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    Suddenly, Woo-jin also recalled the image of the junior wearing the dress Jae-chan had gifted. Her appearance, different with her hair cut short, and the pale, watery dress that seemed tailored for her, flowing down her body.

    As that image flickered before his eyes once again, Woo-jin slightly furrowed his brow.

    In any case, if Jae-chan hadn’t left for District 5, Woo-jin wouldn’t have been able to bear the anxiety throughout the duration of his newly assigned mission. He wouldn’t have been able to endure Jae-chan spending much more time with that junior than with him.

    At least with Jae-chan heading to District 5 without hesitation, everything became the kind of thing that could be treated as if it never happened. It was fortunate.

    “But what brings you here? Did you really come because you missed me?”

    Jae-chan, having finally come to his senses, belatedly checked the reason for the visit. Woo-jin also shifted the direction of his thoughts.

    He immediately took out his phone from his pocket and showed Jae-chan several photos. In the darkness where only dim fluorescent light from the corridor filtered through the frosted glass, the light leaking from the phone cast a bluish glow on Jae-chan’s delicate facial features.

    “What do you think?”

    Suppressing the urge to hug him again and press his lips against his, Woo-jin asked. Jae-chan examined the awkward appearance of someone who had recently undergone surgery on the screen and spoke.

    “Is it Seon Eun-soo?”

    Woo-jin nodded in affirmation.

    At first, he had no intention of sharing news about Seon Eun-soo. He didn’t want to expose Jae-chan to a criminal when he should be showing him only good things.

    However, recently, while receiving reports from the mercenaries he had planted in the American Union every other day as usual, he felt something off. His intuition gnawed at him every time he saw Eun-soo’s photos. Although his employees asserted that there was nothing unusual about the target, Woo-jin couldn’t shake the awkward feeling he got from the expressions, postures, and gait.

    After much deliberation, he decided to talk to Jae-chan directly.

    “Everything seems normal – his discharge after surgery, his movement patterns. But I feel like the person in these photos isn’t Seon Eun-soo. What do you think? Do you believe this is really your brother?”

    “…Now that you mention it, it does seem strange.”

    Jae-chan, who had been carefully examining Seon Eun-soo while flipping through dozens of photos, paused. He had just discovered something even more unnatural than Seon Eun-soo by his standards.

    ‘Isn’t this near Rust House?’

    He carefully examined the background behind Seon Eun-soo and the surrounding landmarks. The reddish brick buildings that seemed to have rust dissolved all over the neighborhood and the distinctive ground finish were immediately recognizable.

    Rust House. The hideout where Seon Eun-soo had fled and stayed when the Union was nearly overthrown by Black Swan just before the regression.

    At that time, he thought it was a place hastily chosen despite its weak security and sanitation because evading Black Swan was the priority. But to think he would reside here even now when he could choose a much better neighborhood.

    “What’s wrong?”

    Noticing Jae-chan lost in thought, Woo-jin asked.

    “The place my brother chose is unexpected. I thought he’d be in a place like District R, full of gambling and entertainment.”

    “…I’ve confined him there.”


    “I’m managing it so he can’t leave that city.”

    Woo-jin, who had been silent for a moment, explained.

    While he had previously glossed over this, he felt he needed to answer clearly now that Jae-chan had expressed doubts, so he responded honestly.

    Jae-chan’s lips parted slightly at the statement that Woo-jin was completely controlling Seon Eun-soo’s movements.


    To think that the place he had thought was Seon Eun-soo’s refuge in the past was the same neighborhood Woo-jin had now designated as Seon Eun-soo’s prison. Could it be a coincidence?

    ‘…It must be a coincidence.’

    If it wasn’t a coincidence, it would mean that Woo-jin had been controlling Seon Eun-soo even before the regression, but there was no reason for that.

    Even if that were the case, he himself couldn’t have been the reason. Since Seon Eun-soo was such an unpleasant character, Go Woo-jin must have had other reasons to isolate him.

    “Do you dislike it?”

    Perhaps because the silence had stretched on, Woo-jin asked with his lips slightly tightened.

    “Dislike it? I absolutely love it.”

    Jae-chan joked, saying that Seon Eun-soo should be allowed to return to the country when it’s time for his trial. Woo-jin nodded and added:

    “That’s why I’m planning to come to District 5 after this mission is over.”

    “How can you come here?”

    Jae-chan wasn’t sure how long Chairman Go Young-chang would tolerate Woo-jin working in District 5. As Jae-chan playfully elbowed his side, Woo-jin just smiled without answering.

    The standby time must have passed, as the screen showing Seon Eun-soo’s image turned off. Once again, only the dim light filtering through the frosted glass remained, and the two met eyes in the unnaturally quiet air.

    Before they knew it, the atmosphere had become… like that.

