• Story

      Tesoro Of The Guide

      Tesoro Of The Guide Cover
      by Canaan Baek Sijin, who was appointed as a Diagnostic Examiner at the F12 Center where Esper Ham Geonwu — the savior of his life — was located, eagerly headed to work. However, little did he expect that an unexpected wall awaited him there.
      Guideverse • KR • Mature • Modern • Yaoi
    • Chapter

      DP Episode 1

      DP Episode 1 Cover
      by Brie Chapter 1. Agnes Deep Pivot Episode 1 There weren't many good days in Cha Yeon-woo's life. Even if one were to search hard for them, one finger would be enough to count them. Since miraculously surviving with his younger sibling in a collapsed orphanage at the age of thirteen, there really hadn't been any good days. "Cha Yeon-woo, am I right?" A man dressed in a white gown approached with a friendly smile. Just from his attire, it was impossible to tell whether he was a researcher or a…
      Guideverse • KR • Mature • Yaoi
    • Story

      Deep Pivot

      Deep Pivot Cover
      by Brie Seo-joon couldn’t help but feel itchy in his chest at the innocent and dedicated appearance of the rookie guide…
      Guideverse • KR • Mature • Modern • Yaoi

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