of this generous sponsor that he could confidently quit the Center.

    ‘Well, a decent sponsor is the best.’

    Smiling, Jae-chan watched as Geun-won hurriedly answered the call and left the pub. Suddenly, he realized that now he was also left alone with his sponsor.


    Jae-chan rolled his eyes awkwardly as he put the laptop he no longer needed to use in his bag.

    They had been getting along somewhat awkwardly for a while now.

    It started after the day he was brought to the hospital after taking TZ. The only thing that came to mind was Woo-jin’s cold smile while avoiding my gaze. Just like before.

    Seon Jae-chan couldn’t remember exactly, but he was sure he did something terrible that day. And since then, Woo-jin has become strangely withdrawn from him.

    Unlike before when they used to run to hotels whenever they could, it’s been quite a while since they had a sleepless night. The intense gaze that used to stick to his face when they were alone, the closeness that was so palpable, and the playful touches—all of it seemed to have vanished as if washed away.

    …Perhaps he simply didn’t want to engage in physical contact with him anymore.

    ‘Looks like he’s in a bad mood again.’

    Jae-chan swallowed a difficult sigh as he glanced at Woo-jin’s long, cold eyes. From his perspective, it seemed like everything was fine until Kim Geun-won was there, but when it was just the two of them left, his expression hardened.

    The thoughts Jae-chan had been having for a few days ago have intensified.

    ‘Maybe he really dislikes me.’

    However, it was Woo-jin who consistently contacted him first and willingly created this situation. Woo-jin wouldn’t do that to someone he didn’t like.

    No, that’s not it. If anything, responsible Woo-jin could definitely act that way.


    Jae-chan resolved to quickly reassess their relationship if more evidence accumulated suggesting that Woo-jin was avoiding him.

    Perhaps the crack came sooner than expected. While a corner of his heart felt heavy, he tried not to worry about things that weren’t certain yet.


    Instead, he handed Woo-jin the item he had been waiting for the right moment to give him. It was in a shopping bag, tucked away in the seat next to him. Woo-jin finally looked up.

    “… What?”


    Jaechan answered. It was something he had bought yesterday afternoon while out on field support. Song Se-in, who had gone with him, had caused a commotion saying there was a famous bakery nearby. The reason they had stood in line together was because he suddenly wanted to buy it for the people he wanted to give it to.

    Seeing the good and pretty things reminded him of Woo-jin and his aunt. After listening to the employee’s explanation, he bought cookies made with rice flour for Woo-jin and the shop’s signature cookies for his aunt.

    “Isn’t it yours?”

    Woo-jin asked with a slightly surprised expression. Although he didn’t seem to eat much, Jae-chan had always been snacking. So when he came back with a shopping bag that clearly looked like it came from a bakery, Woo-jin naturally assumed it was for Jae-chan himself.

    “No, it’s yours.”

    It’s made from rice, not flour. Jae-chan explained with a cheerful voice as he pushed the shopping bag toward him. He had chosen it with Woo-jin’s health in mind, subtly taking care of him.

    “I got it for you, hoping you’ll take better care of me in the future.”

    Adding the excuse he had prepared in advance, Woo-jin accepted it readily.

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