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    “Team leader, thank you for coming.”

    In the end, Seon Jae-chan, who felt a lot of regret for the two men, decided to lighten the mood. He hoped Han Tae-hoon would turn his attention away from Woo-jin and toward him.

    After a while, Han Tae-hoon willingly approached the bedside.

    “I’m the one who should be thankful. You rescued my nephew.”

    It was a euphemism for Han Tae-hoon’s favor towards Han Roy. Jae-chan recalled the subtle relationship between Han Ji-hoon, Han Roy’s father, and Han Tae-hoon in the past. He thought that Han Tae-hoon might not be particularly concerned about his nephew’s safety.

    Then, what was the reason for him to come here in person?

    Jae-chan pushed aside the laptop that had been on his lap until then. Han Tae-hoon continued to stand without sitting in the guest chair and kept talking.

    “Even though it was a very reckless attempt.”


    “You’ll be dismissed from Guide Team 2.”

    What kind of nonsense was that?

    Jae-chan was confused before being surprised but he waited for Han Tae-hoon’s following statements. He expected him to explain the reason. It was because he thought there would be a reason behind it. Despite his steady composure, Han Tae-hoon smiled weakly with his firm lips.

    “Instead, you’ll be assigned to Guide Team 1.”

    The flow, as if testing the opponent, made Jae-chan feel uneasy.

    Han Tae-hoon seemed to have conveyed his true feelings even without saying a word and continued to explain softly as if trying to appease him.

    “You’ll also receive a medal. Your actions have been featured in headlines lately. Even the citizens who were involved in the hostage situation are expressing gratitude to you. The Center also plans to recognize your contributions and award you a medal.”

    Han Tae-hoon handed a piece of paper from his briefcase. It was a printed official document.

    ‘A medal commendation.’

    Jae-chan finally understood why his father had come and pretended to be friendly.

    Jae-chan looked at the document carefully. Now that he looked closely, the recipient was also listed as ‘Guide Team 1.’ Perhaps it was because his transfer to Team 1 was planned. Now he understood why the apprentices had murmured, ‘Sunbae, are you really leaving us?’ However, at this time before the regression, he didn’t really want to go to Guide Team 1.

    “This also means that I will accept the offer you made six months ago. I will support you no matter what you plan to do.”

    It was then that Seon Jae-chan’s head jerked up at the mention of the proposal. These were words he had been hoping for for slightly less than a year. It was a declaration that Han Tae-hoon would be a strong supporter in his future actions.

    …Yet, why wasn’t he purely happy about it?

    “Thank you, team leader.”

    Seon Jae-chan reflexively returned the greeting but cast a glance over Han Tae-hoon’s shoulder. He immediately made eye contact with Go Woo-jin, who had been looking straight at them.

    Just like when they encountered each other at the hotel with Han Tae-hoon, once again, a heavy feeling pressed on him.

    “The compensation I’ll receive will also be as you wished.”

    Han Tae-hoon continued in a nonchalant tone amid the tense atmosphere. Seon Jae-chan couldn’t follow the flow of the conversation for a moment.


    “It’s ‘pleasure.'”

    A deep voice returned the answer.

    Han Tae-hoon had a mild sense of revenge on Go Woo-jin for criticizing about Chae Seong-hwan. The young guide was giving him a troubled look on his face, but since he had no regrets, he said whatever he wanted.

    “Just like that day in the hotel room.”

    A rough yet thick hand that did not match his clean-cut appearance tapped Seon Jae-chan’s shoulder. The lingering scent of metallic cologne wafted around before disappearing.


    Seon Jae-chan’s stomach twisted. Though it was a moment, the feeling of being exposed to Woo-jin when going up to the hotel room with Han Tae-hoon covered him like a veil.

    “Thank you for your words, Team Leader.”

    He forced a voice that sounded happy.

    “But could you give me some time to think about the team transfer and the proposal? I want to consider it carefully since you’ve given me such a generous opportunity.”

    Han Tae-hoon smiled at his junior’s request. It was evident why he had such a reaction. It was probably a response conscious of Woo-jin, who was behind him.

    Han Tae-hoon picked up his briefcase without giving a reply. He didn’t feel the need to consider Seon Jae-chan’s circumstances. He thought it would be better to tame him in advance since he would be working together under him.

    He recalled a part of what happened last winter. He threw a question while taking a step forward as if he had just remembered.

    “Ah. Did you find out Esper Go Woo-jin’s weakness?”

    Han Tae-hoon continued to smile even though Seon Jae-chan didn’t show much of a reaction. It was a victorious smile. He turned away because he didn’t expect an answer in the first place. It was just before he left the hospital room.


    The unexpected answer stopped his well-polished shoes.

