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    Loves Error

    “Uh… .”​

    Sehwa’s cheeks were already moist from crying. He kept avoiding his own reflection on the screen as if he couldn’t bear to see it.

    ​There were different types of beauty. There were beauties you wanted to worship and admire, and beauties you wanted to torture, make cry, and suffer. Unfortunately, Lee Sehwa was the latter. He was so wonderfully wretched that Ki Tae-jeong wanted to make him cry with humiliation and shame.

    “I just had a thought. If you and I had a baby, it would be really cute.”

    Leaning in close to Sehwa’s flushed cheek, Ki Tae-jeong whispered, and Sehwa shivered as if he found it repulsive.

    “Please, don’t talk about that…”

    “Why? Are you embarrassed?”

    “It’s not that, but…”

    While still lying down, Ki Tae-jeong pushed his fingers back inside Sehwa’s hole. Sehwa gasped and his hips quivered. A thick, honey-like fluid poured from the gaping hole. It seemed that Lieutenant Kim’s drug was stronger than expected. Not only did he make it possible for an ordinary man to impregnate, but he also added scent to the imitation fluid he discharged.

    “Ah, ah… Ah!”​

    When he thrust his fingers deeply, Sehwa’s hips rose sharply. Lee Sehwa shook his head like crazy when Ki Tae-jeong brought his lips to the wet and shiny opening.​

    “You said I can suck your hole earlier.”

    “No, no…, Ah, yes, yes… !”​

    ​Since the beauty he wanted to torment was now in his hands, he should torment him thoroughly. Ki Tae-jeong spread the plump flesh that clung to his fingers and pushed his tongue inside the hole. Lee Sehwa trembled helplessly as his plump perineum was pressed against the high bridge of Ki Tae-jeong’s nose. Ki Tae-jeong scolded himself for not checking the camera’s position earlier. He wanted to see how Sehwa looked and cried while being anally stimulated.

    “Huh…, Hmm, I don’t, I don’t like it…”​

    Every time Ki Tae-jeong’s lips touched the wet hole, it sounded like they were kissing. Ki Tae-jeong was the type of person who didn’t mind who he was with as long as he could relieve himself, and he tended to enjoy any activity that gave him pleasure without hesitation. Still, he had never gotten hard while sucking a guy’s asshole before. Strangely, it seemed to work on Sehwa.

    “It smells really good. The taste isn’t bad either.”

    His bowed back was shaking helplessly as if he didn’t want to hear such comments. It seemed like he had no intention of hiding his sobs anymore.​


    ​“Uh, huh, ugh…”​

    Sehwa’s response was choked sobs and incomprehensible sounds. His crying seemed to have no intention of stopping now.

    “Why are you so embarrassed?”

    ​“Why are you saying that, uh…”​

    “We’re going to have a baby, so what’s the shame in sucking and fucking.”

    “I mean, stop, that talk, please….”

    “Well, come to think of it, if you get pregnant, will milk come out too? Can I suck it all? I don’t want to give the baby.”

    When people are told not to do something, they are usually more eager to do it. Sehwa’s mouth fell open in shock as if he had never heard such an obscene remark in his life. Ki Tae-jeong didn’t say it to convince him. It was a word meant to break him.

    ​“It looks very sweet. Your sweat, the fluid flowing from your hole, everything must be sweet. How wet…”

    Layers of astonishment piled up on Lee Sehwa’s face as Ki Tae-jeong kissed near his cheek and stroked the tip of his glans against his perineum. ​

    ​Ki Tae-jeong thought it was a bit difficult, then stuck out his tongue to lick his dry lips. He had plans to comfortably release himself and then leave. He had postponed revealing the plan to the House boss for now because he found it amusing to watch Sehwa crawl and struggle, and because Sehwa was just so damn beautiful. But he thought he would tell the boss soon. However, Sehwa’s reactions, the desire to torment him, and his stunning beauty kept delaying that decision. He felt like it would be a bit of a waste if he had to kill Lee Sehwa later.

    In this world, whether it’s a male body or a female body, they usually undergo surgery around five or six months after pregnancy. Taking out the child as soon as possible and placing it in the incubation system, which not only perfectly replicates the womb but also optimizes the genetic combination in the best possible environment, was the measure of wealth and pride. The incubator, which could enhance the genetic combination to the highest possible level, was the country’s top export product. Thanks to this product, the military could acquire massive weapons deals worldwide.

    ​This was all Ki Tae-jeong knew about pregnancy. So he had no idea when would be a good time to have a miscarriage. So he had no idea when it would be best to induce a miscarriage. Maybe around three or four months? He needed time to gather the necessary information and prepare for the trial, even if he hurried.

    ​“The higher-ups are going to be very upset if I tell them that I got a child from a mere drug dealer, especially in a 4-Hwan resident.”

    ​Lee Sehwa’s body, which had been immersed in pleasure, suddenly stiffened at Ki Tae-jeong’s offhand remark. Ki Tae-jeong also came to his senses as he realized the impact of his words. Hmm. He had never imagined such a specific scenario before, but the more he thought about it, the more amusing it became.

