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    Loves Error

    Sehwa shuddered at the bottomless pit of the vulgar demands. If  Ki Tae-jeong had told him to loosen the hole, Sehwa would have done so. Sit on his face… What did he want me to do?​

    “If you don’t like it, just say no.”

    Ki Tae-jeong stood up after finishing all of his parts. His movements were laidback, like a predator satisfied with his prey.

    “But remember this. You proposed this bet, and if I win, it doesn’t end with you getting fucked by me.”

    Yesterday’s offer to give anything in exchange for sex had now plummeted to a point where Ki Tae-jeong seemed to relish the idea of devouring Sehwa. The clumsy bet seemed to have ignited Ki Tae-jeong’s desires.

    “You’re going to get fucked until you’re pregnant. Got it?”​

    Sehwa has figured out all of Ki Tae-jeong’s characteristics anyway. But why did he keep saying things that made people flustered? It would have been threatening enough to declare that he would play with him until he got tired. Ki Tae-jeong was someone who could actually do that. But he seemed to enjoy talking about things like pregnancy, making it impossible to figure out if he really wanted to sleep with him. Or was he just teasing, planning to toy with me before eventually devouring him…?

    Sehwa was overcome with exhaustion. The members of the House were right. Things might have worked out halfway if he had just stayed still, but he was the type of person who went all the way to the goal. He was a bastard who thought that was determination and integrity… That was him. ​​

    “Then why did you act recklessly? While trembling like that.”​

    Ki Tae-jeong patted Sehwa’s cheek with his backhand. Why did he act so recklessly? But if he hadn’t done anything, he would have been torn to pieces. How should he have lived then? He would sink deeper if he struggled to do something, and if he remained still, his spirit would be broken. What should he have done differently to live a more peaceful life? The boss, Maejo, and Moran all lived outside of the Castle and still managed to thrive. Why was unhappiness only bestowed upon him? Why?

    “The House has really pretty… and skilled girls. If you prefer men… well, there are congenitally male options too…”

    Sehwa spoke in resignation.

    Yeah. Let’s do anything. Ki Tae-jeong already said he wouldn’t go all the way. He said he was only going to suck it. Since he seemed to like gripping things tightly in his hand, he would probably keep the words he had spoken with his mouth. Above all, it wasn’t as if he hadn’t tried this before. Sehwa decided to look for the good points. Compared to the customer who first violated him, Ki Tae-jeong paled in comparison. If he hadn’t encountered such a situation at the House, he might have blushed and said that he liked him first. So, today, he decided to submit to him quietly and think of another way, but…

    “So what? You want to buy me another male prostitute instead of you and fuck him?”

    Sehwa couldn’t understand this part. Why is Ki Tae-jeong so obsessed with his body? Looking back on what Ki Tae-jeong had said, he seemed to want sex with him more than getting any hint about the drug. He was so passionate about the Lieteunant Kim incident that he even infiltrated the House beyond the castle.

    “It’s not that… I can’t do better than people who are naturally good at it. I’ll just be mediocre… and yet….”

    “And yet?”

    Besides, this place was full of male prostitutes who could actually get pregnant, meaning they were born with the ability to carry a child while still being a man. He probably knew that, so why…

    “Is there… Is there a reason why you keep insisting on wanting to do it with me?”​

    “Oh… is that all you’re curious about? Nothing else?” ​

    Ki Tae-jeong, who had been patiently waiting for Sehwa to finish his sentence, asked slyly.

    “Yes? I’m…, Uh, uck…!”​

    It happened in an instant. Sehwa’s body bent forward as the patch around his neck tightened like a leash. The quite sturdy patch, which hadn’t softened even when struck by a water stream, became tattered with just one from Ki Tae-jeong. ​


    His body flew away like a sheet of paper with the refreshing call. Sehwa was thrown on the bed and coughed lightly. Ki Tae-jeong turned over Sehwa’s body without giving him a chance to catch his breath. The large hand spread his knees and lifted his buttocks with ease. The gown he was wearing slipped down his back. Startled, Sehwa continued coughing, and all that could be seen were cheap cloth scraps, while the waterbed shook like the waves of a lake… He was completely out of his mind.