    “It’s me. Esper Goo Woo-jin’s weakness.”

    A shameless tone. Han Tae-hoon just turned his head. It was clear that the guide was ten years younger than Han Tae-hoon himself, but he was met with a shameless look as if he had been through a mountain of trouble.

    Han Tae-hoon understood Seon Jae-chan’s intention. If someone had to be targeted, it should be him, not Goo Woo-jin.

    … Perhaps he doesn’t even consider the possibility of being a weakness himself.

    “I didn’t know you’d already figured it out. I made the right decision to accept your capable proposal.”

    Just like that, Han Tae-hoon left the hospital room. The door closed with a quiet sound.


    Once again, a different atmosphere than before flowed through the hospital room where only Jae-chan and Woo-jin remained.

    Jae-chan couldn’t bring himself to look at Woo-jin. In the quiet 1-person room, the only sound breaking the stillness was the distant noise from the 8-lane road outside. Even that seemed to fade into a suffocating stillness.

    Only the faint sound of the air conditioner sprinkled the air. Amidst this, Woo-jin spoke first.

    “A proposal?”

    Seon Jae-chan’s fingertips, which had been pulling the laptop as if nothing had happened, stopped at that voice. He cleared his throat slightly before speaking in a calm voice.

    “I’m trying to ride Han Tae-hoon’s line.”

    Jae-chan said, trying to focus on the laptop screen. The decryption was completed, and the converted text appeared on the screen. ‘Lat. 32°48’60”, Long. 69°53’20″‘. It seemed to indicate a location, but it didn’t register well.

    Jae-chan anxiously squeezed and released his restless fingertips. Opening a world map site, he spoke.

    “Team leader Han Tae-hoon decided to sponsor me.”


    “Once I entered the Center and became a Guide, I found there were many things I wanted to try. There are a lot of things I want to buy. You heard it. I lost my dad’s card.”

    He said it lightly. Hoping to look immature.

    It felt a bit bitter to disappoint the one who had stayed by his side while he was unconscious, but what could he do?

    It should have been like this from the beginning. He liked how Woo-jin reacted differently to his new self, so he attempted to display only the better side of himself, but it was all his selfish choice. That may have made Nam Hae-sol and Go Woo-jin further apart.

    Jae-chan remembered the two people who were sharing whispers a few hours ago. During the brief moment when he was unconscious, they seemed to have built up their relationship. How did he feel watching them, struggling to find their place now?

    He felt bitter. Unpleasant and sad.

    Jae-chan admitted his twisted emotions. Now, it’s better to use the opportunity Han Tae-hoon gave him to bring things back to normal. He mechanically uttered:

    “I want to earn a lot of money and do whatever I want.”

    Meanwhile, Go Woo-jin was momentarily speechless.

     He managed to open his mouth after pushing away conflicting thoughts in his mind. The voice was cracking.

    “So. You’re saying you willing to sleep with the Team Leader?”

    “You know. I’ll do whatever it takes to succeed.”

    Jae-chan replied straight away. It was a tone that seemed indifferent. Woo-jin, I will do anything for you. He silently murmured his concealed sincerity.

    He had no idea that a lightning bolt would fall on his head.

    “Then do it with me.”

    Go Woo-jin said that out loud.

    It felt like lightning struck Seon Jae-chan’s head. He momentarily forgot about Han Tae-hoon, the black mark, the decryption results, and everything else. His finger, which had been inputting coordinates on the world map, froze. What did he just hear?

    If someone passing by had heard the enthusiastic tone, they could have thought it was a love confession. Goo Woo-jin emphasized once again with the same intense tone.

    “Do it with me. I’ll do everything you mentioned.”

    Jae-chan struggled to gather his thoughts with a bewildered head.

    Perhaps Goo Woo-jin… wasn’t saying that he wanted to do it with him. Jae-chan barely managed to reconstruct the entered information and interpreted Woo-jin’s statement.

    It seemed like he was offering support, whether financially or otherwise. He would become his collaborator, supporting him in whatever he needed.

    “Why are you offering?”

    “Because we are friends. Because you are my pair Guide.”

    Go Woo-jin responded to Seon Jae-chan, who looked clearly baffled.

    In fact, from Woo-jin’s perspective, it had been a thought that had crossed his mind for quite some time. After hearing about the existence of a location tracker from Guide Nam Hae-sol and wiping away suspicions with Gyeong Chang-hyun, he had been contemplating such a resolute decision throughout their boat journey.

    It was obvious why Seon Jae-chan chose Gyeong Chang-hyun, a scrawny man with nothing more than the title of the president’s nephew. He wanted to reach out to Han Tae-hoon, not Gyeong Chang-hyun himself.

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