    An atmosphere where it was natural for Woo-jin to lower his head and for Jae-chan to open his lips and accept him.

    Feeling uncomfortable, Woo-jin took off his hat. His hair flowed down, brushing his forehead as their lips overlapped. Their soft saliva and flesh began to intertwine densely. Feeling the warmth spreading from deep in his belly, Jae-chan suddenly had an odd thought.

    Come to think of it, they had never done it outside before. So far, they had only kissed at most. Anything beyond that had always been done in hotels or at Woo-jin’s house.

    Though he had never explicitly prohibited physical affection outside, it had just happened that way. Considering how much Woo-jin enjoyed physical contact, wasn’t it a dereliction of duty as a a lover? Jae-chan thought about providing some service. His hands, more proactive than most, immediately began unbuttoning his own shirt.

    “Want to do it?”

    Jae-chan lightly kissed Woo-jin’s lips and asked. 

    As Jae-chan opened his shirt to reveal his chest, Woo-jin’s black eyes seemed to dart and fixate in one spot. When Jae-chan laughed, Woo-jin could no longer resist and pulled him closer.

    Lowering his head as if burying his face, he bit the skin around Jae-chan’s nipple. As he sucked hard and bit, while his other hand caressed the small flesh on the other side, Jae-chan’s waist trembled.

    Was it because it had been a while? The stimulation felt intensely direct. Just as Jae-chan was biting his lips to keep his voice from escaping, Woo-jin pulled away. Then, after firmly kissing each of the now-swollen nipples once, he raised his head to press his lips against Jae-chan’s as if stamping themā€”


    He rebuttoned the open shirt collar. Jae-chan’s bewildered eyes wavered, not understanding what was happening.

    Could it be that Woo-jin didn’t like the blatant seduction?

    The unusually quick end to their intimate moment was perplexing, but Woo-jin’s inexplicable behavior didn’t stop there. He took off his coat and scarf, wrapping them around Seon Jae-chan.

    Then, with lightning speed, Woo-jin began to leave the guiding room. As Seon Jae-chan walked, hiding his still-excited expression within the scarf Woo-jin had wrapped around him, he closely observed Woo-jin’s hurried pace and the bright red tips of his ears. Looking at that, it didn’t seem like the temptation had been insignificant.

    In the blink of an eye, they arrived at the parking lot. As the convertible’s door opened automatically and Jae-chan was quickly seated in the passenger seat, he thought they might be going to a hotel after a long time.

    ‘…This is strange.’

    But this time, his prediction seemed wrong. Somehow, the route Woo-jin was driving looked familiar.

    To his surprise, they arrived at his aunt’s apartment complex. Jae-chan momentarily wondered if he would end up bringing a ticking time bomb into the house.

    However, the destination changed once more. They ended up at the building next to his aunt’s.

    What’s going on?

    There was no time to question it. Urged on by Woo-jin’s constant hurrying, they rushed to the 22nd floor. Before Jae-chan could properly take in the impeccably decorated interior that looked like a model home, Woo-jin pounced on him. Contradicting how carefully he had wrapped him earlier, Woo-jin now stripped off the coat, shirt, and every last piece of clothing from Jae-chan’s body.

    No longer able to contain himself, Woo-jin, without undressing, urgently pressed his weight against Jae-chan.

    He caressed every inch of Jae-chan’s skin, as if trying to leave his mark. He buried his nose in Jae-chan’s skin, savoring it. The warm, soft skin that had been nestled in the clothes he had wrapped around Jae-chan clung to his palms and lips as if it might melt.

    In truth, even this place wasn’t satisfactory for him. He wanted to take Sun Jae-chan to his own home in District 1 right away. He longed to hide this guy in the deepest part of a space filled with his scent.

    As much as he had restrained himself, Woo-jin kissed Jae-chan greedily and took out his erect d1ck. He moved carefully to avoid injuring Jae-chan’s delicate skin. He wrapped his large hand around both their fully erect and slick d1cks. Soon, wet, sticky sounds began to echo.

    The two, who had been consumed by excitement since the center, didn’t take long to reach their climax. After the urgent and chaotic release, Jae-chan, who had been clinging to Woo-jinā€™s neck with his face buried in Woo-jinā€™s heated neck, suddenly pulled away.

    A brief struggle ensued between them.

    “Wait, let go. – Ah! Ah, stop… Let’s wash up, let’s wash up first…!”

    Jae-chan cried out urgently, trying to avoid Woo-jin who was biting the mole on his cheek. While Woo-jin wanted immediate penetration, Jae-chan strongly insisted they needed to clean up before going further.

    Just as Woo-jin was about to back down due to Jae-chan’s firmness, Jae-chan grabbed his wrist.

    “…Let’s shower together.”

    ā€œAfter we wash, you can do as you please.ā€ Jae-chan whispered with a face as red as an apple, looking like he might burst into flames.

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