    ​“So… I haven’t even thought about it that far. I don’t think they’ll ever ask me to marry their own child again, so I kind of want to see how it turns out.”

    Of course, he had only imagined it this far. What mattered most was Sehwa’s pregnancy. The child must be killed, no matter what. Even if it meant putting Sehwa’s life at risk.

    Regardless of Ki Tae-jeong’s intentions, Sehwa would also agree to abort the baby. He knew better than anyone how miserable the life of a child who couldn’t escape the bottom was.

    “Hmm? You’re a little dry, do you want me to suck you some more?”

    “What? No! No, I don’t…, no, just… quickly, just….”

    Lee Sehwa swallowed his words of displeasure and just shook his head, perhaps because he was afraid of being reprimanded. ​

    “What? Did you want to put it in so quickly?”

    As Ki Tae-jeong firmly pressed his erect penis from the buttocks to the perineum, the gaping hole quickly closed up. When he tweaked Sehwa’s nipples to make him relax, a sweet moan escaped his red lips. It was so sexy and sweet that Ki Tae-jeong couldn’t hold back any longer and moved his waist a lot.​

    The hard glans suddenly dug into the hole without warning. He had inserted four fingers a little while ago, and his body had turned into a fertile body, so even when the fluids were flowing abundantly, it still felt tight down there.

    “…, Ah, uh, ah…!”​

    ​Lee Sehwa arched his back and moaned. He couldn’t even breathe properly at first and had frozen in place, but when Ki Tae-jeong slowly raised his waist to try to enter little by little, Sehwa began to move his hips. Drops of sweat hung from his untrimmed, slightly long hair and were scattered in all directions. Under the cheap fluorescent lights, his wet skin was glistening temptingly.​

    “Why the fuck are you so lewd, huh?”

    Ki Tae-jeong locked his gaze on Lee Sehwa’s face, who couldn’t keep his mouth shut, and tears streaming down his face on the turned-off TV screen as if he was about to kill him. That was the only way he could fully embody Sehwa in his current state.

    ​Lee Sehwa raised his head with difficulty as he felt the fierce gaze staring at him. He was initially shocked to see himself in such a state, then startled by Ki Tae-jeong’s intense gaze, and then… he quickly begged, his head drooping as if he had given up everything.

    ​“Director…, please, this is not… no…, ah…!”​

    Ki Tae-jeong had clearly been told not to call him “Director,” but he continued to do so. He thought about reprimanding him but decided against it. Well, how else would he address him if not as Director? If Sehwa were to call him “Brigadier General” or something like that… the thought of someone who looked like this being one of his subordinates…

    ​“Ah, ah!”​

    ​“When I first saw you, I saw you lightly walking over a puddle of water… Even back then, I thought I wanted to fuck you like this.”

    As he pushed the thickest part in, Lee Sehwa let out a moan that was close to a scream. Worried that something might have torn, Ki Tae-jeong checked, but there was no sign of bleeding. Well, even if there were a problem, they would have to continue their relationship until the pregnancy was confirmed. He didn’t want to witness the sight of blood. He had seen enough of that on the battlefield.

    “…You’re quite pretty.”

    Sehwa’s face, which had been frowning as if he despised the world, softened slightly at the mention of the word pretty. Lee Sehwa’s expression, which melted as sweetly as his moans, made him feel as if he had heard a confession that Sehwa liked him. Ki Tae-jeong chuckled and caressed various parts of the alluring body.

    He had warned Lee Sehwa about this earlier, but this was a big deal because he was more naive than Ki Tae-jeong thought. When Ki Tae-jeong found out that Lieutenant Kim’s transportation method was a famous drug dealer who was born and raised in the House, he naturally assumed that he was skilled in all kinds of crimes. But what happened? Earlier, he had muttered something about using his lowly status as a shield against marriage pressure, all Sehwa did was shed tears of shock. And earlier, he had been playing with his fingers all the time, apparently touched by a simple breakfast…

    “Please… Director, it hurts so much, it’s going to tear, huh!”

    “It won’t tear.”

    Because he didn’t understand the world, he was taken advantage of by people like him and Lieutenant Kim. Blue tendons protruded from above Lee Sehwa’s clenched fist. Maybe it was because his skin was so pale. The color of his veins seemed lighter than other people’s.

    When Ki Tae-jeong gently pushed his buttocks down to relieve the pressure without causing pain, the already narrow inner wall contracted significantly. It seemed like Sehwa wanted to ease the pressure, so he took a deep breath. As he did so, the hole would tighten and relax… Was he really doing this when he knew everything? Each time he repeated this cycle of relaxation and contraction, the firmly embedded penis would gradually push further inside. At the sensation of the soft insides sucking and gripping the filthy dick, Ki Tae-jeong finally lost his composure and furrowed his brows grimly.​

    “You, you fucker, where did you learn to take a man’s d1ck like this?”

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