    “Do you know why a prostitute is called a slut?”

    Sehwa was bare skin was exposed because he was not wearing underwear. Sehwa twisted his body slowly, realizing belatedly where Ki Tae-jeong’s gaze might be fixed.

    “Here, you know. It really stands out when you only look at the back hole.”

    As if to stop Sehwa from moving, Ki Tae-jeong spread his buttocks wide open. It was a posture where everything was exposed, with not a single wrinkle in the rear hole. Did he really intend to do it like this? Just turning him over and treating his hole like a suction cup? If that’s the case, it didn’t have to be him, right…? Sehwa felt confused and embarrassed, so he hunched his body slightly. No, he tried to, but because Ki Tae-jeong slapped his ass hard, he was stuck in an awkward position.

    “I’ve gotten to know quite a few spies who sneak into the army under the guise of selling their bodies.”

    “Ah, ugh…!”​

    “I’ve noticed that real prostitute has a lot of scratches around the hole, or the bruise doesn’t go away, or there are handprints left…Or maybe they naturally trying to be cute while tightening and opening his hole. It’s because they’re more focused on how to shake their buttocks to appear appealing to others than on what they themselves feel, that’s why their movements are different.”​

    Sehwa clenched the gown in his hand tightly. His whole body was straining so much that his hips trembled like a frightened rabbit.​

    “Even a high-class prostitute who chooses customers at will is no exception. That’s why they call a prostitute a slut. No matter how thoroughly you clean it, it shows through.”​

    It was a topic he had never been interested in. After all, Sehwa was not a professional who sold his body. His heart sank as he listened to Ki Tae-jeong’s words. Until now, he had shared a bed with more than ten customers. He’d experienced the rough treatment that left scratches and bruises. A body that hadn’t been cherished and loved by a partner… could it be so obvious, that he was such a bastard that people could just have their way with him??​

    “I don’t like those kinds of sluts. But pretending to be all prim and proper isn’t appealing either.”

    “Uh, ugh…!”​

    Ki Tae-jeong, who was gently massaging his buttocks, seemed to be quite skilled at sex. It was a caress that was so gentle that it was unimaginable for someone who had beaten Sehwa mercilessly yesterday and crushed an apple just a moment ago.

    “Ah, uh…”​

    A firm hand rubbed the gaping hole between his firm thighs. When the warm body temperature wrapped around the scrotum, which had risen in a circle, the strength of Sehwa’s knees loosened before he knew it. A moan like freshly melted sugar water kept coming out of his lips, and Sehwa stuffed his gown into his mouth. He felt like he needed to hold on to something to stop himself from crying out. He didn’t want to seem like he was enjoying it as if what Ki Tae-jeong had said about him being like a slut was true.

    “You’re doing something useless.”

    Unlike before, when the sounds of anger were heard, Ki Tae-jeong then removed the gown without hesitation. He didn’t say anything, but his touch was ruthless as if he were peeling away a shell.

    “Anyway, this is what I like…”​

    Ki Tae-jeong’s rock-hard thigh gently pressed down on Sehwa’s buttocks. The tender and soft flesh clumped up like whipped cream. Ki Tae-jeong made a moaning sound as if savoring the sensation.

    ​“If I can get something nice to listen to, it has to be you.”

    Ki Tae-jeong slid his hand under the pressed upper body as their bodies overlapped. The hand that had recently been tapping an embarrassing place now grasped Sehwa’s chest firmly.

    “Ah, this… saying… ah…!”

    “There’s a reason why I must cvm in your h0le.”

    The finger with a lot of calluses pressed on the tender nipple through the gap. The small lump of flesh, which had usually gone unnoticed, swelled up instantly.

    “So let’s not talk about buying another slut, babe. I’m very upset.”​

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